
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Charleen ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) and Congrats on your quilt. That flower is quite pretty.

    Karen ~ I hate to have to take my car in. Last summer it was for two new air bags. Your pups are too cute!

    Toni ~ We are getting a bit of snow (Maybe) Fri night.

    DJ ~ You are a really good friend! I can't imagine how much work you have had to do to get your friend's house ready and the housewares gone.

    Carol from GA

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Pip~ which one are you taking Photo of? I can never remember who is who....
    still waiting on UPS to deliver the bed... he said I hope it came with a mattress , I said no that is coming that in a couple of weeks...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2017
    For all the ladies in the 40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge - Fitness Test where you did as many of the three exercises in a minute, I finally figured out that they wanted you to pick one of the exercises for the challenge this month. I picked push-ups. So I am doing push-ups daily to increase the amount by the end of the month.

    Charleen- Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day celebrating! Congratulations on your quilt! I remember how beautiful it is.

    Allie- it's nice to see you take charge even under horrible circumstances. (((Hugs))). We are all here for you!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • maestrau
    maestrau Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - I am in need of some support. I know this weight loss journey is going to take some time. I hope to hear about others' inspiration to keep me going. My goal is to lose 30 lbs. by May 1. I am 53 and retired last July 1, so now I can focus on me. I joined a gym and exercise 4-5 days a week. I take one hour fitness classes. I know that I need the structure of a class. I managed to lose a .5 lb during the holidays and maintain my exercise classes. I have lost 5 lbs since July 1, so now I need to track my calories to lose more. I love how strong I am getting. My stamina and flexibility have improved 100%. I still have a long way to go, but I know I can do it. Thanks for letting me share. Nan in Chesterfield.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) Read your posts while riding the exercise bike. Reading is easy. Writing is hard.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2017
    Cheri in Texas – My OB/GYN realized that something was going on when my heartrate did not go back to normal after the birth of DYS; he sent me to an Endocrinologist, he ablated part of my thyroid gland. But, OB/GYN was the one to put me on the medication and watched it. I thought the Endocrinologist was so full of himself that I only went once. Total ‘god’ complex, someone you’d like to knock his ‘chip off his shoulder’.

    Canookie – If your husband snores has he ever talked to a MD about getting a ‘sleep study’ done. Snoring is a sign of ‘sleep apnea’ which makes you stop breathing and the snoring if your body basically trying to get air and you ‘gasp’ which make the snoring sound. If he does and gets put on a C-pap; both of you will rest/sleep better. It’s not good on his heart (especially) and other organs to keep on snoring without making sure he does not have it. I’ve been on one for 6 years now; and, I find that I sleep through the night each night because I wear it religiously. I will wake up to go to the bathroom every few nights; but, that is went I fall asleep without going first. I scared my DDnL#2 half to death because I fell asleep on the recliner and stopped breathing one for a little over a minute. She said that I had stopped several times before ... that time she 'timed it'. If I don't wear it or I pull it off my face ... I am exhausted the next day.

    I use the butternut squash to make my spaghetti noodles. Cut in half, take out the seeds, put on pan, face down, cook until soft (can’t put a time, it will depend on size). Turn over and take a fork and scrape the insides to look like spaghetti; the top with your favorite sauce. The first time I had it my DnL had made it for us and made her sauce out of venison. They use venison all their ‘red’ meat, most of the time.

    Katla – As soon as my lunch goes down, I will get on the treadmill and walk. It’s getting cooler and I don’t like feeling cold, at all, and I am very cold-natured. The quote you made is Matthew 6:34 – Basically … ‘Do not worry about tomorrow’.

    Lisa – A cousin-by-marriage [she might have been a former sister-in-law) of my BF had GBS and always had troubles with health. She had her stomach stapled. She passed away because of those issues. Another friend had it done; and she has gained weight after more than a year being thin, a divorce from a man about 14 years older just did not work for her. Third one keep getting ‘sick’ so she had the doctor let the lap band out and she is back on up there.

    fitgranny56 – I gave up sodas before I started on MFP; about the time I went on a “Center for Weight Control Loss and adding back regular meals now. I’m losing slowly and even more so now that I am close to my goal weight. I lose and find the same few pounds every time I go to get weighed. More protein and exercise for me, and she told me to add more water. I already drink about 14 cups + 2.1 ounces and don’t know how to force myself to drink more.

    richmondlady – I like to see a ‘dog with a smile on its face’. Cracker is a ‘smiling’ dog. We cannot give her anything stuffed, she thinks she needs to tear the stuffing out. I wanted to strangle her when she tried chewing up my ‘flamingo’ slippers that my dear oldest granddaughter gave me right before Christmas … when we went up for her boyfriend’s graduation from school.

    Tracie and Toni – The thing about Sue Grafton books is that you need to start with the first one and work through them. She has one character “??? Millhouse” throughout all. She spends about ½of the first chapter talking and describing this same character all over again, and what she had done in the last book. I did not realize this until I had read one that began several down from the “A is for Alibi” (I think that is the name of it). I generally get my library to ‘order’ 2 of them at a time. J.A. Jance is another good mystery writer; her books also have several series and you need to read each series in order. I think I have read all of James Patterson’s books (for adults) except one set in a different age. I cannot remember which one it is but, it talked about castles and fights. Dammit, I think reading “Braveheart” would suffice. Probably be more interesting. I’d like to read “Gone With the Wind”. Murder mysteries are probably my favorite genre. Country Music is also my favorite genre in music; but, I like all music, just NOT Rap.

    Shanda – That is a great quote. Type it out and tape it to your fridge (or cabinet) … wherever you generally have your snacks kept.

