

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 85

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-20X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Buns, Guns and Abs Challenge
    60 Squats
    15 push-ups
    Rest day leg lifts

    April move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to take at least 2-2 mile walk today.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Lenora -
    Mia – Where did you get those ornaments for your ornaments for your bottle tree; do you blow your own glass?

    Yes, I made the ornaments. I blow glass for a hobby. So when I post about going to the studio I am referring to the glass studio where I rent time to blow. Too expensive to set up a hot glass furnace to blow at home.

    Mia in MI
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Bat Appreciation Day!

    I was away at a family camping trip for a long weekend, so I got hopelessly behind here. Just had to skip back a few pages and jump in, so I'm sorry I missed everybody's news.

    danareel6615 - We have a friend from Austin who also moved to Hot Springs. It sounds like the two cities are simpatico. She loves it up there! You're right about the taxes... we moved from Austin to Taylor a couple of years ago because we couldn't afford to live in Austin anymore.

    Heather - I've always thought it might be fun to see a cricket match with someone who understands what's going on. Trying to pick it up just by watching is a challenge. You look very stylish in your coat and sunglasses!

    Mia - Your handcrafted bottle tree ornaments are fabulous! I took a fused glass class once, and I still remember the teacher saying that sometimes glass artists aren't recognized for their art because the sheer beauty of the materials makes even an unsuccessful project beautiful. Your "bottles" are certainly a success!

    Sarah - It sounds like you had a great "unplugged" experience, but I'm sorry you had to be ill to do it!

    Marcelyn - My mind boggles at the idea of 107 grandchildren! What a treasure!

    The family campout this weekend was a great success, and it was so good to have a break from everything for awhile. We were all there except Dad, who isn't into camping anymore and wasn't interested in staying in a hotel nearby. Thank goodness the predicted rain held off, but in the wee hours Sunday morning we were all awakened by helicopters running some kind of search pattern very low. It sounded like they were going to land right on top of us, and it went on for a couple of hours. Not so peaceful! It was still a good time, but my hips were really hurting by the time we left so I was glad to get back to my bed last night.

    Wishing you all a fine day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yvonne - Very brave of you to camp out. I used to do it all the time when I was young, but nowdays a bed and, more importantly, an adjacent bathroom is a necessity. :noway: Yes, sitting with an expert at the cricket makes it much more interesting. He can see little, tiny details that most people miss. He used to be a good club fast bowler. <3

    Meg - I feel for you trying to deal with your daughter 's comprehension problems. Is she diagnosed on the autistic spectrum? I know she has difficulties in general. Perhaps it would help to have a firm rule about how much notice must be given for a family event and what would constitute an invitation and acceptance. I am deeply neurotic about planning and organisation and, fortunately, my DDIL makes allowances for me. She knows not to leave it later than September to think about Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!. :embarassed: Sometimes I would like to be more spontaneous, but I am a control freak.
    Having said that, I still don't know who is coming to Max's 6th birthday party! DDIL is on a 'digital detox' weekend, with everything switched off, so I can't ask her. :noway:

    DH is home. It was a draw, which basically means there was not enough time to get both teams out twice. :noway: Strange game. :laugh:

    Made some chicken stock with the chicken carcase. Looking forward to my curry. Yum!

    Carol - Love your photos. Your grandchildren have exactly your smile! You could do some more exotic cooking when your DH goes off for his weekends. That's when I have my "weird" lunches! :bigsmile: You could always cook double or triple portions and freeze them. Then get a boring, ready made, chill/cook meal for your DH some days and eat your own stuff.
    I sometimes eat things that my DH won't eat.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx who is going to make the beds with DH for the grandkids who are arriving tomorrow! Excited! :D
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Accountability Post
    Sunday's Progress (4/16)
    ✔1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B1, L7, D10, MS15, BBS 23= 55g)
    ✔2. Fiber 30g (30g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes, 2 miles, 5000 steps. And the elliptical 5 days a week.
    ✔6. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔7. In bed by midnight.
    8. Declutter: Electronics, Craft Supplies, Pantry, ✔Fridge, Cooking and Baking, Dishes and Serving, ✔Linen Closet, Laundry Closet, ✔Medicine Cabinets, ✔Personal Care.
    ✔9. Digital Detox. Track daily usage.

