

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Pip: Love the pup pix,but Bootz <3<3<3

    Re: Before you get into any complex orthopedics, see if you can get a referral to a physical therapist. I had laser surgery to treat a 'locked up' knee. Didn't work. I had post surgery PT, who did treatments and gave me exercises to cure the situation. Healing thoughts and energy coming your way.

    Colorado Foothills
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • bmidwinter
    bmidwinter Posts: 21 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Cheri – you can do this! Cut back in the places that you can and want to, splurge a little, walk a ton! And be each others support group… Can you get on the web ahead and see what choices are excellent/good/ok and pick from those so you don’t pick from the ok/bad/horrible/outrages?

    Re – also look on youtube for seated exercises – it will not be the same, but some calorie burn is better than none…

    Katie – congrats on making that big decision, I need to do the same thing but with cookbooks!

    Tired today, my god-son called last night at 10:30 needing to talk and talk we did until 1am… he’s broken up with a long term (26 months) girl friend – but they are living together, and so will stick it out till may he thinks – and then full go their separate ways, so she got the bedroom in their little apartment and he’s sleeping in an in-apartment storage closet – It’s 8’x10’. They are both nice but could not come from families of more different circumstances and that is part of the issues, boils down to communication of course, not speaking your truth clearly and not hearing without judging… But at 24 and 21 there is more life ahead; and more learning too!

    January Goals:
    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it. Jan. still working on this….**** GET THIS DONE*******
    Read and report on a book –
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday –
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle -


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride hm 2 gym- 13.59min, 12.6amph, 145mhr, 2.9mi= 137c
    apple iwatch- didn't record
    SPIN- 35MIN, 82ar, 87aw, 9-16g, 135mhr, 10.3mi = 248c
    apple iwatch- 224c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.14min, 11.8amph, 1.4mi = 14c
    apple iwatch- 51c
    walk station 2 wk- 11.47min, 2.8ap, 113mhr, .5mi = 51c
    apple iwatch- 56c
    walk wk 2 sta- 7.26min, 4.3ap, 139mhr, .5mi = 83c
    apple iwatch- 60c
    ride dome 2 hm- 20.19min, 7.6amph, 2.5mi = bad reading, 137c, gave myself 175 which is my average
    apple iwatch- 149c

    total cal 745
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Re, so sorry about your knee. Hope it is taken care of as soon as possible with as little pain to you as possible.

    Kim, NC my nephew has lived with his woman on and off for several years. When they broke up, they still lived together. One slept on the cough the other took the bed. I never, ever understood it. Sexually and physically it can't work. Well they ended up having 3 kids living this way. They broke up for good, she moved out. They had lived together under Alabama law that they were considered married so nephew filed for divorce. She got pregnant while away, she is very fertile, so she called and begged to come back. So now they are back and he gave his last name to the baby from another guy. Good luck to your son. It's tough to stop being with some one for that long and yet still be with that person.

    I had forgotten, that's the way my brain is right now, that when my doctor's office called me last week to ask me if I had a preference of neurosurgeon or pain clinic, and I said I wanted to go the way of physical therapy. Well I forgot that. So I got a call today from one of the physical therapy providers in town to set up an evaluation. I told them I wanted to talk to my doctor first. Well the appointment was the exact time and day of the doctor's appointment. So an evaluation is set up for next Monday. I can cancel it if I want to. I ordered some replacement gel pads for my Aleve TENS unit from Amazon. They are from a different unit than Aleve but they look the same and on Amazon they say that they are frequently bought with the Aleve unit. So I hope they work. I also ordered an ear muff that fits from behind the neck instead of on top of the head. You know it just messes my hair up!!!! And since I finally got my hair cut and am able to stand or sit long enough to fix my hair, I want to preserve that hair style. So I hope that fits me also. I love Amazon!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Wow, that is amazing Becky. Good for you.
    Cheri - do you have fast passes? The best ride in all the parks is Soaring. Don't miss that but there will be long lines if you don't get the pass. Depending on where you are staying, you can have a grocery deliver food. We did that for 12 people for 11 days and it worked great. The delivery fee was only $2.00. It wAs nice to have our food for breakfast or dinner at the condo.
    Re -so sorry about your knee. Sure hope you get relief soon.
    Can't remember who said they had given up finding a cure for plantar fasciitis but I have had it and know how to "cure" it. The Cooper Clinic in Dallas had an orthopedic surgeon who told my friend what to do and she told me and it worked. PM me and I will relate what you need to do.
    Penny - I also knew what the Iditarod was and visited the lady who trained the dogs in Alaska.
    Michele - the worst thing about the power going off was all that the fire alarms started blaring. Drove me nuts!!
    I worked in my linencloset today and have 5 bags of blankets, sheets, pillows and towels to donate.
    Better get off for today.
    SueBDew in TX
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    So for dinner I had some whole wheat pasta, mayo, sweet relish, and a can of white whole albacore tuna. It was creamy enough, with the tsp of mayo, and sweet enough with the T. of relish. I measured out 42 g. of dry whole grain pasta, (which when its dry is about a handful), but cooked was enough.

