Has anyone become attractive after losing weight? If so then tell me..



  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    lokihen wrote: »
    My impression was the OP is hoping for reassurance that he will become more attractive after losing weight.

    Yes, I think this, too.
  • rajeshvvcool
    rajeshvvcool Posts: 168 Member
    edited March 2017
    Pls. check my thread.Fat loss is a complete confidence booster. Impossible is " I M Possible ".

  • rbyrby
    rbyrby Posts: 15 Member
    I agree with attractiveness is subjective. For me i think the most attractive state is when a person is on his her normal weight. Too much fat or too much skinny just doesnt buy me. Balance is the key my friend.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Don't beat the OP up too badly. There are two different types of attraction. There is pure physical attraction - when you don't know a person at all and are only physically attracted to them or no based upon their appearance. This is the base animal attraction. And yes, still very subjective. But this is what I think the OP is referring to.

    Then there is mental attraction (which can also turn to physical attraction). This is the attraction you feel for someone after you get to know them. There are so many guys I am attracted to (real and fictional) because they are kind...because they are intelligent...passionate,etc. while I would not have been attracted to the physically without getting to know them first.

    As far as if losing weight can make someone more physically attractive...again it all depends on the person, but I'll just leave this thread out there...


    Bwahaha!!! I just realized that is YOUR post!!! So YES, losing weight did make you more physically attractive. However, I hope you are a kind, intelligent man that attracts people no matter your physical appearance.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    @Look_Its_Kriss that's why I made this thread to motivate other people to exercise and my self too. But I think some people didn't understand the idea behind this thread!!

    Focusing so much on your physical attractiveness is setting yourself up for a lifetime of insecurity and low self esteem. The quest for the perfect appearance is never ending. It will not ever leave you satisfied.

    Perhaps you would feel better about yourself by setting fitness and life goals instead. Shoot for lifting a certain weight, running a distance, or climbing a mountain. Set an education goal or determine a career path. Pick up a new hobby. Volunteer your time helping others. These are things that make you interesting and accomplished which will make you more attractive than looking pretty.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited March 2017

    eta: This is my response to OP, not in response to anyone that has posted before/after pics. Figured I should add this, as I see it appears directly after a before/after and I didn't want anyone to think I was insulting them.
  • billk7470
    billk7470 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2017
  • r5wr
    r5wr Posts: 203 Member
    r5wr wrote: »
    Attraction is subjective. I personally feel a little more attractive but I have low self esteeme. Here's my before a during face comparison though.


    SW: 245
    CW: 165
    GW: 120
    Height: 5'5


    Lol thank you!
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    edited March 2017

    Health is what science says is attractive.

    Check out this link.


    Those hips

    Body shape is of course important, too. And scientists have some numbers to prove it. Psychologist Devendra Singh of the University of Texas studied people's waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).

    Women with a WHR of 0.7—indicating a waist significantly narrower than the hips—are most desirable to men.

    And an analysis of hourglass figures of Playboy models and Miss America contestants showed that the majority of these women boast a WHR of 0.7 or lower.

    In general, a range of 0.67 to 1.18 in females is attractive to men, Singh concluded in a 2004 study, while a 0.8 to 1.0 WHR in men is attractive to women, although having broad shoulders is more of a turn-on.

    What exactly is encoded in the hip ratio? A big fat clue to whether the person will have enough energy to care for offspring.

    Where fat is deposited on the body is determined by sex hormones; testosterone in men and estrogen in women. If a woman produces the proper amount and mixture of estrogen, then her WHR will naturally fall into the desired range. The same goes for a male's testosterone.

    People in the ideal hip-ratio range, regardless of weight, are less susceptible to disease such as cardiovascular disorders, cancer, and diabetes, studies have shown. Women in this range also have less difficulty conceiving.

    "The idea is that beauty is conveying information about health and fertility, and we admire that," Singh said in a telephone interview.
  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    I feel way more attractive than I was at 280, though I still don't feel like super confident in my physique. That's probably more of a mental thing because I get hit on a LOT more than when I was at my heaviest. I would like to lose another 60 (already lost about 80) to get to goal, I hope I'll feel more attractive then.

    The most important part of my losing weight though is how I feel, I FEEL so much better, I'm so much stronger! I am able to do so much more than when I was at 280. So I'd say I'm happier, maybe more attractive. Lol. I'm not sure, maybe like some others have said, it's subjective.
    How tall are you? (You're lovely, btw.)
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    I feel way more attractive than I was at 280, though I still don't feel like super confident in my physique. That's probably more of a mental thing because I get hit on a LOT more than when I was at my heaviest. I would like to lose another 60 (already lost about 80) to get to goal, I hope I'll feel more attractive then.

    The most important part of my losing weight though is how I feel, I FEEL so much better, I'm so much stronger! I am able to do so much more than when I was at 280. So I'd say I'm happier, maybe more attractive. Lol. I'm not sure, maybe like some others have said, it's subjective.
    How tall are you? (You're lovely, btw.)

    I am 5'3"-5'4"
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member

    How tall are you? (You're lovely, btw.)

    AND Thank you BTW! :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm married, but I do get more looks and glances now than I did when I was bigger...and more flirting.
  • jodi2672
    jodi2672 Posts: 3 Member
    r5wr wrote: »
    Attraction is subjective. I personally feel a little more attractive but I have low self esteeme. Here's my before a during face comparison though.


    SW: 245
    CW: 165
    GW: 120
    Height: 5'5

    You were cute before you even lost weight
  • mattdhall
    mattdhall Posts: 85 Member
    For me, yes. Definitely. I went from 220 to 160. I didn't feel like I really looked any different, but I started getting lots of attention.
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