

  • colsaylors
    colsaylors Posts: 8 Member
    My goals are to -
    Stay on the Daniel Fast for first 21 days
    Make more time for prayer and meditate on Gods word
    Track what I eat and not go over calories
    Exercise more
    Do my physical therapy exercise daily
    Plan and make my meals ahead of time, so I do not eat something I shouldn't

    This is a great page! I am so thankful it was started! :)
  • richmondlady
    richmondlady Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2017
    Mary... I saw that....you overachiever you....ha!

    Canookie & Lenora...suffered from waking up still tired, lack of energy & depression for years. Sleep test (done with @ home monitor) showed I stopped breathing 63, yes, 63x an hour! My tongue 100% blocked my airway. Thing is I'd wake up in morning exactly same way I went to bed night before (unsecured eye mask intact). my sleep pattern was 97% efficient...since I don't wake up. Been on cpap with nostril pads for a couple years now. Off antidepressants for months and get through the day without the mandatory nap (or 5).

    Nan, welcome...I joined this group this week.

    KetoneKaren--- the pups...too cute & they look like trouble in the best way!

    Tracie, Love to see that spinach feta pie recipe too.

    candy bar last night, so my "no late night snax" did 2 out of 3 notes. back on wagon. making more cabbage soup and settling in for the snow, now 4+ in. It will my 1st time not having to worry about shoveling..... #nicenewcondolife

    drkatiebug - roasted vegs mix, yum!

    (..........just discovered there's an edit button!)

    dance trance
    online support
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,967 Member
    :'( We're going away overnight so we'll have to board Sasha and Bernie for the first time since Brandy died. Bernie won't know the difference because he goes to a cat only boarding place but Sasha shared a run at the boarding place with Brandy and we worry that she'll be lonely. Now I'm off to walk Sasha for an extra long time so she gets a treat before we leave.

    <3 Barbie
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race ladies!

    Still in a down mood. Feeling lazy and no ambition.

    Rita from CT
  • tar2323
    tar2323 Posts: 141 Member
    edited January 2017
    May I join you please, ladies? A little about myself - I now live back in the UK after 13 years in Andalucia, have just turned 55 years old and although I was a MFP member a few years back, I never really used it much. I'm a lifelong yo-yo dieter, losing the same 5/6 stone and regaining it, sometimes within a year, sometimes within 3-4 years. Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was a real wakeup call for me, and a reminder that it was time to do something about my weight once again as it had crept up to 233 lbs when I wasn't looking :wink: My active cancer treatment is over, but I will have to take hormone medication for the rest of my life. This has the side effect of weight gain. Add that to my post menopausal sluggishness and it was well time to make changes.

    With all this in mind, in March I started a combination of calorie counting and fasting for as much of the day as I felt like. Using this method, I've dropped to 176lbs, despite the tablets. Over the last couple of months, weight loss has stalled. In an effort to become more accountable, I've rediscovered MPF and realised what an incredible resource it is. Not only for food/exercise tracking, but for the community. Since beginning to log my food just a few days ago, the scales show a loss of 3lb. I know some of this may be water, nevertheless, it's made me realise that I was in fact eating more than I was guesstimating and kidding myself that I'd reached a plateau.

    I haven't done any exercise (I've always hated it), but have signed up for a C25K and bought a fitness watch to track my activity which I'm trying to up. I've started with 5,000 steps a day and will increase this to 10,000.

    Anyway, enough waffle. I think you are all wonderful and I find your posts immensely inspiring. Thank you.

    Tara x :smile:
  • etboces
    etboces Posts: 4 Member
    Have a wonderful year!!
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! <3

    Were on our way out of town today .. hopefully I can get some steps in?

    @fanncy0626 Been thinking on the challenge. I will do the varied crunches and the push ups .. but I am not a fan of jumping jacks. I might replace them with squats? 3 sets of 10 for today.

    @pipcd34 Your babies are sweet! We <3 our lab!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Yogi is gorgeous. :heart:

    Joyce: I appreciate you. (((HUGS)))

    Lanette in SW WA: We have hummingbird feeders that stick to our windows. The heat they get from the house has kept them from freezing all but one day, and then again last night. We have two feeders out for the birds and two feeders thawing in the house. I planted a winter blooming camelia a few years ago that is in full bloom now and the hummingbirds love it. :bigsmile:

    Pip: Our daughter-in-law has an old dog and a high bed. (Sammy is about 14 or 15.) Her dad built Sammy a ramp so he can get onto the bed by himself. The frame of Sammy's ramp has been painted to match the bed and the ramp itself is carpeted for good traction. :heart: My dog isn't welcome in our bed, but his dog bed is right beside my side of the bed I can stick my arm out and pet him. :smiley:

    Marcelyn: :laugh:

    Mia from MI: Welcome back! :bigsmile;

    Barb from Edmonton: Welcome! :smiley:

    Barbie: Stay warm! MFP and this group have helped me reinvent my life, too. You are a big part of that. Thank you for excellent leadership. :heart:

    linanneasley: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon: It sounds like you've got your hands full at the moment. I hope we'll hear from you on a regular basis. :flowerforyou:

    The hummingbird feeders froze again in the night. I have one new feeder out and the one it replaced is in the house defrosting.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    edited January 2017
    Kaytla/b]- we don't have a king size bed so I wouldn't want a ramp for any of them. We have a cot for her that she can get on and off on her own
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi everyone

    Still in Spain but have been reading posts, wow so many new ladies cant get my head around you all but will try

    Some things occur to me re weighing oneself I mean . At home I weigh in every day and enter results on App Happy Scale which shows your trend over time. I put weight once per week in MFP.

