People who say cardio is "too boring" are full of crap



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I don't think cardio is boring but not every way of doing it is for me.
    I had a treadmill once. It was more boring than walking around my house, yard or the world. TV didn't make it interesting.
    Some workout videos are fun, some are boring.
    Bottom line is exercise is good for you. Find something that works for you. Cardio doesn't have to be just getting on a treadmill or other machine for 60 minutes. You can find something more interesting to do.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    So boring. Oh my god. I just can't even. It's so much more exciting to pick metal up and then put it down again.





    I'm a fellow PNWer. see I don't consider the above photos to be cardio :)

    its called living!

    cardio to me is in a gym on a boring machine and yeah its boring.

    and as for the post about watching tv and movies and why couldn't I do them while on a treadmill? because I don't want to! they are two completely separate activities to me. I watch movies with my kids and hubby while enjoying time together. I work out at a different time with other people. I like to keep these things separate

    I maybe a couple times per year due to really bad weather do cardio in a gym on some piece of cardio is done on my bike, or the rock climbing gym, or a hike in the mountains, or paddle boarding or kayaking...something like that about 5 days per week...mostly cycling.

    The only thing I do in the gym is lift...
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    I'm a fellow PNWer. see I don't consider the above photos to be cardio :)

    its called living!

    cardio to me is in a gym on a boring machine and yeah its boring.


    There is no world in which riding a bicycle isn't cardiovascular exercise. :smile:
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited April 2017
    Doing cardio on any mechanical device at home or at the gym is inherently boring but the devices are convenient, which is why they exit.

    I just listen to music on my ipod and zone out when on my spin bike or rower at home or the stairmaster at the gym. It also helps to break the workout up into 3-4 10-15 min segments for shorter, more intense sessions.

    It's obviously much more interesting hiking or just walking around (I never run) but it just isn't as convenient to do so when I've only got 30 mins or an hr in the day to spare.
  • joshuak30
    joshuak30 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm not trying to bash someone who doesn't like cardio. Please explain how doing X while sitting on the couch can be less boring than doing X while running?

    Yes you are trying to bash those who say cardio is boring. Just because I hate stationary bikes/treadmills/ellipticals/whatever does not mean I hate sweating and working hard. In fact, I frequently do bike rides that take more than 4 hours to complete. It's often hard, always sweaty, and sometimes painful. And guess what else; it isn't boring!

    Running on a treadmill in front of TV show doesn't change the fact that it's a treadmill. It does nullify the enjoyment of whatever is on the TV, though.
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    I HATE cardio. I think it's boring. It's tedious and mind-numbing. When I'm doing cardio, I think of everywhere else I would rather be - work, home, obgyn, deposition, eating kale, praying to the porcelain gods... you get my point.

    However, my definition of cardio is machine/stationary cardio I do at my gym. I'm a long distance runner/marathoner and a city bike commuter. While I realize those things are technically cardio, I don't consider them to be in my definition of.

    If the weather is terrible, I'll run on the DREADmill. Lessor of the stationary cardio evils.

    OP, I gladly will binge watch Netflix all day, what's it matter if I still would hate cardio while doing that? I read when I'm on a machine (not running though, holy hell headache), and it still sucks.

    You do you. Do you like or I should say, LOVE running and biking outside? Or do you prefer to be indoors on a machine watching shows?

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I hate being indoors long enough to use any type of machine.

    My cardio comes from living and loving life. Hiking, running, cycling, family walks.

    If I do ever watch tele it is footy or a film and then I need to couch surf to eat my popcorn.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I hate being indoors long enough to use any type of machine.

    My cardio comes from living and loving life. Hiking, running, cycling, family walks.

    If I do ever watch tele it is footy or a film and then I need to couch surf to eat my popcorn.

