Ripped In 30 - July Challenge



  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I am starting back up with week 3 on Monday. My knees are still hurting and more so when I try to get up. I am still doing cardio moves and strength from her segments and doing it for the 25 minutes so that feels pretty good. Hope this goes a way soon.

    I was thinking of doing the shred again they have one with weights has anyone tried that one.
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    W3D2 done - and I've noticed something. When we were doing the Shred I got really painful knees and occasionally ankles, but despite the harder workout, they've stopped hurting now. Even on my walk to work straight after which can aggravate them if I step funny and has made me wary of the way I walk for months. Now, I haven't seen a huge physical difference on the outside doing either workout (I was always wanting to tone and fit into my smaller trousers rather than lose much in the way of weight, so that didn't surprise me) but I'm wondering if the lack of knee pain is due to the fact that my leg muscles have gotten stronger, and if so, that is going to make me really happy. It's an obvious difference that this has made in my life, and actually is making a huge difference :drinker: Anyone else noticed subtle differences in the activities they do day to day?

    Of course, it's always possible that Ripped just puts less strain on the knees than the Shred in the first place *l* But I'm quietly excited that it's more to do with leg strength supporting the knee *tiny squee* :o)
    I find that on occasion Ripped still puts some strain on the knees. I can definitely feel it while I'm doing it and a little bit after, but it's never affects me painfully after or the day after!
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    I had planned to do the wii today, but since I wasn't in any pain - I completed W3D6! I can't believe I have actually been faithful to this for 3 weeks! I plan to do alot of mowing tomorrow then 2 days of rest. Monday will be the start of week 4 - week 4!!!! I'm so excited to be heading into the last stretch! Thanks everyone - you keep me going! :)
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69
    I'm taking a rest day today because my house needs work...dishes and laundry piled up while i was exercising and I have company coming tomorrow that I must prepare for. Tomorrow will be Week 2, Day 4.

    I'm a full week behind most of you. :frown: Dumb toys. :grumble: But on a bright note - I have noticed that when I go upstairs from the basement now I actually bounce up them instead of trugde or stomp - that tells me the legs ARE getting stronger! I'm going to keep going past July 31 and finish up in August.
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    But on a bright note - I have noticed that when I go upstairs from the basement now I actually bounce up them instead of trugde or stomp - that tells me the legs ARE getting stronger!

    It's great isn't it :happy: All that hard work is not just showing in how we look, but how we feel too. I love this!
    I'm going to keep going past July 31 and finish up in August.

    Me too. I've taken my time over this to make sure I'm doing it justice and am quite happy to keep doing it into August. I'll probably continue posting on this thread too... until everyone else stops reading it *l*

    Rest day today. Measured myself too, not much change again but have lost a half an inch around the hips (yeay!) and another half around the waist. Still no change around the belly :grumble:

    Well done everyone on getting this far, and keep going, only 8 days to go til the end of July!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Doing W3D6 this evening. My daughter wasn't feeling RI30 the last 2 evenings so I did Turbo Jam with her instead. Just didn't feel as energized as I do after RI30, so I've done it solo. Anxious about W4 on Sunday (after Saturday rest day). Anyone already on 4? Is it brutal?
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Doing W3D6 this evening. My daughter wasn't feeling RI30 the last 2 evenings so I did Turbo Jam with her instead. Just didn't feel as energized as I do after RI30, so I've done it solo. Anxious about W4 on Sunday (after Saturday rest day). Anyone already on 4? Is it brutal?

    I did W4D1 today (followed by Zumba), and I actually think I might like it the best. Some of the strength exercises really stretch and use muscles that I forgot about (talking about the "superman"). There's a lot of yoga incorporated, too. Cardio got me a little winded though, and I had to do some mods for the abs, still. I was TERRIFIED to start it, and it's not that bad. You even get to do shavasana at the end before stretching. It can be brutal, but it's nothing that you can't do! Good luck! <3
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Did W2D1! I liked it even better than W1. What was up with the "spooky" warm up music, though? :laugh:

    And I don't know if it's because I have such short arms but I can't raise myself off the ground while in a sitting position-at least not with my arms placed the way she does it. I had to use my pushup bars.

    I did find a few of the moves were really unique. I can't wait to get even stronger this week and see what W3 has in store!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was W2D1 OMG I thought I was going to DIE!! I got it done,but took lots of breaks! My husband came home for lunch and I was just laying on the floor and did not move! lOL he said "WOW that Jillian is something eles huh?" I think that the planks were the one move that I just could not get done without stopping and swearing at the TV.I will be back at it tomorrow,cuz I love it! :smile:
  • AmandaB2229
    Started W2D1 yesterday. So happy "running man" is finished! However, now with the mountain climbers...ugh! Oh well, gotta keep getting thru it...maybe by W2D3 they'll be a little easier! :smile: Still loving it though and I feel great afterwards!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I'm taking a rest day today because my house needs work...dishes and laundry piled up while i was exercising and I have company coming tomorrow that I must prepare for. Tomorrow will be Week 2, Day 4.

    I'm a full week behind most of you. :frown: Dumb toys. :grumble: But on a bright note - I have noticed that when I go upstairs from the basement now I actually bounce up them instead of trugde or stomp - that tells me the legs ARE getting stronger! I'm going to keep going past July 31 and finish up in August.

