
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am an M&Ms type person myself. But it has to be the chocolate only. I don't care for the peanut, etc. And I don't like mint anything except Girl Scouts Thin Mints. But if I am going to cheat and have chocolate, I prefer to go all the way and get a Milky Way or Snickers.

    We got the new front door put in today. The cat really enjoyed it. I worried that we would have to put her in the office and close the door but we didn't have to. They had a bit of trouble with it though. As I have said before, Charlie has problems opening his billfold so we went with just a slab door. We measured and we were pleased that we could purchase a standard door. But when they came out, it was 1 inch to tall. So they took one inch off the top then sanded it real well, bored the holes for the locks and tried to hang it. For some reason, the left corner wouldn't fit. They had measured and measured so in theory it should have fit like a glove. But it didn't. We aren't sure what they did since we weren't out there but it fit fine. They did put the door knob upside down so when you put your key in, it has to be upside down. So a one hour job took 3 1/2 hours. So they didn't get a chance to get the back door on the garage done. Hopefully it will be done tomorrow. But Melody enjoyed the fact that there was no door. She has occasionally gone outside when she has a chance and just sniff the grass and sometimes take a taste. Well right up against the porch is no longer grass but moss now for some reason. I hope it doesn't bother her. But after that she just went and sat on the threshold and enjoyed the wonderful fresh air we had today. When a loud car came by she came in and ran underneath my bed.

    So as soon as the back door and garage door is put in, contractor will notify the painter it is his turn. I will be so excited to get that done!!!! It will be the same color pattern but will be fresh. we were looking tonight and the columms are a lighter grey than the front door and garage that are more protected from direct sunlight. But this new painter will be using a much better quality of paint.

    Watching the premier of Dancing with the stars. Not sure what I think o some of them but it is just the first week.

    Joyce, Indiana where it was 79 degrees today
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    KJ - love the picture of Joaquin. What a cutie with that big smile.

    Got most of the paper cleared off my desk this weekend. Have a few things to finish yet, but I can see the bottom of the pile. Talked to my grandson last night - such a joy. He's 10 and loves to visit. Can hardly wait to see him again.

    Offering prayers to those who need then, and hugs to those who want them. Hope you have a great day tomorrow.

    Paula Y
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Margaret- sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time lately. You are in our prayers. (((Hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota

    Margaret: I hear and feel your pain! Mom will be in transition care 2-3 months. Today spoke with her care case nurse, 26 years young, she's worried moms fatigued. I thinks she's doing great for 94, unable to walk, move, hold a spoon, talk, sit, in a coma 2 weeks ago, congested heart failure. Now PT , OT speech therapy twice daily, unknown future, I think she's doing tremendous! Medicare has their guidelines, what has happen to logic? Seems like each day a new battle, just to keep her safe. We need a long lunch❤️
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member

    Miss the flower shows at Macy's in downtown Minneapolis. The store closed yesterday. Posting these as a way to remember how beautiful the shows were. I am so glad I went.

    I was hoping Bachmans would find a new location
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited March 2017
    Carol – I feel the same way; I know that I miss those posts that are getting posted about the same time I hit “post it” … I have even started going back to the previous page, even then I get that ‘deer in the headlights’ look because someone will bring up an ongoing story and I feel like I have dropped through a ‘Swiss Cheese” hole.

    Re – Here in Southwest GA, it is ‘cool’ enough in the AM for a sweater; but, by noon you are trying to figure out what you can take off and still be ‘presentable. One moment I want long pants, then I want to find a pair of shorts for myself.

    Congrats on not gaining on your Summer Challenge. Turn those M&M upside-down and pretend they are "Wicked Witches" and you need to run away! To fight the water retention, make sure you are drinking at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water a day (or more). Your body is going to fight you if you try to starve it and that includes ‘water’. Feed the beast; drink more water and you will feel fuller and then your calorie count will probably go down. It is sort of like when my GYN tells me to sit on the toilet every 10 minutes, whether I feel like I need to go or not. Most of the time I will; but, it also helps get out what is making me have UTIs. Flush it through! That, and a lot of cranberry juice. But, since cranberry juice has calories, I opt for the water.

    I don’t eat back my calories too often; but, when I go over on my calories it is good to see that my calories out is higher than my total calories in. We gave our elliptical machine to son, because he is more likely to use it. Neither Louis nor I could get much more than 3 or 4 minutes on it. We are both short-legged and I don’t think the stride was ever able to be something we could do. Son and when DOGD comes home, they will walk on it. When my DDnL#1 said she had done 30 minutes on it; and, I wondered ‘on what planet’???