    American translation?
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Cardio is boring. I used to love playing basketball or racquetball. It was good exercise, but I didn't see it as such. I like lifting, again, I don't see it as exercise. More like meditation for me.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I physically can't work out ALL of the time. Most forms of cardio (especially gym machine cardio) is mind numbingly dull. Lifting is better. Therefore, I find cardio a chore. I'll do cardio in the gym (especially lacking better options at that moment), but I've never enjoyed it. That's pretty much the definition of boring.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    So boring. Oh my god. I just can't even. It's so much more exciting to pick metal up and then put it down again.





    I'm a fellow PNWer. see I don't consider the above photos to be cardio :)

    its called living!

    cardio to me is in a gym on a boring machine and yeah its boring.

    and as for the post about watching tv and movies and why couldn't I do them while on a treadmill? because I don't want to! they are two completely separate activities to me. I watch movies with my kids and hubby while enjoying time together. I work out at a different time with other people. I like to keep these things separate

    That's what we call it in Northern Nevada as well. I must say moving here has been very conducive to my weight loss goals. Our snow is even fun to run in.
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    Cardio is too boring...I'd rather deadlift. Just sayin'.
  • CarlyIrene415
    CarlyIrene415 Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2017
    [soapbox] It drives me nuts when people claim they don't do cardio because it's just too boring. If sitting on a couch watching TV/movies isn't too boring for you then how can running on a treadmill/riding a stationary bike/etc. while watching the exact same TV/movies be too boring?

    You aren't doing cardio because it's too hard or you don't enjoy sweating or whatever, not because it's too boring. If you don't want to do cardio then don't, just be honest with yourself. [/soapbox]

    Wrong. It is boring... doing the same thing for 30 minutes is not for me. I prefer HIIT training- short bursts and changing it up. That's why I love crossfit... so, whatever to me it IS BORING. Get off your high horse and stop being judgmental
  • CarlyIrene415
    CarlyIrene415 Posts: 27 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    If someone finds something boring, who am I to tell them otherwise. Not sure why you are letting other people drive you nuts as you say, in the end we are all different. You do you :)

    It started driving me crazy when people would ask me what exercise I do... I tell them and they say "I can't do that, it would be too boring... I spent 8 hours sitting on the couch binge watching a show on Netflix". Then I noticed a lot of people on this board using the same excuse of it being boring.

    But it's not an excuse. You simply don't understand because it's not how your brain functions. I don't understand how people dislike lifting, but I know it happens and I don't tell them that they are full of crap.

    Thank you! Some people are so judgmental. I happen to LOVE lifting, love HIIT training, love sprints but absolutely hate running. And you know what else I hate; cycling for the same reason.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    [soapbox] It drives me nuts when people claim they don't do cardio because it's just too boring. If sitting on a couch watching TV/movies isn't too boring for you then how can running on a treadmill/riding a stationary bike/etc. while watching the exact same TV/movies be too boring?

    You aren't doing cardio because it's too hard or you don't enjoy sweating or whatever, not because it's too boring. If you don't want to do cardio then don't, just be honest with yourself. [/soapbox]

    It drives me nuts when people tell me about their cardio and how it's not boring. I always think of a hamster in a wheel. I'd rather go out and do real life activity like ride my horse - and not call it "cardio" but "living my life".
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    My gym's wifi sucks so no Netflix, and the tvs are usually on daytime junk *coughDrOzcough*. I'd rather walk outside where I can take in the view.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member

  • LKjourney
    LKjourney Posts: 40 Member
    Cardio is boring. I also don't sit on the couch for hours watching TV/movies (except football season. All bets are off during football season).

    Everyone has different things they find "fun," OP. Your way isn't the only right way.

    ...wait, how are you able to sit down during football season? Everyone in my family who is into football watches standing up and/or jumping around in celebration or frustration
    Great calorie burner :smile:
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @mburgess458 - What do you do for cardio/exercise? I see no picture, no stats on your profile. How is your fitness level? Do you run? Lift? Spend hours on a machine watching Netflix?

    Can you keep up with me?