Non friendly females in the gym.



  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    I have noticed though many females where I go wear a *kitten* load of make up to the gym. So maybe they're not part of the unfriendly ones you're referring to.
    I often wonder if they're there to meet the one... Or what the deal is.

    This ^^^ I don't get it either, ok, unless they just finished work, so they should have remover, but the ones that don't??? There a definitely a few girls in my gym that are only there for the lads.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    I really wanted to play devil's advocate here because the OP didn't say anything about men and to me it seemed an assumption that he was ONLY trying to talk to women. However, after reviewing his FL it appears that maybe you are all correct with your sexism comments. I was really hoping to give someone the benefit of the doubt for once.

    I still believe people should be friendly and to me that doesn't necessarily mean chatting 5-10 minutes. Acknowledging someone is alive with a quick "Good morning" or "How are you this morning?" wouldn't seem to be too much. Oh well. I will go spread sunshine and kindness someplace else

    I'm one of those people who says good morning to pretty much everyone I pass in the street, and I smile at people all the time in public. My husband teases me for being over-friendly to everyone. But what I got from OP wasn't that he was looking for a friendly "good morning", he was after a conversation, and specifically from women in the gym.

    To me (in agreeing with you), there is a big difference between smiling and saying hi to someone whose eyes you happen to meet, and expecting that person to then want to have a chinwag with you. Especially in the gym, supermarket, etc - places you generally go to for a main purpose other than socialising.

    Frankly the OP kind of comes off like that guy who feels entitled to start a conversation with the ladies in the gym and then thinks they are the unfriendly/bitchy ones when they don't stop to chat. It seems like a bit of the "I'm such a nice guy, pity all the women are rude" syndrome.


    Dunno.... he just struck me as a guy who wanted to meet women at the gym.

    I would rather have met a girl at the gym rather than at a nightclub.
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    MeganAM89 wrote: »

    This ^^^ I don't get it either, ok, unless they just finished work, so they should have remover, but the ones that don't??? There a definitely a few girls in my gym that are only there for the lads.

    I always wore makeup to the gym when I went because I'm self-conscious. Whether anyone else thinks that the gym is a place to feel self-conscious or not, that's how I felt, so I'd go with it still on, and then I'd wash it off when I got home.

    I don't see what the big deal is. [/quote]

    I find it strange because : if it was me It would be in streaks down my face from working out.

    If you're too self conscious to go with a naked face then I'm presuming you're too self conscious to work out in tiny shorts and bra tops as well?

    These girls aren't - nor do they actually work out.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2017
    zyxst wrote: »
    How do you feel about non-friendly males at the gym?

    I don't go to the gym to talk. Talking is done in other places, like a coffee house or bar or movie theatre.

    I actually find this quite amazing, it says alot about society. You see the same people training the same time as you a few times a week, yet you never take the time out to at least get acquainted. But we go to "bars and coffee shops" to socialize with people we might never see again. Weird.

    I've actually quit a specific gym because some of the guys who were always there at the same time would INSIST on chatting with me and I just didn't have the time to waste. I was there on my lunch break. So I started going to a different gym instead.

    If people aren't talking to you it can be because they don't have time, don't want to spend their time talking, or simply that they're not interested in making friends.

    You go to a coffee shop to socialize. You go to a gym to workout. You wouldn't go to your doctor's office just to chat and schmooze, would you?
  • trainervash
    trainervash Posts: 5 Member
    this one time, i was really in the zone on the treadmill and this lady would not stop trying to have a conversation with me no matter how disinterested i seemed. it was kinda unsettling. ;-;
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    I really wanted to play devil's advocate here because the OP didn't say anything about men and to me it seemed an assumption that he was ONLY trying to talk to women. However, after reviewing his FL it appears that maybe you are all correct with your sexism comments. I was really hoping to give someone the benefit of the doubt for once.

    I still believe people should be friendly and to me that doesn't necessarily mean chatting 5-10 minutes. Acknowledging someone is alive with a quick "Good morning" or "How are you this morning?" wouldn't seem to be too much. Oh well. I will go spread sunshine and kindness someplace else

    I'm one of those people who says good morning to pretty much everyone I pass in the street, and I smile at people all the time in public. My husband teases me for being over-friendly to everyone. But what I got from OP wasn't that he was looking for a friendly "good morning", he was after a conversation, and specifically from women in the gym.

