Non friendly females in the gym.



  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    kwph wrote: »
    We should start introducing alcohol at the gym ....Problem solved

    Oh at my old gym the staff used to find steroids and needles in the locker rooms and in the bathroom... I think skipping that part and finding a empty beer bottle would be a lot more fun.
  • sonic_corset
    sonic_corset Posts: 15 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I just find it odd than because a woman doesn't talk to you, she is automatically "non-friendly".

    well women are SUPPOSED to be accommodating and friendly at all times, dontch'a know?
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I say hello to everyone in the gym after I arrive and I'm walking through, but after that it's work time. I put my headphones in and I'm focused on my workout. I don't want to talk as I'm nearing out of breath or trying to focus on my form.
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    They're ya go!That's all we ask!!
  • ashorey87
    ashorey87 Posts: 173 Member
    I will smile and say good morning to those around the entrance when I'm walking in.... but as soon as my shoes and headphones are on, its game time. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't bug me. I'm here to work. If that makes me "non-friendly" than so be it. My goals are much more important than socializing!
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    I apologize 4 their behavior ...
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    I'm not trying 2 be a wise *kitten* ,but if it really becomes an issue where u hate going 2 the gym & being bothered by guys all the time ,there are gyms 4 just women ...I don't think ya should have 2 change ur life ..but I'm just sayin if it's really becoming a nightmare

  • lun4wub
    lun4wub Posts: 25 Member
    It could be your approach. I have had guys say hello then come up to me and give me a lecture on how I should change my whole workout routine. I never talk to them again, or of I saw them do it to someone else I'll ignore them. Then I had guys that are just friendly and I'm fine talking to them every time I see them. I'm not saying that you are like the type of person I'm talking about. But it could be a certain energy or vibe you are giving off OP. I would need more detail than "all females at the gym are not friendly."
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    kwph wrote: »
    They're ya go!That's all we ask!!

    That's all you ask. The OP however is kinda needy.

    OP hasn't even returned. I guess all of us "unfriendly females" scared him off. ***shrugs***
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    kwph wrote: »
    Bar & Pizza?? I'm lucky if they clean the bathrooms


    In what kind of fancy place do you train?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    brittyn3 wrote: »
    I'm confused as to why this is an issue.. ? You want someone to cater/fulfill your experience and be friendly/chatty/acknowledge, but maybe the other people want the experience of individual/focus/no interruptions. I have to socialize and make small talk all day at work - when I'm at the gym.. it's me time. And if that pisses people off, because I don't feel it necessary to coincide with their desires... I mean? Seriously? Why are you more important than I am.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but seriously... who cares if people want a different experience than you, that's called free will. And it does not make me a rude/negative/mean person for wanting that.

    Why do you hate men?
  • kwph
    kwph Posts: 7,375 Member
    This has gotten ugly real quick ...I will repeat myself ...I think women should be able 2 go 2 any gym & workout & be left alone & not constantly be hit on ....I have female friends at the gym & any conversation is pretty mutual & I keep it brief cuz I don't wanna hold them up ...There are women that will come up & wanna talk & I'm running late ,but I don't wanna be rude so I'll exchange some words ....I think the point here is it should be mutual & if someone ain't feeling it ,leave them alone ...But I got 2 a point I felt like an anti social prick & I kind of wanted 2 work on that ... (That's just my own personal opinion)
  • _MotherSuperior_
    _MotherSuperior_ Posts: 158 Member
    I'm a non-friendly female. Just in general, not only at the gym. I'm not rude, but I'm also not interested in casual chat with random gym people. And if you tell me to smile more I might cut you.*

    *Not srs.

    10/10 would spot