

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    Hi all! Well, I didn't end up going to yoga yesterday because I had a meeting I had to go to. No tai chi today either, instructor was sick. So, no exercise! But tomorrow, I will take the pooch for a walk. That's something.

    @theslightedgeforever great job! Last week, it really helped me to up my water intake.

    @gemwolf110 a speedy recovery to your youngest pup! I'm glad you had a great vacation. I need one! I hope the weather clears up soon so you can use your bikes.

    @lore11a yes it is indeed! Especially when you have extra weight around the middle, it makes it hard to bend. My toes are much better, the big nail on one foot fell off but there was a nail growing underneath, so it's well on the way to being normal again (sorry, might be TMI but...). I hope your car doesn't cost too much. I hate when that happens. Did you get in the Zumba dvd?

    @cbabie I'm glad you are going to start taking care of yourself. I was listening to the podcast, "Weight Loss Made Real" and she was lobbying for us to take better care of ourselves. On her website, there is a "Love Menu" which has different aspects of taking care of yourself that you fill out, making a plan, I think you have to sign up for her newsletter to get the freebies like the love menu:

    It is good to hear your toes are much better. What a blessing!! When your feet bother you, it throws your whole body off, it seems. It was good to get my car fixed, but it did cost more than I had hoped. I didn't get to do the Zumba DVD. My niece was at the laundry mat. I had good intentions but they just didn't work out. :(
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! It's a beautiful Saturday and I'm feeling lazy. I'm enjoying a nice craft beer right now and hubby is going to grill some bratwurst and make macaroni salad. Not exactly diet friendly food, but good food for sure. My husband and I took the dog for a walk this morning, that's been my only exercise. We are about to listen to an audiobook, we are listening to a spooky book: "Ghost Road Blues" by a local author (Jonathan Mayberry). Not very far in it, but so far, it's good. We love to listen to audiobooks together.

    @lore11a yes you are right. I was hobbling for a while! I'm so glad they are better. I'm sorry your car was more than you had thought. At least you got to spend some quality time with your niece!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning to all

    I have been on an emotional ride and have not made good choices. I realized last night, that I feel terrible because of the sugar that I have been eating. Probably all the Jif too!! Jif has always been my comfort food.

    SO....I try again to day to get rid of the sugar...Every day you do it does make it easier. I still have so much to go
    through my dad's stuff...I can only go there and do a little at a time. The memories are too strong still.

    I splurged yesterday and had my nails done..I haven't done that in youngest daughter and her daughter all 3 of us went and had them was fun and I needed the family time.

    @trooworld sometimes we just need good and not think about what we are eating...I like that you and DH listen to audio books together..mine just sits in front of TV..LOL

    @lore11a I am so sorry about the cost of your repair. That is one thing God has blessed me DH may sit in front of the TV, but he does all the repairs and maintenance on my car..

    I hope all of you have a great day. I have to be at church here soon so I need to go.

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning!!!!
    We got some much needed rain last night without the thunderstorms, thank goodness. My daughter, son-in-law and two of my grand-children are up from Texas visiting for a couple of days. That always brightens my day.
    @trooworld..The Brats and Macaroni Salad sound so good. When my husband was still alive, we used to fire up the grill and cook hamburgers, brats, chicken, bologna etc., I would also make potato salad and baked beans. We would eat on that for 4 or 5 days. Not the healthiest things maybe but they were sure tasty and I didn't have to cook everyday. The audiobooks are a great idea and a good way to spend time together.
    @cbabie..I know what you mean about going through your loved ones things. My sweet husband passed away, it will be 2 years this month, and it was so hard to go through his things. I won't ever get rid of everything. You know it seems like everyone has trouble with sugar. I know I do. I make it pretty good until evening and then I start craving the sweet stuff after dinner. Sometimes I am strong and don't give in, but sometimes I do give in and eat something sweet, then feel bad afterwards. Vicious cycle. Lol. Anyway, I hope you feel much better really soon. I better leave for Church so I won't be late. Everyone enjoy your day!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! I just weighed myself, I'm up 8 oz, which isn't terrible but isn't the direction I want to go. I know what I need to do: I need to TRACK TRACK TRACK and I need to continue to drink more water. I need to make better choices while at work (I sometimes get a cookie or a brownie or something in the afternoon). I need to believe that I can lose this weight. Hubby asked last night if I would ever want to do weight loss surgery. I told him no, that I still believe I can lose it on my own. And I do, deep down I think. I also said no because if I still make the same mistakes with eating after I get the weight loss surgery, then I will end up back overweight. So, I need to correct the behaviors now.

