
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    Haven't had too much to say here since I signed up but I do read the posts. Not too much happening on my end. Celebrated our 45th anny last week and a granddaughters 5th bday dinner so that made the week a bit challenging. Managed to shed a pound though so I was happy. Will have to be tough this next week coming up with Easter weekend and a big family dinner here on the Monday. Not much exercise happening outside as it just won't stop RAINING here. Really nasty Winter and Spring. I guess I will have to keep the treadmill fired up at least until the sunshine reappears and I can get back out golfing and/or hiking. Have a good one everyone!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi all,

    @trooworld - I am glad you like your coach. I am sending prayers for DH.

    @cbabie - Hang in there, you are slowly but surely moving in the right direction, baby steps. Many people would be totally derailed by what you have been through and here you are still trying, give yourself a pat on the back. The salad looks great, what is in it?

    @theslightedgeforever - Keep up the great work. I love the motivation you post.

    @lore11a - My husband and I used to own a commercial greenhouse so I have a background in plants. I really enjoy plants and landscaping. I am excited about your radishes. Radishes and peas are the first thing I plant here in MN.

    @cmedwards52 - Yay! on the pound! Way to go!

    It is my first day off in eight days. The 10-12 hour shifts nearly killed me considering I am on my feet and moving all day. I am proud of myself that I can keep up with the young ones, not bad for a 52 year old that had been desk bound for the last dozen years. No cbabie I haven't been eating enough veggies. The girls are cooking and the youngest is anti veggie just now. I do make sure I get a couple of servings in when I come home for lunch (I live a mile from work) and when I cook. I think it will be easier when I get better adjusted to the job. I am proud of myself for coming home for lunch rather than stop at one of the dozen fast food places in between.

    All of you, take care of yourselves. I am sending happy thought to all of you. <3

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good afternoon all!!
    I have been running errands part of today. My Grandson will be graduating college this May and since he is out of town, I picked up his Cap and Gown for graduation today. We are so excited for him. I got my grass all mowed on Saturday and it looks so much better and was good exercise too.

    @theslightedgeforever..Congrats on your weight loss. Every pound counts. No, unfortunately I didn't get to exercise today. I love your weight loss sign.

    @trooworld..I like your menu choices. Sounds like a fancy restaurant menu. It is hard for me to think ahead what I want to eat. I can do pretty good with one day at a time. I guess I will have to work on it. My son-in-law likes to snack on the P3's. Sorry the Healthy Living Festival didn't turn out like you had hoped, but it shoulds like you are on the right track.

    @cbabie..Good job on the treadmill. I always feel better when I take time to exercise. After it is over! Lol.

    @mysticlizard..That is so neat you used to own a commercial greenhouse. How fun, but I am sure lots of hard work. Gardens are a lot of work but so worth it. Every year I tell myself I am not doing this again, but I always do.

    @cmedwards52..Congrats on your one pound loss.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    quick check in i walked 30 min treadmill over on carbs and cals Met step goal
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    Morning: First off I want to thank each of you for your support. I am so stressed and angry. I don't do well being micro managed and that is what my new boss is doing. I have to report every day each thing I do. I am reading a couple of books right now and they are on leadership and gameplans...timely don't you think? LOL There are a few lessons I have learned in my life, what is important and the need to not let things or people take your priority and put on you their priority. These are 3 things I am not willing to give up for anyone. My time in ministry (church, Bible reading, prayer etc) my family time, and my health time. I have had to make compromises lately because of my dads situation and HIS health, but that was family and health. I am learning how health (mental, spiritual, physical) are all important.

    So that being said I did get my 10K in yesterday!!! YEA, I did almost make it the whole day without sweets..LOL I finally gave in after eating too many cashews to a handful of Mike's/Nicks? So today one more baby step forward.

    @cmedwards52 great job on the loss..a win is a win!! good to hear from you!

    @mysticlizard Wow your own greenhouse. That must have been fun to see things grow. I hope you get used to your new job soon. I am so happy you are enjoying it!! you are making good choices with your food..yes I am proud of you for going home for lunch. That would be fun for me, but I may not go back to work..LOL
    The picture is actually my does look like salad..kind of is. Eggs, spinach, tomatoes sauteed in coconut oil. My grandson actually ask for it now..LOL

    @lore11a You are such a good grandma!! Congratulations on your grandson's graduation! I used to love to mow the grass so I could get exercise and sun..these days we have little grass and my DH does it with an electric mower. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever love the success picture, thanks for checking in...good job!!!

    okay I must go get ready for my walk and get to work.


