

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all

    Its good to see so many of us when I woke up this morning. I didn't get to walk, I don't know what happens to my time in the mornings some times...I walked for 10 min and had to run get in the shower. I only got in 7890 steps yesterday. ;( I tracked everything I ate, still not where I want to be, but getting better. I made some sugar free pudding, it was better than ice cream, but want to eat nothing at night. BABY STEPS

    @trooworld good for you for trying to get more water in!! I don't know what I would do if I had a rental, my car is almost my second home. LOL

    @cmedwards52 Congrats on the weight loss. I am still trying to get there with the carbs. I will!!

    @lore11a Sounds like you had a great week and enjoyed your granddaughter. I have one grandchild the same, he can't eat gluten, corn anything or dairy. Then he has 2 siblings that have never eaten meat. Their mom same thing, can't eat dairy or gluten. ( they can't be mine) LOL Thanks, yes it went well and I still have good and bad days...this too shall pass.

    @theslightedgeforever you are doing great, you will look back at this vacation and say look I DID THAT!!!

    okay everyone, enjoy your day!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. I did really well getting my water in yesterday, having that new fancy water bottle really helped. I had raspberry and mint infused water yesterday. Today I think I will have lemon, cucumber and mint. I'm also doing well with the mindfulness eating. I really think about why I'm eating before I eat and last night, I stopped before I finished/was too full. What I've discovered by keeping a mindfulness journal so far is that I'm terrified of becoming hungry. I will pre-eat if I even think there is a chance of becoming hungry. I'm also afraid of potatoes. lol And now, slightly of pasta.

    On another note, hubby had to do a stress test yesterday and he told me something like they said the problem was when he was sitting still, that when he was exercising it was fine. The cardiologist will call him and go over the results. Right now, we are testing his blood pressure 3-4 times a day which is driving him crazy and making him a bit depressed.

    @lore11a so nice to hear from you! Congrats to your grandson! My undergrad is in English, I really enjoyed getting that degree. I love to read and got to read a lot for that.

    @cmedwards52 that's a great NSV, great cause too! Congrats on a nice weigh in.

    @theslightedgeforever I love hot dogs too. Have you ever had a bacon wrapped hot dog? It's a thing down in Mexico by the border, it's so good don't ever try it lol. Great job tracking, that is excellent work. I'm glad you went for a walk and went for groceries. What a beautiful view.

    @cbabie yay for you for the sugar free pudding! Baby steps = progress. Yes, my car, I love it I miss it and it is my second home I'm in it so much!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all

    I tracked, but I BOMBED, I went 500 calories over...l just couldn't stay out of the trail mix at's off limits for me now!! I tracked and that is the positive. The bad part is I didn't "feel" FAT yesterday, my clothes were not tight...and I hit 10,404 steps yesterday!! So still moving upward and forward!

    @trooworld I will be praying for you and DH this morning. LOL, just tell DH he can't sit and relax. :) I like what you are finding out by mindfulness eating. I am beginning to see things in myself too..just have to put things in place after I find them right?

    okay everyone, enjoy your day!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! @cbabie, I did something similar at work: I was standing at the front counter and one of the managers comes in and says "I've got bread and cheese" and another manager says to me, "go ahead and get some" and so instead of saying no, or I'll wait, I rush in there like it's going to poof disappear and I grab a slice of bread and two slices of cheese and a cookie. Why did I do this? Well, for one thing, because I love cheese and bread, but mostly because it's FREE FOOD. So, this is going to be my strategy from now on: when someone brings in free food and I discover it, I will:
    - give it 5 minutes of thought to make sure I really want to eat it
    - if I do, I will take a small portion and sit down and eat it
    - if I do not, I will avoid the breakroom for the remainder of the day

    @cbabie today is a new day. What strategies have you put in place today to stay out of the trail mix? Yes, after you learn something gotta do something with the knowledge! ;) Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to me.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi all,

    It sounds like everyone is moving towards the goals and making small steady victories, Yay for everyone. Sending happy thoughts to everyone.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member

    I have been trying, but this week seems to be the training/brought in food week. I have had lunches and having another one today with "snacks" since we are in training ALL day. I try to eat the sandwiches without the bread, etc. So I am going to just keep trying to make the best choice with what I have this week. I can't change some things and don't want to stress over it. I always have drama in my life and I am trying to remove what I have control over. I only got in 8773 steps yesterday and today probably won't be much better or even less because I will be sitting in a class all day. :(

    @mysticlizard Good to see you, hope you are still doing well and still loving your job.

