Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Okay I am not going to let this challenge get me down :grumble: I will conquer and destroy these zombies!!!! So I will try my best and you will all have to cross your fingers and toes for good weather for me!!

    Now if anyone as wondering what a cross wood chops was here's a link to show you. I will be using tin fruit as my weights hahaha.

    We can do this!!! As the weeks progress no doubt there will be challenges that some of us cannot do as much of but it should even out. If I can I am willing to do a bit more for the team. Anna you are part of this team no matter what!!! You will not succumb to the zombies!!!!!

    Oh and my weapon will be a Molotov Cocktail and I am going to use the idea of water as I suck with my water intake.

  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    Anna, I would never suggest you go spend money for this challenge. but it might actually be a good investment for you. Have you heard of Leslie Sansone's walk at home DVD's? I have the 5 mile walk and it's awesome when you're just starting to get fit. I hurt my back when I was 19 and this video helped me get some strength back. You follow her but you do it the way you feel is best for you. Kinda dull background and I mute her voice after a few times and just listen to my music. And you can stop at any mile. As you get better you can add hand weights which she doesn't use. but great workout. And it's all in your living room. think about it.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I will be using my elliptical for this challenge. But does anyone know how long it would take to jog 2 miles? That will help me figure out how long and what lvl to go on elliptical.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Anna, I would never suggest you go spend money for this challenge. but it might actually be a good investment for you. Have you heard of Leslie Sansone's walk at home DVD's? I have the 5 mile walk and it's awesome when you're just starting to get fit. I hurt my back when I was 19 and this video helped me get some strength back. You follow her but you do it the way you feel is best for you. Kinda dull background and I mute her voice after a few times and just listen to my music. And you can stop at any mile. As you get better you can add hand weights which she doesn't use. but great workout. And it's all in your living room. thinabout it.

    I have heard of it before, yes. Never looked into it before. How long does the 5mile dvd take?
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I will be using my elliptical for this challenge. But does anyone know how long it would take to jog 2 miles? That will help me figure out how long and what lvl to go on elliptical.

    Im also wondering how long it takes to jog two miles, I jog in place for a couple minute at a time here and theere...if I knew it took 10minutes to jog a mile, I could do several sets of couple minutes joggin to equal a couple miles a day.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I will be using my elliptical for this challenge. But does anyone know how long it would take to jog 2 miles? That will help me figure out how long and what lvl to go on elliptical.

    That's a fantastic idea and at least you could spread it out over the day. I just googled it and seems that 12 mins per mile is what a beginner can do. I actually might do it this way as it's school holidays here and there is no way my kids would go on a massive walk with me. I'll enquire with a CowboyKid to see if this would be okay.
  • sineadgrowden
    ok i just joged 5.01km (3.1 miles) in 15.12mins 114cals on elliptical

    hope that helps
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    HI guys Im really sorry Im going to have to drop out the challenge (- team explosives)!

    I thought I would have time to take this on, but its too time consuming on top of all my other classes I already attend.

    Im so sorry! I hope u guys having an awesome time doing the challenge and would still like to be friends :) xxx
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. sorry.. Weekends are a little hectic for me to get on here ... My name is Hannah..and I'm from Southern Ontario (Canada). My weight loss this week was 3.8 lbs. I didn't do as well on the stair challenge as the rest of you all... :( and for that i apologize. I will gladly pick up extra miles for anyone that would need them this week. For the jogging? Can we do that on the elliptical? If we can.. i might do the jogging one.. if not.. walking is for me. I haven't decided what my personal weapon will be.. but it will definately be the water thing.. i SUCK at water intake too.. especially on the weekend.

    Sorry to see you leave Princess!!! I find it hard to find the time as well... but just remember that YOU are important enough to MAKE the time!!!

    One note ... walking and jogging in place do burn as many calories!!! I don't see why that wouldn't count. I went to a seminar last week given by a personal trainer that specializes in training with obese people.. and that's one thing he has all his clients do.. jog in place.. you don't even have to lift your feet off the floor.. as long as you're doing the motion... you're burning calories... something to think about!
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    Good morning, everyone!!!

    My weight loss was 4 lbs (Woot!!!). I'll have to ponder the weapon, but I'll definitely have to walk. Knee issues require that one.

