

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 30 minutes of HIIT today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Weight Watchers 15 minutes Boot Camp DVD

    Lanette - I so agree with the "life" quote you posted. SUPPOSEDLY an ideal weight for me would be 116lbs. Yea, like that one's gonna happen. I got about 10 lbs lower once but I felt and looked like c*** so I decided "the heck with it"

    Exercised, went to the Salvation Army, went to the post office, then home where I washed & waxed my car (boy did it need it). Afterwards, worked some more on the pool. And wouldn't you know it? It was in the 80's, sunny, and I just HAD to go into the pool to get some of the leaves out. Life sure is tough. As I was putting out my ceramic "creations", I was looking at the one that is the oldest (it's really the second one I ever did, I had to redo the first one) and the latest (the mosquito) and I could really see a difference. So much better, at least to me it is.

    Joyce - glad you finally got those windows. Hopefully, the extra windows will come in sooner than expected

    Debi - welcome. You posted in the exact right spot

    Becca - you look lovely

    Sharon - did your brother get professional help in dealing with his religion thing or did he just get tolerant as time went on?

    Leigh - I'm so sorry about your sister

    Carol in GA - hope Pom is better real soon. It hurts when our children hurt

    wesseg - I think you should change the color of the wall. Getting a color that matches the rug is a great idea

    NancyCaz - fantastic chol numbers!

    Aileen - jump as high as you'd like. Welcome! I'm sure you'll achieve your goals.

    Jimilyn - welcome! Love your name

    Loved all the family photos

    danareel - it is so nice of you to take your sister to her infusions

    Becca - I love reading your posts. You have such great insight.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Evening ladies! Continue to enjoy seeing all the pictures. Seeing Moms and daughters, families, kids. Some one made a comment about families being smaller now. I guess I had never thought of that. Charlie came from a family of 4 kids, mine was 5 kids. But yet we decided when we were engaged that we wanted only 2 children. HMMMM.

    Today we have had weather in the 80's. I got up all excited to open the screen door on my new patio door and seeing Melody enjoy the weather, the sounds, the birds, etc. But she wanted nothing to do with it plus it was to warm to have it open. It's cool enough to have it open now but all our drapes are closed. I guess I could jsut open up the patio door but Miss Melody has been sacked out on the couch for quite a while.

    Megs, I am so sorry. Continuing to pray for you.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Not been feeling well, I broke down and called the doctor. She put me on antibiotics for a sinus infection. I fight them constantly it seems. I usually end up with a doosie a couple times a year.

    We're having 10 or so people for Easter dinner. I'm not doing anything fancy. It will just be part of our kids and our next door neighbors.

    Loving all of the pictures.

    Janetr okc
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Sharon, I love the picture of you and your siblings. It just brings back memories of those times.

    Katla, so glad your DH’s eyes are doing well!

    Leigh, what a precious picture of you with your siblings. Thanks for sharing.

    Meg, sending (((Hugs))) and prayers for you.

    Wessecg, the furniture is beautiful. I don’t think the wall color is terrible but a soft grey/brown tone to accent the floor would show up the color of the furniture more.

    Nancy, congrats on the great numbers from your labs.

    Aileen, welcome. Good for you on your marathon. That’s not something I have any interest in but admire those of you that do. This is a great place for support and information so come often.

    Lanette, congrats on the better BP. I hope you can keep it down when you go back to work.

    Jimilyn, welcome to you as well. When deciding on your beginning goals keep it simple. Baby steps seem to work for many of us. Just come often and join right in.

    Mia, great family pictures.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I think I’m about finished emptying the guest room. It wasn’t easy finding new places for all the Christmas things I had in there not to mention other items. I’m not sure if I told you but DH will move into the guest room which is smaller and has a smaller closet than his room. That way DD can have the larger room when she gets here. It’s at the back of the house and by the bathroom so she will have more privacy. She won’t give us a date that she will start the cross country drive but I hope it at the end of the month.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi ladies. I'm checking in - can't say it's been a great week diet-wise, but it hasn't been TOO bad...so I guess that's ok. Had a lot of stresses I'm dealing with - I won't dump that on you. My biggest is that my baby girl (Alyssa) is a Junior at Ole Miss this year (I'm in Michigan) - I miss her more than I can even describe. Anyway, this is the first year that I haven't been able to afford to go down and visit her for Easter weekend...so I'm super sad. My oldest daughter lives with me - but my youngest is my mini-me...and I feel like half of me is missing. Why did she go to school so far away, you ask (as everyone does) - well, she wanted out of the cold and Ole Miss offered her a full academic ride, so since she fell in love with the campus when we visited and then the scholarship, it only made sense.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend. Don't eat too many Reeses PB eggs!!!!

    ~Diane from MI
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Ginger: Add me to those who think your organization is amazing. WTG!!!

