Teacher says Pop Tarts are not a healthy snack



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    The level of unadulterated woo and holier than thou judgement of a parent based on snack choice in this thread makes me sad.

    This is why the "mean people" on MFP keep speaking up. Because there are so many people who honestly believe an occasional "processed" snack will kill you. Because there are so many people who believe it's healthy to be scared of food. Because there are so many who believe they are better, more virtuous people because they eat "clean". To the point that they would consider teaching a child that an occasional sweet treat is fine in the context of a healthy diet is child abuse. SMH. Scary stuff.

    You don't have to teach a child that anything is fine or not fine to teach them to follow directions. And that seems to be the biggest point IMO. The teacher said don't bring pop-tarts as a snack. So ... don't bring them. Period. End of story.

    Teachers deal with enough crap without every parent with a dieting beef choosing school as a place to get up on a soapbox.

    Everyone is so caught up in the title of the thread that they either don't read the post

    So... Just another day at MFP.

    True. It's been a while since I've visited these forums. I'm just surprised at the change in tone. It's more like one of those baby forums where people cry abuse or bad parenting for the most benign stuff.

    It's not a positive change. It's actually a bit creepy. The demographic has shifted.

    To be fair, this thread is not typical in my experience. I think the thread title drew in a lot of people with an agenda. Plus, it's January, so there's that... :)

    So you're saying there's hope yet? That's encouraging.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    The level of unadulterated woo and holier than thou judgement of a parent based on snack choice in this thread makes me sad.

    This is why the "mean people" on MFP keep speaking up. Because there are so many people who honestly believe an occasional "processed" snack will kill you. Because there are so many people who believe it's healthy to be scared of food. Because there are so many who believe they are better, more virtuous people because they eat "clean". To the point that they would consider teaching a child that an occasional sweet treat is fine in the context of a healthy diet is child abuse. SMH. Scary stuff.

    You don't have to teach a child that anything is fine or not fine to teach them to follow directions. And that seems to be the biggest point IMO. The teacher said don't bring pop-tarts as a snack. So ... don't bring them. Period. End of story.

    Teachers deal with enough crap without every parent with a dieting beef choosing school as a place to get up on a soapbox.

    Everyone is so caught up in the title of the thread that they either don't read the post

    So... Just another day at MFP.

    True. It's been a while since I've visited these forums. I'm just surprised at the change in tone. It's more like one of those baby forums where people cry abuse or bad parenting for the most benign stuff.

    It's not a positive change. It's actually a bit creepy. The demographic has shifted.

    To be fair, this thread is not typical in my experience. I think the thread title drew in a lot of people with an agenda. Plus, it's January, so there's that... :)

    So you're saying there's hope yet? That's encouraging.

    Either that or all the deadly chemicals I'm ingesting have affected my brain to the point I can't see the writing on the wall :tongue:
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    So after reading and participating in this thread I've come to the conclusion that most people fit into one of two categories. The ones that see the composition of a diet as a whole (the balancing of nutrient dense and nutrient sparse foods to create and overall healthful diet) as most important and those that believe the micromanaging of each bite (no amount of refined sugar can ever be healthy and must be avoided in order to prevent obesity and death) as most important.

    One is big picture thinking. The other can't see the forest for the trees thinking.

    I don't think that's true at all. I think most fit into the category that think there's a difference between healthy food and treats. One is appropriate for normal, everyday eating - like first grade healthy snack time - and the other not.
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Pop-tarts are not "healthy" anything processed as we all know here is not exactly good for you. Having said that - that teacher had NO RIGHT whatsoever to say that to your child.
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    When I was in summer school (the year 2000), the provided breakfast option every morning at the cafeteria was a pack (2) of strawberry pop tarts and an orange. Maybe because the regular cafeteria staff did not work summer and they had to find a quick and easy thing to hand out to the kids?
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2017
    Here's something I've been curious about, and please excuse the temporary thread drift. The discussion about Superfoods lead me here. B)

    I wonder what happens to the local economy when a certain naturally occurring food item that was previously unknown to all but the locals suddenly becomes a hot ticket item worldwide?

    Take Himalayan Pink Salt, for example. And I'm only using this because it's the first one that came to mind. You could substitute this for any of the currently wildly popular Superfoods, because the one thing they seem to have in common is that they all started out as little known, limited quantity, regionally specific natural food items.

