Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach - I know that frustration but Katrenaj gave you the same advice I would. For me it is always scary to add calories but sometimes it's like magic, for some reason eating a few more calories for a few days just seems to reset the metabolic set point and when I lower them again, off somes the weight! Som. etimes extra exercise will do it, but I find for myself the most effective tool is the number of grams of carbs I eat per day, like Niki. I try to keep mine at less than 100 per day but if I drop them to 50ish like Niki the weight will start to come off more quickly, that's why I keep mine up higher because the doctor doesn't want me losing faster. I find that upping my healthy fats and proteins is very sastisfying and gets me past the lower carb. The only bad part of the lower carb is that it really affects my sleep negatively. Like right now, my carbs have been lower and I only slept one hour and 9 minutes of deep sleep and that is not enough. I need to eat more carbs today so that I can get some rest tonight or I'll be a really miserable girl tomorrow! That negatively affects my desire to overeat and to snack when I need sleep, so it's something that is a dance that seems to be needing frequent adjustment to balance out the pros and cons for me. I hope you figure your dance out soon and vent all you need to but don't give up! We need you here!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    CampfireQueen - Like the rest of you if I keep my carbs to 45 grams or less I lose fast, but more often i am in the 90's and lose but more slowly. next week I am going to really try to stay within 45 gms so I can break 210 or at least close. Going on a bus trip Tuesday to the Cherry Blossom Festival, so will have to be extra diligent.

    Nikion - I feel like a different person with my chiro adjustments. Congrats on hitting the lower #
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    You go @KATRENAJ!!! I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. I'm down another 0.4 pounds this morning and that's on my non-diuretic day so that's a real plus! And I got over 3 hours of deep sleep last night so the added carbs yesterday did help!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,974 Member
    Gained today :neutral: Monday I get back on the weight loss bullet train.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017

    Sunday Share ... Probably all the 'regulars' know me pretty well from the past 3 years posting to this thread, still I would like to tell a bit about myself today as I'm feeling pretty pumped from this mornings weight. My name is Niki and I am 72 years old. I'm single, having been divorced back in 1980 and never getting the itch to get hitched again. I've been way overweight for many years, since the early 1990's when I started to go through menapause and also had to curtail my physical activities because of a back injury. (oh, and eating too much also) That injury has been a constant presence in my life since then but I know I could have lost the extra weight had I applied myself to it the way I have the past few years. So, even though I am now a 'fat old lady' I intend to be a much thinner me as time goes by.

    One of the challenges I'm in asked for pictures of us along our weight loss journey during 2017. I took one today because I thought it was due now, but it's not due until next week ... so I'm posting it here. My waist has gone down 2-1/2 inches since January 1 and I have trimmed just under 11 pounds as of this mornings weigh-in.
    PS ... anyone wanna share their body shots?
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Sunday Introduction:
    My name is Holly I turn 44 next week. Happy Birthday to all the March people. I played bingo last night for my bday I lost but won big at pull tabs which I almost threw out for never played before and didn't realize I had won. I am a single mom that lost her son at 19 to suicide in Sept 2015. I was on here before he past but been in a hermit phase since until recently. I live in MN work full time, take online classes for business degree part time. I was down from 280 to 250 when I lost my son now weigh about 290. I am starting with not eating out so much as having no one to eat left overs cooking for one has been hard to adjust to. I also work a highly stressful job for a company that doesn't treat people very well. I am looking for a new job currently but has been hard. I have a lovely and naughty dog named Riley who is german shep mix with some hunting dog he keeps me on my toes vet says he may always keep me on my toes too. I love to write, read, drink coffee, walk, make homemade gifts like blankets, journals, and ornaments. I want to learn how to make scarves next.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,974 Member
    Niki, I share my body shot every 5 weeks on the newsboard with my friends. I dont see much chnge yet but i am able to wear a smaller size since the beginning of this year. :smile:

    Hi Holly! Nice to get to know you. :heart:
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Congrats on the progress, Niki! Great going! I'd happily post my body shot, but don't know how. If you or anyone else) can tell me, that'd be great. I use the mobile MFP app on my phone.