  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    Well it is finally SUNNY here in the Fraser Valley of Beautiful British Columbia. Only supposed to last for today and back to that nasty rain for another 4 days. Boy, we just can't catch a break this year. We all love our beautiful green valley and we realize it won't happen without the rain but this is ridiculous this year. Sunshine please! I always plant a big veggie garden and by this time of the year I at least have the peas and potatoes well on their way. This year I'd have to plant them in the mud. Seriously considering planting rice this year!! :) Ok enough complaining. I'm heading up to get my chores done, 30 mins on the treadmill and then I'm going to go out and enjoy some of this sunshine before it disappears AGAIN. Have a good one everyone.
    Thanks for "listening", Carol
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all! I was involved in a car accident yesterday, I don't want to say more about it but I will say it was the other person's fault. I have a slight injury (slight concussion and slight whiplash) but overall am okay. My car is not so okay. The adjusters still have to come out and look at it. So, that's been my 24 hours!

    @cbabie that's good you got on the scale. I know it's tough to face, but it's a way to have a starting measure. Good looking breakfast! That micromanaging would drive me crazy. Really. Congrats on the 10K steps! That's not easy.

    @cmedwards52 welcome! Congrats on the pound down, very nice! I hope the weather clears up soon. I like to hike too. Oh, I see a later post from you and that the sun came out---yay!

    @mysticlizard thank you very much! You sound like this job is really good for you. Congrats on coming home for lunch!

    @theslightedgeforever that's a great graphic.

    @lore11a congrats to your grandson! Yes, we like to eat things that really sound good so we aren't tempted to eat out lol.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    Well I hit my 10K steps again...YEA, it helps to get on the treadmill. I didn't do so well on food last night. got into the ice cream. I had to pick up my dad's death certificate and well I got all emotional again. :( But on to today!

    I have a full day and won't have time to eat. LOL So maybe it will be the gun that starts the race. LOL

    @trooworld I am so sorry for your accident. That really sucks, I am glad you are okay, but concussion and whiplash are not little, it's very painful. Take it easy,

    @cmedwards52 yea the SUN...I love the sun. I can't handle rain too long I get depressed. That's why I am so glad my father did not take the church in Washington when I was starting HS..My life would have been totally different, LOL

    Okay gals got to get going sales meeting early this morning and I want to make sure I get all my other stuff done.

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    Hi all! I was involved in a car accident yesterday, I don't want to say more about it but I will say it was the other person's fault. I have a slight injury (slight concussion and slight whiplash) but overall am okay. My car is not so okay. The adjusters still have to come out and look at it. So, that's been my 24 hours!

    @cbabie that's good you got on the scale. I know it's tough to face, but it's a way to have a starting measure. Good looking breakfast! That micromanaging would drive me crazy. Really. Congrats on the 10K steps! That's not easy.

    @cmedwards52 welcome! Congrats on the pound down, very nice! I hope the weather clears up soon. I like to hike too. Oh, I see a later post from you and that the sun came out---yay!

    @mysticlizard thank you very much! You sound like this job is really good for you. Congrats on coming home for lunch!

    @theslightedgeforever that's a great graphic.

    @lore11a congrats to your grandson! Yes, we like to eat things that really sound good so we aren't tempted to eat out lol.

    So sorry to hear about your car accident. I hope you are doing better. When I was 18 I got hit from behind and it made my car hit the one in front of me. Needless to say I got a whiplash also. They are not fun at all. You take care.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all! I'm taking today off to take care of things, including myself. I have to pick up prescriptions but no way to get to the pharmacy besides walk the 1.5+ miles to there and then another 1.5+ miles back. I'm hoping to get a rental car today, but was kind of waiting to see who is going to pay for it. I might end up walking over there. The adjuster is supposed to come out today and look at the car. I hope they can fix it. I don't want to get a new car.

    @cbabie Congrats on hitting your steps. I can imagine that must have been tough to pick up the certificate. I'm taking today off, hopefully I will feel better and get a rental car today.

    @lore11a thank you, this whole thing is a big mess.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Bit of a challenge last night. Had a glass of wine and then I got into the Girl Guide cookies. Ate 4 but fortunately there were only 4 left or I would have probably eaten more than that. I did count all the calories and even at that was really only over my daily 1200 by 136 so not too terrible I suppose. Have EVERYTHING planned and recorded for today and I'm going to stick to it!! No wine tonight. That really tends to set me off in the wrong direction. Wish me luck.
    Cheers, Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    cbabie Yaaay on vetting back to exercise. Why not plan your sweets in your day? Then you don't have to feel guilty when you eat them. How about fudgecicles? So what's your reasoning why you get depressed in the rain, I do too. It can just be gray dreary skies for me. I have my own theory but interested in yours.