    To me (in agreeing with you), there is a big difference between smiling and saying hi to someone whose eyes you happen to meet, and expecting that person to then want to have a chinwag with you. Especially in the gym, supermarket, etc - places you generally go to for a main purpose other than socialising.

    Frankly the OP kind of comes off like that guy who feels entitled to start a conversation with the ladies in the gym and then thinks they are the unfriendly/bitchy ones when they don't stop to chat. It seems like a bit of the "I'm such a nice guy, pity all the women are rude" syndrome.


    Dunno.... he just struck me as a guy who wanted to meet women at the gym.

    I would rather have met a girl at the gym rather than at a nightclub.

    He does seem like that, but the entitled comes from then blaming the women for being "unfriendly" rather than accepting that maybe they aren't there for him to try and form a relationship with.

    Fair enough.

    I have zero expectations that anyone talks to me at the gym.

    Here is the conversation from yesterday:

    Hey, are you working here?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited January 2017
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    I really wanted to play devil's advocate here because the OP didn't say anything about men and to me it seemed an assumption that he was ONLY trying to talk to women. However, after reviewing his FL it appears that maybe you are all correct with your sexism comments. I was really hoping to give someone the benefit of the doubt for once.

    I still believe people should be friendly and to me that doesn't necessarily mean chatting 5-10 minutes. Acknowledging someone is alive with a quick "Good morning" or "How are you this morning?" wouldn't seem to be too much. Oh well. I will go spread sunshine and kindness someplace else

    I'm pretty much a, "hey, how's it going" or "good morning/evening, etc" kinda guy in most situations. IDK...I've been going to the same gym now for a couple of years...I think it would be weird not to have talked or developed some kind of relationship with people I see every couple of days for two years.

    I've actually made quite a few friends there with whom my wife and I socialize's nice having more fitness oriented friends...both guys and gals.

    I actually kinda met my wife at the gym years ago...actually, she was a regular customer at a store I worked in and then we ran into each other at the I guess that's a little different...but that's kind of how we established our early relationship.
  • Master_Butcher
    Master_Butcher Posts: 50 Member
    It's just you brother. I say that in the nicest possible way. In my experience I get women purposely trying to distract me from my workouts. As flattering as it may be, it's highly frustrating for the simple fact that I pass up on some real stunners. The no-nonsene hardcore part of my workouts usually last just over 60 minutes, around 70 to 90 mins is when I stretch or perform cardio. Only then do I entertain pleasantries from the female form. To add to that, it also depends what mood I'm in. Since my gym is not the biggest of big gyms people get to know each other pretty quick. It's super socialble while being hard core. The enviroment loosens newbies up so they can ask anyone for help and often take part in group workouts to get a great session in.
  • cyrakhis
    cyrakhis Posts: 1 Member
    Male gym-goer here, but personally? I go to the gym to unwind and get my head straight. I'll be friendly if people approach me but I really just want to be left alone to do my thing, which the headphones-in generally implies.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    The gym is my happy place, my time to focus only on me. I don't really talk to anyone at the gym. I do my thing and let others do theirs. Even the trainer comments that I'm extremely focused and that I come in, do what I need to do and leave.
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    I ignore everyone at the gym. I'm not there to pick up dates and I'm not there to make friends. I want to get in, get it done and resume my regular life.

    This x1000. I've been told that I come off as being rude for this exact reason. Saying hello or giving a wave is one thing, but I'm a busy guy, and I'm at the gym to do one thing...and it's not to chat with you at the water fountain. Sorry.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I find most people aren't friendly these days. Gym or no gym, man or woman. Each to their own. Just do you :)
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Idk what kind of gyms you've been frequenting, my gym peeps of both genders are very friendly
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Wow, that question seemed to spark something in some . . . I have to agree that while most of us are trying to get in and out within a limited time frame I will still engage in conversation with those that stop and speak to me as I would hope one would do for me. While usually it is a few comments in passing I figure we are there for the same general reason and unless they start taking about moonbeams and unicorns I just try and keep it light and friendly :)