

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Accountability Post Progress update of my Feb goals.
    Monday's Results
    ✔1. Log/COMPLETE the entry daily.
    2. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔3. Fiber 30g daily
    4. Walk 30 active Fitbit min daily.
    ✔5. Declutter clothes, books, office supplies.
    6. In bed by midnight.

    Yesterday was a little messy.
    • I put my Fitbit on the charger - then forgot to put it on - and got too distracted to think about walking. The Fitbit reminds me to walk. It buzzes me every hour to encourage me to walk. Love my Fitbit.
    • DH brought home fried chicken... and I ate too much of it.
    • I was up after midnight with DM90. She couldn't sleep and a lens in her eyeglasses popped out - so I spent an hour trying to pop it back in. Finally thought to dig out an old pair of mine for her.
    • And since - we were up... we snacked. Ugh! But it was one night...I'll recover.

    But... I'll focus on the good.
    • I logged my food anyway.
    • I got my fiber.
    • I did an update of my clothing inventory tally.

    Back on track... Well hubby cooked breakfast and there were these big ol' biscuits. I had one. But... back to business. And... there's the box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates for Valentine's Day. Sigh... I'm happy my DH kept up his 32 year tradition. ❤️ I'm determined to not let this derail me. Back to my Feb goals!

    Wishing you all a great day today. ❤️❤️

    --Ginger in Texas
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Michele in NC - first of all - holy cow - that's a long plank! ouch! good job! second, I am the one who read about trigger finger (thumb in my case) online. Almost everything says cortisone injection or surgery if that doesn't help. The conservative treatment appears to be resting it - hard to do when I type, use the mouse, pull and carry heavy files etc. and making strength training challenging too! It did say splinting can help immobilize it as you mentioned. I might try that at night - that's when mine is the worst. I did find this youtube vid - and cannot vouch for it - meant to google physical therapy exercises for it, but have not yet. I'll share if I find any. I have also not tried the stretch in the video but may. I wanted to look it up to see if others advise that! lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9BgEAmn250 Good luck! I hope yours improves. I am resisting going to doc because I had a hip replacement last year and still have medical bills from that - not wanting to start that up again since I have a $6450 deductible! I also see on amazon that there are splints and braces for this. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=splint+for+trigger+finger&rh=i:aps,k:splint+for+trigger+finger
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    I still have not had time to catch up - but here are some thoughts from what I read last night before bed!

    KJ (Kelly) - OMG I thought I was the only one who loves dark choco with chili!!! I buy one at World Market that is soooooo good - and agreed - one square is what I allot myself.

    Janet - your flowers are gorgeous! lucky lady! (prob lucky man the reason you got them! ha!)

    gotu52 - congrats on your weight loss! and your snow pics are awesome! I love the one with all the trees with snow piled on. looks like around here - although we are having a warming trend and a LOT has melted!

    Re in TX - Thanks for asking about the b'day partying last weekend - went better than expected! my son partied himself out Friday night, skiing all day Saturday and we met up with the group that eve for dinner and drinks at a fav brewery, but he gave up doing the cookout up in the mountains! haha it's a tradition for him, but he felt like having a lazy day instead - so I got my workout done and reasonable eating! lol Glad to hear other hubbies are blind to body faults - makes like much more enjoyable! and we do not have snow shoes. A lot of people do, but we stick to actual trails that enough people frequent and we can wear our hiking boots with our microspikes for traction on icy sections. We have amazing microspikes so you don't even have to slow your pace on hard ice!
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Barbie in WA - wow to your husband making tacos with fake meat crumbles! my friend who lives in Sequim would do that - or just go vegetarian - My husband would NEVER do that! he's a meat and potatoes guy (Montana born and raised) and hates vegetables or anything minus meat! but I am super curious about it - good?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Trigger finger (thumb). Mine has bothered me for 4-5 years, getting steadily worse. Recently it was to the point I could not pick up anything with any weight and hold onto it, not even my coffee cup or water, etc. When I went to my doc in January I asked her about it. She gave me a script for Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel, 1%. Your supposed to apply it 4 times a day, but I probably on average used it twice daily. In less than a week I was able to bend my thumb and pick up and hold on to items. The soreness almost totally stopped. Just now its beginning to get a little sore again, but not trigger and/or catching to the point I can't move it. If I can get away with using it for 3-4 days every six weeks, I'm happy with that.