    cmedwards What is your plan for Easter dinner? I've learned there is always some holiday at least once a month it seems to tempt us off of our journey. Are you hosting or going somewhere? I try to eat the things that are my favorites and then see what I can do to minimize the damage. Another sun lover. We have had an unusual amount of rain this year so far. Sounds like you had a good day overall. You tracked your snacks instead of pretending you didn't. Plus you could have had a second glass of wine. Knowing ojr triggers is a big help. I didn't buy Doritos last week and I've had a good week.

    mysticlizard I see you are around my age. I would have guessed in your 30s for some reason. Maybe I just wish all my friends were in their 30s. lol Is the scale moving because of all this extra movement you have been doing? Hooray for you for going home to lunch vs eating out.

    lore Congrats on your grandson's graduation. My son will graduate in May also. Exercise plan for the day? Put on some music and dance.

    trooworld Ouch I hope you are okay. I saw lost some weight. Your program is working. Did you make it to the pharmacy? Think of the calories burned by walking although if it's hot where you are you probably don't care about walking and burning cals. lol I just happen to be one that likes to walk outside. But now that I'm older, the heat bothers me more.

    I ended up walking 41 min today. Cals and carbs on track. Thumbs up for me.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all! I'm just pluggin along here. I think I'm a bit stress eating, I ate sushi last night and a gyro and fries the night before. It's partly my husband's fault: he begged me to get sushi delivered last night so I did. I could have put my foot down but it sounded too good. I have my 2nd appointment with my health coach today. She has sent me information about mindful eating. I am going to start keeping a diary with when I ate, how I felt before I ate, how I felt after, and what I ate.

    @cmedwards52 Oh those darned Girl Scout cookies! Well, it could have been a lot worse. Great job planning and tracking!

    @theslightedgeforever I ended up taking an Uber to the pharmacy. I probably should have walked but I'm in a soft collar for the whiplash and it's a bit uncomfortable. Yes, I lost but I think I will gain when I weigh in on Sunday: I've had sushi last night and the night before I had a gyro and fries. Stress eating, I believe. Great job on the exercise and macros!
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    theslightedge: you asked about my plans for Easter dinner. Yes, I am hosting for our immediate family (12). Menu is baked ham; chicken wings; scalloped potatoes; pecan carrots; bean salad and corn. Probably strawberry tarts and/or dilly bars (for the kids) for dessert. Might only buy just enough dilly bars so this adult doesn't eat any leftovers!! :) Will be a challenge to not overeat. My plan is to have 1 serving and send any leftovers home with our "single" daughter and my father-in-law. Wish me luck.

    Have my three little granddaughters (4,5 and 6) over for a sleepover which accounts for my very early post this morning. They were all up at 5:30 but managed to convince two of them to head back to bed. Pretty sure that won't last too long. It is fun to have them here but EXHAUSTING!! If the weather permits I'll take them to the park and maybe I can burn a few calories there too.
    Have a good one everyone.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    Sorry guys,. I have been behind the 8ball.....I will catch up this weekend.. I have been hitting my 10K each day...
    Miss all you guys

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all! I've really fell down an emotional eating path, yesterday I had 3 snacks instead of dinner. Gah. My health coach sent me information on emotional eating so hopefully I can incorporate some of that information today and not do it again. I think it will be helpful to keep that diary. I can't wait to go back to work and get back to normalcy. I see @cmedwards52 has her Easter planned, what about everyone else? We are having ham, scalloped potatoes, and italian roasted veggies. No dessert.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    trooworld On one of the youtube channels I watch, they said Lose the weight like you intend to maintain the weight. Which means eat the way you will eat once you reach goal otherwise you will gain the weight back. So I see sushi as always being a part of your future. How can you fit it into your plan? Portion control? Making your own lighter sushi? Limiting the number of times you eat it per month? Planning for it, Enjoying it and eating lighter during the day so it fits into your food budget? You just need to figure that part out. Everyone has their own journey to take. Dh can only eat chicken or fish due to a blood disorder. Since I don't like fish, guess what we are having. lol It's just the three of us. My mother in law lives with us. She's a diabetic so I'll probably throw in a salad and some corn. I love scalloped potatoes but can't control myself. Ooooh I just thought of making scalloped cauliflower. That would be lighter and give me the same "fix". Just think of this emotional eating time as lessons to be learned. We will always have life throw things at us. Keeping the diary is good so you can go back next time and see how far you have come.

    cmedwards Mmmmmm dilly bars. Did you make it to the park? Your menu sounds good. Old me would have eaten the ham, big helping of scalloped potatoes and corn. Although when I host I'm too busy to eat as I always seem to be up and down. It's the leftovers that night that get me. I'm tired and tell myself I've worked hard I deserve to eat. So you have a good plan by sending the leftovers away.

