Senior Golden Sneakers..........July, 2011



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jackie, yes, the picture showed up. That is a good looking hen. I am not sure if my town will ever allow them in the city limits. You know, I raised them in the past and honestly...they are smelly.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: CALIECAT, my appetite is great this morning. My daughter asked that the three of us go out for breakfast. We went to Crackel Barrel. We agreed to take her with one stipulation. We had to ride our bikes to the restaurant. She really didn't want to do this but that is the only way we were going to go.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile:

    I finally got my new computer up and running and so far I love it. :heart: It is very fast, but I still have so much to learn. :tongue: It is so good to have my big 21 inch monitor back where I can see much better. :laugh:

    Today I will be going to the Itasca Fest where I will play some bingo. They have the wrist band for kids this afternoon so I will watch my granddaughter on some rides then quietly disappear out of the heat. :laugh: The men will come later to eat something but I am sure they won't stay, neither can deal with the heat, although my goofy husband is at the pet cemetery getting the dogs graves back in good condition since he couldn't go this year until now. It is his hobby and he loves it, so better there than under my feet all day. :noway:

    Tomorrow the new casino opens and I will attempt to get in the door just to check it out. I am going back on Thursday so if it is too crowded I will just go home.

    Becky, your breakfast ride sounds great, family time and exercise, what could be better? :heart:

    Marie, you also have a wonderful day and stay cool. :glasses: Do all those beans cause any uh problems?? :laugh:

    Jackie, loving the picture of your chicken, wouldn't think about having one for a pet, but it is so cute. :happy:

    Buzz, hope the storm was not too bad and there was no damage. :noway:

    Connie, I too, love the smell of lavender, I may try that idea of putting some under my pillow since I have not been sleeping well. :yawn:

    Barbie and Jake, I am sure you are busy getting ready for the big move. Look at all the additional exercise you will get, like you really need it. :laugh: You too always sound so happy, your marriage sounds great. :heart:

    Hope the rest of our sneakers are doing well and continue to keep in touch even if just to say hello.

    Have a great day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy all of these beans is not giving me anyproblems. Just the opposite go like a breeze now wher before I was having problems.
    I don't know why texas wont legealize casino s Here . We have to go to Okla. or LA> our nearest one. and most of the cars have Texas license Plates All that money could be spent in Texas.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, we have a casino just over an hour to the south of us. I have never been there because that is something I am just not interested in. People find it hard to believe, but I have not ever bought a lottery ticket. I just say that I do have my vices, but that isn't one of them.:laugh: Do you have a pet in the cemetery your husband is cleaning up? One of my son's dogs went to one but our vet took care of the details and I think it was a common grave. Our cat is in a box on my piano. I only did this for the cat because we had her for 21 years. She was just like one of the kids.

    :flowerforyou: CALIECAT, I am guessing that you are eating more beans? That is great. Wonderful source of protein without the fat.

    My youngest daughter (the one who had breakfast with us) has to have several fruits to take and share at band camp this week. Well, 19 year old daughter has taken the car. Guess I will have to bike to the store.:wink: I am not unhappy about this but my husband is not too happy. He doesn't mind having to ride his bike but he is not glad that the car is not home.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So MARIE asked:
    Hey guys what is a 4 putt?
    ....and I'm glad she asked, because I don't know, either! So what is a 4 putt?

    CONNIE, you mentioned your son sent you a
    gift set with Lavender Water (spray), Lavender/Citrus Lotion, Lavender Castile Soap, and Lavender Sachet
    . I adore lavender and wondered if your son's items are available for purchase for people like me? And wasn't he a dear to surprise you that way? I'm also chuckling (sort of) about your downsizing and then having to add on again to accommodate overnight guests! Who even thinks about it when moving to a retirement house? Although yours appears to be much larger than most downsized cottages, anyway! And all your gardening etc. make it seem anything BUT retiring!!!

