

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    20,000 steps
    205 minutes walking Sasha and Bess
    73 minutes riding the exercise bike
    10 minutes doing physical therapy exercises
    line dance class

    <3Re, Beth, and Lisa, sorry to hear that your husbands will have so much medical stuff ahead of them and that you will have so much responsibility to help them.

    :)Katla, glad to hear that there is good news about your husband eye surgery.

    :) I am happy to see so many new faces. I hope you'll keep coming back.

    <3 Barbie from wet NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lisa, all that surgery will be outpatient?????? All I can say is WOW! I'm glad I am not working as a nurse anymore. It would make me so nervous knowing I not only had to take care of the patient after such an extensive surgery but teach the caregiver also.

    Re, can you call the place that will be doing the venous study and see if it can be moved.

    Am watching Project Runway Jr. It's amazing what these teenagers can make in one day. The youngest is 13 years old. I was still nervous going to summer camp at that time.

    Barbie, love the new fashion.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi everyone -

    Lisa - so sorry to hear about your hubby's injury. Sounds like quite a challenge is ahead for you two.

    Ginger - be careful - you might become addicted to the water! I have done water aerobics off and on for 20 years. When I had my first knee scope I hobbled to the pool on crutches as soon as the surgeon said I could. When I had a replacement I had to wait 6 weeks. It nearly killed me.

    Beth - thinking of you and your mom tonight.

    Barbie - love the doggie coats!

    Pip - your Floyd looks so sexy!

    I have been forgetting to post my BP and BS. I have missed a couple of days. Tonight BS was 130 two hours after dinner. My BP was up 153/79. The only thing I did differently was exercise - go figure. Thanks for keeping me accountable!


  • Jaja99
    Jaja99 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello all, I got WAY behind on reading the posts. I've been reading for a bit, but still have a long way to go. But I hope to catch up soon. Just wanted to check in.
    Jana in Virginia
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    • Calories and Tracking. I overdid the calories today. Sigh... but I still tracked it. And I won't eat anything else today since it's after 9pm and I'm not hungry. Que sera, sera. Tomorrow is a bright shiny new day.

    • Fiber. And I got my 30g fiber too.

    • Walking. And... I'm determined to get my 30 minutes today. I've got another 10 minutes to walk... and I need to do one session with Leslie Sansone.

    • In 2014 - i averaged walking 4 miles daily and getting an hour of active Fitbit minutes. (Those count after you move at a pace for 10 minutes minimum.) I regularly joined Fitbit challenges and my highest day was 36,000 steps in one day. I would love to get back to 10,000/day.

    Thank you all so much for being such friendly supportive folks. Honestly - I've run away from another group (not MFP). Posting daily accountability helps me build those habits again. And maybe... just maybe... I can help someone too.

    --Ginger in Texas
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    <3 It is our understanding that Olivia will be "rewarmed" from hypothermia therapy tomorrow and they will begin assessing her neurologic status. The fact that she is stable enough to warm her up is good news, though she is still a very sick baby. Thank you all for your love & support.

    Prayers for Reid

    Karen in Virginia
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Re, what exactly is ailing your knee?
    SW WA State

    My Ortho says I have Osteo Arthritis... I just worked my knee a little too hard for legs that have bones touching inside. When it started to pain me, I went to the doc - but, it's not a new condition by any stretch of the imagination.

    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    pyanko7 wrote: »
    Re in TX - totally understand how you feel about "spousicide" My DH suffered a minor stroke 3 weeks ago and is off work until the doctor gives him the OK to return. I know he means well, but there are days when those thoughts cross my mind too. Thank goodness I do not have to drive him to his appointments.
    Paula Y

    I don't think you can live with someone for nearly 30 years without having the occasional thought like this... And yes, Joyce - I could reschedule... except - there just isn't that much of a better time. I figure I will just suffer through this one week of hell and then move on.

    I was just so frustrated that he didn't even THINK to move it out a week or ask me, or whatever.

    Hugs for Everybody!!

    Re in TX
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lisa – Prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you and DH. I know what he is going through; I have pins, screws, and plates in my left arm (almost took it off in a wreck); and in my right heel and ankle. So much so that whenever I went to the office to see my former boss; and, had to walk through the ‘metal detector’ I would set it off. For so long as the Marshals working it ‘knew’ me, I did not have to get further scrutiny; when they all retired and I went back to visit him or the ladies in the Clerk’s Office … I had to ask them to go get the Clerk, so she could tell them that “it was ‘ok’ for me to come in.” After that, I was never able to ‘surprise’ him with a visit. I ended up retiring on a disability and receiving Social Security and had to keep my insurance COBRA’ed from my retirement check. My income dropped by about 75%. That was the kicker; but, we finally were able to make it on my lowered income and then on DH’s SSI (but, he also, still works for what we call our 'fluff money'). Took early retirement; and now that he is well over the age of 65 – he can work as much as he wants or is able. Hopefully, the wrist your DH broke was not his dominant hand. Maybe he will be able to return to work soon even if he has to cut back on what he can do. I have an awful scar on my left arm; because the bones were crushed and they had to remove the shards and then attempt to fix the other, then sew it back up. Was seen by the Orthopedist ‘on call’ at the hospital, so I don’t think I had the ‘best’ surgeon. It used to embarrass me; but, now if someone looks at it or asks, I ask, which story they want, ‘the pit bull dog attack’, the ‘washing machine agitator’, or the ‘boring one’ [truth]. Happy that I was driving a big heavy vehicle; but, still had to be 'cut out of it'. That is about the most frightening thing I remember ... I do not remember being 'in pain'. But, I was also in 'shock'.

    Re – In the Deep South, we look to the pecan trees to tell us if we will no longer have any more ‘cold weather’. Some people go by the “Easter” Rule; but, unless the pecan trees have started ‘leafing out’, there is still a chance for a freeze. Unfortunately, we have warm days, followed by a few ‘cool’ days; and, certain flowering bushes/shrubs/trees and flowers or house plants will start growing and blooming and then get ‘hit’ by a ‘freeze’. For example, my Japanese Magnolia has blooms on it now. If we get a ‘freeze’ they will die; but, then it might bloom again on other branches, then once they do, the leaves on it will come out. Azaleas can also start blooming, only to be ‘nipped in the bud’ because of a freeze. That is an interesting bit of information about the alligator and chicken.

    The M’'s doing their annual check-up are doing what they can do to “CTA” (CYA) … ‘cover their @$$-e$. I get in my car and something I will drive to my MD’s office and wonder why. I go to town every other week for my weigh-in and then get them to print off any schedules of appointments I have. All my MDs except one (who is out-of-town) are either in the same building or within ‘spitting distance’.

    Never been to Dallas; but, lived in Atlanta for 2 years … traffic was brutal; and, you have a 5-minute window to either beat the traffic or be stuck in it for 2 hours. I finally moved to within walking distance of school and work. So much better; and, I took my VW out on the weekends for a good ride up in the mountains (or home).
    LOL! I think all of us who have lived with a spouse longer than those first 7 years (which they say is about the length of time for most relationships in our 'throw away society') … have ‘thought’ of ways to ‘do them in’. I’m convinced mine is going to outlive me, just so he can get the $$$ from the insurance we pay so dearly for. LOL!!!!
    28 years? Try 44 … I’ve learn to just say, ‘sure, whatever’ and walk away. He is one of those types who was raised that ‘everything had a place; and, everything in its place’. Boy, have I frustrated him, a lot. Me? I lay it down wherever I stopped using it (usually not the expected place); but, I am ‘finally’ learning! I hate having to call him and ask ‘what was on the grocery list’ or 'where he last saw my keys or pocketbook'. He runs through all the things that we DO have; before he starts on things we need. Sometimes if I misplace something I get so angry that I 'go blind' and then walk away and then back in the room and whatever (keys) will be right there as if someone came in and laid them down on the counter. I have to sit down and calm down sometimes to be able to find things. I hate it when I put something I will need later and think, 'oh, this is a good spot - easy to find'. Wrong!

    NYKaren – Our DOGD calls us (Papa) twice a week; we sometimes hear from her when her own parents don’t. Especially if she has to ‘talk to her step-Mom’ who never went to college. Her Dad did until he married her ‘mama’. Years of hindsight and wishing we had been able to talk him into moving home and going back to college. Still trying to talk him into going to technical school to do something he wants to do ‘when he grows up’. He is 40. Works for his Dad … $$$ is gonna be ‘slim-to-none’ when DH can’t work any longer.

    I think “Freshman” go through a stage of wanting to be ‘grown-ups’ … but, don’t realize where the ‘gravy train’ is coming from, until it passes them by.

    Beth – I can drive just about anywhere … but, DH will NOT allow me to drive on the Interstate. So he has to take me to Macon (2 hours away) every 3 months to see one of my MDs; but, we get together with some of my former HS classmates and their spouses for lunch. Great group and we all look forward to it.

    barbiecat – I don’t think we could get Cracker in a coat if our lives depended on it. LOL! When it is ‘raining’ … she just ‘holds’ it. She will go out in the ‘misting’ rain; but, not any heavier.