    @cbabie it's crazy what sugar can do to one's body and mind. I'm glad you are giving it up again. That's great that you went and had your nails done. I always feel so much better after getting my nails done, even when I do them myself at home. I'm going to do my nails today at home. Regarding audiobooks, we don't listen to them together as often as I would like. My husband mostly sits in front of the tv too! lol

    @lore11a yay for rain! I love rain. This was the 2nd time we grilled on this new grill. We just got it a couple of weeks ago, and I put it together by myself (I'm so proud of that lol). It's just one of those tabletop gas grills, but it does cook what we need. I love bbq food. I could eat on it all week too, if we made enough.

    @gemwolf110 woo hoo to the news that you will be moving over to the new job tomorrow! Congrats! I know you will love a normal schedule.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    edited April 2017
    gemwolf Sounds like you have some great exercise plans. How am I doing? All was going good, tonight not so good. A bad case of the weepies and Doritos. Yaaay on the new job starting so quickly. Now you can get into a routine.

    lore Set a date in your calendar to do that new Zumba DVD? Hugs to you on your husband. I can't imagine. It would take more than a lifetime to get over. So the question of the day. Why do so many people crave sweets at night after dinner?

    cbabie I used to have a black thumb but now it's pure green. Lots of trial and error on the right location, the right amount of water, etc. I've learned it's more than sticking a plant in the ground hoping it will grow. Kind of like our health journey. It's more than just calories in/calories out. Some foods are triggers, some squash our cravings. It's about finding the right tweaks to our journey. Have you tried Jif Whips?

    trooworld I'll check out your weight loss made real site. So how could you tweak your brats and macaroni salad to make it a bit healthier? Turkey brats? More veggies, less macaroni? Lite mayo? One thing I said last week is that I always buy the same food at the grocery store, that's probably why I weigh the same. So I went out and found a new item. I'm a creature of habit. Cook the same way and body stays the same way.

    Here's the WW meeting highlights.


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    I lost my one lb. Now on to next week

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    I can't do my treadmill, my DH still sick and in my room. I think I am going to go outside and walk for a bit..I hate walking in the dark. :) I am fighting depression and loneliness big time today. Good thing I have to go to work and be productive. I pulled my notebook for my "to do" list for work and it stopped the day before my dad died. Oh well life is life.

    @trooworld Yes we can do this together. track track track...that is what keeps me on that is on my to do list for today. Thank you for always being upbeat and consistent on here.

    @gemwolf110 I am so happy that you get to start you new job today!! All things in time they say..LOL Yes I need to get his place sold and packed up. So I am going to try to do an hour every other day and work harder on the weekends. I am sorry you lost your dad, its amazing what effect our parents have on us in life and in death.

    @lore11a I am sorry for you DH loss. I didn't know. I am sure it must be hard...I know it was hard on my Dad when my mom died. He was never really happy after that. I saw pictures of him this weekend and he was laughing so made me sad and yet glad.

    @theslightedgeforever well they say practice makes perfect...oh that's what I need to do with sugar..LOL practice NOT having it. I used to have a green thumb..I am going to start small and try to get it back.

    Okay everyone have a great Monday!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! Hubby and I had a heart-to-heart last night about my weight loss efforts. He says I have lost my spark in general, due to the meds I'm on for my depression/bipolar II. He says I need to find my spark again. I don't know how to do that. He also said that he would support me in any effort I want to make re: weight loss coach, Weight Watchers (again), even going to Tibet to go to a monastery (not that I have plans for that, he was just making a point lol). There is a weight loss coach I would love to work with, she does the podcast "Half Size Me". I don't know how much she charges, but I'm going to look into it. I've done the WW coaching and didn't like it: all it is is the coach makes you come up with three goals every week and you just talk about those 3 goals. It was mildly helpful, but I need something more in-depth.

