Metabolism help needed. $$$ money is on the line $$$



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    On the C25K, speaking as someone of similar size to the OP, I don't think I could have been successful at it when I was 300+. Maybe others are different, but I had enough issues doing my treadmills intervals at that weight and did not start it until I was about 275. I would walk more, with light jogging first but I'm in week 5 and next I'll be jogging for 20 mins and I could not have done this if I started 2 months earlier.

    But listen to @SideSteel He is smarter than most of us on this topic.

    Generally, I think for someone who is quite overweight the focus needs to be on sustainable and joint friendly modalities of exercise primarily.

    Obviously personal preference and convenience will rank quite high as well.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Regarding a few of the recommendations in this thread:

    Meal frequency doesn't seem to play a significant role in energy expenditure.

    As far as cardio modality I would very strongly recommend you choose a modality and intensity that allows you the greatest adherence to the program since this will likely impact results more than any incredibly minor differences in acute effects of exercise.

    HIIT is fine if you enjoy it however my experience is that most people who are significantly overweight do FAR better on low intensity steady state cardio and additionally selecting modalities with minimal joint impact. HIIT tends to be better suited for athletes who don't typically have to worry as much about weight management or adherence.

    Regarding the original post, I would suggest the following things as very general methods:

    1) I would eat protein with each meal, probably 30-40g/meal give or take. In addition to being muscle sparing, protein is generally more satiating and it will likely cause a reduction in calorie intake and make adherence easier.

    2) I would minimize snacking between meals but I would eat meals that satiate you. This is primarily for satiety purposes and this recommendation will not be a perfect fit for everyone. However, my experience is that this is true for most people, and additionally when people need to snack continuously it's often a sign that satiety is too low on a meal to meal basis.

    3) I would eat multiple servings of vegetables, and some fruit, daily provided you enjoy it. They are satiating and nutrient dense and likely constitute an improvement to the quality of your diet.

    4) I would greatly minimize heavily refined foods however you may not need to eliminate them entirely. If you decide to eliminate junk food entirely, that's ALSO a fine decision however you may benefit from viewing this as a "temporary abstaining" rather than "I can never eat this again". This mindset difference is valuable for many people.

    5) I would use a step counting device and log your steps. The biggest driver to metabolic rate is non exercise activity thermogenesis, or the amount of calories you burn doing non exercise activities that include voluntary and involuntary movement.

    6) I would keep multiple metrics to track progress. Weigh yourself daily and take averages of that bodyweight over 7 days to establish a weekly average weight. Strictly compare week to week averages to smooth out the daily fluctuations that naturally occur. Keep various circumference measurements and update them once per month. Take photos once per month. Observe how clothes fit. Monitor training performance in the gym.

    - You may think right now that your objective is ONLY bodyweight however it is a mistake to only use this metric in your weight loss process. You need multiple avenues of feedback to demonstrate progress because this will keep somewhat of a reward loop going that may help drive behavior changes as you go.

    7) I would establish a social support network. We know social support can go a long way with helping weight loss and so take advantage of this to the best of your ability.

    8) As others have mentioned I would do your best to log accurately provided that the accurate logging doesn't derail your efforts by becoming too cumbersome/stressful. You should at the very least, log accurately enough to get results, and if results stop coming you may need to tighten the accuracy with which you track things.

    9) Recognize that energy balance dictates changes in bodyweight. You can manipulate your energy intake and your energy output and your bodyweight will tell you whether or not you need to make changes to those variables. And so, observe the data and it will tell you when you need to make changes. Just be sure to look at AVERAGES and not day to day stuff or it will mislead you.

    10) Be patient and stay chill. If you find yourself grasping at straws, looking for supplements, looking for detoxes, looking for that ONE WEIRD TRICK, or THE FIVE FOODS TO AVOID then I'd suggest your focus is misguided and you should return to the first 9 items I typed out for you.

    That's about all I've got for now, and I didn't originally intend to write a 10 point list but it just sort of happened. Hopefully you find these steps simple and actionable, and good luck!


    Would love to see this as a sticky or it's own thread (maybe it already is?) Such practical wisdom as always, @SideSteel :)
  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    Go backpacking. Nothing burns calories like hiking all day with 30lbs on your back.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Go backpacking. Nothing burns calories like hiking all day with 30lbs on your back.

    Or try snow shoeing. Really a lot more burn than walking.
  • JakeL1981
    JakeL1981 Posts: 50 Member
    If you wanted real motivation you should have bet your firstborn.

    Id put my seconf born on the line. He's a "bad seed" haha.
  • JakeL1981
    JakeL1981 Posts: 50 Member
    Go backpacking. Nothing burns calories like hiking all day with 30lbs on your back.

    I could ask to borrow on of my brothers 4 kids and walk around with them. One of them has to weigh 30 lbs.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Increasing your metabolism = increasing your TDEE = increasing your activity.

    So, move more.

    But IMO don't burn yourself out just to win $100.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    JakeL1981 wrote: »
    $100 weight loss challenge update #3

    I lost 4 lbs this week for a total of 11 lbs of challenge weight so far.

    Challenger GAINED the 3 lbs back he lost last week to be at a total loss of 0 lbs.

    Calorie deficit is key.

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,271 Member
    Good job. How many more weeks to go?
  • sandininja
    sandininja Posts: 4 Member
    park at the back of parking lots, walk to as many places as you can and always take the stairs.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    JakeL1981 wrote: »
    Weight loss challenge update. 3.6.2017

    I lost 5 lbs this week for a grand total of 17 challenge pounds lost. (32 lbs since i started)

    Challenger lost 1 lb this week for a grand total of 3 lbs lost

    If you have any knowledge of it, I'd be curious to know what method(s) he's attempting to use in his weight loss.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    Nitpicking about what your motive is "should" be aside, you need to work on the lean mass as was stated in the second comment. Do you have a gym partner? Maybe getting together with someone else who needs accountability may help. You will think twice before letting someone down who is counting on you. Find a gym partner. If you are one of those people who prefer to work out alone then ask your wife to hound you about skipping the gym. You know you don't want to hear about it if you miss.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    JakeL1981 wrote: »
    Contest is over next week on Wednesday. I believe the Challenger was trying to workout at home and eat less.

    I don't work out. Straight up, calorie deficit for the win.

  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    JakeL1981 wrote: »
    Contest is over next week on Wednesday. I believe the Challenger was trying to workout at home and eat less.

    I don't work out. Straight up, calorie deficit for the win.

    In terms of a goal of pure weight-loss? Yes. In terms of your overall wellbeing of yourself for the literally rest of your life? No. I wouldn't see weight-loss as a race, and usually am against wagers like these. I hope you do incorporate some kind of workout to your daily life :smile:
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    JakeL1981 wrote: »
    Contest is over next week on Wednesday. I believe the Challenger was trying to workout at home and eat less.

    I don't work out. Straight up, calorie deficit for the win.

    Am I mistaken? I thought you started out with a fairly intensive workout workout plan?