    Janetr OKC
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Janetr OKC - wow that is awesome to hear! that gives me hope. Believe it or not, I don't have a general doc. I need to establish one. I use urgent care and a clinic for my annual women's physical. I need to establish one. It's part of my hesitance now. I read that it happens more with people with arthritis or diabetes. I am definitely having some arthritis stuff going on! bummer! Thank you for that info!
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Hello, well DH outdid himself. At my place at the table b4 work there was a card and 3 low calorie chocolates. Then I had meetings all morning so when I got to work and opened my office door, there was a beautiful bouquet of mixed flowers. We are going to dinner tonight so I am hitting the treadmill soon. I picked up a box of fresh assorted cookies from our local bakery for him. He doesn't like chocolate and I do so I won't be touching any of his boring cookies lol!

    A colleague came by with a small package of some type of gourmet dark chocolate that made her think of me. That was so nice. So I would say today was a success!

    Loved reading everyone's posts and wishing all a great rest of your day!

    <3<3<3 Sarah, Ontario
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good day everyone -


    Hubby left me the usual card to "discover" in the kitchen. He picks such meaningful cards. I really don't want more.

    Kim and Janetr - you are both coping with such difficulties. I am so sorry.

    Tammy - thanks for the trigger finger video. I have arthritis in both index fingers and the right middle finger. I have a lot of issues with the joints locking up. So painful. A friend who is a physical therapist taught me to massage the inside of my forearm. There are trigger points along that path that help release the finger joints. I have to rub fairly vigorously sometimes but it does help. I think these stretches will help some, too.

    Well, ladies, I slept until 2:00 today. Do you think I needed some rest????????
    I wasn't able to open the pictures of Bea, new leggings, etc. I'm sure they were lovely.

    Toni in Tennessee

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Aren't families fun ? NOT. Too much drama in mine!!
    I HATE Valentine's Day as I feel more alone than ever. Sure my kids and siblings love me cause I do a lot for everyone but do they love me just for me?? Dunno.
    It is almost spring!! Snow is nearly gone and is quite warm outside. Can't wait to get working in the yard

    Hanging in by a thread. Not weighing until I get the hang of eating properly.
    Utterly exhausted from my last two 12 hr day shift and going into nights tonight. Hope I survive!!

    Keep on tracking.

    Karen in BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Happy Valentines day everyone. I had 3 glasses of tea last night. I don't know if that was the cause of my insomnia or not but I didn't get to sleep until 7:30 this morning. I thought about just getting up but then I went to sleep. So woke up at 2:30. I feel very draggy. Need to do a load of laundry but not really want to do it. Need to go to funeral home to visit man I mentioned a couple of days before but just to tired. glad I don't have PT but I know I should always be doing my own here. Lord help me.

    Glad to see so many of you doing well. Thoughts to the ones who need help, whatever way it may be.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    In listening to the Week One lessons of the Naturally Slim program it is based on research of how "naturally slim" individuals eat. It is not WHAT you eat but WHEN and HOW you eat that will help you LOSE WEIGHT. Lots of information in the 1+ hour long video. Cannot share verbatim as there are copyright laws etc.. However, a lot is just common sense. A major departure for me is you don't have to eat breakfast upon arising each day. Learn to recognize "real" hunger and eat then. Which may be only 2 meals a day! I often eat at rote times of the day or when I "know" if I don't eat now I will be hungry later. Don't be afraid to be hungry. Drink H2O as often hunger is just thirst. Chew every bite slowly and savor the food. They say eat for 10 min. rest for 5 min. continue for 10 or more min. Often times the hubs and I are done eating in the first 10 minutes! lol I will be able to add several of the recommendations and make adjustments to my already changed way of eating.

    in chilly and windy, TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    When I went with Denise dress shopping, she mentioned to Pete's mother that the apartment over hers was available for Pete's brother. well, Denise just called saying that she never thought his mother would co-sign for the apartment. I told her "of course she would, look, she co-signed for you twice". Denise said that his mother wants her to go up to Pete's brothers and collect the rent. I told Denise that what'll happen is that the brother won't pay the rent and the mother will wind up paying for his rent. Denise told me that her husband said that if the brother moves into the house the father was moving out (he's a step-father). We just said to Denise "well, that's why she co-signed for the apartment". At least it's not my problem..... and the mother wonders why her son is so screwed up. Well, if you're always bailing the child out, they never grow up.

