Row the World Game - CLOSED boat (Capt jagrib0112)



  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    459 is my burn for today. 1000 tomorrow??? All we can do is give it our best. I'm game!

  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm game because later tomorrow evening we are celebrating my daughters 10th birthday and welcome home party for my kids and yes there will be cake and ice cream. Oh help me! lol

    So lots of cals burned to make up for it! :)

    Go Team Knotty Girls!!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    Sorry i didnt get to you yesterday but i burned 1308. I dont know how close ill get to that today but ill try.
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Good morning Knotty Girls. Going to give this big burn a shot today. It's going to be tough but we can all do great! Good luck everyone!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    You girls are all fantastic!!! Good luck with our big burns today! I know we can knock it out!!!

    That being said - it's raining today. :tongue: I hope it clears up after lunch because I need to that pool time to get to my 2000 goal!!! Hollered at Jillian this morning, so I'm on the right track.

    I didn't get a chance to send Lee our totals last night, so I did it this morning. Anything that was on your wall or in your journal for yesterday, as of about 90 minutes ago was submitted.

    Our total cals for yesterday was 7818 ~ 156.36 miles. Keep it going, Ladies!!!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    997 for me. I tried step aerobics. I'm exhausted now!

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    SUE!!!! Awesome job!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hey Girls!

    We did pretty good today. We didn't hit that goal of 13,000, but we came pretty close! We burned a total of 10405 calories on Saturday. Not too bad for being down to ten! After tripling, it comes out to 624.3 miles for the day. I think that's something that we can be proud of!

    Saturday morning, Lee posted the special days for the week. Check them out here:

    I'm pretty exhausted, so this update's going to be a short one. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. *snuggles & smooches* for you all!!!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I Love the wednesday water challenge!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hey Girls,
    An update to this week's games. Please check out this thread, as well:

    Summary of the post from yesterday, as well as this new one:

    MONDAY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOUBLE DAY !

    WED>>>>>>>>>>> WATER WATER WEDNESDAY !!!
    each team member will be awarded 10 mile per glass of water up to a maximum of 9 glasses (90 miles) !! we could not play this game without trust, so you are all trusted to tell the truth and drink up !!!!

    (((((a lot of people are killing themselves to move their boat...... and a few are risking injury !

    to that end i will be inserting REST DAYS in to our challenge, but will think of a different way that people can still move the boat.

    there will be a rest day EVERY WEEK ! but will compensate by adding an extra double day etc )))))

    FRIDAY>>>>>>>>>>> DOUBLE DAY !!!!!


    Attacking boats that are near you (two in front or any behind) and get their highest cal burns on both SAT AND SUNDAY and TRIPLE that one persons miles !!!!!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    All, I lonely did 196 today. I've been trying to do more but today I just felt like I needed to take a day off. Tomorrow I will be back at it.

  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Hola Senoritas!! I'm learning spanish for work and it's not going so well. :-)

    Wednesday is water day huh!!?? I am a huge water drinker, so I thought, but 9 glasses is difficult when I am work. I don't have enough time to go to the restroom. LOL!! Just kidding, we can so do this and these are easy miles!! I'm putting a reminder on my computer right now.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Today is Double Day! How much can we do? I say as much as we can so don't give up ladies and lets push it push it push it!!

    Got some exercise in this morning and will get some more in this afternoon when I get back.

    Go Team Knotty Girls Go!!
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    Since I wasn't around this weekend, I wasn't able to log any calories.. although I'm sure I sweated off a TON in the heat and humidity and did a lot of walking/working too. But tonight I'm back at it... Jillian is already taunting me (I can see her laughing and pointing at me in my head, lol) and will be taking her on after work. But then I'll be out of town for work tomorrow night, back Wed though. I'll bring along my tennies and maybe hop on the treadmill at the hotel.

    Missed all you lovely ladies over the weekend! :)
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Today was a good day for me. I got a long walk in and my Zumba class in the evening. 1100 cals burned. And my cramps seem to go away. Not sure if it was the workout or the new bc pill, but I won't complain. =^_^= Kitten is happy again.
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Good evening ladies! 739 for me today.

  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Today was a good day for me. I got a long walk in and my Zumba class in the evening. 1100 cals burned. And my cramps seem to go away. Not sure if it was the workout or the new bc pill, but I won't complain. =^_^= Kitten is happy again.

    1100 burned.. AMAZING job... i have a goal to burn over 1000... i can't seem to get there though...I've started the C25K... completed W1D1 on a slight incline yesterday.. and i was BEAT after that... i'm sweating sooo much... and i'm disapointed at the burn after... but i try not to focus on that.. my hips seem to hurt a little today... so hopefully that will go away as my muscles become stronger
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hannah - I get the hip thing sometimes, too. Were you walking on a treadmill? I think that's a fabulous goal to have and I'm positive that you'll get there. What I've found is to get a big burn like that, I have to break it up during the day. I do 30ds early - that's 400 cals for me - and then later, I'll go for a walk - that's another 250-300 for me - and if I'm lucky and can fit it in, I go to the pool, which is a huge burn. Because (at least for me) 1000+ all at once (unless we're talking a couple hours in the pool), is a lot to do. Breaking it up definitely helps me.

    So, totals!! Sorry I didn't get this in last night. It was late and I was tired and still waiting on a couple people. I just sent Lee the miles. We should be updated soon. We did a FANTASTIC job yesterday!! Definitely made up for our really slow day on Sunday.

    We burned 10,571 cals ~ 422.84 miles, after doubling. Nice job, Girlies!!! Today is a regular burn day, so keep em coming.

    Tomorrow is officially a rest day. Any calories burned tomorrow WILL NOT COUNT!! But what DOES count is your water intake! For each glass of water that we drink, we get 10 miles, up to 9 glasses!! That's 90 miles per person!!! THAT"S HUGE!!! If we EACH drink 9 cups of water tomorrow, that will get us 1350 miles!!! That's equivalent to 67,500 calories burned!!! That's almost 5 of our BIGGEST miles days. So, tomorrow, we rest, but we drink that water. We could really use all of those miles!!

    <3 you Ladies! Keep it going! I know we can do this!! Woot woot!!!
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    651 for me today. I was on holidays but since I was being so active I ran around trying to find a signal on my cell phone so that I could at least keep up to date with my calorie burn. Hope you got them all!!
    I'm always good ond rinking my water and usually drink at least 4 litres a day so the water challenge won't be a problem for me! Everybody is doing great!! Keep up the awesome work! :happy:
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Hannah - I get the hip thing sometimes, too. Were you walking on a treadmill? We burned 10,571 cals ~ 422.84 miles, after doubling. Nice job, Girlies!!! Today is a regular burn day, so keep em coming.

    Tomorrow is officially a rest day. Any calories burned tomorrow WILL NOT COUNT!! But what DOES count is your water intake! For each glass of water that we drink, we get 10 miles, up to 9 glasses!! That's 90 miles per person!!! THAT"S HUGE!!! If we EACH drink 9 cups of water tomorrow, that will get us 1350 miles!!! That's equivalent to 67,500 calories burned!!! That's almost 5 of our BIGGEST miles days. So, tomorrow, we rest, but we drink that water. We could really use all of those miles!!

    Yes to the treadmill... i can't run outside in this heat... blah... plus i'm still a little too embarrassed to run outside.. my job is probably slower then some people's walk.. ha ha..

    9 glasses of water.. NO PROBLEMO... i try to get 12 glasses in at work every day.. cause i know i suck at it when i get home.