    BECKY and SANDY, I did get offline and the storm was typical Florida late afternoon; windy, wild lightening (we are the lightening capital of the world!) and over quick! Today we are getting frequent heavy squalls, broken by blue skies. We are so happy to see the rain as our drought was really long and bad! Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain [img][/img]732883a3ly6yf0tv.gif

    Getting so sleepy, since I got up around 6 this morning to get our Sunday Oat Bran Waffles prepared for breakfast, etc, and just stayed up to do whatever needed doing. Unfortunately, I didn't oil the Waffle Iron sufficiently so the waffles kind of stuck! It's supposed to be non-stick, but next time I'll remember to spray! It nevertheless seems festive when we have our waffles and blueberries Sunday mornings! A nice change from the rest of the week.

    Oops, sun's out! I think I'll catch my 20 minutes of natural Vitamin D before the next shower! :wink:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: Jackie, today we went to one of the lavender farms where our veterinarian was doing a presentation about bees. I thought of you and how affectionately and passionately you spoke about your bees. I had no idea that our vet raised bees. It turns out that she has had hives on the lavender farm for five years and her honey what they sell in the farm's gift shop. It is special because the bees get their raw material from all the lavender plants. She talked about the different kinds of bees, why bees swarm, and various ways that bees communicate with each other. Thank you for igniting my interest in bees.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've had a lazy day and blame it on the cool, rainy weather that stopped me going outside unless absolutely necessary and I didn't feel in the mood to do the decorating jobs in the bedrooms that have been waiting for me. If the rain continues tomorrow, which is forecast, I will get the paint brushes out and start!:wink:

    Marie ~ My girls do lay eggs for me and they're delicious. My bees are still misbehaving! You remember how one of the colonies swarmed and disappeared off a couple of months ago, well the other hive was half empty of bees when I checked after being away for a few days so they've done the same and flown away. The shame is they were just starting to fill the hive with lots of honey but now they will be concentrating on raising new youngsters to increase their numbers again so they can survive winter and won't make much more honey. In fact they will probably eat what they did store because our rainy weather will keep them indoors doing housework so they're bound to build up an appetite!!

    Sandy ~ Hens really do have the most amazing personalities if you take the time to get to know them. I have 6 girls and a cockeral and they are all different. Millie I saved from the jaws of a fox last year and she follows me round like a puppy now and sits at my feet if I sit outside with a cup of tea. Squeak is a very small bantam and she flies up on to my shoulder and looks me directly in the eye as she chats away to me. Daisy, another small bantam talks to herself the whole time as she wanders around and Poppy is a neurotic New Hampshire Red who lives on her nerves! I've mentioned Charlie the cockeral in the past. He chases me and jumps up to bite me on the bum when I lean into the henhouse to collect eggs.:laugh: The 2 new babies are already developing different characters. One is flighty and the other adventurous and I think of all of them as pets. Next time you cook chicken for dinner you'll be wondering what sort of personality it had!!!:laugh: :laugh: Here's a picture of my cat Jasper facing a neighbour's hen who'd been unwell that I took care of in the house for a couple of days!


    Becky ~ I don't find my hens are smelly although I do clean out their house regularly and because they free range around the garden they can take a dust bath whenever they feel the need. Perhaps I've just become immune!!!:bigsmile:

    Time for my bed. Where has the day gone??

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member

    A distraught senior citizen
    Phoned her doctor's office.
    'Is it true,' she wanted to know,
    'that the medication
    You prescribed has to be taken
    For the rest of my life?'
    'Yes, I'm afraid so,' the doctor told her.
    There was a moment of silence
    Before the senior lady replied,
    I'm wondering, then,
    Just how serious is my condition
    Because this prescription is marked
    'NO REFILLS'..

    An older gentleman was
    On the operating table
    Awaiting surgery
    And he insisted that his son,
    A renowned surgeon,
    Perform the operation.
    As he was about to get the anesthesia,
    He asked to speak to his son
    'Yes, Dad, what is it? '
    ' Don 't be nervous, son;
    Do your best
    And just remember,
    If it doesn't go well,
    If something happens to me,
    Your mother
    Is going to come and
    Live with you and your wife....'

    Eventually you will reach a point
    When you stop lying about your age
    And start bragging about it.
    (My favorite)
    The older we get,
    The fewer things
    Seem worth waiting in line for.

    Some people
    Try to turn back their odometers.
    Not me!
    I want people to know 'why'
    I look this way.
    I've traveled a long way
    And some of the roads weren't paved.
    ********** **********

    When you are dissatisfied
    And would like to go back to youth,
    Think of Algebra.

    You know you are getting old when
    Everything either dries up or leaks.

    One of the many things
    No one tells you about aging
    Is that it is such a nice change
    From being young.

    Ah, being young is beautiful,
    But being old is comfortable.

    First you forget names,
    Then you forget faces.
    Then you forget to pull up your zipper.
    It's worse when
    You forget to pull it down.

    Long ago
    When men cursed
    And beat the ground with sticks,
    It was called witchcraft...
    Today, it's called golf.

    Two old guys
    Are pushing their carts around Wal-Mart
    When they collide.
    The first old guy says to the second guy,
    'Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife,
    And I guess I wasn't paying attention
    To where I was going.. The second old guy says, 'That's OK, it's a coincidence..
    I'm looking for my wife, too..'
    I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate'
    The first old guy says, 'Well,
    Maybe I can help you find her..
    What does she look like?'
    ' The second old guy says,
    'Well, she is 27 yrs old, tall,
    With red hair,
    Blue eyes,
    Long legs,
    And is wearing short shorts..
    What does your wife look like?'
    To which the first old guy says, 'Doesn't matter,
    --- let's look for yours.'

    Keep Your arm around my shoulder, And, Your hand over my mouth!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So WHAT IS A 4 PUTT??? Will anyone help Marie and me find out what the darn thing is???? Pretty please :bigsmile: :sad: :huh:

    Jackie, the picture of the kitty with the hen is just marvelous! Are they friends? :happy:

    Just thought I would explain that since I can't figure out how the heck you all post pictures in your daily posts, my new avatar is for Becky, who will be going to Tampa where there is a famous steak house named BERN'S STEAK HOUSE. Very different and interesting besides having fabulouse steaks. After dinner, you are shown through their various preparation areas, an amazing wine cellar without end, and then an elevator whisks you to the second floor which is all separate little roomettes, brick, for your choice of desserts. The picture I show is in the roomette with my husband, Mike, and son, Glen,... the one who just moved after 37 years in Hawaii to Cape May, NJ. He was on a teaching visit to the Coast Guard near Tampa, and we drove over to see him for several days. Florida's west coast is very lovely and it was a delight to be there.
    Now, I'll lay me down to sleep...:yawn: ....and dream someone will enlighten us about 4 putts! :noway:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY...::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and Mike, too :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I laughed so hard over the zipper I almost choked!

    GOODNIGHT!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    SANDY -- Sooooo funny!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    So WHAT IS A 4 PUTT??? Will anyone help Marie and me find out what the darn thing is???? Pretty please :bigsmile: :sad: :huh:

    I am going to let Jake explain this one.....JAKE?????
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: buzz, I see your picture. Nice. I just may have to visit there.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I don't play golf so I don't understand this one either. Please someone.....What is a 4 Putt??? Love your old people jokes. I am sharing them at work.:laugh:

    I anyone here having trouble receiving messages? I have a friend who I communicate often with. She is still receiving my messages but I am not getting hers.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    I don't play golf but my dad did. After you tee off, meaning hitting the ball as close to the green where the hole is, you then use another golf club which if you made it to the green on the first shot would be a putter. (the name of the club) They usually allow 2 or three tries to get the ball into the hole. If it is two and you take four shots that would be a 4 putt which is very frustrating to golfers and that is why Jake understood my joke, even better than I did. Hope this clears things up. :laugh: And if I am wrong on my explanation hopefully Jake will clear it up. Gigi plays golf, but she hasn't been here for a while.

