Fellow shorties needed for support and motivation 5'5 and under :)



  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    That's a great loss!! :)
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    I drank 2 glasses of wine last night with garlic bread at happy hour and didn't gain any pounds. I was nearly jumping lol. The things we get excited for when loosing weight :)
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm on day 1 of my cycle, so I feel HUGE and want to eat EVERYTHING!!! I'll skip the scale until at least next week!
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Oh that is the worst! I always gain 7 pounds of water weight on my cycle so i dread the scale lol
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    hcdo wrote: »
    5'3" here. I've lost about 15 pounds so far; it's those last few that stubbornly refuse to go! I'm pear shaped, and sadly I lost weight in areas like my boobs and not my thighs/stomach, so I currently resemble the shape of a box troll. Weights are helping with that, but my oh my is it hard not having wiggle room for eating!

    I find that I have to be super careful and weigh/measure my food all the time. One weekend "off" sets me back and takes a couple of weeks to bring me back to where I was before. (Maybe this is just the necessary penance for being able to fit my short, stumpy legs comfortably between airplane seats :wink:) So glad to have some fellow shorties here to commiserate with!

    I have lost about the same. But I have much more to loose. For some reason I have seen more poeple loose more weight in a shorter amount of time than me and it frustrates me because I work so hard. And my weight comes off very non noticable.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" (the half matters when everyone in your family is 5-12 inches taller) and 182lbs. I started in November at 227lbs.

    Things I did/do to lose fat: gave birth in mid November (possibly cheating but w/e I was 213lbs prepregnancy), breastfeed (yep), eat a lot (2200 calories +/-150), drink tons of water, lift some weights 1-3 times a week, and lots of walking while carrying my baby.

    It really is a matter of commitment, confidence, and loving myself and believing I can. I have averaged losing about a pound a week since December 1. I could be losing faster but I don't want to compromise my milk production just to get to my goals faster.

    At this pace I will reach my first goal (my lowest ever adult weight at 167lbs) by July and be very near (or possibly reach) my long term goal (142lbs - "normal BMI") by the end of the year. I realize 142lbs is still not small for someone of my height, but I will reassess how low I intend to go when I get closer to the 140s.
  • kmorrow0712
    kmorrow0712 Posts: 29 Member
    5'3", just started a few weeks ago at 185lb, but have been around 150-160 all of my life. Finally trying to get down to my healthy range, but right now the goal is 140. It's so nice to hear that other people have the problem of being smaller and being called "curvy." I've found that I carry weight pretty well, but it's time for it to go. Honestly, I'm so ready for it, bring it on!
  • megpiesweats
    megpiesweats Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 4'11, and currently around 156 lbs. I keep telling myself that this is the largest I'll let myself get...and then the scale inches higher and my pants don't fit :worried:

    I discussed it with my primary care physician, and she told me to shoot for between 100-115 lbs as a solid goal weight. The smallest I've been as an adult was 126, about 5 years ago now when I was being very strict about diet and hitting a boot camp class 3x a week.

    Now I'm 27 and trying suuuuper hard to get back there, but my motivation seems to have flown out the window along with my metabolism.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Ajocal18 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I am 5'1 and started at 198.8 2 years ago. I've started and stopped so many times I've lost track. I made it down to 133 last week and went a little crazy sitting at 138 today. My original goal weight was 130 but I'm thinking I want to be between 115 and 120 now. Anyways I'm back at it and in need of friends , feel free to add me!

    What have you done to loose the weight?
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    edited March 2017
    tasha12004 wrote: »
    hcdo wrote: »

    I have lost about the same. But I have much more to loose. For some reason I have seen more poeple loose more weight in a shorter amount of time than me and it frustrates me because I work so hard. And my weight comes off very non noticable.

    I know what you mean, @tasha12004 . I try really hard not to compare my journey to others, but quite a few of my friends either never gain weight or lose it (seemingly) really easily. There's a woman at work (a fellow shorty, too) and super tiny; she orders fried food from the local diners and delis constantly, always has cookies/donuts/crackers, you name it, and tons of them, and never gains an ounce. Luckily she's nice so that cuts down on my stabby feelings towards her.

    My weight loss also seems to go unnoticed most of the time (not that I'm doing it to be noticed), but it's definitely not as significant as those who are taller/have more to lose, so I feel like all this work I'm doing is not showing at all. I know, I know, I have to do it for me, but it would still be nice to feel like it's making a difference.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" (the half matters when everyone in your family is 5-12 inches taller) and 182lbs. I started in November at 227lbs.

    Things I did/do to lose fat: gave birth in mid November (possibly cheating but w/e I was 213lbs prepregnancy), breastfeed (yep), eat a lot (2200 calories +/-150), drink tons of water, lift some weights 1-3 times a week, and lots of walking while carrying my baby.

    It really is a matter of commitment, confidence, and loving myself and believing I can. I have averaged losing about a pound a week since December 1. I could be losing faster but I don't want to compromise my milk production just to get to my goals faster.

    At this pace I will reach my first goal (my lowest ever adult weight at 167lbs) by July and be very near (or possibly reach) my long term goal (142lbs - "normal BMI") by the end of the year. I realize 142lbs is still not small for someone of my height, but I will reassess how low I intend to go when I get closer to the 140s.

    I totally feel where your coming from. My lowest "adult" weight was 150 and I was fit at the weight. I want to hit 135-140 because that will make my body shape "slim" .
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    5'3", just started a few weeks ago at 185lb, but have been around 150-160 all of my life. Finally trying to get down to my healthy range, but right now the goal is 140. It's so nice to hear that other people have the problem of being smaller and being called "curvy." I've found that I carry weight pretty well, but it's time for it to go. Honestly, I'm so ready for it, bring it on!

    I carry my weight fairly well to. I never look as big as the scale says. Even doctors have commented and said that I probably have a lot of muscle tone underneath the extra fat so it porportianates well throughout my body.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm 5'5 and my starting weight was 280 in Jan and I'm currently 247. My goal is 170-175. I know technically that will still leave me overweight, but seeing as how I've been a big girl most of my life I'm ok with that. I am a chronic weigher, which leads to self sabotage when things don't go as I hope they will. Trying to get away from that!

    What have you been doing to loose?
  • CassondraKennedy
    CassondraKennedy Posts: 229 Member
    Hi Tasha! We're already friends on here, but I thought I'd join this lovely group of people! Would love to make new friends for inspiration and motivation.

    I just learned today that I am only 5'1.5" :open_mouth: I've gone my whole adult life saying I was 5'2" so I'm a bit heartbroken!

    SW: 183
    CW: 162.8
    GW: 130

    Like many others here, I think I'll focus on recomp once I hit 130. I was surprised to learn that my "healthy weight range" is 101-136! Seems awfully low to me, but that's what we get for being shorties!
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    When did you start your journey?
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    Tasha I was jump started with a 3 week fast I did with my church and kept building on that. I got a personal trainer, I walk in the park with my dog. I'm going to start hitting the gym. I also try to not eat heavy at night, especially since I work overnight. Downloading this app has helped a lot too!