    Here's to a fabulous week!!! :)
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    My name is Sara and I live in the Memphis, TN area. Go Team Explosives! :explode:

    Today's weigh in was disappointing to me, but I know its not a true weight because TOM is supposed to hit either tomorrow or Wednesday which means for the last couple of days I'm retaining water like crazy. But here it is: 210.8. :frown: I'm sorry guys for letting the team down by gaining 1.4 pds. :cry: next week will be better.

    Alright, my weapon of choice are concussion grenades. My personal mini challenge will be to do at least 30 minutes of stretching a day. I'm really bad about stretching and I want to become more limber.

    My plan is to do the 2 mile jog / 45 reps of weights. Please don't quit this game just because you don't feel like its not possible. Just do as much as you can daily (even if its just a mile or less a day)! As a team we managed to blow the steps out of the water, I think we'll be able to make up the slack. This is all about getting healthier yourself and these are challenges to do that. As long as you make a good faith effort, I know I will be fine with whatever number you put up! :heart:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. sorry.. Weekends are a little hectic for me to get on here ... My name is Hannah..and I'm from Southern Ontario (Canada). My weight loss this week was 3.8 lbs. I didn't do as well on the stair challenge as the rest of you all... :( and for that i apologize. I will gladly pick up extra miles for anyone that would need them this week. For the jogging? Can we do that on the elliptical? If we can.. i might do the jogging one.. if not.. walking is for me. I haven't decided what my personal weapon will be.. but it will definately be the water thing.. i SUCK at water intake too.. especially on the weekend.

    Sorry to see you leave Princess!!! I find it hard to find the time as well... but just remember that YOU are important enough to MAKE the time!!!

    One note ... walking and jogging in place do burn as many calories!!! I don't see why that wouldn't count. I went to a seminar last week given by a personal trainer that specializes in training with obese people.. and that's one thing he has all his clients do.. jog in place.. you don't even have to lift your feet off the floor.. as long as you're doing the motion... you're burning calories... something to think about!

    Yes, u can use an doesn't say it in the challenge, but if u go to the main thread, she made a side note saying u can use an elliptical if u have joint problems (unfortunetly for me, elliptical is harder on my hip and running or walking is easier).

    I wouldn't imagine walking/jogging in place not being ok..I would however think that the jogging/walking in place without even lifting ur feet would NOT be ok. Jogging in place does burn alot of calories, as well as still help u gain stamina/endurance over time.

    And did u finish stairs? Even if u didn't finish, I think most of us did extra so we got u covered, and if u did finish, then that is more than enough. Not all of us did 5000 stairs like some ppl lol. I did 2200 ( I thought we had today still to do stairs though, so planned to finish with 2500 to 3000 stairs, but oh well). I think its good that u did as many as u could.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    My name is Sara and I live in the Memphis, TN area. Go Team Explosives! :explode:

    Today's weigh in was disappointing to me, but I know its not a true weight because TOM is supposed to hit either tomorrow or Wednesday which means for the last couple of days I'm retaining water like crazy. But here it is: 210.8. :frown: I'm sorry guys for letting the team down by gaining 1.4 pds. :cry: next week will be better.

    Alright, my weapon of choice are concussion grenades. My personal mini challenge will be to do at least 30 minutes of stretching a day. I'm really bad about stretching and I want to become more limber.

    My plan is to do the 2 mile jog / 45 reps of weights. Please don't quit this game just because you don't feel like its not possible. Just do as much as you can daily (even if its just a mile or less a day)! As a team we managed to blow the steps out of the water, I think we'll be able to make up the slack. This is all about getting healthier yourself and these are challenges to do that. As long as you maake a good faith effort, I know I will be fine with whatever number you put up! :heart:

    I know at least 3 of us lost over 5lbs, so we got it covered ;-) ull do fine next week. I lose the most while during TOM (which was last week) and stay the same, fighting over gaining/losing the same 2lbs over and over for the two weeks before my TOM. The w eek after 59' I generally lose a decent amount as well, so this next weigh in should be a good one as well for me. Grr my phone wont let me go back, where it says 59' that's suppose to be TOM, but on my phone I held down wrong button for caps lock and instead held down key for numbers/symbols instead of the letters.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Final weigh in 264.6
    sw 270

    I prob woulda lost more weight today if I wouldn't have woke up at 6am for some ungodly reason. Don't have to be awake till 8:30. I went to bed at 1am...I lose more weight after full nights sleep ;-(
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I can't think of a weapon. I drink plenty of water. It can't be anything with fitness cuz ill already to pushing my limits to do the challenge, (if it were a easier challenge, I would say do my 30day shred video everyday, and the activity, but that is unrealistic for me to do both)... the only thing that comes to mind is eat clean for the week, but I just bought a bunch of bagel thins and sandwich thins, and my snack ideas were my special k crackers and cheese, and lunches were going to be sandwichs... so I think for this particular week I can't do clean eating cuz food will go bad and I wont have much to eat... hrmmm...

    Ok... no going out to eat..does that work? I generally eat out 2 to 3x a week; wether it be lunch, dinner, whatever, I just order really healthy.. or should I choose something I fight with everyday? Make sure I eat breakfast within 30min of waking up, maybe?
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    For me, my weapon would have to be abstaining from ALL sweets. They're my weakness, so I can't think of a better weapon to arm myself with than to eat STRONG!!! My crowbar = NO SWEETS!!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I recommend getting a Leslie DVD I had one a long time ago and really enjoyed it. I saw them the other day and they were like $10. I think a 4 mile walk is like an hour, but maybe she has new options?

    I felt bad when I read about the zombies getting Cobylea. Now we are losing our Princess too? :sad:

    Ok guys this is a challenge - let's hit the road and see what awesomeness we can do!!!

    I am going to aim for the 2mile jog, and my secret weapon will be water my goal is 9 glasses or 72ounces per day.
  • miw14
    miw14 Posts: 43
    I can't think of a weapon either, but my mini-goal is to not binge eat.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Ok, I just jogged 2.1 mile at a 4.3 mph pace. Off to a good start. Gonna do my candlelight yoga dvd and the weight challenge exercises too.

    So you all know my name and where I live, now for a little back story about how I got to be the size I am...

    In high school I was around 150 lbs, and was a Jr. Olympian in the sport of Fencing. In 1999, I won Silver for the under 17 foil and Bronze in the under 20 foil. It was amazing. But then the next year I tore up my left knee and had to have surgery to repair it. This was also my Sr. year and once I finally got to the point I could fence again, I just didn't really due to testing and then the excitement of college.

    Well, crazy life stuff happened and by Summer of 2005 I was weighing in at 227 lbs. :noway: July of 2005 is also when I moved to St. Petersburg, Russian and lived till December of 2005. Over the course of those 6 months I got down into the 180's and I was feeling great. I did it through walking every where, every day and eating really, really well with no junk food or pop or anything like that.

    Jan. of 2006 I moved back to Memphis and managed to keep most of the weight off (didn't really lose any more tho) until Feb. 2009. I got it into my head that I wanted to train for a 5k so I started "running" (ok, more like waddling! :laugh: ) when I got hit by a car in a cross walk. The person hit me from behind while I had right of way, and it broke my back (my L2 vertebra) and again messed up my poor, abused left knee. I literally couldn't do anything more than sit and lay down for about 6 months and I had to wear a turtle shell back brace and a hip to ankle brace. Needless to say I put back on most of the weight I lost in Russia, cause there was a great big pity party going on for a while there, let me tell ya!

    While in that gear, I met my boyfriend. :heart: He completely overlooked all the craziness and saw ME. In December of 2009, he completed his first 1/2 Marathon in 2 hrs 22 mins. and I told myself, if he could do it, I could do it too! So 1 year and 2 weeks after the accident, in Feb. 2010 I finished my first 5k, in June 2010 I finished my first 10k (that's what my profile pic is from) and in December 2010 I completed the St. Jude 1/2 Marathon in 3 hrs. 22 mins. :drinker:

    Sadly, over the course of this last year, I really didn't manage to lose any weight, which I think is due to my diet. So that's why I'm here. I KNOW I can finish whatever I put my mind to, I just have to made the decision to do it. I might not be the fastest one out there, but I don't give myself I choice in quitting.

    That's my story as to why I am the way I am. I think if we're going to be surviving the Zombie Apocalypse together, its good to know your team! :explode: Go Team Explosives!
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Hey everyone,

    Im Nessy and im from the Isle of Man (the little island between England and Ireland lol)!!

    Im going to try my best at this challenge, as it is we own two dogs and ive been slacking so much when it comes to being a good owner, so im going to try and get 2 walks in a day for them :) and as im off this week i can start getting myself into a rythem :).

    So sad to see you leave pink princess, we will miss you!!!!

    Lost 6.2 pounds this week :), is my first week back and on my diet properly (first time ever!) and im well happy i decided that i was going to aim for 2 pounds a week, so not to put pressure on myself so ive topped that by 4.2 pounds YAY!