    OMGoodness, the cake that was bought at Wal-mart was to ‘die for’; but, I only ate about 3 tablespoons full. Chocolate Hersey something or the other. Cake moist and had a sort of pudding in it. GREAT! DOGD turned 21 on the 12. I don’t weigh on my scales for the exact reason. Digital and never the same reading. I can step up, get a number, step off and back on and get a different one. Makes me want to sling them ‘out the door’.

    I’m with ya! The closer I have gotten to my goal, the harder it seems to break through and get to it. Losing and finding the same pounds!

    Hey, that kind of comment from DDH is a wonderful NSV!!!!!

    Heather – I am not particularly looking forward to next week. DH has to have a procedure that means he will be wearing a urine bag. Hurts and he is also fearful of it leaking.

    Margaret – Thanks for the flower show. Sad that Macy’s is closing there. When we lived in Macon we had a Macy’s/Davison’s there. It changed names many times; but, always opened up as a department store (mostly clothes; but, everything else as well). A good one-stop shopping store. Now that we live in SWGA, not a lot to choose from. SteinMart closed here but is still open in Columbus; but, I never think to go on a ‘day trip’. Maybe soon. Other than a few strip malls; the mall’s largest stores are Dillard’s, Penny’s, Belk’s, and Sear’s and I think I heard that Sears was going to ‘close’ here. I just hope that they leave K-Mart alone. They’re owned by the same corporation and that is where I get all my drugs. If they do, I will probably go to CVS because I get my mail order Rx’s from them.

    Mary – My ‘chocolate fix’ has come in the way of the chocolate protein bar I eat every night. Just the right amount.

    Pip – Awww, is he ‘sick’ or just likes the ‘comforter’?

    Took the M/B’s test and I am an INTP personality. Could you tell that? I have to agree, that’s ME! With the highest % being the "P" part.

    I wonder if the ‘numbers’ change if you have a birthday? Like not have to get to a certain number to be considered ‘within normal range’. LOL!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2017
    Heather: Your Myers-Briggs information tickled my interest, so I looked it up and chose some letters. Then they wanted me to click on a link and a bunch of stuff would be downloaded to my computer. I am reluctant to do that step. Did you download their stuff? If so, did you end up with a big file? Was it worthwhile? :huh:

    Sarah: My blueberries are southern varieties. The bushes are relatively small and they don't require a winter freeze to produce fruit. There are three bushes, two are Sunshine Blue and the third is Bountiful Blue. It supposedly cross-pollinates with the other two to improve the crop. The two Sunshine Blue plants have berries with the best size and flavor. I've only been growing them for a few years and consider myself a novice. Last summer I picked and froze enough berries that I still have them with my breakfast several times a week. I'm on my last freezer bag and will likely run out before the new season begins. I'll buy a bag in the freezer case at the store to last me until this year's crop is ready to pick. I've been growing the cherry tomato Sweet 100 for many years. It is an indeterminate plant that routinely gets huge and produces more cherry tomatoes than I can eat or give away. My growing space is small and I've decided to skip growing my own tomatoes this year. It is likely I'll get volunteers. I don't know whether I'll be disciplined and weed them out, or end up letting one grow. :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Thanks for the happy anniversary wishes. :bigsmile:

    Beth: I agree with your comments about care giving. I married DH knowing he was an insulin dependent diabetic. I didn't anticipate his stroke or MS. When things come up, you deal with them in the best way you can. The sun keeps coming up, and you keep doing what you can. I think Heather is a strong and courageous woman and that she would do what is needed. I hope health remains good and life is fun for she and her DH, and for all of us. :star:

    DJ: I LOVE the retaining food cartoon! :bigsmile: I tried to repost it but didn't manage it. :sad:

    Tomorrow will be our 47th Anniversary. We have plans to go out for dinner at a great local restaurant.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – what a great tribute!

    Margaret and Rita (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))

    At the garden today picked asparagus for dinner – ate it within 5 hours of picking – so so good! Did it with homemade fish tacos, they were great. The fish tacos and my local Mexican place are to die for, but I know they are calorie heavy – and one of the things that makes them great is this sauce they put on them, while I could not find out exactly what it was from the staff, I did find out it was mayo based. So I tried a Bolt House yogurt salad dressing and it was perfect, Avocado cilantro flavor --- If you have not found Bolthouse it is refrigerated creamy dressings and they run 30-45 calories for 2 tablespoons, and they are good!


    Kim from N. California
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hello friends! Love to hear the triumphs in some of your lives and sad to hear the heartbreaks and problems of others. And all the babies are so precious so nice that we get to share in their lives.