    @theslightedgeforever I love the Jif Whips...very good stuff. Re: tweaking dinner...I don't know where I could find turkey brats but I could lighten up the macaroni salad by using reduced fat mayo and reduced fat cheese. I could eat less of it as well. What is the new item that you found? "Cook the same way and body stays the same way" so true so true. Thanks for the highlights. I really appreciate that she does those, I like listening to her interpretation of her meeting, and other videos she does of her day, week, etc. Congrats on losing your pound!

    @cbabie you are welcome, I really appreciate you guys and having a place to vent! I'm sorry you are fighting depression and loneliness. Sometimes going to work helps mine. I like the people I work with, and just talking with the students helps. I don't want to go to work, but I always feel better when I do. To do lists really help me, too. I hope you get back to doing yours.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. Tonight, I feel hope. It's a glimmer, but it's there. I've felt out of control for so long. Hopeless. Depressed about my weight and habits. But tonight, I have a plan. For the past couple of days, I have been looking for a weight loss coach. I didn't know if it would be a weight loss coach, a wellness coach, or a personal trainer. I didn't think I could afford who I wanted, and I am probably right. But I found a solution: Vida . They offer 1 on 1 coaching, and a lot more. I'm going to try it and see how I like it. The reviews on Google Play are really good. When I started the process of signing up, they offered me 5 coaches to choose from. Most of them looked really good and right up my alley. I feel relieved to have a plan in place. Now, I'm anxious to start. I can't start until next Friday (they offer a free one week trial, and then you have to pay and I don't have the money yet). Their app syncs up with Fitbit and MyFitnessPal. Just wanted to share where I am.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    cbabie That's good that you got out there and walked although in could do a Leslie Sansone video on YouTube Happy Walk is 15 min I think. There are 30 and 45. You could go to your garage or out back and turn down the volume and just move.

    trooworld I hope you find something that works for you. I guess contact the podcast lady and see how much she charges. I've paid three different times and yet here I am. I call my spark my lightswitch. I'm either on or off. I have used visualization of me flipping on a very big lightswitch when I vet off track. I recently installed a dimmer switch. I realized it doesn't have to be just on and off. I am the one in control of it. For now I am getting motivation from those twin Youtube videos each day. I saw a before pic and they really have come a long way. Have you started watching those yet? I think it takes a determination of WHY you want to lose weight. It takes changing the environment. such as tweaking recipes. They sell Jennie O turkey brats at Walmart.

    Oh I see you found Vida. Maybe they will help you understand the patterns you have that keep you stuck in this cycle.


    I walked with dh for about 35 min around the neighborhood.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! I didn't mean to sound like a sales pitch for Vida, so sorry if I did. I just get excited about things sometimes. :) I was planning on going to the gym this morning, but when the alarm went off at 4:20, I just couldn't get up. I am planning on going to the gym after work tonight and walking on the treadmill or doing the recumbant bike.

    @theslightedgeforever I like the idea of a dimmer switch. Mine is definitely an off an on switch right now. Yes, I found the twins...I watch them and the lady that does the weekly meeting recaps. I haven't seen the twins' before pic yet. I'll look for those the next time I'm at Walmart, but I don't remember seeing them. It's possible I just didn't expect to see them so I didn't even though they were there. Yes, I hope Vida helps. Great job on walking.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    trooworld It's good to get excited. That's what keeps us going. Did you go to the gym? I saw this video today and thought of you and needing a spark.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Wow I thought I posted yesterday but didn't Sorry...I tried again, but the ice cream called to me again last night. I still can't get on my treadmill...DH still home. I think I will walk at work today. I miss my workouts. I dozed for a few minutes and woke up wanting oatmeal. LOL

    I am going to listen to the two ladies my sister is after me to watch today. Yesterday at work was brutal..I was so far behind, I barely got up to move...

