Fellow shorties needed for support and motivation 5'5 and under :)



  • AgileK9
    AgileK9 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi! 5' 2 3/4"...but I think I'm shrinking a bit. I'm 47 and have been losing the same 15-20 pounds all of my adult life. I'm currently at 160 having lost 8-10 since the holidays. I can usually get down to 155 then I falter and gain it back. The smallest I've been since having kids is 130 and everyone told me I looked sick so my goal weight is actually about 140-145 at this point in my life. I've never been small. I've always been very athletic and muscular and even in high school I was around 125. I'm also curvy with the emphasis on the top half even when I lose weight.

    And the old adage is true...the older you get the harder it is to lose it! I used to be able to drop 15 pounds by just cutting a few calories and adding some exercise. Now though, every darn pound is a struggle!

    I've added in more resistance training with my cardio to help my metabolism and hopefully get rid of some back fat and arm jiggle. I'm seriously considering hiring a personal trainer but time is tight with work and kids and a new puppy coming soon.

    This site is great for motivation! Thanks!
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    How is everyone elses progress coming along? You are all welcome to post pictures of your success as well.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    Do you shorties eat your exercise calories? I know it's harder for us to create a large deficit and I wonder who eats them back and who doesn't. I work in an office and have some extremely sedentary days so my base cals are 1200. I usually earn around 275 cals in exercise but I'm conflicted on whether or not to eat them most days.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    I NEVER eat my exercise calories back. When I did, I didn't lose.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Do you shorties eat your exercise calories? I know it's harder for us to create a large deficit and I wonder who eats them back and who doesn't. I work in an office and have some extremely sedentary days so my base cals are 1200. I usually earn around 275 cals in exercise but I'm conflicted on whether or not to eat them most days.

    I eat some back. Probably 1/2 - 3/4. Sometimes I eat them all. I like to leave myself a little cushion for the weekend, because Saturday is our (husband and I) play/date day, and we just eat/drink whatever without counting. So while I don't count cals on Saturdays, I like to be aware in the back of my mind that I've given myself that extra bit from eating a bit under throughout the week.
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    Do you shorties eat your exercise calories? I know it's harder for us to create a large deficit and I wonder who eats them back and who doesn't. I work in an office and have some extremely sedentary days so my base cals are 1200. I usually earn around 275 cals in exercise but I'm conflicted on whether or not to eat them most days.

    I always eat at least half mine back and I'm on 1200 too. Still losing :smile:
  • maria_clue
    maria_clue Posts: 5 Member
    Also 5'2 (and a half) because it's super important fact. I used to be around 110~120 but going though college I'm not 140. So I'm hoping to get back down to 110. Feel free to add me I need motivation and friends!
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    5'1" here. I can look okish at anything from (UK weights coming up...) 8st to 10st depending on how much i'm exercising and what kind I'm doing.
  • jelly_potato
    jelly_potato Posts: 77 Member
    edited April 2017
    Ooh, how have I not seen this thread yet. I'm 162cm (5'3) and have transitioned from 62kg to 53kg in the past few months. While I still want to lose a few more kg, my focus is now on recomposition. Add me up, would love to exchange some ideas and you can never have too many motivated friends around.
  • AnneParker1981
    AnneParker1981 Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2017
    Add me, I just joined. [post edited by MFP moderators] I'm 5" 2 trying to get to a very lean 145 I was 191.2 now I'm 150. I life lately and a little cardio in between some days
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    So , I went to the doctor the other day and the doctor asked how tall I was. I told her 5'2(and a half) she said "okay , so 5'2" .... hey that half really does count ... anyways rant over.
  • jujubeans1974
    jujubeans1974 Posts: 145 Member
    Hello Everyone
    I'm exactly 5ft .. 42 years old
    Current Weight 145.2 pounds c37fbt9kxzwr.png

    Last April had an abdominal hysterectomy " weigh 142 .. at that time .. than got diagnose with hypothyroidism .. worked with my doctors, that's under control currently... but weight went up to 151.6 ... February 6 .. got serious with tracking my intake.. and average 1644 calories daily , with 90 minutes of daily activity, nothing major .. just walking .. I hate feeling hungry .. so I eat my activity back .. will be happy at 120-125 pounds
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'3 and at 105 I know that's small but I do not by any means look super super skinny ! Ppl tell me I'm thick still lol!
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    are you trying to loose?
  • loodleyloodle
    loodleyloodle Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 4'9 and have always struggled with weight. Used to be 182 but lost loads through walking everywhere and maintained for 7 years at 108. Now 126 and really wanting to lose those 18lbs!
  • lucilleballs42
    lucilleballs42 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys! I'm at the beginning of my journey. I'm 5"3 and 210lbs I lost 30lbs last year but gained 11lbs over Christmas and have completely gone off the rails since
  • crowed1993
    crowed1993 Posts: 61 Member
    Add me!!
  • meganmdewar
    meganmdewar Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2017
    I just stumbled across this thread and soooo glad I did. I am a 34yo Mom, 5' 2", 144lbs. My goal is 135 and it has been SO discouraging getting there. Dr says i should be between 116-123, ugh. I try to eat 1200-1400 cals a day, but mostly hover around 1200. I cannot seem to get these last 10lbs off! Through my 20s I was 120-125, fast forward marriage, career, family, I put on 25lbs.

    I have a hard time hitting my macros, always have higher carbs. I have hypothyroid issues and have to watch my sugars as well, get dizzy if I don't eat every few hours.

    Glad I found you guys, short people unite!!!!