    Holly, thanks for allowing us to get to know you. And GOOD FOR YOU getting back into weight loss (aka regaining your health) mode. Not easy...

    Happy Sunday, everyone!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hi @mnwalkingqueen --- I remember you and Riley, and the recall the heart wrenching sadness you suffered when your son passed. It's good to hear you are starting to take care of yourself once again.

    You might have stopped posting before I changed my profile name ... I was NK1112 when you were a regular on this thread. @RobinsEgg stopped posting about a year ago. I'm in touch with her and she's doing wll despite health issues ... she has the most optimistic and cheery way of engaging others that just is an inspiration to me. However, it was RobinEggs wish that this thread somehow kept on going even without all the old regulars who made it what it is ... and I'm glad to see that we are still here to cheer and support one another on this journey of ours.

    Hope you find your way back here often. Good luck in the job hunt. Working at a place that you don't like is a horrible daily stress no one needs!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Sunday Share - I blew it this weekend. It started with lunch at a restaurant with a few cheats, got totally out of control with Chinese food and today was just crazy binge behaviors that I had not indulged in for a whlle. I will get back on track though. For two weeks, a gentleman from my subdivision, whom I have never met, has called me to bowl with him on Monday. I'm going to do it tomorrow, though I am nervous and a little scared. Wish me luck.

    Nikion - You are doing geat. I'm 71 and you are an inspiration.

    MNwalkingQueen. My heart goes out to you. I lost my son to suicide in 2007 and I know the road you are traveling. Be kind to yourself and may God wrap his arms around you and immerse you in love

  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen welcome back. Good luck on this phase of your journey. There are no words for your loss, i will keep you and your son in my prayers.

    The rest of you are doing great. Losing weight, fighting the evil stalls. Being there for each other. I'm so happy I found this group. Thank you to all of you

    I am having an eyeore day. I'm not sure why. It's been a good weekend. Worked almost all day yesterday building a fence and gate. Today I went walking with my sister at the nature trail. Many birds, egrets, herons, hawks, pelicans and a variety of wading/shore birds. Then I abdicated all responsibility and went fishing. I caught a teensy tiny Bonnet Head shark. My son caught several whiting and a sting ray. I guess I'm grumpy because I am not ready for the week and I didn't finish anything. I didn't go buy any new shirts or pants, I need them! I still have 2 sections of fence and a ramp for the tortoise to build. I can't wait for pureed foods to be over. I do not like them and would rather have a protein shake. I can make 1 more week. I'm Just grumpy and not looking forward to the 4:30 bell tomorrow morning when the race for friday begins. I'm uncomfortable being smaller. My face, arms and legs are not mine anymore. My belly is still plenty big but different. I have veins in my hands and arms, my calves are nice, my oldest was flexing his to show off and I flexed mine and asked how they were looking. He was surprised mine are bigger and more cut than his ( yeah, I've been dragging 350 pounds around with mine for a few years) I'm just not quite comfortable with my change. I'm losing at a good steady pace but that doubt, the past failure the old me worries I will fail again. 85 pounds gone. 80 more to go. Fear and self doubt. I guess it's going to take longer to lose them than the weight.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Does anyone here drink apple cider vinegar?? My coworker is all about it and I'm think if trying it. The good think is that I like the taste. But I was wonder about a couple of things?

    Do you take the 2 tablespoons all at once or space it out?
    Do you drink it with food?
    Have you noticed any good side effects?
    Have you noticed any bad side effects?

    This web page had a lot of information and I liked how he sited his sources (I read three of his articles).

    But I always like to hear what people who have(d) use it think.
  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    Monday check-in.

    Well the 30 day challenge is over for me after 10 days. My back gave out yesterday so I will wait until it feels better and will try easing back into it in a couple weeks or so I think. I wish I could take time off work but I have another 8 weeks to go.

    Also I apparently won the neighbour lottery. My next door neighbour likes talking so loud I can follow his side of a conversation from my bed. And when he is not here there is always my upstairs neighbours and their daughter who wont sleep. Lots of running and yelling until the middle of the night. Yeah 4h of sleep to start the week is not enough.