    cbabie good for you on your steps

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Happy Easter Weekend to everyone!!! I have done better this week on my eating. I have actually lost around 1 and 3/4 pounds. I am excited and hope it stays off. It seems I have been stuck at the same weight for quite some time now. Everyones menu's for Easter sounds delicious. My daughter-in-law invited me to come to their house for dinner, after church. We are having Ham, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, rolls and for dessert pecan pie and chocolate cake. Looks like I am going to have to do a little extra exercise after that. Lol. A friend and I went to lunch this week. We even looked up the calories of what we were going to eat ahead of time. When we got to the restaurant the calories on the menu were about 200 calories more than Myfitnesspal showed. We stopped by a little park that has a walking trail and got some exercise in. It was a pretty day we hopefully walked some of the lunch off.

    @cbabie.. You are doing so awesome on getting your steps in. Do you walk outside or on your treadmill?

    @trooworld..I hope you are doing much better after the accident. Were you able to get a rental car?

    @cmedwards52..Sounds like you have a great menu and day planned. It is always fun with Grand-children around.

    @theslightedge..Thank you for the congrats on my Grand-son graduating. He is the first one of my grand-children to do that. We are pretty proud of him. Congrats to your son as well.

    @mysticlizard..Don't work too hard on your new job. I know it is probably great exercise for you though.

    Have a great week-end!!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi all. I'm not going to say much because I'm not feeling well but yesterday was a better day as far as eating goes. No emotional eating. I'm going to go lay down now have a great day.

    @theslightedgeforever for the sushi, I could make smarter choices, or eat less + a salad. I choose to eat it all though because I love it, and if it is a once in a while thing, it's not a problem to eat it like that. It's kind of like using some of my weekly points for sushi. That's too bad that you can only have you ever eat vegetarian meals because you are sick of chicken? Scalloped cauliflower sounds delicious and doable.

    @lore11a Happy Easter weekend to you too! Your Easter menu sounds delicious. That's good that you looked at the calories before going to eat, what a shame it didn't match MFP's. I am not really doing that much better, somewhat I am. I am still very nauseous from the concussion and have other symptoms. Thanks for asking. I am getting a rental car this morning.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    lore11a Your Easter menu sounds exactly like the menu my mom would have made. Yaaay on your lost lbs.

    trooworld Vegetarian meals.....I would if I liked veggies. lol I'm learning to like veggies. Problem is I'm always low on protein. I became anemic when dh first was diagnosed because suddenly my iron levels dropped. Now I just order beef when we go out. No way will I eat chicken out lol One of these years I will learn to like fish. I do like Long John Silver fish though. Hooray no emotional eating. You are feeling better?

    I did yoga last night. Tonight I will work on my cardio.

  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    Just found you all, this sounds great! Can I join in?!

    I'm 70 pounds into my goal of 90-115 pounds to lose. The first 50 was a breeze, the next 20 was tricky, but this 20-30 last bit is HARD HARD HARD!!!! Maybe I lost too fast, maybe my willpower is depleted, maybe maybe maybe. I've been maintaining instead of losing for months and I'm frustrated! The problem is my mouth and all the food I stuff into it, and the fact that I hate exercising, lol just being honest! There's no medical or logging culprit. The culprit is my mind and my appetite, lol! But I seriously want this last 20-30 gone. I'm able to maintain, just want to maintain at a lower weight! I obviously need more accountability, so here I am!

    A little about me... I am a happy, joyful, silly 36 year old wife and mom to kids ages 8 and 5, but I am serious when needed. I'm a pastor's wife and love it. My 5 year old is extraordinarily medically complex and the loss of 70 pounds has helped me so much in caring for him. I am so grateful for the day I woke up and decided enough is enough! I love my Jesus and my family. I check into MFP daily but logging has become non existent since I hit 70 pounds lost, and that's the first thing I need to change I think.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    edited April 2017
    @SunnyDayzMomma Welcome to the group. If you click the star at the right side of our group name at top of this thread, it will make it a favorite for you. My dad was a pastor. 70 lbs is awesome. I seem to be stuck on the first 20 so maybe the next 70 will be a breeze. lol I think of everything tracking is the most important because you can go back and see what you did. I can do well for two days before weigh in and then have a gain and tell myself BUT I've been doing good. I forgot about the first 5 days of that week. In April, I just started a weekly review and I go back and look at each meal and see where I could have shaved off a few calories or carbs. I used to be on WW but then became prediabetic so I'm on a modified carb plan. Basically nothing is off limits for me as long as I count it and plan for it. I know all about that maintaining thing. For now I just focus on one lb a week.