    Digital Detox. Much better than yesterday.
    • iPad usage: 3H 34M, 5 pickups. Longest times: 5:50 for 43 min, 9:05 for 111 min. (Income tax return prep)
    • iPhone usage: 2H 24M, 9 pickups. Longest times: 11:50am for 78min.
    • Kindle usage: all night. 12am to 8am. I listened to episodes of Forensic Files before falling asleep about 1:30am

    Monday weekly weigh-in. 286lb. Gained 5.2lbs. Really let myself slide this past week. Indulged in Mexican food twice and had a major cookie binge fest. Back on track. Yesterday was good. I've bit some work to do to pull off a good loss for the month. Sticking with my basics.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well, I am having a problem with my computer. For some reason, it is not accepting any of my passwords! However, I can access everything on my phone. Those passwords seem to be fine (and they are the same ones!) Any one have any ideas? Is it a "security" issue with my laptop?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    KJLaMore - It certainly could be a 'security issue' if it won't let you use any of your passwords; but, using the same on your laptop. I think I would 'freak out' if I could not get mine to accept the passwords. I can't get my computer 'open' without a password. I need to write mine down in a book; so I don't forget them. Sometimes I just have to take a 'jab' at what I 'think' it might be depending on what it is; or I use a password that begins with the same letter as the app that needs a password.

    Had a quite weekend; but, yesterday had a 'migraine' from HELL-o Kitty. First thought I had either slept in a different position or that my C-pap mask was collapsing; changed it; didn't help. Took my migraine medication, 2 muscle relaxants, something for dizziness and something else for nausea. Today I woke up with the same, so first thing I called my GP's office and he had an opening at 10:45 so I went in. Muscles had gotten so tight because of the headache that he gave me 2 shots; one for Tordol and anther to relax my muscles; and, sent in a Rx to take, too. Feeling much better; but, did not wait around to see if Rx came in while I was at K-Mart.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2017
    Lenora: I find passwords very irritating. I have the same password for everything and now and then I am supposed to change. I have my newest apple password on a sticky note on my desk and listed in my phone. I know that isn't supposed to be how things work but I don't care. I'm not protecting financial information or state secrets. :ohwell: :noway:
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kelly ~ Usually when it won't take my password, I finally realize that the caps lock button is on. LOL
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Yeah, check the cap lock and the number lock too. If that don't work, try rebooting.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol in GA - I love the pictures of your family. You have a beautiful family.

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 10 minutes of pilates, held my plank for 2 min 50 sec, then the extremepump class.

    Went to Aldi after exercise, came home and we put the ceramics out that needed stakes. Went to Lowe's Hardware to get hangers for the ceramics that will go on the pergola. Started to vacuum out the spa then it started to rain. Ceramics tonight then mahjongg.

    Carey - what I used to do when any of the kids had a fundraiser is that I would decided that I'll give xxx amount. Then, if there was something that I REALLY wanted, I got that and made a donation of the remainder. This way the school got 100% of the money

    Lenora - does Louis know how to get the red clay off bricks? Actually, does anyone?

    My butterfly should be done and ready for me to pick up. Hope I clear glazed it OK. I've never done that in order for it to be fired white.

    Carol GA - Vince is a meat and potatoes person, too. Everything is very plain for him. That's one reason why I miss Mexican Train. I used to be able to try different recipes that he wouldn't otherwise eat. But oh well.... What a lovely family you have

    Let myself slide yesterday. You know something? Today I felt so sleepy. It was that I wasn't eating decently.

    I hate when you have to put in a password and the place where you do doesn't tell you it's requirements (like one capital, a number, a special character). If it did, I could usually figure out what my password was. Then they won't let you use a password that you previously used.

    Michele in NC
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Kelly - see if one of these ideas work.
    1. Yes - as suggested above - check caps or numbers lock keys. Sometimes it's the simplest thing. If that's not it.
    2. Turn it off. Wait a few minutes and turn it back on. This usually fixes 90% of my DH's computer problems. If that doesn't work.
    3. Check to see if you have any updates to be installed. If so - install the critical updates. If that doesn't work.
    4. Perhaps a previously installed update caused a glitch. Use System Restore to restore your Windows System back to its last working state. You can find info about using system restore on the internet. (Using your Phone of course.)

    Look up the help forums for your operating system. I assumed you're using Windows. But it could be another system - Mac. Linus.

    Good luck!
    Ginger in Texas

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Had a very productive day off, ducks are all happily quacking in a row ;)

    Now I just have to put the brakes on my Spendy month. Gotta get a grip on the budget. >:)

    Off to take a little rest before dinner.