    Back to the pink salt:

    Anyone with a lick of geography under their belt will realize that there are no seas in the Himalayas, so this sought after commodity has to be mined as opposed to being extracted from existing Himalayan sea water. All of a sudden, the commercial demand for this salt goes through the roof. I picture a big scale mining operation being set up, locals being employed as labourers in these mines, and tons of this salt being extracted to meet the demand.

    But what happens next year when Pink Himalayan Salt is no longer the newest must-have food item? Do the mines shut down or scale back to reflect the decreased demand? Do the locals who left their lands or previous occupations now find themselves without income and thrown back into precarious poverty? Does the land that was stripped to expose the salt in the first place get revitalized? Or do the mining companies disappear as quickly as they arrived?

    Just something that I'm curious about. :)

    Edited to add: And to keep it relevant, PopTarts contain salt. Just not Pink Himalyan salt. ;)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Pop-tarts are not "healthy" anything processed as we all know here is not exactly good for you. Having said that - that teacher had NO RIGHT whatsoever to say that to your child.

    I think both your statements are incorrect.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    The level of unadulterated woo and holier than thou judgement of a parent based on snack choice in this thread makes me sad.

    This is why the "mean people" on MFP keep speaking up. Because there are so many people who honestly believe an occasional "processed" snack will kill you. Because there are so many people who believe it's healthy to be scared of food. Because there are so many who believe they are better, more virtuous people because they eat "clean". To the point that they would consider teaching a child that an occasional sweet treat is fine in the context of a healthy diet is child abuse. SMH. Scary stuff.

    You don't have to teach a child that anything is fine or not fine to teach them to follow directions. And that seems to be the biggest point IMO. The teacher said don't bring pop-tarts as a snack. So ... don't bring them. Period. End of story.

    Teachers deal with enough crap without every parent with a dieting beef choosing school as a place to get up on a soapbox.

    Everyone is so caught up in the title of the thread that they either don't read the post

    So... Just another day at MFP.

    True. It's been a while since I've visited these forums. I'm just surprised at the change in tone. It's more like one of those baby forums where people cry abuse or bad parenting for the most benign stuff.

    It's not a positive change. It's actually a bit creepy. The demographic has shifted.

    To be fair, this thread is not typical in my experience. I think the thread title drew in a lot of people with an agenda. Plus, it's January, so there's that... :)

    Pretty much this lol.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    The level of unadulterated woo and holier than thou judgement of a parent based on snack choice in this thread makes me sad.

    This is why the "mean people" on MFP keep speaking up. Because there are so many people who honestly believe an occasional "processed" snack will kill you. Because there are so many people who believe it's healthy to be scared of food. Because there are so many who believe they are better, more virtuous people because they eat "clean". To the point that they would consider teaching a child that an occasional sweet treat is fine in the context of a healthy diet is child abuse. SMH. Scary stuff.

    You don't have to teach a child that anything is fine or not fine to teach them to follow directions. And that seems to be the biggest point IMO. The teacher said don't bring pop-tarts as a snack. So ... don't bring them. Period. End of story.

    Teachers deal with enough crap without every parent with a dieting beef choosing school as a place to get up on a soapbox.

    Everyone is so caught up in the title of the thread that they either don't read the post

    So... Just another day at MFP.

    True. It's been a while since I've visited these forums. I'm just surprised at the change in tone. It's more like one of those baby forums where people cry abuse or bad parenting for the most benign stuff.

    It's not a positive change. It's actually a bit creepy. The demographic has shifted.

    To be fair, this thread is not typical in my experience. I think the thread title drew in a lot of people with an agenda. Plus, it's January, so there's that... :)

    Pretty much this lol.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited January 2017
    Pop-tarts are not "healthy" anything processed as we all know here is not exactly good for you. Having said that - that teacher had NO RIGHT whatsoever to say that to your child.

    There's nothing wrong with 'processed' foods, which is as subjective a term as 'clean' eating. My lunch was full of 'processed' ingredients and it was healthy and met my calorie targets. As pps have stated-focus on the overall diet, not individual pieces, which don't give the whole picture.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member

    Where does she state that she regularly sends her child to school with a whole packet?
    This thread is like a game of Chinese Whispers.

