Beautiful Behaviors - January 2017



  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    Got weighed today at the gym on a scale that separates out muscle, fat, bone weight, water.
    On the scale: I gained 1 lb.

    HOWEVER, it was because in 2 weeks I have swapped out 2% fat for 2.6% muscle!!!!

    My heartrate is better, I can now hit 171 on the highest setting, breathe very heavily and can sustain that for almost a minute. This means that my heart is able to send more oxygen to my blood and muscles which also means that my heart is getting stronger as are my lungs and I'm building muscles at a very impressive rate.

    GO Carbohydrate Cycling! Go building muscle!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    You are all working harder and harder and I am so impressed. I haven't been able to do a video or anything like that but i am increasing other kinds of activities and doing a decent job on calories. I was a little over today. I was able to do something today- I stopped at menards on my way home from work, every time I am there I cannot resist buying candy from the giant display by the check out. I was able to pass because I couldn't stop thinking " if i eat this I will have to log it".
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Does anyone have any tips for eating breakfast out? I go out with a friend on Sunday mornings and end up being over on calories every Sunday. I can eat almost anything except eggs without the yolks.
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Lea!!!! Hi everyone!!!!

    Run of the mill day today. Not too much to report. Went a little over calorie goal today. Ehhh. Will get back on the horse tomorrow.
  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    dlm4mom wrote: »
    Does anyone have any tips for eating breakfast out? I go out with a friend on Sunday mornings and end up being over on calories every Sunday. I can eat almost anything except eggs without the yolks.

    Not sure what your diet is, but I aim for protein first, veg second, carbs third. Eggs with yolks is high protein, turkey bacon, lower fat cottage cheese with a bit of fruit, an omelette with veg, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, cheese in smaller doses also high protein and great for veg. Oatmeal with a tbsp or two of maple syrup is high fiber and great for your system. You could ask for eggs florentine, with hollandaise on the side, that gives you spinach, protein and a bit of carbs, just drizzle a tbsp. Of the hollandaise on top and a squeeze of lemon juice. Virgin Bloody Mary is veg juice, and you can join in with the mimosa crowd. You can usually find all this on menus. Good luck and forego the pancakes! :smiley:
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    when i go out for breakfast, i have a cheese omelette with mushrooms and spinach with a side of bacon. i have just a taste of the potatoes and toast that come with it. i skip the juice. sometimes i get oatmeal with a banana, if their bananas are ripe enough for me. i love going out for breakfast! i usually eat a lighter lunch afterwards because i'm so full.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @dlm4mom, congrats on passing the candy! woohooo!!!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @gatamadriz excellent news! wow, your workouts are really making a difference. what are you doing?
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »

    Kim - great idea on the salad for lunch. Would you mind doing something for me? Next Monday night or Tuesday morning, drop a post here, reminding me that it is salad Tuesday. It just sounds so good to plan a big salad lunch once a week!

    On Sundays I create my salads for the week. In the time it takes to assemble/chop/season one salad, you can easily do 4 or 5. I don't use salad dressing either. I use a tablespoon of hummus, some olive oil, sea salt and then squeeze fresh lemon on the salad just before eating.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Kim, Lea, you guys are inspiring me. Today, instead of a large chili for lunch, I will get a small one and a salad. Baby steps!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, everyone! I'm in the office busy busy busy, putting those steps on my fitbit and eating well. I changed up my lunch like I said I would, and it's working for me. I'm full and I still have half my salad left. let's see how long it keeps me full now. I usually don't eat again after lunch until I get home about 3:30- 4.

    starting the DailyBurn really kicked my motivation up a notch, just when I needed it. thank you, Lea, for telling me to challenge myself! tonight's video is 26 minutes of cardio and strength training. I'm really huffing and puffing through them, but I'm finishing them!

    what's your biggest challenge in your weight loss journey? is it meal planning/prep? getting exercise in? drinking enough water? putting it in perspective as part of your self care (as opposed to your reason for being)?

    mine is the last. I have to keep reminding myself that life is to be enjoyed, and I really need to plan fun things for myself. I tend to obsess on weight loss when I'm trying to lose.

    today (Thursday) is my Friday, the end of my work week. my daughter is coming to visit on Saturday, and seeing her is always an emotional event. she can't get why in the world I would want to live in a construction site, and other things. she doesn't "get" me. :neutral: but, I love the stuffing out of her and can't wait to hug her!

  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Jessi I hope you tell your daughter what you have done. You are so motivated and are taking big steps it seems to me. I am taking baby steps the whole way. There was a time about 10 years ago when I lost 40 pounds which are all back. It took a good year but I kept it off for quite a while. That's what I am going for again. I pulled into McDonald's on my way home tonight BUT I ordered egg mcmuffin and Diet Coke. If I can avoid anything except popcorn tonight I will be in calories! The suggestion earlier from someone about posting as soon as you finish dinner is helping a lot.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening all!

    good choices dlm4mom!!

    Right now, my idea of a beautiful behavior is sticking to my plan.

    I found my prayer journal from one year ago:
    "Dear Lord, I need to lose weight. Do you think you could find a diet group for me? Thanks. Lea"


    You have not when you've asked not.

    Sweet dreams all.

  • 0ssum_Bl0ss0m
    0ssum_Bl0ss0m Posts: 23 Member
    I started going to the gym regularly a year ago and at first it was just for weight loss but these days it is more for my mental health. Now when I am stationary too long I notice my mood becomes crummy.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome, @0ssum_Bl0ss0m. i look forward to one day feeling that way too!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Looking for my sleep....
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Good morning.