    I had to take Zac to immediate care today after I got off of work. He has been getting headaches for a couple of years and it just dawned on me recently that maybe they're migraines and the doctor agreed. However she also found that his heart is not beating right. She said that it's beating really fast then just dropping so she has an URGENT referral to a cardiologist. After hearing this I just wanted to come home and share this with all of you. Someone here will understand this diagnosis and what the procedure is for living with it. I don't know whether he should go to school or not tomorrow. The reason I took him to the doctor tonight was because he had a headache and was lightheaded and had fallen a few times today because he was feeling so weak. It just didn't sound right so I took him in. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected an irregular heartbeat. Poor kid - he has already been upset about being sick so much lately now he's upset about having migraines. Any advice will be appreciated.

    Love you all,
    Gloria perplexed and worried in WA
  • knjiuv
    knjiuv Posts: 61 Member
    edited March 2017
    Gloria, not sure what testing they will do but I just wouldn't let him do anything strenuous in school tomorrow. Good luck and I hope they get you an appointment quick. The heart, especially in a kid isn't something t take lightly.

    Lenora, Michelle has Walmart make her wedding cake. Now we had to assemble it but wasn't to hard, they provided all the tier thingys to do it with and then we just had t return them. But it sure was a lot cheaper than others. We all bought the food at Sam's and assembles our own catering. They were real good keeping in budget. I wish they had taken the same care in the marriage. But when a man cheats on you, not once but twice, it's time to leave. She had told me a year before that that she no longer loved him as a husband but a child. Now I guess one could argue that could lead a man to cheat. But he was reckless with their money, possessions and how her acted in Iraq. He totaled a hum we jaunt playing with it and re-upped twice without consulting her. It wasn't a marriage anymore.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Marcelyn - Shower decorations looked great. I hope a good time was had by all

    Kate - Love all the photos. Please keep sharing.

    Heather - Croissants look yummy.

    DJ - We have been married for 35 years, together 36.

    Rori - I am envious of your upcoming trip to Italy. It is my dream destination.

    Lisa - Your poem made me cry. Your Mom was a strong woman.

    KJ - Joaquin is looking very cute and very satisfied.

    Margaret - I'm glad the hymn is helping you heal. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Katla - Happy Anniversary. These men are lucky we have allowed them to share our time.

    Janeice - I love walking with girlfriends. I need to do it more.

    Re - You made me smile. May your husband always chase you.

    Gloria -I wish it had been better news for Zac. The waiting for appointments is nerve wracking. Zac is in my prayers.

    Today was our anniversary. I posted a series of photos of Larry, Larry and myself on facebook. I mentioned a few of the memories we had made and reasons I appreciate him instead of getting a traditional card. He loved it and all the well wishes.

    My brother was in for his remicade infusion today. He treated me to lunch. I decided to make a total exception to my No Sugar for this day. I may have overdid it.

    DS says she is ready to start walking but not to push her too hard. I know my older brother has been on us all about one thing or another. She got told about smoking, diet and exercise. Tomorrow we walk. I wonder how that will go as my sister currently pays my niece to get her mail and it isn't even a half a block away. Need to think positive.

    My friend just gifted Larry and I with an amazing quilt for our anniversary. It is birds and butterflies in my favourite colours. I was speechless. They also took us out for supper at the Keg. We didn't ever intend for them to pay but they did.

    DD and DSIL are trying to book a last minute get away. His parents are coming to look after the kids for a week. Larry doesn't think they should be spending this kind of money on a vacation. I told them it isn't our business and we also spent money we couldn't afford at that age. They are actually more responsible than we were I believe. I hope they find their vacation.

    DGS is getting nervous about his trip to Quebec. He was excited to get his first debit card though.

    I have to say I enjoyed the food portion of this day immensely. Peach bellini, steak, asparagus and Billie Miner Pie. Now back to No Sugar until April.

    Have to go shopping for shower presents, wedding gifts and a new outfit. I guess this means I have to go shopping.

    Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Not much to say.. just checking in....
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Katla - I'm not sure from what you asked whether you have taken the whole test for yourself. It's easy to do online. Then they give you quite a long run down of the results. I paid for the premium results, but it didn't tell me more than the free run down so I wouldn't bother with that. I must say my results, INTJ - T have given me more confidence to "Be Heather" and have explained a few things that puzzled me. I think we all have an idea of ourselves and maybe feel we ought to be a certain way and try, quite uselessly, to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. When we understand our strengths and weaknesses and work with them I think it makes us happier and more fulfilled. For example, only 0.8 of women have my profile. That I find reassuring. I am good at some things that have always surprised me and somehow undervalued. Now I feel I can let them into the light. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Just popping in to say good morning

    Kate UK <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Lisa~ I understand the hamster wheel.....
    Right now I am sorta having a mini nervous breakdown... i am holding steady... but feel on the verge....
    I am trying to take things a day at a time.. but trying to keep a marriage together ,that I dont know will survive..
    at almost 57 having my job be in peril, worrying about my dad at almost 89 ,and what my future with caretaking with him will bring.. and trying to be everything for everybody.. is starting to take its toll..