    Vince just said that we'll leave for FL Saturday. Now this I have to admit I didn't think of but he's right. That's President's weekend and on Friday lots of people will be leaving work early to get a jump start on the weekend. By Saturday they'll probably be where they plan to be. So I actually got packed and started to get the food ready, made a list of things that are in the refrigerator and pantry (or at least started to)

    Heather - our insurance company (when Vince was in the hospital in Switzerland) wanted information that the hospital over there doesn't put down on the forms they do. That was so much fun, getting all the information needed. Good luck to you

    pip - those knees made my stomach turn. Not the legs, just the knees. Are they painful? Then again, even if they were, you probably wouldn't feel it.

    Janetr - thanks for telling me about the diclofenac sodium topical gel. I'll definitely ask the MD about it if I need to go to him. I would much rather put that on even 4 times/day rather than have the cortisone or an operation. I'm just not comfortable with that

    tammy - welcome to the arthritis club. I know how hard it is when you can't type. I'm thinking that's not helping one bit, but it is helping my frame of mind. I just tried the bending the finger backwards that was in the video. I'm thinking that it is helping some.

    sarah - what a thoughtful hubby you have there.

    Sent Vince an ecard today with a cat on it.

    Joyce - caffeine is one of the things that keeps me awake. If I have chocolate at night, I can be guaranteed that I'll be awake

    Michele in NC soon to be in FL
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    toni in TN - you're welcome - hope it's helpful. I will re-watch it at home and try it, and I think I'll order a splint/brace on amazon tonight. I hope the video is ok and won't aggravate anything!

    Karen in BC - I'm sorry you're down and having a rough go of it. I hope you get early spring - working the yard definitely improves mood!

    Heather in UK - interesting! and I think you're right on! and boy do I love food too!

    Cheri - I might have to check that out!

    Michele - but I don't want to be in the arthritis club! lol well, I already had a hip replaced last May (partly from damage from way my hips are built, and partly arthritis), and the other one will have to be done at some point, but so far holding out. Hip replacement was amazing though. I did my first small hike 2 weeks after surgery! and hiked all summer long! it's amazing what they do! I've had trouble with fingers, toes and elbows over the years - kind of off and on annoying but not life-changing. This though - wow - seemed to come on overnight and in full force! all the fingers are super stiff while I sleep, but the thumb joints and the base of thumbs is ridiculous! almost unusable. During the day they loosen up but at night I can't use them to pull the covers up or pick up my knee pillow! just crazy how fast and furious it came on. and frightening. I have never dealt with limitations very well - but having to learn how! ugh! I always like John Lock's saying on Lost (if anyone ever watched that series) - "Don't tell me what I can't do!" well, my body seems to be doing just that! and winning!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. It’s a quiet day here, which in the scheme of things, is great. So those of you who know me well and know my dislike for technology will have a laugh at this: I started a go fund me page for Benny Beagle and you can’t even find it unless you search specifically for it. When I asked why, the answer was that it wasn’t linked to facebook. Not only do I need a FB account, I have to have a photo. I don’t have a digital photo of me either! Holy crap. That seems like a lot of work. But I will get around to doing it probably tomorrow.

    It’s beautiful here today, about 50 degrees. The sun is staying up later which I love. I really like winter, but the one thing I don’t like is the darkness.

    I did manage to exercise yesterday and will do so again as soon as I get off here. I guess the next step is getting back to logging.

    Tekavincent: I’m sorry for your loss.

    Hi Katla: thank you for the good thoughts! I hope so too.

    Pip: what happened to your knees?

    Rori: enjoy the prep! I need to convince myself to have a colonoscopy. I don’t want the meds.

    JanetR: I don’t know what the prayers are for, but if you and your grandson need them, I’ll send them!

    Kate UK: thank you for that reminder; many people have things far worse than I do. I need to concentrate on that. And I like the leggings!

    Goto52: great photos!

    Lacruiser: don’t be discouraged; see if you can find a problem, otherwise just keep on going!

    Kevrit: those dogs have the right idea!

    Barbie: the tacos sound great. I love the meatless crumbles.

    Well I need to get on that cross trainer or I’ll never get there. Happy Valentines day to all who enjoy it; we are going out Saturday so it doesn’t really feel like it today. Well at work we did run around picking names and passing out treats to each other and that was fun. I got a yellow rose, a couple of cookies, and some chocolate kisses (all paid for by work). So that was a nice break in the routine.

    Take care all, meg from sunny Omaha

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I got a hug and a box of chocolates from a sweet young student today--otherwise we don't celebrate the day <3

    Barbie what brand of meatless crumbles-I eat Morningstar Farms veggie crumbles. Nice texture and come in different flavors.