    Off to the new casino....will let you know how I did later.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sailed over to Toronto on Friday and we had great winds. Only had to
    put motor on once because a freighter was coming so we had to
    get out its way. He was bigger than us !! :tongue:

    Fins to the left, fins to the right. Lots of parrot heads and grass skirts,
    and coconuts. Jimmy Buffet concert was awesome. :drinker:
    It was really hot! This week will be in the high 80's and some days
    in the 90's. Thanks goodness for A/C.

    This week staying home and trying to keep my flowers from dying.
    They need lots of water. Rain predicted today, yayy!

    Still trying to not eat between meals, and choosing mostly veges and fruit
    and a little bit of meat and/or fish. It was a challenge on the weekend,
    when I weighed this morning I stayed the same.

    What is a 4 putt? My guess is it took four strokes to get in the hole
    on the putting green. I used to play golf then boating became our
    next adventure. I will have to see if I am right. Or I could ask my husband.

    Casinos - We have one just five minutes from my house and I never go.
    We also have one in Niagara Falls, On. Our area is big on
    casinos and slots.

    Have great week and stay cool everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz said
    SANDY...::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and Mike, too :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I laughed so hard over the zipper I almost choked!

    GOODNIGHT!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    they were all funny but the zipper was my faverite one too! Buzz
  • It is supposed to get up to 85 today. Makes me thankful for air conditioners and fans. Today is chemo day and an appointment with the doctor for an "evaluation" to see if it's doing me any good. I'm hoping for the best, ready to accept whatever the reality is. It's all in God's hands. Grace happens. Thank you all for your prayers and concern. I'll let you know how it comes out.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: viliberty1957, I will add you to our prayer wall here at work.

    I think that the "zipper" one is everyone's favorite because we have all done that.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, if you do happen to eat between meals make it raw veggies or fresh fruit.

    As to 4 putt.....I have forgotten the joke !! Old age is getting to me.:bigsmile:

    I am eating fruit and almond butter for lunch. I packed snacks but forgot my lunch. (This must go alone with previous sentence).
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Just a quick checkin, that checkbook/bill stuff I swore I wouldn't get behind on is behind again :sad:

    Irene, you are in my prayers! Your attitude is just amazing!

    DRAT :explode: just lost my whole post :mad:

    We've been back from vacation for a week. Had a great time and didn't gain any weight :smile: Last week, however; was a disaster :blushing: I was eating anything and everything I could lay my hands on :blushing: only exercised 2 days, and didn't record much, and ended up getting sick :embarassed: I obviously need MFP and my friends here. So once again I'm back on the wagon.

    MN has served up yet another season, 'summer' with 90+ degree temps & 100%+ humidity. My glasses fog over when I step outside. I was out in the garden for an hour and a half, just trying to spruce things up since it literally exploded into bloom while we were gone. Nothing strenuous, just deadheading some daylilies, plucking a few weeds, & 're-routing' the honeysuckles on the pergola. I was totally soaked when I came in! What I should have done, was get in the pond and deadhead in there :laugh: Those of you that live in this most of the time, my hats off to you :drinker: Texas, I wish I could send you some of the rain we've gotten. Minnesotans are a funny lot, we whine when it's cold and we whine when it's hot :laugh: I would much rather be outside than in here doing the checkbook :tongue:

    Good Grief :noway: I forgot the biggest news. Our granddaughter Lauren Rebekah arrived late Friday afternoon :heart: a beautiful 7 pounds 5 ounces. DDIL worked her full shift at the hospital (RN) and then a friend took her to the hospital where the babies are delivered, just to be checked out. Her water broke and 46 minutes later Miss Lauren entered the world :love: :love: :love:

    Will try to get caught up on posts when the financial stuff is caught up:cry:
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Lovely ladies,(and Jake)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thank you for the jokes. It has been great to read all these fun posts.:drinker:

    I have had a very busy few days again. My daughters birthday was lovely. The birthday barbeque on Saturday was fun. It rained most of the day, so we had to stay indoors for the most part. We were prepared though. The men decided to cook on the barby anyway under umbrella's. It was a lovely day/evening and everyone seemed to have a good time. We had a marvelous contraption that poured pimms out of a tap instead of keep making jugs:happy:
    I had 2 of my grandaughters stay the night, so was up very early the following morning. Oh my goodness:frown: The aftermath of entertaining a large crowd indoors and outdoors. It took us all morning to clear up. Then we had visitors in the afternoon/evening. I loved itall though. You can't beat a family and good friend gathering:bigsmile:

    I just want you all to know, that even when I have'nt been able post. I think about you all the time. I am with Barbie on this, something will happen and I think I must tell my ladies about this. Then when I do manage to get on here, I have forgotten what they were!
    Well, I have tried to read all the posts. There are so many but they all made me smile:smile:

    Irene: Good luck with your appointment. :flowerforyou: I love to read your postings. They are always so cheerful and make me smile. I love the water pistol trick too. I think I will try that one.

    Jeri: I'm sorry that your news was'nt an all clear, but it sounds very positive. You also are amazing.:flowerforyou: Good luck with your surgery. When is it scheduled for? The calgary stampede sounds like a fun time.

    Barbie and Jake: At last... You are finally on the move. How long do you think before you move in? Barbie I would love to see you dancing in the park:laugh:

    Sandy: How was your Itasco Fest? Sounds like good fun. Did you play Bingo? I have'nt heard you mention Bingo in along time. Don't you play anymore? Casino sounds good too. We have one about 20 mins drive away. I am a member, but I have only been a few times. I think I would get addicted! Your jokes are so funny. They had me laughing out loud.:laugh:

    Buzz: Did you get to find out what a 4 putt is? I love your new photo. What a good looking bunch you all are.:drinker: The weather sounds lovely there and we all need a good dose of vitamin D:smile: Be careful though. Hope your storm has passed. I witnessed the thunder and lightening when we visited Florida a few years ago. You are so right. I had never seen lightening like that before and never since. Amazing!

    Becky: It's no fun not having a car. I sometimes lend mine to my daughter. I feel very fidgety wanting to go out. It's all in my head of course, just cos I know I can't. Not easily, anyhow:flowerforyou: I have bought a calorie book today for quick guidance. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Jackie: It's lovely to have you back. Missed your garden stories. The hen photos are great. Sad about the bees.:cry: What happens now? Do you have any more garden animals? I picture you in your wellies tending to all your creatures and flowers. You are a proper dr doolittle.:laugh:

    Marie: I have'nt really tried beans other than baked. I might try some with your recipes. I never really knew what to do with them before. Also the thought of soaking them all day put me off, but I believe you buy them canned now.:smile: It sounds so hot where you are. Unimaginable to me as it never really reaches those temperatures here. Good job too cos we don't have a/c in our homes. We have a/c at work but it always makes my nose run and my eyes water!! Drink plenty and stay cool.:flowerforyou: It can't be doing your plants and veggies any good. Hows those melons coming along?

    Shirley: I'm so envious. Your boating trips sound so lovely:smile:

    Gayla: What are you up to now tennis has finished?

    Judy: How are you doing? When do you go on your amazing holiday?

    Conne: How was your birthday? Did you celebrate in any way?:drinker:

    Phoebe, Donna, Phyllis,Birdie, Maddie and Gigi, Miss you all. Hurry back.

    Sorry, I have gone on again. Was only going to say a quick hello:laugh:
