Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member

    - Steps steps steps *** Made it
    - Make ahead dinner and put into slow cooker ** yup
    - change up breakfast ** Eggs lets see how this does
    - Evening walk with SO? ** Did it, but he was grumpy
    - Keep up the logging of meals ** yup

    JFT Tuesday

    - Get steps, busy day lets see and no lunch walk at least 10,500
    - Healthy full dinner with lots of vegetables
    - Prepare breakfast for Wednesday tonight
    - Check BP

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Monday, March 13
    1. log all food :)
    2. keep sugar and carbs low :/:/ I am finally starting to feel better, and ate WAY too much. 200 calories over because of Icecream. Well, at least the ice cream is gone, and today is a new day.
    3. stay within 1200 calories since not exercising yet :/ Ate almost 1500 calories. So I am trying to "average" out my week, and will try and eat less the rest of the week.
    4. drink water :/ It is so easy for me to forget water.
    5. NO ICECREAM!! Just because it is in the refrigerator - leave it alone, or throw it out!! :/ Well - at least the ice cream is gone now! DO NOT BUY ANYMORE -- EVEN IF IT IS ON SALE!!
    6. help hubby with business. We are SO far behind on stuff :)
    7. try and organize at least 1 kitchen cabinet :/
    8. do some sewing instead of eating :):/ Yes, did sewing, but still ate too much junk food

    I am starting to feel better, but still not up to par. Husband is still sick. But I have to really watch what I eat now, as my appetitie is returning, and I just want icecream. If its not in the house, I can't eat it!

    JFT, Tuesday
    1. log ALL food
    2. stay below or at 1200 cal
    3. drink water. Carry my water bottle with me at all times
    4. try and clean at least 1 kitchen cabinet
    5. sew. This part is easy. When I am too exhausted to do anything else, I sit and sew. But the bad part is that nothing else is getting done.
    6. find one new recipe to try this week
    7. help hubby with business. we are so far behind, and have a huge trade show we are exhibiting at in early april, so lots to get done.

    I am struggling with things to cook and eat during the week. I feel like we eat the same things all the time. With both my husband and I working out of our home, 3 meals a day are eaten at home. So I am going to try and mix things up, and work on finding a new recipe each week to try.
    Do you guys have any suggestions on recipes you love? Looking for ideas. I have a husband that hates fish, so that is hard, other than an occasionally baked cod that he will eat.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Just for today: Monday

    Long walk home. Felt pretty good. Between work and the walk, almost managed 30000 steps, near 12 miles. If the body would hold out and I had the time, my blubber butt would just melt away lol. Cooked dinner which I never do anymore. All in all, good day.

    That is quite a long walk!! WOW - congrats! I am sure you felt tired, but wish I could walk that far! Great job
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Took a bit of a break over the weekend. Got to try flamenco dancing for the first time yesterday...it was amazing!

    1. Track all food (make a guess about dinner out)
    2. weight workout
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 55 situps, 65 crunches, 33 leg raises, 42 second plank
    4. salsa/mambo/bachata--four hours!
    5. 12+ cups water

    Your workouts inspire me! Wow -- 55 situps, 65 crunches, 33 leg raises, planks!!! And dancing also!!
  • ashoopie
    ashoopie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Is it too late to join? Just started being accountable yesterday, but could definitely use a buddy or two to keep motivated.

    Yesterday I was 168.5
    Goal is 130, but for starters I'd be thrilled with a 10lb loss.
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    ashoopie wrote: »
    Hi! Is it too late to join? Just started being accountable yesterday, but could definitely use a buddy or two to keep motivated.

    never too late. :)

    So what are you going to do today?

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited March 2017
    ashoopie wrote: »
    Hi! Is it too late to join? Just started being accountable yesterday, but could definitely use a buddy or two to keep motivated.

    Yesterday I was 168.5
    Goal is 130, but for starters I'd be thrilled with a 10lb loss.

    Not to late to join at all! We would love to have you. You will find so many wonderful, encouraging people on this thread!
    Just post your goals, and then come back the next day to say how you've done, and post new goals. Each day is a fresh start, and it is a great way to be accountable, and stay on track.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Just for Monday
    1. I will start over with the low carb plan and detox my body from all the sugar I've been consuming ;) Didn't do as well as I could have, but could have done much worse, so it's kind of a win?!
    3. Remain calm during our big meeting this afternoon where I'm sure there will be-finger pointing. (I really do not like conflict so it brings out anxiety in me.) :) Went well! Only had to roll my eyes about 50 times. (just kidding!)
    4. Activity today, at least 30 minutes. :/ I need to move this to the top of my list. I really suck at getting exercise. Too bad browsing around on Pinterest doesn't tone a body...I'd be smokin' hot.
    5. Stay on task at work. Work smarter, not longer. ;) Work in progress...
    6. work on the "Simple Abundance..." plan, journal. :/ Ran out of time.
    7. Leave work at work. No complaining to husband when I get home tonight :) Yea!!! One day in a row! ha!
    8. Prep veggies for the week tonight. :/

    Just for Tuesday
    1. WATER
    2. Stay under calorie goal
    3. Mark 5 items off my work task list - even if they are all small. It adds up.
    4. Cut up veggies tonight for the week. Put in grab-size baggies (snack size).
    5. Notice the small things, and thank my husband more often for all the wonderful little things he takes the time to do for me. Show him I notice and appreciate him.
    6. Gather my tax documents in preparation for doing our taxes this weekend.
    7. Read out of "Simple Abundance..." book and continue working on the assignments.
    8. Unplug one hour early and go to bed early. Try to get used to this new DST change. I miss that hour we lost!
    9. Random act of kindness...at least one.