    At lunchtime I had some Udon noodles with a beef bouillon and 1/4 cup of canned white beans smashed in a plastic baggie with the side of a can of Pam.... I added the beans to the bouillon and 1 oz of turkey kelbasa cut up fine. It was really good, but I strained the bean shell part out. I put 40 g. of fresh spinach in a large ramen bowl and put the noodles on top, then poured over the hot beef soup, and it was heaven! The Udon noodles come in "bundles" in the packages, and look like sticks, but I weighed out 25 g. worth and it looked like about 9 sticks...kind of pathetic, but cooked they were enough as well.

    Pasta queen in
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    TNToni – That is probably the ‘one’ lady in the group that does not particularly like cats; my MnL could draw a cat 2 miles away. The families that she was their Nannie, every single cat would run over to jump in her lap. She did not ‘hate’ cats, she just thought they were weird … not like puppies … they work on their ‘time lines’.

    Tux was ‘in the house’; have no idea how long he’s been in here. Guess he had walked around the rest of the house and Louis caught sight of him going in our bedroom. “Gee, I did not let him in, he had to have come in when we were bringing in the groceries’. Four hours ago? But, one thing I do know about him, he is very claustrophobic; so all I have to do to get him to the door is to close it, sure enough, he is standing there ready to run out the second it is opened. Cracker nudged him out the back door. The sound of dry cat food rattling in the bag, also gets his attention. Because Luna comes and eats his food, we just feed him a small handful every time we leave and come home; keep it in a small pan inside a drawer in an old desk by the place he has his bed on. Otherwise Luna eats it all. They’ve also started letting her stay out during the day, too.

    Michele – O’Keefe’s is great for dry skin. Comes in a green plastic tin. Get it at Lowe's. I put it on my feet when they are cracked up and put socks on, 3 days later of daily treatments … they are usually very smooth and crack-free.

    When I was a teenager – I used straight glycerin on my face … never had any major eruptions. Smooth skin.

    Becca – Love a man in uniform. Today I ate like I was ‘eating for two’. Walked on the treadmill and counted the time I walked around the grocery store; and, I am in-and-out with a list. I did buy some yogurt parfaits to eat in the AMs. Whoops, just remembered something I need to get tomorrow after my weigh-in … butter. Since you mentioned ‘sticks’ …

  • Pooshka2
    Pooshka2 Posts: 207 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy New Year, Ladies! I'm new to this group (returning to MFP after a nine-month ~ and 12 pound weight gain ~ hiatus).

    With New Years falling on Sunday and the official holiday on Monday, January 3 was my start day.
    My resolutions are much like most of you (track food, stay within limits, log in daily, drink 8 glasses of water, make and eat homemade meals, etc.).

    I'm not setting a weekly weight loss goal, as that'll take care of myself if I keep the resolutions. Besides, plateaus (and there will be plateaus) can be a big discouragement and make us feel we haven't met our resolutions.

    Some of my own:
    * learn to like legumes. They're great low-calorie sources of fiber and protein
    * get into the habit of flossing every day. Still have my own teeth at 61, would like to keep them for years longer.
    * begin regular exercise Mid-January. The timing of the EFT fits better with paydays.
    * Work on a house project each month. January is de-cluttering the spare bedroom and my closet.

    By the way, what's a "DH?"

    Looking forward to many months of great reading!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Beth, I love you, too, even though you can't love my math books. But if you were to change your mind, I have the perfect one for you: It's called "Kiss My Math" by Danica McKellar. LOL!!
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    nite all! <3