One Hour Runner Thread



  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Bif - AWESOME time on your 5k!! I would be so excited if I could get down to 33 minutes!

    Aab - great job keeping up with your runs!

    lcnelson - wow! You are doing great with back to back runs and the amount of time too! I encounter the same problem on my courses, several BIG mountain type hills, no matter which route I take, so I mix it up a lot, trying to make myself hit hills at different points in my runs.

    As for me, you all know I'm a big slacker. I can't seem to find a plan I want to stick with. So tonight I just went to the gym early before step class and decided I would do my 5 minute warm up and then just run for a little while with no real plan in mind. I didn't have a ton of time before class, but I got in a 15 minute run, 5 minute warm up & 5 minute cool down. I definitely could have gone longer, if I had the time, and also if I was outside, it was way too hot in the gym. But it felt really good to just run and not worry about how fast I was going, when I had to run, when I had to walk, just run. So, I've decided not to stress myself out with how fast I'm running, how many days a week I'm running, all of it. I used to enjoy it and don't feel like I enjoy it anymore because I'm putting so much pressure on myself to do things faster and better. I also want to start doing more of the classes at the gym that I've been missing a lot lately, I like the variety. So long story short, I'm still going to try to get a few runs in each week and just keep myself moving.

    forgot to mention, that I haven't run for a long block of time in SO long, because I started doing intervals again. I don't remember the last time I just ran, it felt good!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • Margot18904
    Hi everyone, I haven't been on here for a while as we've had lots of family stuff on over the weekend but I got out for my first OHR run tonight and did 3.02 miles in 30 minutes, so ever so slightly under a 10 minute mile, which I'm really pleased with. I'm on summer holidays now (I'm a teacher) so hoping to be able to get out a bit more regularly and really go for it!
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Whew! I was out of town most of last week and got out of sync with running. This morning though, back to the pavement!! My legs were well rested so I was able to run for 61 minutes and felt great. I have to say not running for several days puts me in a funk and makes me super lazy. Glad I made myself go and feel SO much better.
    Is everyone out of their routines too or is it just too hot?
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Is everyone out of their routines too or is it just too hot?

    IT'S TOO HOT!! :explode:

    Our heat wave broke today, so I'll be heading out to run tomorrow morning before work. Yay!!

    I did run last Wednesday morning - only got in 2.5 miles before the heat and humidity got the better of me. Even at 7am it was just too stinkin' hot!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Forgot to post yesterday....

    Ran 6.06 miles / 60 minutes

    I was visiting a friend so the route was brand new to me; which really helped make the run go by so fast!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    just wanted to stop in and say hi!
    i am a runner and wanted to just say how much I wish i had this kind of support way back when i first started! wow!
    this is awesome.

    some of the times being posted are incredible!

    I for one want to decrease my mile time, just feel like sometimes I cant...
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Forgot to post yesterday....

    Ran 6.06 miles / 60 minutes

    I was visiting a friend so the route was brand new to me; which really helped make the run go by so fast!

    Super jealous of that 10 minute mile!!!!
  • ShampooIsBetter
    Although I wouldnt call myself a "runner", I have done 1 hour on the treadmill for 14 straight saturdays (I also do 1 mile on a track and 2 miles on the treadmill during the week as part of a seven day workout plan).

    Anyway, I have increased my distance each of the 14 saturdays. I started only being able to do 3.0 miles/hr. This past saturday, I did 3.94. I hope to cross 4.0 this week. My longterm goal was to be able to do 6 miles in one hour in one year. I am not progressing at the pace to reach that, but if it takes 15-18 months, I am fine with it.

    My current method is try to jog 2 minutes at 4.3, walk 1 minute at 3.8. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat for an hour.
  • Margot18904
    Fab runs everyone, can't wait until I'm able to run for the whole hour. Today's run was 3.04 miles in 34 minutes (should have been 30 minutes for Week 1 Day 3 but I was with my dad and sister and we pushed on a bit). I'm a bit disappointed with the pace as I've been doing sub 10 minute miles on my last few runs but I think I was hanging back a bit as I was running with other people and my sister's pace isn't quite as fast as mine.

    Back out on Wednesday and hoping to get back under the 10 minute mile!
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Fab runs everyone, can't wait until I'm able to run for the whole hour.