    This month I will:
    9. Look at stressors and determine what can be changed, how to change it, and accept things out of my control.
    10. Separate the "reality" from my "story" of situation. Look at facts, not perception.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @joan6630 I don't post often in the thread, but read it daily for inspiration, and notice the request for new recipes. This thread is great for slow cooker recipes. Also gives some great websites too. Hope it helps.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Track all food (make a guess about dinner out) :)
    2. weight workout--one hour :)
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 55 situps, 65 crunches, 33 leg raises, 42 second plank :)
    4. salsa/mambo/bachata--four hours! :smiley: awesome! I danced the whole time
    5. 12+ cups water :)
    also did my exercise planning and pre-tracking for the week...forgot to list that! :)

    1. Track all food
    2. Under 75G carbs
    3. At least 5 freggies (need to work back up to 8-10/day)
    4. 30-day ab challenge: rest day
    5. one hour intense Zumba -or- swim a mile
    6. 10+ cups water
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Took a bit of a break over the weekend. Got to try flamenco dancing for the first time yesterday...it was amazing!

    1. Track all food (make a guess about dinner out)
    2. weight workout
    3. 30-day ab challenge: 55 situps, 65 crunches, 33 leg raises, 42 second plank
    4. salsa/mambo/bachata--four hours!
    5. 12+ cups water

    Your workouts inspire me! Wow -- 55 situps, 65 crunches, 33 leg raises, planks!!! And dancing also!!

    Plus I did a full gym workout. The dancing is my social time, so it doesn't really feel like a workout.

    Yesterday was a good day! :)
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Hi all, jumping in, I have been bingeing for months, trying to motivate myself back in the right direction.
    Hydrate - done
    exercise - shortchanged myself swimming this am, will walk dog when get home
    healthy choices when I get home!!
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    exercise - shortchanged myself swimming this am, will walk dog when get home

    Congrats on your progress. All the little steps are important.

    What do you mean you shortchanged yourself swimming? Swimming is a great workout. Do you mean you just didn't swim for long enough?

    I did a 90 minute swim this morning and burnt 750 active calories. Gotta keep that going...
  • LiveLaughLove1969
    LiveLaughLove1969 Posts: 122 Member
    Ok, new to reading this and would love to join in. Been trying to catch on, lol. Question: do you guys do a new "reply" each day or keep adding to the one you started. Haven't really caught on to the "quote" thing and is that where it will continue what you previously put on. I feel like my daily goals will be close to being the same each day. Anyways please help me, lol

    Workout tomorrow
    Eat better and healthier
    No sweets
    No McDonalds Mocha Frappe
    Drink more water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Ok, new to reading this and would love to join in. Been trying to catch on, lol. Question: do you guys do a new "reply" each day or keep adding to the one you started. Haven't really caught on to the "quote" thing and is that where it will continue what you previously put on. I feel like my daily goals will be close to being the same each day. Anyways please help me, lol

    What I do is just go back to my post from the previous day, and cut and past my goals from that day onto my new reply. Then I say how I did, and add new goals for the new day. But whatever works for you. Love to have you join us!
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Steps 7000 :)
    Exercise 20 minutes :/
    Drink 32 ounces of water :/ this water thing is getting me down.
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Read and study :)
    Do laundry at my own house!!! :):):)
    Bake a pie for pi day. :) I had a small piece. My kids will enjoy the rest of the pie.

    Steps 7000
    Exercise 20 minutes
    Drink 32 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Read and study
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    @joan6630 I don't post often in the thread, but read it daily for inspiration, and notice the request for new recipes. This thread is great for slow cooker recipes. Also gives some great websites too. Hope it helps.


    Thank you! I will take a look at the recipes there. But ... I have to say .. my hubby hates it when I use the crockpot. He tells me it just makes him hungry all day. I still love crockpot recipes though, and maybe I'll try using it again!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Tuesday

    Stretch- :#
    8 glasses water- :#
    10000 steps-16600 :)
    Could be a stressful day. Breathe. Handle it with my new found charm and grace- o:)
    Focus on tasks that MUST be completed- :)

    I just love that some of you can keep your sense of humor admist all of the daily struggles!! I was stress eating at work yesterday, every time my coworker caught me, no qualms about it, she would straight up knock it out of my hand lol. Ahh, good times. Wish she could move in with me :)

    Just for today: Wednesday

    Water 8 glasses
    10000 steps

    Wow. It's only Wed. I'm tired. Good luck with your goals!!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Just for today: Monday

    Long walk home. Felt pretty good. Between work and the walk, almost managed 30000 steps, near 12 miles. If the body would hold out and I had the time, my blubber butt would just melt away lol. Cooked dinner which I never do anymore. All in all, good day.

    That is quite a long walk!! WOW - congrats! I am sure you felt tired, but wish I could walk that far! Great job

    Thanks for the props! I am really bad at keeping an exercise routine. Everyday, my two feet hit the ground and I am walking anyway. Keeps me moving! That and I have a life long dream to be a mountain climber lol.