    @trooworld I only ate 1 serving yesterday, the lunches that had been brought in, just didn't stop me from being hungry. Today will be better. I like your game plan. I am going to use that as well.

    Okay I guess some of our other friends are in hibernation. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! TGITh! (Thank God It's Thursday lol) This week has gone by very quickly. For that, I'm glad. I called about my car yesterday and I'll finally get it back next Weds. I'll be glad to get her back.

    I think I'm really doing well with the mindful eating, but I know that I'm not, nor will I ever be, "cured". I am going to have to work very hard at my eating, and the way I think about it, for the rest of my life.

    @mysticlizard happy thoughts to you too!

    @cbabie just do the best you can do with the food. Sometimes you don't have a choice. 8773 is pretty good. For me, during the week, that is a good day! :) My job is pretty sedentary, so that is considered good. It's all relative I guess. Don't beat yourself up. Guess what? Free gourmet chocolates in the break room today but I thought about it and it was something 1) I had wanted to try that chocolatier for a long time 2) it was only one I tried a small piece and was glad I did.
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Hello all!!!
    Just stopped by to say hello!!!
    So, I decided to join WW AGAIN lol. I pray that this time I do it right. I'm just doing the online plan because that's the most affordable for me. I can't believe how much higher the prices are for the meetings ughhhhh!!!!
    Anyway just wanted to say hello to all!!!
    Sending lots of hugs!!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    Here's the link for WW weekly meeting highlights
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    I've been tracking and walking except for yesterday. No walking because of rain.

    Hope all is well with everyone
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. Gotta get ready for work soon, but everything is going well. I hope all is well for you too!

    @peruviansweetie hey girl! Good for you! I hear you about the prices, they should have scholarships lol. They are ridiculous for real!

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for posting the highlights I really like those. Keep up the good work.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    theslightedge: Where do you live? Boy if we didn't walk here this year because of the rain, we sure wouldn't be outside much. :)

    Another good weigh-in. Down 1 1/4. Doesn't seem like much but week-in-week-out it does seem to add up. That's also with very little exercise too but now that the fundraising Walk is over, I can get back at it and hopefully some golf in the very near future also.

    Have a good one everyone.

    Cheers, Carol
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Hello all!!!
    Tracking on WW, but have to get back to tracking on here.
    @trooworld YES definitely a scholarship for WW lol lol!!! It's ridiculous!!
    @theslightedgeforever I wish I could attend the meetings, but I didn't see a link on your post. I'll look again. Thanks for that!! Keep up the good work!!!

    Missing the rest of the ladies!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! I had my meeting with my Vida coach last night and she was worried I might actually be drinking TOO MUCH water lol. How's that for irony? Go from drinking not enough (lucky to get 40 oz a day) to drinking too much? So, she found the correct amount is around 2.7 liters for me, give or take a little. That's still a lot. I was drinking around that so I ended up being okay. I was running to the bathroom every hour at work (which helped get my steps in, btw). I have to do some meal prep this weekend as I am getting sick of the easy stuff for breakfast (overnight oats some days, other days I'm having toast with avocado). This week, I'm making some frittatas, IF I can get my act together and make them tomorrow.

    I continue on my journey to learn to make good chinese food at home. This week, I am making General Tsao's Chicken tomorrow night. I am getting my Chinese food recipes from a blog written by a young woman whose family used to own a Chinese restaurant. Last week, I made Pad See Ew (Thai noodles), which came out very well. One of the keys is to get your wok hot enough, and I have an electric wok, which I put on high.