    @trooworld I am excited that you are excited..I love that we energize each other here. I hope you made it to the of us ought to be making our goals..LOL

    Okay girls I am running late..I have to jump in the shower.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! Well, I signed up for the trial membership with Vida and I have an appointment set up with my coach for Friday night. We already had a text conversation about my goals. I can't wait to start making progress, I got on the scale this morning and had gained 8 ounces. Not what I wanted.

    @theslightedgeforever darnit no I didn't...and for the stupidest reason: I couldn't find my gym card! I found it later, but at the time I couldn't. Thanks for the video, I'll watch it later, I'm on a computer that doesn't have sound right now.

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning!!! Someone turned the air-conditioner on outside. Lol. It was a lot warmer yesterday, then we had storms move through. Some parts got a lot of hail and hard rains. Thankfully, there wasn't any hail at my house. My daughter and her family live in Texas now and last week they had bad storms come through. They all had to get in a closet about 2 in the morning. Fortunately they only had a few shingles blow off the roof.
    @trooworld..Good luck with the Vida. I hadn't heard of them before. Let us know how that goes. You are so fortunate to have your husband in your corner. My hubby was always behind me also, and it really helps.
    @theslightedgeforever..Thank you for telling us about Jif Whips. I bought a jar and it is very good and less calories than regular peanut butter. I also like your example about the lightswitch.
    @cbabie..Thank you so much for your kind words. I miss my sweet husband everday but we have to go on. In June of this year we would have been married 50 years. It seems like a long time but it went by so fast. I hope you are feeling tons better. This board really helps. Everyone is so nice and I learn a lot. Sometimes it is good to know other people have the same problems with weight and struggles as I do, not that I wish that anyone would have problems, it is just good to know I am not alone.
    Okay, I better get up and get busy. I am planning on getting some exercise in, doing a little housework and practicing on my piano today. Hopefully I can get everything done, if I don't get distracted. Lol.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    cbabie Did you walk at work? How about those bikes you have at work?

    trooworld Now that you have your gym card set a time to go to the gym. The hardest part is just starting. For me it's a matter of putting on my shoes.

    lore I thought you were in your early 40's and thought no way can you have been married 50 years. We can all learn from each other.

    I took a walk with dh.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good morning all of you lovely ladies, I am sending positive and happy thoughts to each of you. <3

    I have been working since Saturday 10+ hours a day and don't have a day off until Monday. I am tired and sore but am enjoying the work.


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! I made it to the gym last night, and did a HIIT workout on the recumbent bike. I don't feel I work very hard on the bikes, but it's better for my knees and it is something. I've been over on my calories every day this week. All I can do is start over the next day. Today is pretracked and I should be right at my calories today. I won't be going to the gym tonight, it is yoga day at work and I'm choosing to do that. Did I tell you all my mantra that I am telling myself? "My health is important to me. I choose to make it a priority." I made it my desktop background on my computer at work too.

    @lore11a that must have been scary for your daughter and her family. I remember when I lived in Ohio, it was so scary when a tornado came around. I hope it gets warmer in your parts! Yes, my hubby is a great source of support. I'm so sorry for your loss. You would have been married 50 years, that is amazing. It must be a big adjustment not to have him around.

    @theslightedgeforever yes indeed. For me, it's the changing into the whole workout clothes at work. I hate changing in the bathroom stalls but that is the only place to change. If I can do that, and if the traffic isn't too bad, I can make it to the gym. Great job on the walk! Oh, I watched that video. They have some good ideas. It's all about finding what works for you. I am a visual person, like the lady on the left in the video. I have a vision board on Pinterest, that helps. I think I just need to do MORE things. We just sit around our house on the weekends and do nothing. We live in CA where the weather is beautiful year round, I have no excuses.

    @mysticlizard wow what a busy schedule! I'm glad you are enjoying the work though.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning, I am so far behind..I over slept today. I did NOT WALK yesterday and today isn't looking good either. I was too busy at work and my day is on the run again.

    I feel weird today, but I am sure it's all things going on in my life coming out in the physical.

    @trooworld I am excited for you, let us know what you think.
    @theslightedgeforever NOPE no walk
    @mysticlizard So sorry about the work schedule...but my mom always said idle hands are of the devil..LOL meaning if we weren't busy we were in going to get into some kind of trouble.

    Okay gotta run