    Lazy day for me. I didn't plan my day well. Afternoon exercise works best.
    I stayed within my calorie budget though.

    WW Meeting Weekly Highlights
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    I lost 0.8 lbs this week

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,647 Member
    happy Easter to all,

    I am so frustrated with life and myself. I went shopping with my granddaughter yesterday and was so disgusted with my body. I came to the conclusion last night that I have been eating for the last 2 years out of a hole that is in my heart over family that I have no connection with and there just seems to be this void and emptiness, I have dreams that never come to be and I know in my HEAD I am putting my happiness in someone else and not where it should be. So last night even thought I wanted to just break out and cry, I went to the fridge, the pantry, and back to the couch. That is the other thing...TV is always on and I feel like if I am not with the family, I am not bringing that wholeness into our home. So this is a mind game for me and I have to win..I walked out the front door to check something yesterday and said to myself...I am so sick of feeling as if my family/dreams were stolen from me and the person that stole them needs to give them back...yes I am turning into one of those old ladies that talk to themselves. But this is about me and what "I" need to do, not what others can do for me. Yesterday I found out that my brother-in-law had a heart attack..he has to have a triple by pass, then a friend of mine from my high school days, who lost one husband, now has her husband with bladder cancer...such a great day yesterday. However, I was taught to take that and make it a positive...Today is Easter and it's not the day I had wished for, but I am up and have my mind and body, my home, and am going to church and will enjoy my time there. I will keep fighting this fight of health as I need to be the example and not the problem.

    @lore11a I hope you have a great Easter and congrats on the loss!!!
    @trooworld I hope your Easter is good, and glad you got the rental. Try to make (1) change today based
    on what you know works for you. You were in an accident and that really does mess with our heads and emotions. I am here holding up your arms in the battle and know you will WIN.
    @theslightedgeforever I like cooked veggies, not raw...But I also drink my greens. I started eating veggies when I was on WW and realized they were either free points or almost free..LOL Thanks for the highlights.
    @SunnyDayzMomma Welcome!! great job on the loss. We all have been on the maintenance program and wondered how we got in the wrong line at check out. LOL I was always told totally change your diet for a couple of days and it jump starts your body. Think of it like the antibiotics we take. If you take them too long they no longer are effective in fighting the disease. :)

    okay gals I have a lot to do before church.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    Hi all. I'm glad to report that I lost 1.4 lbs this week. I don't know how, I've emotionally eaten on one day and been above my calories the rest, but I'll take it. I'm still feeling pretty terrible, I can't sit at the computer for hours like I used to, and I have a cold on top of it all. :( I hope to have a nice Easter dinner with hubby and relax.

    @theslightedgeforever lol...well, I hope you learn to like veggies so you can have more variety in your diet. That's good you order beef when you go out. I love fish, do you like salmon or swordfish? I find they are less "fishy" than other fishes. I am not feeling better, I am actually feeling worse. On top of my accident problems/symptoms, I have a bad cold. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to get checked out again. Thanks for asking. Great job on yoga, I love yoga. Congrats on the loss!

    @SunnyDayzMomma they say that the last bit is the hardest to lose. Welcome! Do you like walking? That counts as exercise, many maintainers just walk for exercise.

    @cbabie I'm sorry you are struggling right now. I hope you can turn it around soon. It sounds like this stuff that happened to your brother-in-law and friend from high school could inspire you to get healthier? Thank you for your support. I'm pretty messed up from the accident. The other day, I was in the car with my sister-in-law and someone started pulling out towards us and I freaked out. I have a lot of healing to do.

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    Frustrated here too. Not sure what is going on but I just can't seem to shed any of these extra pounds. Even dropping to 1000 calories and exercising daily doesn't seem to result in a move of any kind. I guess this is what we call a plateau? I think maybe too I am not being honest enough with the weighing, measuring and tracking. I'll have to work on that. I have a family dinner here tomorrow and I know myself well enough to know that will be challenging. Really need the right frame of mind for that. So anxious to get rid of these last 25 pounds for good this time. I think I need to think ONE DAY AT A TIME and then do exactly that. Ok enough complaining from me.

    Need to get going. Busy day of housecleaning, some dinner preps for tomorrow and "hunt", gift preps for my little darlings. Oh and my treadmill workout of course. Need to muster up the motivation for that. :(

    Have a nice Easter everyone.

    Cheers Carol
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,299 Member
    Carol that wasn't meant as a message to you. I just read your post. I saw it while looking how to make my own success journal.