
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Re what I have is bursitis on the side of knee. I tried a pillow but it puts too much pressure of the side of the knee. The cause is gaining weight, age, stress, and tight hamstrings. My knee pain was the number one reason I joined the weight loss challenge. It has gotten me to log again. I can't do anything about age, but I have significantly reduced my stress since my knee started to hurt. The exercises I am doing through the Dr. Jo you-tube I think will help too. I just started those. I am also working on improving my sleep despite the knee pain. My sleep is better since I implemented some new habits.

    The treatment for this is exercise that work on the muscles around the knee. My knee problem is different than your, but I do understand how painful a bad knee can be. I am glad you are going in to get the help you need. The treatment for my knee would come completely out of my pocket because I have such a high deductible, so I am trying these measures first. If I do not continue to improve I will go in too. I do however feel my knee is starting to improve. I just need to be careful that I don't do too much and aggravate it again.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    A couple that didn't need to count.... They were the "example couple"....show offs... lol
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello all: I saw the doctor this morning and definitely have some inflammation going on in the lungs but no pneumonia or sarcoidosis. I am on a prednisone burst and a codeine cough syrup. Was able to come home and sleep for about an hour. Nice to be able to lay down and not be coughing all of the time. I am hoping for a good nights sleep tonight. Eating has been going well since I don't have much appetite when I cannot breathe, but exercise not so well for the same reason. I have been trying to walk in small increments.

    Katla - Hope DH is doing well.

    Barbie - Wow I really sympathize with you on having to drive into the big city in these conditions. Take care out there and I hope things go well for Jake.

    Yvonne - The birds are gorgeous, especially the pink one. I love that it speaks with a pink cartoon voice.

    Allie - Awesome bed! Good luck on the work situation.

    Joyce - I have two pairs of those ear muffs that go behind your head instead of over and I love, love, love them.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sue- I hope you get better soon!
  • clarebare60
    clarebare60 Posts: 7 Member
    Toni in Tennessee Thank you for your well wishes. I know to control what I can and leave the rest to the Universe. Low stress is my aim.

    Marni in Alaska Your doxies Lab and parrot are adorable. Thanks so much for sharing. My wieners make my life so much happier and active. Having the responsibility for their little lives is very fulfilling and it gets me out and at least once everyday. Last night on our walk we saw Rainbow lorikeets, Rosella Parrots and Sulpher crested cockatoos plus a bunch of honey-eaters.. Luckily I live near a couple of great parks with natural habitat.

    Michele in NC Shane Watts sounds familiar but I had to look him up. Quite a guy. Cool that he wanted to go to the USA. Thank you for the compliment. I follow a spiritual leader named Ram Dass who says… surrender to the things you cannot change and fight like hell for the things you can. I can’t change the fact I have cancer. But I can fight like hell to get through it the best I can. I also learned from my boy who couldn’t be bothered having cancer (letting it ruin his time). 13 year old boys are a great role models in how to ‘not give a stuff”. In other words not let the illness drain you emotionally. He’s my hero and I plan to emulate him.

    Katia in Beautiful NW Oregon Love the Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    Thank you for sharing.

    Jana in VA My son Alex totally is my role model and I think the doxies are adorable too. Thank you.

    Lisa in West Texas I love Frank Herbert and Dune. The quote:

    “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
    Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
    I will face my fear.
    I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
    And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
    Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
    Only I will remain.” Frank Herbert - Dune.

    is one of my favourites. I so agree about the fear of losing a loved one. Its amazing but I have even had to give that away. It nearly killed me. Eckhart Tolle was my savior. His New Earth and the Power of Now brought me to the present where my internal power and my joy reside. I don’t always live there but it sure is great when I do. Thank you for reminding me of this great quote.

    Karen in Virginia love your adorable pics too. I assume that is you on the lawn mower plower… priceless!!!

    Re in Texas Sorry about your knee. I couldn't quite figure out the cause. If it’s a torn meniscus it will resolve. Ive had two separate torn menisci and they both resolved in about 6 months (each). They actually heal better than having arthroscopic surgery. If it is more sinister I would try to see if your public hospital (they get federal funds to aid the uninsured) can help. I’m not sure which agencies handle this any more but Planned Parenthood can point you in the right direction. I also wanted to thank you for sharing your story with us newbies. All the very best.

    Yvonne in Tx Your birds are too cute. I recognize the Galah. Killer voices lol.

    Thank you everyone who posted pics and their perspective. So great to have a community so willing to share. It is a bright spot in my life that’s for sure.

    I’ve had a mixed week. Monday started off not great because a cyst they found on my kidney (whilst ruling out metastatic spread of the breast cancer) has turned out to be a type that can be malignant. So along with the breast cancer I have to think about kidney cancer. Luckily it’s not a type that would spread to other parts of my body. But there is a chance I will have to have my kidney removed because the cyst is very invasive into the functional parts. I have zero symptoms and I’m going with that for right now.

    On the bright and progressive side… I am back to my normal yoga routine (just slightly modified for a tight tendon in my armpit) just 3 weeks post surgery. I was able to do all 4 variations of the sun salutation today and I even did some dumbbell lifts (only 2kg v the 6 kg I usually use) but it all felt great. I visualized the sun salutation during the weeks I couldn’t do it because it is so hardwired into my daily meditation routine. I’ve been doing squats and lunges and a lot of hip openers all along. It was really nice to get my upper body involved.