    Ill be there with you. I took most of the week off cause my knees hurt so bad. But starting tom in the AM (I will force myself to get up early to do this before work) I am back at it. I hope that if I break up my exercise this in the am and the weight training, elliptical or ct5k at night it wont be so bad
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    W4D5 DONE! ALMOST done!! So crazy.

    I think I'm going to try to do 2 more days of level 4, then officially take my weight and measurements on Wednesday to see my 1 month progress. Those chataranga push ups are still killing me every day! But I know my triceps are getting stronger! Anyone else struggle with the scissor kicks? I feel like I never get enough air to actually cross my legs and squat back down in time.
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    hey soooo i finished day four of level one yesterday and i forgot that i had plans tonight so i will have to take a rest day which im not keen on doing but i do planning on continuing without anymore rest days afterwards... what are everyones thoughts on rest days during ripped in 30 ? or is everyone doing it like the shred..? continually ? i just want to get the best results and im not follwing her diet plan as im from the uk but eating healthily ...
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Louise12 - I think most people have been taking at least one rest day a week 'cos she says something about it in the intro. For me, I'm about half way through week 3 and I don't think I could have done it without rest days - I'm not as sore as I was with the Shred but I'm generally more exhausted. I originally planned to have only 1 rest day a week but have found that they're creeping up to two now. Still, I'm taking my time and doing 7 days for each week (not including rest days) as I'm finding them really hard and prefer to master a level before moving on, so I'll be somewhere around the 35-40 days, but I think that's allowed ;o) There's several of us who aren't going to stop just because the 'july' part of the challenge is finished :o)

    Most importantly though, I think, is to listen to your body - if you feel like it needs a rest day, don't feel guilty for taking one, if you feel like it doesn't, then keep going :o)
  • LizGogol
    LizGogol Posts: 73 Member
    I am on week 4 of Ripped in 30 and HOLY CRAP it's tough!! definitely eat before doing this workout. The first time I did this week, was first thing in the morning before breakfast (which Jillian is against - she said so in a podcast) and I had to sit down because I thought I might pass out!

    On that note... My legs are and arms are looking ripped, I have muscles where I didn't know I could have muscles haha!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    Hey Louise12 - I think most people have been taking at least one rest day a week 'cos she says something about it in the intro. For me, I'm about half way through week 3 and I don't think I could have done it without rest days - I'm not as sore as I was with the Shred but I'm generally more exhausted. I originally planned to have only 1 rest day a week but have found that they're creeping up to two now. Still, I'm taking my time and doing 7 days for each week (not including rest days) as I'm finding them really hard and prefer to master a level before moving on, so I'll be somewhere around the 35-40 days, but I think that's allowed ;o) There's several of us who aren't going to stop just because the 'july' part of the challenge is finished :o)

    Most importantly though, I think, is to listen to your body - if you feel like it needs a rest day, don't feel guilty for taking one, if you feel like it doesn't, then keep going :o)

    Thanks for the advice!! ... how have u found levels 2 and 3 ?
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    If you read through the board you'll see a lot of different peoples' experiences on how they've found it, but on the whole, each level is harder than the last strength-wise, and each has some killer moves, but every time someone moves on they say how they prefer it to the last level - crazy! Maybe we all just have really low boredom threshholds, or maybe the fresh challenge of new move is tickling our sadistic 'I want to die' sensibilities, but the feeling of being able to do a workout all the way through for the first time is always fab.... though I find it normally takes at least 4 or 5 days of a level to get to that point *l*
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I am on week 4 of Ripped in 30 and HOLY CRAP it's tough!! definitely eat before doing this workout. The first time I did this week, was first thing in the morning before breakfast (which Jillian is against - she said so in a podcast) and I had to sit down because I thought I might pass out!

    She is? Crap. That's the only time I have to do it, and if I eat first I'll probably throw up :os I can normally get through it, so long as I have a glass of icy water to hand.

    Did she say why we shouldn't do it first thing?
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    I did W2D2 yesterday evening. Whew! I forgot how doing cardio in plank can be hard on the wrists. Even using my push up bars didn't help. I guess my wrists will just have to get strengthened up with the rest of me! BTW, I love the strength exercise with the one leg up behind in the air. Such a crazy move, but it's fabulous! :laugh: Going to do something cardio tonight and then I'm back to Ripped tomorrow!
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    If you read through the board you'll see a lot of different peoples' experiences on how they've found it, but on the whole, each level is harder than the last strength-wise, and each has some killer moves, but every time someone moves on they say how they prefer it to the last level - crazy! Maybe we all just have really low boredom threshholds, or maybe the fresh challenge of new move is tickling our sadistic 'I want to die' sensibilities, but the feeling of being able to do a workout all the way through for the first time is always fab.... though I find it normally takes at least 4 or 5 days of a level to get to that point *l*

    I know for me I get bored with the current level and welcome the change. It's funny because I did each level of Shred without that feeling. It was nice moving on to the next level but I will say I dread doing the levels after awhile with Ripped. I actually plan on returning to Ripped after I finish level 4 (I start today). I want to do each level for a month. Alternating between that and Couch to 5K. I'm really looking forward to the ease of hoping on the treadmill. Ripped has really challenged me and I will say I haven't really mastered everything so my goal is to go through it slowly (month to month) to defeat it for once and all.