    Lanette: "Since I've been upping my steps to between 8000 and 10000 per day, my BP is getting much better and I'm going to email my doc about cutting the meds in half." You are doing great!!!! :flowerforyou: :star::heart:

    Jimilyn in TX: Welcome! I'm a retired teacher, too, 8th grade Social Studies. I came to like 8th graders after I got my discipline set up. Bookmark us by clicking on the star at the top of our page. Then it will be easy to find us again. Just click on the gray star at the lower part of the MFP header. :smiley:

    miakoda & Patceoh: I love the family photos! :fowerforyou:

    Joyce: I envy big families. I came from a family with one kid. Me. I would have loved a sibling but that didn't happen. I was close with a couple of cousins that I adored, but they both died young. :tear: I am currently close with another cousin & DH's sister has become a treasured friend. :heart:

    DJ: Thanks for your good thoughts for DH. We're really excited that he is seeing again. When he gets his glasses he'll be able to drive, too. :heart:

    I went to the stable today and rode Arrow. He was friendly, lovey and LAZY. I need to figure out how to get that guy to move his feet faster than a trot. Maybe I can get some advice during my lesson tomorrow and practice strategies that will work.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited April 2017
    Awe, you are too kind Michele in NC! I do think that in our 50's we grow into ourselves. We separate the wheat from the chaff in our lives. Ten years ago if I wanted to eat a huge meal of fast food I just would. Now I know there is consequences with that action. I suppose I just plan better. Along with my need to live an honest life, my eating has become more of a personal thing. My tastes are so unique to me and it thrills me when I lose weight eating what I like! Its kind of like snubbing all weight loss programs that have pre made food. How cool is that!

    Hugs friend!
  • PumpkinSage
    PumpkinSage Posts: 29 Member
    Today I went way over my calorie count (pizza, my downfall). Not proud of that but am proud I logged it all in.
  • PumpkinSage
    PumpkinSage Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry, it's Jude from Chicagoland
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Accountability Post
    Thursday's Progress (4/13)
    ✔️1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B7, L67, D20, BBS 15= 49g)
    2. Fiber 30g (15g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes, 2 miles, 5000 steps. And the elliptical 5 days a week.
    ✔6. No eating after 9pm.
    7. In bed by midnight.
    8. Declutter: Electronics, Craft Supplies, Pantry, ✔Fridge, Cooking and Baking, Dishes and Serving, ✔Linen Closet, Laundry Closet, ✔Medicine Cabinets, ✔Personal Care.
    9. Digital Detox. Track daily timeouts. (Time-out: ? Hrs)

    • Fiber. Lighter on fiber today

    • Exercise. Made an effort and got 22 active minutes. Turned into a zombie by evening. Sat in a chair at the kitchen table with my nose in my iPad until I finally gathered the energy to break away.

    • Digital Detox. I blocked a few hours with devices in time-out. But got sucked into the digital vortex about 5:30pm.

    Glad to file this day away. Today was a doozy... I'm almost scared to finish my tracking.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Jess just got here. She asked me if I got a ham for tomorrow, but I never know if she wants to make dinner and what so I didn't get one. Well, we can always buy one tomorrow.

    Meg - I can't possibly describe the heartache I'm going thru for you

    Jess just saw her Easter "basket" and Vince reminded me that I didn't get him a chocolate bunny. Well, I'll get two for him the day after Easter when they're on sale BOGO. I also totally forgot to use the coupon for Jess and Colby's bunny

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,306 Member
    Hi all,
    Off to Portsmouth today for lunch with my friend. <3 I'm hoping that the trains are running. Because yesterday was a Bank Holiday a lot of conductors did turn up for work, so there was chaos. One was cancelled this morning, but I'm hoping.
    Had a terrible night last night - "restless legs" . :'(
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Dana - I'm sorry for the rift between you and your mother.

    Wesseeg - Love the new furniture. I vote paint.

    Meg - Sending hugs.

    Michele - It was my stepson. I think he became more tolerant as he worked his twelve step program for his addiction

    Worked very early this morning. Difficult person at work once more. Decision made to send her home after the 3 hours that we have to pay her for. Would not get a clue when you are sent home after 3 hrs when you are scheduled for 8? Yes, she has been told what the problem is but there is always a problem. I document everything in the hopes that we can get her on to a PIP. Today I just handed it back to the director and hope he handles it well.

    Waited all afternoon for a phone call that did not happen. Received a text that it will happen tomorrow. I hope so.

    Larry pruned the front yard. He may have gone to far as it is looking pretty bare right now. I went out and helped him load all the prunings into one of the trucks. As usual he did too much and then was sore.

    Didn't feel well while eating our salmon supper. It got worse and I am still not feeling quite right. I hope it is all done with by morning. Plans to go out and clean the old trailer out and up so it will be ready for sale.
    Still waiting for the door and awning for the new one.

    Watched the "Fault in our Stars" and had myself a good cry.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-36X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Buns, Guns and Abs challenge.
    55 squats
    13 push-ups
    55 leg lifts

    April move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to walk at least 2 miles when I walk my dog to where I board him.

    I will be MIA until Monday morning. Yes I am bringing my kettle bell! We will be on the road most of the day today and returning Sunday evening. Everybody have a fantastic Easter if you celebrate or have a great weekend!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Happy Easter to all who celebrate. I won't be on tomorrow. Meg