    Weigh in today. Up 0.2 pounds. Not a biggie, I guess, because my first week was a big loss.

    This weekend I begin my adventure of going back to the gym. I'm scared out of my mind. I was a person who LIVED in the gym after a divorce in my late 20s. So much so, that I got a personal training certification and got a second job there.

    Now, the idea of going into a gym makes me anxious. I am now a frumpy 45 year old mom with workout gear that certainly isn't fashion forward. LOL I know these things are not important at all. I am most concerned about my physical conditioning. NOT GOOD. lol

    Wish me luck. I'm still really focusing on self care more than anything.

    I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Kim, good luck at the gym! just take it at the pace your body can handle, and remember that everyone's more worried about what THEY look like than what YOU look like, except for the ones who are focused on their workout and don't even notice anyone else. be like them!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! i just got back from food shopping and bought a lot of healthy beautiful food. at my current level of fitness (practically nonexistent), shopping is a workout, all the walking, bending, reaching, carrying, etc. i'm going to rest for awhile before i do my dailyburn video.

    It's the end of the week. What are you proud of today? What accomplishments did you achieve this week that deserve a shout out here?

    I'm SOOOOO proud of signing up for the dailyburn AND for doing the videos three nights in a row. exercise is always key in my weight loss, and i'm so glad i was able to bring it into the picture this week.

    i got on the scale this morning and it was abysmal. i was up 2 lbs. i'm not going to worry about it. i know i'm on the right path now and i'll just keep plugging away.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good luck at the gym, Kim! Do you go to a privately owned gym? Or a community rec center? Or a dance/exercise studio? I think they have different attitudes at those three types of gyms.

    Jess, keep up the daily burn! Woooooo!

    My best accomplishment is that I am re-learning how to eat. It's been a jolt.

    Today, my goals are primarily self care. Shower, clean clothes, walk to the store, boring stuff, and then KonMarie the house to reduce books and paper clutter. I'm still trying for a simpler life. I know I can find it under this stuff.

    Stay calm and love your neighbors and yourselves.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Ohmy. I went to the store. Came home. Ate my one treat food first. Went over calories, but just a little! I loved my odd treat! Goat cheese. I passed by ice cream. I passed by chocolate. I passed by potato chips. I went for a more nutritious and different treat food. Imported cheese and French bread. Tangy and savory. Ahhhh.

    Okay, I'll exercise tonight.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hey, Libby, we missed you yesterday, hope all is ok!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    lea, awesome choice of snack! congrats on passing the junk by. good job!
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    Good luck at the gym, Kim! Do you go to a privately owned gym? Or a community rec center? Or a dance/exercise studio? I think they have different attitudes at those three types of gyms.

    Jess, keep up the daily burn! Woooooo!

    My best accomplishment is that I am re-learning how to eat. It's been a jolt.

    Today, my goals are primarily self care. Shower, clean clothes, walk to the store, boring stuff, and then KonMarie the house to reduce books and paper clutter. I'm still trying for a simpler life. I know I can find it under this stuff.

    Stay calm and love your neighbors and yourselves.


    It's an LA Fitness chain. Luckily for me, I know how to stave off an silly marketing/personal training ploys. The gym my husband and I worked at was a privately owned gym, but they were trying to market themselves as a chain.

    And if my fellow workout folks want to look at me like some geriatric lost cause as I get on the treadmill, so be it. I know what kind of shape I was once in, and can be again!!!! So watch out gym rats!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Self care, baby! Get in there, kid!
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    Kim, good luck at the gym! just take it at the pace your body can handle, and remember that everyone's more worried about what THEY look like than what YOU look like, except for the ones who are focused on their workout and don't even notice anyone else. be like them!

    Darn right!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good morning!!! Happy Saturday!!

    I went to Milwaukee on Friday and walked the zoo and then went to the hockey game and walked some more. My feet are barking, but felt good to walk!!

    My apologies for being quiet! When I'm not on the computer I forget to check in sometimes. You guys are all doing fabulous! I just caught up reading on everyone! I definitely have been missing you guys and have been coming on here to get my dose of "beautiful behaviors" while I straighten out the struggles going on, currently!

    Looks like there are many new faces, which is so neat!!!

    Jess - you are so sweet!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    KimF0715 wrote: »
    Self care, baby! Get in there, kid!

    Love it!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Yes, I am depressed.

    “A depressed person did say to me, ‘I couldn’t do anything you asked in our last session. I was too depressed to get out of bed,’” Wicks told me. “I said, ‘Ah, that is my fault. I should have cautioned you that those voices would be there and to respond by saying: Yes, I am depressed but I am going to be depressed outside. Activity and depression don’t like to live together.” - Robert Wicks

    So I took a walk down the street.

  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    Yes, I am depressed.

    “A depressed person did say to me, ‘I couldn’t do anything you asked in our last session. I was too depressed to get out of bed,’” Wicks told me. “I said, ‘Ah, that is my fault. I should have cautioned you that those voices would be there and to respond by saying: Yes, I am depressed but I am going to be depressed outside. Activity and depression don’t like to live together.” - Robert Wicks

    So I took a walk down the street.

    Best thing you could do. Depression is a *kitten*. I've suffered from mild depression and anxiety my whole adult life.

    You are most certainly not alone.
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    edited January 2017
    That was supposed to say depression is a "*kitten*." Damn phone !!!!!!