

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Oh ladies today's lunch was soon yummy! I received some great items from the food bank today. Recd some turkey kelbasa and some microwavable quinoa and wild rice. I also recd a huge 2 lb container of stewed veggies for some roast. I just put the veggies and potatoes in some beef bouillon and baked it for abit. For a serving I get 84 grams of it! My dear husband picked out two plastic containers of chocolate cake. Both servings didn't look that good to me.

    I recd some cut up cucumbers and I portioned them out, added a T. of pickle juice, and a tsp. of olive oil with spices so those I will munch on. For dinner I am having some of the rotated veggies with some broth, and then my cucumbers with 4 oz of canned chicken, and some walnuts in the cucumber chicken salad mixture. Kind of strange but it works!

    To the ladies that are traveling places, a safe journey!
    To the ladies that are struggling with communication with family or friends, I wish for you calmness and perseverance. If leaving the door mentally open all you can do the that's all you can do. Communication is a two way street.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2017
    Sarah: I'm up just a bit right now from my lowest. My current weight is in the healthy zone for me. I seldom include my ticker on my post, but this one is likely to show you that I've lost between an Irish Setter and a gold brick. :smiley: I like the tickers and :heart: the weight loss comparison chart..

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Ginger - I love the photo where your mom has 4 different flavors of cake. How to make everyone happy.

    Heather- I was unaware that rice is a notorious breeder of bacteria. From now on all leftover rice get put into portions and straight into the freezer. Thanks for the heads up.

    Mia in MI
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Rori - That picture of Mar makes me want to rub his belly. Does he like belly rubs or does he turn into a "pill bug" when rubbed?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Allie – I agree with Katla; only the ‘person’ who wants change can make changes or be ‘happy’. There are a lot of things that others do that can make you ‘mad’ or ‘any other feelings’; but, you are ‘reacting’ not ‘changing’ him or anyone else. We are all on a ‘journey’ and like most of the ladies on this site we attempt to voice our concerns, encourage others, vent and rant and rave, set goals, find our paths and go down them … but all that is ‘our choices’. Like the old saying goes, ‘you can drag a horse to water; but, you can’t make it drink it’. [Unless he wants to]. Obviously, this is not what Tom wants and he has to ‘fix’ himself; just like you have to ‘fix’ your situation and/or yourself. How many times you fall down is not nearly as important as how many times you get up. When you ‘soar like an eagle’ you will come to ‘high places’ as well as ‘low’ ones. When you are in a valley, you will climb up to see what there is out there past that mountain. When you get up there you will see a more beautiful mountain; but, you still have to go ‘down in the valley’ to get to the ‘higher mountain’. That ‘higher’ mountain is YOU. Get up and start climbing out of that valley you are in, because Tom is ‘not going to help you’ or ‘change how he treats you’. You have to change that for yourself. How many ‘strikes’ are you going to give him; or make yourself before you are called ‘out’ (of here). It’s the game of life, unfortunately; push and shove – like football, sometimes you just have to step back and ‘punt’. Faith = first you jump; then, the net appears. Nothing is ‘impossible’ … because the word itself says “I’m Possible!” Biblical. Why transfer money to ‘joint’ account? You can pay bills that come in, directly from yours. Sorry, that was uncalled for … sorry … should not have voiced my ‘opinion’ about it. You live with him, I don’t.

    Katla – Today I went to “Lowe’s” and saw a man take out his cellphone and tell his daughter 'to move over by the cart’. There were several people standing around; and this woman with a child had a beautiful ‘rooster’ on the cart (it had its wings tied, so it would not fly away). It must have been just purchased and they did not want to leave him in the vehicle. Calmly looking around; he had to have been purchased to be this little girl’s ‘pet’.

    Rori – That trip with your ‘girlfriends only’ sounds like a blast. My girls and I have been talking about a long weekend trip for several years, just hasn’t actually worked out; but, now that we are all no longer in a ‘job’; we have more time. Actually, we’d have fun going as ‘couples’. Only one hasn’t brought her husband to our lunches. Part of it is his Dad now lives with them and pretty much has to have someone around. One hasn’t been because she is a ‘work-a-holic’. When we have something going on in hometown, we stay with her and her husband's house. Most unlikely pair I have ever met; but, they’ve been together now for about 14 years.
    Mars looks like he is sleeping like Cracker does, all stretched out and ‘dead to the world’.

    Michele – I drink anywhere from 12.5 cups to 15.0 (sometimes more a day). My bladder is a little smaller than normal and it is constantly ‘in spasms’ … MD told me to drink (sip) all day long and go to the bathroom every 10 minutes whether I thought I needed to go, or not. Usually, I do. Seems like my kidneys have a tube straight from them to my pee hole. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes I can’t go; usually once I start, I can’t stop it at all. Then I have a problem with getting constipated. HATE it!