    I am at work, I am in pain and I feel like crap.

    Call me Grumpy today.

    @mnwalkingqueen @KATRENAJ I am so sorry for both your losses. I cant even imagine going through a loss like that. I am sure both your sons would be proud of the changesnyou are making.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited March 2017
    I will be posting my weekly challenge update shortly but first a couple of messages.

    @pneschich I hope your day is better today. I haven't had the surgery but I empathize with your feelings. As we lose weight and our bodies change I think we all worry about sabotaging ourselves and with surgery your body is changing so fast it must be very difficult to adjust to and to wrap your mind around. I know you will get thru this, you have had the strength to get this far and you will make it all the way to goal. One thing I would like to suggest...get some new clothes! Of course you still have more to lose but having clothes that fit and make us look good goes a long way toward our self esteem and I bet that will help some! Another thing I have used for many years even though it can sound silly to some people is the power of positive thinking! For many years when I was going thru some really hard times, I had a 2 x 3 note card stuck to the bathroom mirror that said "you have 2 choices when you wake up every morning, to be happy or to be sad. I choose to be happy." I really believe a positive outlook can produce positive results. Let me say that I know you are positive most of the time just thought I would gently remind you to start your day positive! :)

    @trinati2001 haven't tried the apple cider vinegar, curious as to what it is suppose to do and how it works out. Keep us posted if you decide to try it.

    @sand86802 so sorry about your back and your neighbors. A good night's sleep is one of the things you need most right now, so sorry you aren't getting it. Hopefully, you'll feel better soon!

  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Checking in for the challenge...

    Name: Barb
    Age: 69
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 241.6
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 228.5

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 241.6
    March 1: 239.4
    March 8: 237
    March 15: 235.6
    March 22: 234
    March 29: 231.8
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week:2.2
    Weight -/+ this month: 9.8

    So excited, from start of this journey to now I have lost 26.2 pounds, I was hoping to see 25 but I blew right past that from 24 last week to 26 this week. :smiley: It helps that I got to ride my old 3 speed bike again over the past few days and I'm up to 30 minutes at a time. Now don't you athletic people scoff at that 30 minutes :wink: for an obese, sedentary, 69 year old that's excellent!! LOL I'm working at increasing my time every week although when riding into the wind I don't do well at all but I figure it's a harder workout so if I go less time it should equal out. Hoping to get a speedometer for the bike soon so I can see how far and at what speed I'm cycling. I do have to admit that biking in Florida on all flat terrain is so much easier than in northern New York state where I grew up and lived much of my adult life!

    Looking at the challenge figures I just decided to change my goal from 228.5 to an even 228. Don't know why I added that .5 anyway, but 228 will make exactly 30 pounds off from my original starting weight! Exciting!

    I'm a happy camper today and hope everyone has a great day! <3
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Not sure I know how to share a bodyshot. Achy and tired after a major eating binge this weekend. Not so much how much I ate as what I ate. Out of control. Surprized just 2.5 lb gain. But today is a new day and an opportunity for me to stick to my eating plan. I have been skirting on the edge for a couple of weeks and need to re-committ to the basics of the plan. Worked on my patio yesterday and it is spotless and so neat. It had gotten kinda crappy over the winter and everything sparkles. It was so nice to sit out there last evening and enjoy the mountain view in the distance and listen to the birds chirping.

    I put a new bird feeder and bird house out and filled the bird bath,. I'll plant some flowers today. The pansie and snapdragons I planted last autumn are bright yellow but the strawberries and roses may have lost too much water to survive. Katrena

    pneschich - Sounds like you live in paradise. Hope your day gets better. What an accomplishment 85 lbs. Thats fantastic. Know how you feel. I once lost 60 lbs. Was walking in Walmart and caught a glance of myself in a mirror. I became panic stricken, didnt recognize myself. It's an eerie feeling

    Trinati - I've tried it from time to time and can't say i have noticed any effect, but don't think I was dieting at the time. I took mine without food and for indigestion

    Sand - "Hope the day goes better for you. Losing sleep is a bummer Soirry about your back

    Bapcarrier - Good points. I have even developed a habit of writing down three things I accomplished during the day and three goals for tomorrow. Also, 5 things Im grateful for.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Earth Day Weight Challenge results for week 4 ... Monday-Sunday week containing Wednesday March 22 ...

    We had 13 people weigh in this past week for a total loss of 20.9 pounds.
    The starting weight for the 13 of us who did weigh in was 3236.6 pounds and our ending weight this week was a total of 3156.7 ... Which means .... Ta - Da - ... during the past 4 weeks of trying, we have shed 79.9 pounds of unwanted weight!

    Good luck this week that sees the last Wednesday of March in the calendar ... Lets end this month on a "low" note!
  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member
    Name: LaDana
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22). 295
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 285

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 295
    March 1: 292
    March 8: 293
    March 15: 290
    March 22: 286
    March 29: 288
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: +2
    Weight -/+ this month: -7

    We went on a Spring Break mini vacation to Branson. I tried to be careful but obviously cheated to much. Working to get back on track again.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    It's really inspiring that even though we are in different parts of the country (or even the world maybe) and we have our own struggles with weight, family, work, etc we try to make a bit of time in our busy life to encourage each other to keep in this journey.
    Sometimes it might be hard to understand what the others are going through but we try to support all regardless; so thank you!
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    Monday Check-in: I definitely cheated this weekend!! A going away Vietnamese lunch for a coworker on friday, nice dinner out on with my BF on Friday night (calamari, brick oven pizza, creme brule, and wine!!) plus a quick lunch of fish tacos and fries after shopping on Saturday meant that I was well over my calorie goals. Saw a movement of +1.8 lbs over the weekend but was happy to see that down this morning to only +1 lbs. Need to reset today and keep pushing to meet my Dietbet monthly goal (month #2 of a 6 month -10% transformer challenge). Only 2.5 lbs to lose in 7 days - totally attainable! Back to the gym tonight to run another 5K - I think I am going to focus on getting more comfortable with a short distance rather than training for a 10K.

    I've noticed a big difference in the last week or so about how I've been eating and my relationship with food. Previously I was pre-planning every meal/snack for the day and logging it in advance to see what I could fit within my calorie goals - often using any extra room in my allotted calories or needing more of a specific macro as justification for eating something extra or simply eating everything that I had planned regardless of whether or not I was hungry.

    Lately, I've stopped pre-planning/logging everything and have been eating more foods that I enjoy (and know are healthy) in portions that keep me satisfied. What a difference!! My breakfasts are now ~300 calories of greek yogurt, granola and some fruit. I pre-prepare lunches that are usually packed with veggies/protein and ~500 calories (this week's are Indian chicken lettuce wraps) plus some fruit or nuts (~200 calories) to snack on throughout the morning/afternoon as I feel peckish keep me sustained until dinner. My dinners usually consist of grilled/baked meat or fish plus roasted/sauteed veggies and sometimes some rice/potato (~500 calories).

    Since I don't often stray too far from that (except eating out like I did this weekend - oops), I normally eat ~1500-1600 calories a day and am satisfied with less than my 1800 goal. I don't have to feel guilty about throwing on a condiment here or there or if I come home and want a small glass of wine while I unwind because I have the extra wiggle room within my goal since I haven't planned it away elsewhere. I like the freedom I've been able to gain.

    Another difference I've noted with less pre-planning of my diet is what satisfies my body's cravings and keeps me feeling full the longest. When I was pre-planning everything I was planning out high protein(~140g)/low carbs(<70g). Since becoming less rigid in my planning and eating things that I know are healthy plus only eating until I'm full, I've noticed that my body craves/responds better to the opposite (~140g carbs, ~70g protein).

    I guess the moral of my little food rant is that everyone's body is different, everyone's relationship with food is different, everyone's success with logging/tracking will be different. Apparently I do better with post consumption tracking rather than pre-planning, my body prefers higher carb intake, and I like having flexibility in my diet rather than being committed into something that I have planned out.