    Charleen – You can keep the snow! Congrats on being accepted into a ‘juried’ show; send us pictures. Beautiful rose. We have a ‘sweetheart’ rose; it has gotten huge, even though we cut it back drastically about every other year. Small pink flowers. When my Daddy was alive and working he always had a bud on his lapel.

    Pip – Yes, it does! Tell him I did not say that to ‘hurt his feelings’; but, he asked.

    Karen in Virginia – Somebody has an electric/invisible fence. How big of an area? We’ve seen them at PetSmart ranging from $90 - $350; but, that is install it yourself. Got a web site from “Lowe’s” but haven’t gone to it. Another thing we have to take into consideration is how big of an area. So, we’ll basically ‘have’ to put it all the way around the house, back behind the studio and storage shed; behind the grapes, far enough over to miss the asphalt portion of the driveway. Then training her for several weeks. Got a price from a local invisible fencing company and that was ‘out of sight’. Not going there.

    Hello to all the “Newbies” – Tell us a little about yourselves and the ‘name’ you prefer to be called, and, a location (general or specific) so we can get to know you.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    Pip~ which one are you taking Photo of? I can never remember who is who....
    still waiting on UPS to deliver the bed... he said I hope it came with a mattress , I said no that is coming that in a couple of weeks...

    Floyd 2nd oldest
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    bed came in 2 big boxes... now have to wait until the 18th for the mattress, that also comes in a box and you have to take it out and let it puff up for 48 hrs...
    So I am tucked in to bed watching tv
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    For all the ladies in the 40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge - Fitness Test where you did as many of the three exercises in a minute, I finally figured out that they wanted you to pick one of the exercises for the challenge this month. I picked push-ups. So I am doing push-ups daily to increase the amount by the end of the month.

    Charleen- Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day celebrating! Congratulations on your quilt! I remember how beautiful it is.

    Allie- it's nice to see you take charge even under horrible circumstances. (((Hugs))). We are all here for you!


    Mary from Minnesota

    @fanncy0626 This is a quote from mom22kidsaz

    "We are doing all 3 exercises for the challenge. However, you do what works with your body and make any modifications to the exercise. (I think the screenshot says to pick one exercise, but we figured it is a great baseline for different parts of your body.)"

    I did see the one exercise notation on the bottom of the image posted.. but followed along with what everyone else was doing and posting. Its confusing.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi all :)

    No work out in as of yet except grocery shopping and 10829 steps so far. Just not in the mood today .. thats just the exact reason why I need to get up and get my ars on the treadmill even its for 20 mins.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I just got off treadmill watching TV while I was doing it, instead of the clock.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member

    It's yet to be determinded!?!?
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    I just got off treadmill watching TV while I was doing it, instead of the clock.

    Thanks Grits for the encouragement!!! I have been watching Runaway Bride.. when I am on!

    Good job .. I am going!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Showing so much damage from the straight winds storm that hit the Albany, GA area (Dougherty County and Worth County) have not heard of any other counties. On WALB-TV 10. So many old live oak trees around town. Old mature pines snapped in various places. All falling in the same direction; a fly-over showed that it was not a tornado/tornadoes ... just a really bad straight wind storm. Hit the neighborhood where we lived before moving out here. We are actually 2 counties to the west; but, just a tiny bit of Lee County between us. We had torrential rains for 2 evenings/night. Boy Scouts out at Camp Osbourne; but, they moved from camp site to recreation building and got into the old refrigerator unit; when it passed they went outside and to their campsite and most of the cabins had big trees in them. They had emergency radio with them and moved when it announced the storms. They say that some might be without electricity over 10 days to 10 weeks. Telling everybody where to go to get "free" WIFI connections. Live oak trees have shallow roots; so they get blown over or branches snap (if they are rotten (can't always tell by looking at them). They rot from the inside out. Pines have a deep root system, so they normally bend until they can't anymore and snap off. Curfew for the 3rd night now., strictly enforced. Homes damaged, going to have chilly weather and rain, then just rain.

    Flashlights and batteries have just flown off the shelves (for those people even able to get out on the road). I went into town on Monday but not any closer than 10-15 blocks away from my old neighborhood. Louis said it was 'awful'.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Reading. Not feeling chatty tonight. Even though I've read some of the stories before, still love the bios. Have to find mine again. DH has another stress test tomorrow. I've done something to my leg that is causing me a lot of grief. Like shin splints, heel pain and nerve pain and clots all rolled into one and presenting all over at any given moment?? Lots of snow today. Glad it seems to have moved on.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Richmondlady: Welcome to a great group. You can transform yourself into a happier and healthier person. This group of women is great at encoraging others and offering practical ideas that are helpful. :smiley:

    Lenora: Your weather situation sounds pretty bad. I hope you are safe and warm. (((hugs)))

    It has been a good day today. We did some food shopping and bought two new hummingbird feeders to replace one that fell off of the window and broke. Now we can rotate feeders as necessary and keep everybody in sugar water. It is cold here and the little birds really depend on feeders in this kind of weather. It is supposed to get down to 15 tonight. BRRR! I'm happy and grateful that we have a warm & comfortable house.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • richmondlady
    richmondlady Posts: 27 Member
    Lenora-- Omg! A storm just like that hit me last June....I'd been without power for up to 2 weeks (Richmond VA!) due to 2 hurricanes over the years, even house damage, but last June straight line storms did me in. Lost my trees, hence, fully shaded back yard, end up looking like a vacant abandoned lot. Insurance didn't cover due to no home damage. Kicker is I bought a condo in May! House sold in October, been there 25 yrs, just didn't feel like mine. It's now a new era for a new young growing family. I'm so sorry for anyone to go through that!
