60 Minutes per Month Plank Challenge - February 2017



  • homeschoolmom77
    homeschoolmom77 Posts: 208 Member
    Day 1(Jan 31): 1 min =15 sec forearm (x4)
  • MFO3
    MFO3 Posts: 100 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    Short month, so this is going to be a bit more challenging...but I'm sure everyone is up for it!

    This is a pretty simple challenge thread for those that want to have some accountability with their plank workouts. This plank challenge thread is meant to be flexible enough that people of various fitness levels should be able to successfully complete it as long as they are consistent with doing their planks regularly.

    Challenge Goal - 60 minutes of planks for the month. That's a little over 2 minutes of planks daily (since it's a short month), or 3 minutes of planks for 20 days or 5 minutes of planks for 12 days...or...what ever you want to do to reach the challenge goal.
    >>If you are already a planking superstar or start to consistently hit the challenge goal, feel free to post your own goal at the beginning of the challenge that is higher than the one for the posted challenge. Or post an updated goal once you hit 60 minutes.
    >>If you join us late in the month, feel free to post an alternate goal that is in the spirit of the original challenge (for example, joining around the 15th would be a 30 minute plank challenge to finish out the month).

    How many sets? As many as you need. If you can do a 5 minute plank in one set, that is amazing!! If you want to do a few sets of 1 - 2 minute planks, that's cool! If you need to break up your planks into multiple sets of 15-30 seconds, that's okay too!

    Types of planks? ALL planks and their variations count! Straight arm planks, forearm/elbow planks, side planks, reverse planks, etc. This allows you to vary your planks depending on your personal workout goals. (See next post for a variety of planking ideas.)

    How to join / participate? Just post the total minutes of the planks you did for the day and your running total for the month. No spreadsheets, no groups. Easy peasy.

    Last month's 60 minute plank challenge thread:

    Welcome and start planking!!

    This is a great idea!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,120 Member
    edited January 2017
    gdsmit1 wrote: »
    b3achy wrote: »
    Wow! Lots of folks this month! Welcome to all the new folks, and good to see so many returning masochists plankers!

    What's a "normal" amount of people for this challenge? Looks like January had just a few.

    It's ebbed and flowed. One month I think it got down to just two of us working through it. Other months we have a handful...and this month we're already over a dozen. Though the real test is how many last the month ;) But we have quite a few returning, so it looks like a core group is building, which is great. :)
  • deester82
    deester82 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in. I'm a plank challenge beginner so I'll stick with the 60 minutes for the month!
  • gdsmit1
    gdsmit1 Posts: 137 Member
    edited February 2017
    Jan 30 - 2 minutes side plank (1 min, 35 sec, 25 sec)
    Jan 31 - 2.25 minutes side plank (1 min 15 sec, 30 sec, 30 sec

    Month total: 4.25 minutes

    I got to the last 30 seconds and just about collapsed out of the plank. I'm going to feel it tomorrow.
  • teeps2019
    teeps2019 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. Have started back at gym but need motivation to get core in shape! Am a beginner so will follow the helpful charts.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    February 1, 1 x 8 min mixed plank, 1 x 2 min mixed plank (10 min)

    Total for the month, 10 min. 140 min left to goal.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    gdsmit1 wrote: »
    b3achy wrote: »
    Wow! Lots of folks this month! Welcome to all the new folks, and good to see so many returning masochists plankers!

    What's a "normal" amount of people for this challenge? Looks like January had just a few.

    It's ebbed and flowed. One month I think it got down to just two of us working through it. Other months we have a handful...and this month we're already over a dozen. Though the real test is how many last the month ;) But we have quite a few returning, so it looks like a core group is building, which is great. :)

    I really appreciate this challenge, can't thank you enough for starting it @b3achy! Before it, I always thought to myself, "I really should be doing planks, these situps aren't doing me any favors", then I'd try one and give up. This challenge has kept me accountable and my core feels stronger day by day. I actually have days now that I have no back pain at all, and that's a first for me, I've had back pain every day for the last 30 or so years to some degree.

    Those of you just starting the challenge, keep it up, even if you don't hit your goal, every month you'll get better!
  • gdsmit1
    gdsmit1 Posts: 137 Member
    edited February 2017
    So what's mixed planks? Just different forms in the same time period? Or is there some specific exercise called a mixed plank?
  • gdsmit1
    gdsmit1 Posts: 137 Member
    Yeah, I'm not up to that yet. I just about collapsed out of my final 30 second plank. I did the 1:15 rested about 30 seconds and went into the next 30 seconds, rested for 30 and finished up with the 30 seconds.

    I'm impressed with the 8 minutes of planks. Nice core strength. Something for me to shoot for.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    I'm in...2nd month...will shoot for 80 and hope for more. :smiley:

    2/1 - 5 min. mixed planks

    Total for month - 5
    Left to goal - 75
  • gkingbr
    gkingbr Posts: 292 Member
    I am in.
  • jaclyndianne
    jaclyndianne Posts: 14 Member
    2/1: 60 sec High Plank (Extended Arm)

    Total for Feb: 1/60 min
  • hollyrj86
    hollyrj86 Posts: 39 Member
    30 sec side plank left and right (1 min)
    30 sec straight arm
    45 sec elbow plank

  • gdsmit1
    gdsmit1 Posts: 137 Member
    Jan 30 - 2 minutes side plank (1 min, 35 sec, 25 sec)
    Jan 31 - 2.25 minutes side plank (1 min 15 sec, 30 sec, 30 sec
    Feb 1 - 4 min (2 min shoulder tap/tap pushup, 2 min plank hold/plank walk)

    Month total: 8.25 minutes

    Today's planks were during my Focus T25 workout. I'm counting the shoulder tap push ups as plank since I suck at push ups, so the majority of that time was in plank position. There are additional plank walks and tap push ups in the "burn out" that I didn't count, so I think it works out.
  • KHaynie
    KHaynie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm totally new to planks, but this seems fun and I really need something like this to hold me accountable for something! Since I'm a total newb, I'm not getting too ambitious, I'll just stick with the 60 minutes and see how I do! I will shoot for 2 minutes a day, which leaves me with an extra 4 minutes I'll have to do. I'll throw those in somewhere. I'm looking forward to this, good luck everyone!!
  • mummyto2monkies
    mummyto2monkies Posts: 10 Member
    Feb 1 = 1min + 20 sec

    Had hoped to get a total of 2mins so a little disappointed with myself. Need to make it up tomorrow
  • homeschoolmom77
    homeschoolmom77 Posts: 208 Member
    Just starting, so I set a lesser goal (sorry)
    Feb 1: 1 min (4->15 sec forearm)
    1 out of 28 goal
    Will be back tomorrow! I am hoping to increase each week!
  • deester82
    deester82 Posts: 69 Member
    Total today: 2 minutes (1min elbow plank, 30 sec each side plank)
    Total for the month: 2 minutes