    Nutritionally I’m doing well. I didn’t gain any weight over the festive season which was a goal. I’m not eating much refined sugar though I indulged two nights ago and had a hot fudge Sunday for dinner. I can’t remember ever doing that before but my husband was at a business dinner and I decided I just had to have one after I had walked the dogs. Oh well I didn’t go over my calorie goal and my surgeon said that not eating sugar or drinking alcohol for cancer treatment was a myth (I think he is more worried about mental stress than he is about nutrition). I decided he was right at least for one night.

    Thanks again everyone here. I love the discussions and everyone whilst very different seems to be respectful and understanding. We need a whole lot more of that in the world so I hope it spreads throughout.

    Much love

    Christy in Melbourne

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I had big plans to clean my pantry this morning then go play golf. Unfortunately, I must have picked up a stomach virus somewhere so I did nothing but stay close to the bathroom.
    Katla- sending good thoughts for your hubby's eye surgery.
    Not feeling very well so Will talk To you all tomorrow.
    SueBDew in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I went back to see if I could see Allie's bed. I DID!!!!! It's gorgeous. I love the edging and the head board and the bedding and even the lady bug. My youngest grand daughter has one of those and it is her pillow every night. I guess it washes well.

    I have had plantar fascaitis (sp?) and the podiatrist tapped it in a special way, gave me excercises to do and then fit me in an orthotic. Everything combined completely took care of it. I think a couple of years ago some one wrote about how to tape the foot. Or maybe I am thinking about my MS forum????? There may be a google search to find it???

    I have been impatiently waiting to see if my blood count is up on my electronic chart. Charlie's blood work he had yesterday is up and is normal so I am proud of him. He had a real bad problem with magnesium with his atrial fibrillation. He had to have magnesium infusions. So I am glad for him. His fasting blood sugar was 108 though and it shouldn't be. But he sure loves his carbs.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    total stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.59min, 12.6amph, 144mhr, 2.9mi= 144c
    apple iwatch- 105
    0 runner- 40min, 35avlength, 11avheight, 112avcadence, 10ap, 122ahr, 132mhr, 4mi = 323c
    apple iwatch- 304c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.20min, 137mhr, 11.6amph, 1.4mi = 66c
    apple iwatch- 51c
    walk/jog station 2 wk- 6.54min, 11.53ap, 145mhr, .5mi = 65c
    apple iwatch- 61c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.16min, 10.30ap, 145mhr, .5mi = 54c
    apple iwatch- 52c
    ride dome 2 hm- 20.14min, 7.5amph, 143mhr, 2.5mi, windy! = 199c
    apple iwatch- 141c

    total cal 851
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    thanks for the compliments about my Kirby, he was a cutie, still is... that's why i'm having him grow out his hair again :wink:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member
    Playing catch up here…
    Pipcd34: Adorable Kirby photo! Aren’t those pix from way back fun to look at? Will see if I can find one of my DH when he had hair; I think I have one of him in Vietnam—so his wasn’t as long as Kirby’s there! When he got out of the Marines, he started growing a beard then and I haven’t seen his chin since (tho he keeps his beard trimmed.) LOVE those pupsters too!
    Annr: Love the dancing pictures. I am jealous! Taking dance classes is on my bucket list.
    Christy in Melbourne: Sorry to hear about that kidney cyst – is there any chance it will resolve itself on its own? Good for you getting back into your normal yoga routine.
    Barbie from Parkland, WA -- Welcome, I am also a newbie from WA – near Chehalis. You must have nice views of Mt. Rainier! Yes, the PNW is gorgeous and yes it’s chilly tonight. More snow on the way maybe. I am so missing my morning walks – with it dark, rainy and slippery I’m not taking any chances. Very nice, friendly group here.
    Heather in the UK, those egg and cress sandwiches sound great. I remember as kid, cress grew wild in the ditches and we kids would pick it and pretend to have tea parties. I’ll look for seeds and try to grow some!
    Time to close for now-
    SW Washington State
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member

    He still has hair, this is is short hair, couple of years ago
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Helped Vince put away some of the Christmas decorations. Lots of bending (ab work). We got most of the blowmolds put away, started on some of the lights and extension cords. At least there's room now -- for a bit.

    Will go shooting with Vince. I know it's hard for him because he has to spend so much time with me. But there is another gal who is going and I suspect she feels funny being the only woman, so I'll go.

    Re - love your using the crockpot for soup. I used to use it all the time for spaghetti sauce because I could let it cook for hours, Bet the soup is delicious

    Becca - you and your hubby make such a great couple. What dance were you doing?

    sue in WA - Glad you don't have pneumonia or sarcoidosis. Feel better fast

    Christy - So sorry to hear about the cyst

    Sue in TX - get better fast

    barbie - glad you liked "Light Between the Oceans". I don't know about you, but the movie brought me to tears.

    Went shooting with Vince tonight. Really went more because one lady was there and I have a feeling she didn't want to be the only female. Then we went out to dinner. Just had sauteed broccoli and a baked potato. I really wasn't that hungry. Had some soup and shirataki noodles before I left and they really fill me up.

    Take care everyone.

    Michele in NC
    who is very surprised Vince isn't watching Obama's speech