    Typically for a teacher to contact the parent it is a recurring issue. Even if it's only once in awhile, only a moron would claim healthy food is some sort of a myth. I get there is woo stuff and BroScience, but you can disbelieve that acai' berries are magical and still see that Pop Tarts are garbage food.

    Apparently you've read neither the OP or her follow-ups in the thread, b/c it happened twice, and the teacher did not contact the parent, but instead confiscated the child's food, left him with nothing to eat while other children ate, and gave an erroneous lecture that equated fat- and sugar-laden granola and sugar-laden yogurt (I've never seen a child eating plain yogurt for a snack) with "healthy food" and Pop Tarts as unhealthy foods, with apparently no knowledge or regard for the nutritional values of any of these foods.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member

    Where does she state that she regularly sends her child to school with a whole packet?
    This thread is like a game of Chinese Whispers.

    Typically for a teacher to contact the parent it is a recurring issue. Even if it's only once in awhile, only a moron would claim healthy food is some sort of a myth. I get there is woo stuff and BroScience, but you can disbelieve that acai' berries are magical and still see that Pop Tarts are garbage food.

    Apparently you've read neither the OP or her follow-ups in the thread, b/c it happened twice, and the teacher did not contact the parent, but instead confiscated the child's food, left him with nothing to eat while other children ate, and gave an erroneous lecture that equated fat- and sugar-laden granola and sugar-laden yogurt (I've never seen a child eating plain yogurt for a snack) with "healthy food" and Pop Tarts as unhealthy foods, with apparently no knowledge or regard for the nutritional values of any of these foods.

    Really? An erroneous lecture?? I admit I haven't read several pages of posts, but this varies greatly from what was said on day 1 by the OP.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited January 2017
    brower47 wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    I wonder if the OP read the rules/policies and attended parent"s mertings/open houses at the school.

    I'm sure this would have been addressed and any questions on healthy sbacks could have been asked.

    You've been in the thread for long enough to know that it was not.

    May not have seen it but never saw where the OP had read the school policy on the subject

    Oh, so you maintain that a parent should consult school policy for an issue that she did not even know was an issue? But what she did say was that the handout at the beginning of the school year did not specify anything.

    But yet again you are veering into the not relavent soapbox tangent. The point wasn't the nutritional profile of the snack but the lack of intervention between teacher and parent.

    What I'm saying is I question if she knew the policy. Unfortunately many people don't read the stuff sent home
  • irocentric
    irocentric Posts: 2 Member
    I happen to have a box of the raspberry Pop Tarts at my desk (I got a craving). It says there's 200 calories per pastry and 17 grams of sugar. Please keep in mind that there are two pastries per package, so that's 400 calories and 34 grams of sugar per package.
  • kayleekucharski
    kayleekucharski Posts: 1 Member
    I am a health fitness teacher at a middle school and I do not teach the Good food VS Bad food way. I teach the students in terms of a traffic light (Red-Occasionally Foods or WHOA Foods, Yellow- Sometimes Food or Slow Foods, Green- Anytime or go foods). I explain to them that no food is good or bad like superheros, rather they do different things to your body. A whoa food is something like cake, ice cream, and other super sugar junk foods or high in fat foods. I explain that they are okay to eat every once in a while like 1-2 a month or on special occasions. Then SLow foods means you can have them sometimes like 1-2 times a week (this is a poptart for me or maybe a dessert after dinner) and then a Go food is anytime like cheese, veggies, fruits, nuts. I try to teach them that food is feul and you should eat to fuel your body. I tell them you wouldnt put cola in you gas tank, so you need to put more water than junk. It tends to help them make healthy connection to food rather then feeling guilty or bad for liking different things... NOW i just have to lay of the WHOA foods myself lol.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    edited January 2017
    soooo when your child is in college and a professor bans computers or gum from their classrooms - are you going to have a fit? i agree with whoever mentioned you will forever be known as the "Pop Tart Mom" going forward and just don't see how its worth it in the long run. when they fit my macros, i ate Pop Tarts. i agree with your mentality of not labeling foods, but you can't control every environment your child is going to be in. the teacher/school may have their own rules... if its THAT big of an issue for you - pull your kid out. simple as that.
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