    I think I'm one of the oldest on the thread. I'm 71 married for 51 years ( mostly happily) hubby and I both retired. Have a daughter 49 and a son 47 and 3 grandkids one of my grandaughters has EDS as she is only 16 it is so sad as she has to use a wheelchair a lot of the time and suffers with depression. Her Mum my daughter is so strong and so patient and I am so proud of her.

    I've used MFP in the past but this time it has really helped being part of this thread and reading the inspiring stories. I've been logging since March last year and have lost 35 lbs.
    I joined the local gym and am hoping to get into weight lifting this year inspired by Mary

    Return home on Monday after 3 week sojourn in Spain dreading the weigh in but determined to get back on track. Will miss my long walks in the sunshine and using outdoor exercise equipment which are in parks and on the beach

    Welcome to all new girls keep reading even if you don't post

    Kate UK XX
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Kelly – I count things made with water … coffee (and I count the sugar I put in it); coffee in and of itself doesn’t have any calories; although some say you can’t count it because it is a diuretic. I would think that tea (add if you put sugar in it) would also be counted, check the back of the box and see if it does. Occasionally, I will drink ‘Lipton Green Tea’ (usually the ‘diet’ kind).

    Lisa – They start off with a low dosage and re-check it to make sure it is enough and will raise and up it depending on the numbers, I take 175mcg and I have been as high as 200mcg. It is a medication that has to get into you system slowly, and if you are taking complete off it, they will adjust it downward by increments. You should start noticing it after about a week, sleeping better and not quite as moody. Like I said before, you thyroid is your ‘thermostat’ of your body. When it isn’t up to a ‘therapeutic’ level it will either make you sluggishly or very manic. Other medications you take might interfere we it. Take it about 30 minutes before a meal; or about 30 minutes afterwards.

    drkatiebug – I buy the 6-packs of hummus ‘only’ and while I love it, 1/4th of a cup is too much (for me) and the individual packs are about 2 ounces; which is about 1/3rd of 1/4th of a cup. For me, with a few bagel chips is a good snack. Hard boiled eggs are not back and is a good source of protein, as well as the hummus. That combination sounds like a good combination with pork. Great on losing the 4lbs. A few weeks ago, I went up 6 pounds from my lowest; and that was something I di not like. I’ve lost about 4lb of them.

    Grace – I have a roll of pink material (about the weight of seersucker) and I think I would like to make a bedspread out of it, maybe for my DGD#4. Her room is pink; but, maybe make one for her bedroom at the lake. Will has already told her that she could not paint the room pint; but she could use pink in curtains, bedspread or pillows. Her bedroom at home is pink. PINK, but not Pepto Bismol pink. Not quite that ‘strong’. It’s very ‘girly’.

    richmondlady – I have the ‘wisp’ mask which covers only the nose; the tubes would not stay in because I sometimes turn over. There are still days when I am sleepy … and take one nap. Usually when I watch Jimmy Fallon and some of the guy who is after him, and then Louis wakes me up for ‘fresh coffee’. Edit button is good to use when you use the ‘quote’ button to respond to another; you can go in and delete all the parts of it, except that post you are answering.

    Tara – I never thought about Spain being broken up in regions.

    Clare – We ‘try’ not to discuss politics, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation on this thread. It is made up of so many ladies, some not in the USA and they might not understand our political beliefs, or understand the other choices. If you want to talk to someone … you can PM (private messaging; you have to make a ‘friend’ request to do this feature. Sometimes, we slip up and somebody will point it out. PMs should remain private between the two people it is written to. Both my 2 older sisters are survivors of breast cancer and one of them had to have a cancerous tumor take off one of her kidneys. I had a ‘complicated’ first pregnancy and ended up taking chemo for 9 weeks; 3 on, 1 off. I was only nauseous, no other side effects. One of my best friends (had breast cancer) twice. This last time, she chose not to have her nipples reconstructed so she could wear T-shirts without have ‘headlights’ at full beam. My middle sister will have to have a portion of one nipple take off. Oldest sister’s removable scar was just one straight line across each boob; I am guessing that her 2nd one was the same, just in the opposite direction. This last time she did not have the rotation flap like in the first one; but, did it from her back. Middle sister’s scars are hideous; looked like a big jagged “X”.

    I’ve just seen the 3rd TV ad for an ‘ambulance’ chasing lawyer in one hour. Ergo ‘lawyer’ jokes. And attorney would never, ever go to a hospital to get someone to sign a contract. At least not the attorneys I worked for. If they could not get referrals by mouth only, then they thought that it was not important enough.

    Christy – Just by coming here and posting, you are on here. Just make sure you bookmark the site of the outline of a start, then it will turn green. The each end of the present month barbiecat will post a link to follow to the next month; then you have to bookmark the page to find your way back, by clicking on the gray star between the bell and the gear.

    To the "newbies" - A lot of us put a word process program document side-by-side with the MFP so we can go back a page to answer something already posted. Make sure when you post you are at the last opened box (which could be 3 ahead depending on how long you post. If you do, you will lose all you've typed. I cut & paste the WPP to the MFP comments. Since some of us are posting at the same time, you might need to go back to your last post to get all current ones. The site will open for you starting at the last post. If we don't post we put a 'mark' or 'smiley face' in the 'post' box, so we can find where we left off last.

    Lenora - in SW GA (unusually cold)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squat-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 70
    OHP- 1 X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X 90/100/110

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-15 X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th
    Fitness Challenge
    Push-ups-3X 10
    Sit ups-3X 10
    Leg lifts-3X 10


    Mary from Minnesota
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HELP How do I add a video taken on iphone to my post. MFP help not very helpful and I know we have some expert MFPers on this thread

    Kate UK