    Janetr okc – I like chocolate; but, not a ‘big’ chocolate eater; but, my DFnL was the KING OF DUCT TAPE. If it was broken and had been thrown out by my DMnL … he’d go get it and duct tape it back together. She finally got to the point that she would ‘smash’ up things and throw part of it out in a neighbor’s trashcan. She hated it more than anything! Duct tape will take your skin off if left on for very long. Whoever invented it make a fortune, for sure. Now some enterprising person has been able to make is less offensive by adding color and patterns to it.

    Lanette – You’re probably right about cracking your tailbone. There isn’t much covering it, even with a big tush … I weighed all of 116lbs in HS. All muscle; weighed 125lb when I got married; after first pregnancy ended up weighing 90lbs … all hands, joints, and bones. I looked like a Holocaust survivor. DH took a picture of me (naked); but we destroyed it and one other before we moved out here. Pitiful looking. Now if I get down to 145-150lbs, I will be ‘happy’ about it ... my BMI should be within 'normal' range then. Now to ‘kick start’ my @$$ off the plateau of losing and finding the same damn 2lbs for the past 2 months. Upping my protein, upping my water, and upping my exercise. I’m doing my treadmill in 15-minutes bursts. I did 40 minutes on it one night and could not move a little bit later on.

    DJ – You and your friend are going to have such a ‘fun’ time on your cruise.

    Michele – That’s pretty nice; it looks like it is bigger.

    Paula Y – I’ll hug my family members; but, I was physically attacked once; so I do NOT want anybody inside my personal space (from my bent elbows and circle around) without either being ‘asked’ (preferably) or being ‘warned’. I don’t sit with my back to the door, I hate for someone to touch the back of my shoulder to try to get my attention … usually I will jump when that happens. No sudden moves. It upset my DH for a long time … long story … but; we’ve managed to work through it. He is very protective of me in most situations.

    I cannot wait until it is warm enough to open up the pool; I can stay in it for hours; to the point my skin is wrinkled. Put on a big brimmed hat and walk; sometimes just laying on my back floating.

  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Paula Y - glad we're not alone with the 13 months of winter! lol I am a hugger too!
    Barbie - cute pup coats! they must be the most fit doggies around!
    Re - wow you did great in that challenge! I hope I can lose some through mine! and if we can look good in clothes - well, I'll take it! luckily my hubby seems to be blind to my imperfections naked! ha!
    Karen in VA - glad to hear she is stable, but wow what a tough thing to deal with - poor baby! continued prayers!
    My daughter-in-law told me she is doing workout videos by Popsugar on youtube. I tried one out tonight! it was awesome! and so many choices! I loved that you could pick a 15 min, or 30 min, or 45 - whatever you're in the mood or have the time for! I'm excited to try more of them!
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member

    ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain, alone.

    Lenora ;)

    Dammit - I think some of my Claret just shot out of my nose! LOLsssssssssssssss Excellent joke!

    Risotto Orgasms - YES PLEASE - I'll have what he's having! OMgosh! sounds delicious

    Falling Down - Scott & I were doing our weekly grocery shop @Costco and wound up having to shorten the trip. Lower back pain from my ice-wipe-out was screaming at me and my sacril joint was locking up - ironically I am icing it now. I can't/don't do pain killers - so in this case - ice is nice.

    Came home to find out my best friends granddaughter was rushed to the hospital in Welland Ontario with what turned out to be Guillain–Barré syndrome. She is a twin named Quinn - her sister is Maple - they are 6 yrs old. They initially had to intubate her (breathing tube) because of the paralysis but because she is in treatment within 48 hrs of the onset of her symptoms she will likely make a 100% recovery - but will need several weeks of PT to strengthen her muscles and teach her to walk again. She cannot walk or potty herself, but she is breathing on her own currently.

    uuuuuuuuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh too sore - time for sleep - G'night lovely ladies

    Marni in Alaska
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: (((HUGS))) For you and your DH.

    Lanette: I'm happy that you are on the side of I-5 that is away from the flooding. :flowerforyou:

    Ginger in TX: Tracking calories is the key to success. You are off to a great start! :bigsmile:

    Sherry: I think of the news footage I've recently seen from Hood River and it is gorgeous up there! Snow is always a treat for about three days and after that--not so much fun. I'd rather deal with rain and soggy ground. We're used to that around here. :wink:

    Karen in VA: Sending good thoughts and prayers for Olivia. :heart:

    Marni in AK: Sending good thought for Quinn and her whole family. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks to everyone for their kind comments about DH''s eye surgery. He is doing so much better. It will be another month before he gets the second eye done, but he is already 10 thousand percent happier although a bit grumpy about getting his eye drops in a few minutes ago. :grumble:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Morning everyone.
    Karen: Glad that Olivia is making progress; she is beautiful.

    Lisa: Sorry to hear about your husband's wrist.

    Beth: Hope your mother's surgery will have a positive outcome.

    Lenora: Loved the chicken crossing the road update.

    Charleen, Joyce and Lenora: The licence story and the NSV achievements made me smile. Lenora, I am not sure I would have had the guts to rip up my licence in front of the guy.

    When I got my new licence here in France in 1983, they were pink paper jobs that were issued for life. Back then I was about 120 pounds and passably cute. Imagine fast forwarding thirty years, being many, many, many pounds heavier, and having my three-fold pink drivers' licence now ripped and held together with scotch tape. With this in mind, you can understand the confusion of the police officer who pulled me over for a broken tail light when I was visiting Oregon a couple of summer's ago. I handed over my licence, he looked at it, he looked at me, I looked at him, he looked at it, he looked at me, I looked at him, and then (probably thanks to a smart Mama who raised him right), he decided the better part of valor was to say nothing at all. He did not even give me a ticket.

    Becca: Brave husband snacking in front of you like that! In his retirement, my husband is turning into a baker - pies and sweet breads. We have come to an arrangement. We have dinner together and then I head of to finish my MFP food diary while he has dessert. It works for both of us.

    Heather: Glad you shared your risotto recipe. It sounds lovely.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Karen in Virginia - Sending prayers for Olivia. She is gorgeous even with all the extra attachments.

    Rita - I don't envy the packing/storing/downsizing but once it's done you will be free to hit the open road. Adventure awaits.

    Margaret - the sugars I am using are malt barley syrup, glucose syrup and ? ( ha, can't remember) It's been interesting so far. I really need to get on baking the No Sugar brownies.

    Yvonne - You might trade weather with me for today but guaranteed you wouldn't have wanted Sat-Wed.

    Michele - Nice work on the pelicans and tree trunk

    Lisa - Hope the surgeon can get Corey fixed up so life can get back to normal.
    I just read your next post. Looks like it's going to be a while before that happens.

    Katla - So happy to hear that your DH is doing well after his surgery.

    Beth - Sending prayers that your Mother has a quick recovery. My Mom had her complete hysterectomy at age 80. I chuckled quite a bit when she answered some of the questions the medical people asked her.

    Barbie - Sasha and Bess look very smart in their new coats.

    DJ - You must be looking forward to your cruise so much

    Paula Y - I would love to hug more people but I have a hard time breaking out of my personal bubble

    Marni - Prayers for Quinn

    also more prayers for Reid

    Okay, weirdness for today - my ex(Jason's father) called today again. I think? I got a sort of apology. "I am not sorry for anything I did in the past. I am sorry if I did anything wrong concerning you and Jason" If? If? The man has to ask? He also asked if I needed anything as he feels he owes me something. Send me something if you want to but I am not asking for anything. Paid the Credit Cards for flowers I never got, hotels I never stayed in, etc. Not a penny of child support. He went to Europe and carried on with a new life. He can do things for Jason and Harmony. He has to wonder why Jason seems guarded and distant with him? Really? He's a smart man so he should know that when you have not been in someone's life and they are nearly 40 they might want to take it slow and careful. Trying to let by gones be by gones but I am definitely no Saint.

    My brother looked beat after dialysis. Tomorrow he goes in to have the operation so that he can do dialysis at home. I wanted to talk more about it with him but my sister dominated the conversation with chatter about clothes. I was too tired to compete with that. I needed the afternoon nap today.

    Weather went from - 21 F yesterday to +42F this afternoon. I am hoping the warmth stays for more than a day.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta
    (dreaming of a Crunchie bar)
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Ugh - I give up - 98 posts are just too many for me to get through in one sitting! More tomorrow :o
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Sharon in Lethbridge~ My mom was on hemo dialysis the whole time she was on it. she was able to travel and it worked well.. hoping he does well..
    fell asleep at 6:15 last night after taking 3 tylenol..working 9-5 today and Tom took my car as he has farther to go..we are supposed to get more snow tonight ugggggh
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    15 min HasFit video and 15 min Leslie Sansone vid
    Off to see DD today will try to keep up ober the weekend

    Hugs to all who need them <3

    BARBIE love the doggie coats

    HEATHER can't wait to see your new dress I usually go for separates because I have long torso and waists on dresses are in the wrong place. When I was young empire line dresses were in fashion so they were ok

    Kate UK