    Yeah, they were selling GS cookies outside of “Lowe’s” … Louis would have bought some, too.

    Ginger and Lanette – I had first cousins who were grandmothers themselves; even one was a great-grandmother. They had a 5-generation picture of them made. At one point we had 5 living generations; but, could never seem to get them all together to take a picture … “Little Grannie”, “Granddaddy”, Husband, stepdaughter, and her first child (killed when she was 12). It would have been nice to have had that ‘memory’.

    My DYS and his wife (actually his wife) have laying chickens … no rooster; they gather eggs every day for breakfast and for cooking other things other than eggs at breakfast. He brings home a couple of dozen whenever they come here (or he sends some home) when we go out there. I think when you see these eggs they must use them in commercials for places that serve breakfast because the ones you buy in a grocery store are flat. I know what you are saying.

    Lanette – Our old kitties and doggies are treated with a lot of care and love when they get older. We try to make them as comfortable as possible when it is their time to go to “Pet Heaven”. Neither of us have ever ‘had’ to make a choice of putting one down. My DYS had to have his ‘old lab’ put down; and, he came home, buried him, and cried like a baby. He said the hardest thing was having to tell his daughter (who had been with her biological Daddy when he had to do it). He was not wanting to have to break the news to her, she loved Jake so much.

    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.

    Louis and I are pretty much in that ‘caretaker’ stage, too. Last night we spend 3 hours talking over our insurance with the Agent … I was so ‘tired’ by the time it was over … I about burst into tears once or twice. I was ‘so happy’ that Louis did make it home for the appointment. I would have been ‘beside myself’ – he understands about insurance and knows the questions to ask. Such a necessary evil.

  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    gotu52 wrote: »
    Marni I made this tomato sauce in my slow cooker today. I like it because it uses things I always have and is very simple. I tripled the recipe and it made 3 jars of approximately 3 cups each. Best of all, it is delicious: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/58854/slow-cooker-tomato-sauce/

    <3 Sarah

    :-) Thanks Sarah - that looks delicious - we will definitely give it a try. I would like to do my hamburger soup recipe in it, maybe for another work pot luck next friday. People keep quitting the clinic where I work so its been perpetual pot-lucks since Christmas!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mia: I love the colors in your leggings. :smiley:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Went to workout this morning, then to Starbucks then to work for some OT now at the nail place to get my nails done at least! A lot of drama at work, if I have time I will type about it later . Light workout day at the gym
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Sue in WA State - Happy Anniversary!

    Rori - Mars is the best looking paperweight I've ever seen. So happy you're getting to Italy. We want a blow-by-blow description of everything. You will be having your laptop with you, won't you? And you get to see Heather! Maybe she'll make one of her famous meals for you (hint, Heather)

    Lenora - it seems that my bladder has gotten larger, I can hold more urine. However, when I have to go, I have to go. You name the store, I can tell you where the bathroom is.

    You know something? I was watching "the kitchen" and last year when they had their Valentines special where all the foods were chocolates, I just deleted it. This year I watched it but wasn't interested in the choclate one bit. Interesting.....

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    I'm going to try to convince Vince that we can leave for FL on Friday. The lows are above freezing, like the next couple of days. Thurs the low is 30. Wish me luck

    Michele in NC who can't wait to get to FL
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    Sarah, I copied those weight comparisons. Startling in some cases but golly what good reminders. No wonder we get tired packing around extra weight at times!

    SW WA State
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Rori - That picture of Mar makes me want to rub his belly. Does he like belly rubs or does he turn into a "pill bug" when rubbed?

    Mia: Cute leggings! Mars hates having his belly rubbed, and I have the scars to prove it. :frowning:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mia in MI thanks for sharing the pic, you look terrific. I love my LuLaRoes, I have five pair now. Wore one today <3

    Janetr okc
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
    Hello ladies: Had a very productive day today. Got horses fed and put out in front where there is lots of gravel and very little mud. My horse had a good roll and they all have much cleaner feet. Tomorrow the farrier is coming to trim their hooves. Went to town and picked up some pieces of PVC to build cages for our blueberries so the deer and birds won't be able to eat them. Got one built. Also stopped at the Co-op to buy horse feed and got our feed room cleaned and re-organized. Yeah for DD and me. We also looked at corral panels for temporary fencing so we can move horses around on the property more. Eating has gone well but DH is trying a new dish tonight for dinner. It is cheeseburger tatertot cassarole. Sounds like lots of calories but will try it and see.

    Karen VA - Traveling mercies and I hope things go smoothly while you are there.

    Allie - Sorry things have deteriorated with Tom. We were all hoping for good things for you. Hang in there.

    Lanette - Happy 40th anniversary!!!

    Katla - Yay for more riding time. So glad DH is recovering nicely.

    Lisa - Sending healing angels to your DH. Hope the surgery goes well.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA