

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Marcelyn - what a doll baby and what an ordeal for mom. . So glad she is here and they are both are doing well.

    When's the next one due?

    Janetr okc
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MARCELYN - new grandaughter is gorgeous

    LENORA- I'm going to try again to get an appointment with my Dr tomorrow and see what she says.

    HEATHER - thanks for good advice, you are our oracle on travel, recipes and exercise oh and self improvement

    Found a TV Channel 24hours a day Irish and country music, 2 of my favourite types of music, make me want to sing and dance.

    Kate UK <3
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    Marcelyn ... congratulations! Nellie is precious!

    Sarah ... I am using my phone to catch up ... so it's not showing photos great ... until I got to the third pic, I didn't think you had pants on! LOL! Great job btw, I have never been able to balance and use weights.

    KarenNY ... my boy flies in this weekend for his spring break too ... it will be a short week especially with his dad's surgery ... I'll be glad for his company. Didn't have him home on the September one.

    Day three of keeping it together eating-wise. Looking for that tea Kelly. Sugar cravings are getting intense ... my cauliflower tasted sweet tonight!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Congrats Marcelyn! Nellie is adorable!

  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Beautiful little bundle of joy Marcelyn.

    Pip, don't get me wrong, I love, love, love to see pictures of your dogs. They make me feel so peaceful, but do they every get out and do 'dog stuff'?

    Michelle, my youngest is fostering a 1 year old lab mix named Rachael. She went to her first foster even last Saturday. Michelle thought some one was interested in adopting her but Rachael hasn't had a lot of experience, plus she is still a puppy, in being a calm dog. So she was quite feisty. So she is still a foster and Michelle has a lot to do to socialize this precious dog. She loves to foster so she can have happy families. Then she can get another dog to foster. her last foster she ended up adopting but Trevor wasn't really adoptable except by some one who was willing to put up with his fears.

    Slept poorly last night. When I do that, I like to intentionally get up early so I can get to sleep easily enough the next night. But I woke up at 1:55PM!!!!! I had a physical therapy appointment at 2:40!!!! I had just enough time to brush my teeth and hair, eat a peanut butter sandwich and get there in time. Next week is re-evaluation again and then we think I am done!!!! I can then keep my $40/treatment in my own pocket.

    Joyce, Indiana who wasted today completely in Indiana
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Sarah in Ontario - nice work out pictures. Keep it up.
    Marcelyn- lovely picture of Nellie Marie. Congratulations.
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Big blizzard here - lots of snow and blowing wind. We are supposed to get a foot of snow tonight. May end up staying home tomorrow as I won't be able to get out of the driveway if we get that much snow. Hopefully, this is the last of it and spring is just around the corner.

    Hugs to all. Hope everyone has a great day.
    Paula Y
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Marcelyn Awwwww!!! Nelly Marie is precious!

    Karen in Virginia
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good evening Ladies!

    About ready to turn in, early for me but I was awoken at 4:30 am by my coworker with a text that certainly could have waited a couple of hours.
    UGH! I gave it my best effort but I asked my supervisor to move me, I find this person very difficult to share a cubicle with. She complains and curses a blue streak all day long and I finally got to the breaking point last week. She is a very unhappy person. Apparently my timing was excellent because I was told that they were planning to move people around this week.

    Sue, I sincerely hope you will be feeling better soon. I think Sylvia, a former member of our group had the same problem.
    Healing thoughts and prayers to all who may be suffering physically or mentally.

    Congratulations to all the new grandmothers! Keep those beautiful baby pictures coming so we can watch them grow like Heather's precious Bea.

    Say a prayer, cross your fingers, toes and eyes, that something I am working on will come to fruition. I won't say anything now, I don't want to jinx it but it would make my life so much better.

    Nightly night.

    Chris in MA
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Marcelyn - congrats! She's a beauty. ❤
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Chris - I remember Sylvia but didn't know she had the same medical issues. Hope she is well.
    Marcelyn -grand baby Nellie Marie is adorable. Glad her mommy is doing well.
    I was able to have clear liquids tonite. It did make my stomach feel too full but maybe I ate it too fast. Hope that is the problem.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    I am so far behind on the posts...maybe I can read them tomorrow.
    Had a weirdly motivating dream
    Last night-- I dreamt that I visited two friends and they had both gotten skinny by exercising for several weeks without telling me. So there I was feeling left out. Guess who made it to the gym after work.Haha.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – I wore my hair really short and ‘spikey’ for many years; got tired of not being able to do anything with it differently; so I grew it out long (past my shoulders). It is so ‘fine’ that I would have had to have a lot of it to look good long. Wore it in a Farrah Fawcett cut in HS – colorwise and cut. I think the color helped make it look thicker. I'm finding that my gray hair helps with making it look thicker because it is so much coarser. I went to Louisiana after I had been losing weight and wanted a new haircut, something ‘different’. My DDnL#2 is a cosmetologist; so we went to the salon and she had washed my hair and we were sitting there discussing what I wanted it to do or be like. Her friend at the next station was chomping at the bit and asked us if we minded her doing to cut. She and Tami go to hair shows, sometimes together or not; and, they teach each other what they have learned. I’m not so sure that Tami was comfortable doing it since I am her M-n-L. She was cutting it and telling Tami why and I almost went to sleep. I love it when someone doing my hair, ‘attacks’ it. I want my head ‘scrubbed’ not washed with open palms. It is now about chin length and a little shorter in the back. I’m not as good at blow dryer my hair. It’s harder to do it without being ‘over’ it. Sometimes I would like to take it off and put it on a mannequin head, fix it, and then put it on; but, have it attached to my head. LOL!!!!!! One of the hairdressers I went to when my hair was cut short; washed my hair with open palms. I'd wash it the next day; because it never felt clean (head). She was the 'only' hairdresser I have been to that washed my hair that way.

    Katla – Will keep you and DH in my prayers. Louis has to go for a ‘pre-op’ this next week; another procedure that will mean a few days or long with a catheter. This is going to be ‘fun’ … NOT! But, it is a necessary evil. I don’t think they even knew that it would be a side effect of the seed process for prostate cancer. But, his PSA has been at zero ever since. He really likes his ‘new’ Urologist, so that helps.

    Marcelynh – She is such a cutie! I know your daughter is happy to be 'holding' her instead of 'carrying' her. Well, at least grandson will be ‘entertained’. My oldest one got really ‘quiet’ after I ‘knew’ he was awake in his crib; but, did not go up immediately. OMG! He took his diaper off and coated the entire Jenny Lynn bed with poop! When I walked in, he had just turned his back to the door and I got to him before he did a wall painting. We took the mattress out, carefully, collapsed it and took it outside to hose it off. When youngest son was born, he would rock so hard that we’d have to tighten the screws in it daily. He did not stay in it very long. He’d climb out and hang from the rails and finally drop to the floor. He was less than a year old. He never stopped! Continuous movement.

    Joyce – I had so much on my pea-picking brain yesterday that I could NOT fall asleep. I got up, took a long shower, went back to bed, eyes popped open; so I got up, close the door and tried to read. Louis got up and asked what I was doing. So this AM he let me sleep in. I don’t even know what time I woke up. Just happy that he had put the coffee in a cup to keep it warm/hot. I think tomorrow I am going to see if I can find a solid top to go on it. The coffee was still hot enough to drink without reheating it; but, I like it ‘piping hot’.

    Chris in MA – My first job after we got married was as an insurance adjuster. I had a co-worker, who sat next to me who kept a bottle of Vodka in her desk drawer and would open the drawer up like she was looking for something and take a swig or two. She’d shuffle work around on her table and it would end up back on the filing cabinet/mail table that I had to go through every day. The other 2 ladies in my unit told me to ‘keep my desk locked’ when I left it. Management ‘knew’ something was a bit off; and, they were keeping a watch on her. She was an older lady. She finally got to the point that it was pretty obvious that something wasn’t right; be she’d take a swig or two and then go to the break room for coffee and something to eat and to the restroom to rinse out her mouth. I think she finally was given the option to 'retire' and save her retirement pension; or be 'out of a job'. She took the early retirement.

    Does anybody know where or what Sylvia is up to? Miss her. I know what you mean about crossing fingers, toes, and eyes so that something that is being worked on comes to fruition. I’m in the same boat.

  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Marcelyn - Congratulations!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Joyce, my dogs spend a ton of time asleep in bed and one would think they were exhausted, but at the sound of the closet door opening, they rush out to the living room ready to go for a walk.

    :) I am so grateful to be retired. All your stories about toxic co-workers and having jobs shifted around remind me of some not so great times in my life.

    :) I'll be teaching two line dance classes on Friday. I got both classes planned today. Just have to practice a few dances.

    <3 Barbie in beautiful chilly NW Washington
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Karen VA - I think that front horse needs to join MFP! But the picture is awesome!

    Hi Sue, Molly and Katla! How fun to get to meet each other and at something you all love!

    Janetr - congratulations on your new granddaughter. Bet her parents are ecstatic that they got a girl.

    Hopping over to the next page so see you in a while!

    Gloria in WA