    I hope more of you pop in and say hello. I feel like I'm talking to myself some days. lol I hope you lurkers at least enjoy what I am writing.

    @cmedwards52 congratulations!

    @peruviansweetie tracking somewhere...that's what counts!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    Trooworld water has always been my nemesis. I was doing a bit better before I left but vacation puts my whole routine out of whack. I brought my water bottle with me but have yet to take it out of the suitcase. I'll do that though

    Cmedwards I'm in Iowa visiting my kids. Rain. I know we need it for the plants to grow and all the other reasons people tell me but I really don't like rain. I think a childhood thing. I couldn't go outside to play if it was raining. Gray skies make me depressed. I love blue skies with fluffy clouds though. I have that screensaver on my daily Trello board You are doing a good job on your weight loss journey. You are losing the weight the right way. I watch on YouTube two twins who call themselves part of the turtle club. Losing weight slowly. But they've lost 100 lbs and 75 lbs respectively. Better than what I've done. Keep at it

    Peru. Welcome back. Click on the picture. It should take you to YouTube

    I'm not in here as much as I'd like but my kids are keeping me occupied. Or my husband. Usually I have some alone time.

    Today if I don't eat anything else I will be under calories for the day. I don't think that's happened since I left home

    My DH got a new Fitbit today. So I've been teaching him about that. Trying to keep my mouth shut and let him make his own journey (which is hard for me). He started tracking his food and was like this is hard. I explained that once you get your favorites set up tracking is so easy. Takes no time at all.

    Off for a walk in a bit
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    Happy Mother's Day
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to those that are mothers, have a mother, act like a mother, or are pet mothers! I am not a mother, but have a dog, so I guess I'm his mother?

    I am 1.9 lbs down this week for a total of 7.5 lbs since I started working with my Vida coach April 7! I am down 9.5 lbs since the beginning of the year. Slow and steady wins the race they say.

    I'm quite busy today, I'm on the hunt for a small gift to send to a friend who lost her first cat last week. She had a hard week and I want to mail her a gift and a card to cheer her up. I don't know where to go for this gift, so I'm just going to go to some indie gift shops around town.

    I'm also doing some food prep for the week: I'm making some frittatas for breakfast, and if I have any energy left, I will make other things.

    @theslightedgeforever water has always been mine too. It helps me when I get a new water bottle, or put fruit in it or put flavoring in it. Get that water bottle out! I hope you were able to eat under your calories yesterday, congrats on tracking at least.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Happy Mother's day to all. I hope you each have a good day. I have been really busy and emotional ride, spent most of the day yesterday going through my dad's home...

    @trooworld You are doing so good, I am so happy for you. It sounds like you find what works for you!! I am sure your friend will appreciate anything you do, but I am sure your friendship it where it is at for her. :)

    @theslightedgeforever great job. You also seem to have found what works for you. I am glad you and DH now have another thing to do together for your health.

    @peruviansweetie I am so glad to see you here. You can do this, you did it before and you know you have the support of this board,

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. Well, I didn't get out to get my friend's gift, the gift shop I want to go to is closed on Sundays, and on Mondays it closes early, so I might just get something at someplace else tonight because I have physical therapy tomorrow night so can't stop then and I don't want to wait until Weds to get it. I was able to make 2 frittatas for breakfasts for the week. I also made dinner (the General Tsao's chicken, which came out good but was fried so wasn't healthy). I've made the decision to switch my weigh in days to Fridays because Saturday nights, we tend to want to eat something that might affect weigh in + I meet with my coach on Friday nights and want to announce my weigh in to her then.

    @cbabie I can only imagine what that must be like. Lots of memories and decisions to be made. ((( HUGS ))) and wishes for the best. Thank you, yes I think I did find what works for me. That's what it is all about--- finding what works for each of us. Keep trying until you do.