    Not that you are soliciting advice, but slowing down was what increased my minutes. I was running a 10 min mile and just barely squeaking in 30 min. Slowing down helped me increase my time running tremendously. I went from running 30 min to 40 minutes the first day. From there I have just built on a little time here and there.
    I really really want to get the 10 min mile down pat, but I am signed up for a 10k on October 1st, so for now I am concentraing on finishing the whole thing running! I get quite envious of reading some of the posts on here with 7-10 minute miles....unbelievable!!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Just posting a quick update, since I saw someone post earlier about slowing down. Yesterday I waddled along for 70 minutes. Straight. I am still slow by all standards, but my speed is slowly increasing. I am now running 4 days a week - two regular jogs and two tempo/interval runs. Increasing speeds is getting easier (never thought I would say that!) and last week I recorded 15 miles which is definitely a new record for me.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    Guess I should log my first OHR run! I started last night.

    Still on 30 minutes for now which I like because it gives me a chance to get used to that. I felt quite at ease not struggling at any point even though my hamstrings are really tight at the moment! I wish I had some scientific way to work out my exact pace and distance but my run (minus warm up and cooldown) probably came to 3 miles (based on!

    Forgive me is this already been mentioned but I have not read through all the responses. I use the runkeeper app on my phone to track my exact pace and distance of my runs. I don't start the activity until I actually start running and stop it before I start my cooldown. That way I know the exact distance I run. It even tells me my pace for each individual mile. Hope that makes sense.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Oay so my two week hiatus turned into IDK forever? I PROMISE I'm starting up again on Saturday! There's lots of news guys :flowerforyou:
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    I'm back! I took a month off or fell off the wagon for a month. Just depends on how you look at it.:embarassed: My girl friend talked me into running a 10k at the end of Oct. That gives us 12 solid weeks to train. We are both doing c10k plan starting with week 1. Although I completed c25k and have been running for a while, I feel like I should start from the beginning because I took such a long break from running. I've always said I have to desire to run for an hour and never thought I would do this. Well, we both decided we would give it our best shot to run the entire time, but also be perfectly ok with walking some. That takes the pressure off a little. This will be different from my 5k in a couple of ways. This time I will incorporate other workouts on non-running days, adjust the treadmill incline if I workout at the gym, and know that its ok to repeat a workout before moving on to the next week. My goal ultimate goal is to reach my goal weight by race time.

    Needless to say, I will begin posting my runs here next week.

    Happy running!

    Acid~I look forward to hearing about your runs.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Acid & Fit - you're not alone in the hiatus!

    I've been off my game for awhile, it's too hot outside, I'm too busy, my foot hurts, my back hurts, etc.... Too many excuses!! Not that most of them weren't valid at the time, but I have to get back to pushing myself! I've gotten back on track with my eating this week, tomorrow I will get back into my workouts. For now I'm not going to do any particular plan for running. I'm hoping to do 3 days of running and 2-3 days of other gym workouts. But I will still post about my runs, my distance, times, etc... I'm hoping to get up to running for 60 minutes, but I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself because I want to get back to enjoying running.

    Let's all get back on track!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    It's hard to hold in pee when you're running.

    That was my lesson learned yesterday. I didn't even really have to pee THAT bad. But I couldnt' hold it in. I had to walk home so I wouldn't have pee dribbling down my leg. Once I was walking I had no trouble holding it - started running again to see what would happen. Not a good move.

    So now you know.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    It's hard to hold in pee when you're running.

    That was my lesson learned yesterday. I didn't even really have to pee THAT bad. But I couldnt' hold it in. I had to walk home so I wouldn't have pee dribbling down my leg. Once I was walking I had no trouble holding it - started running again to see what would happen. Not a good move.

    So now you know.

    LOL!! This happened to me before too! The one day that I ran a full 5k on the treadmill, towards the end I was dying! I thought I was going to pee my pants, but I wouldn't let myself stop. When I got off, I could barely walk to get to the bathroom, and like you said, I really didn't have to go that bad, but I think because I kept running it put my bladder in a funny position, so even though I didn't have to go a lot, at that point, I was having trouble even holding it.

    Definitely not a fun experience!
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    Hello All! I was laughing at the earlier posts about the full bladders! Nothing worse...I wait until the last possible second to go right before I walk out the door because I have done it too. It's a horrible feeling.
    I ran this morning again for 61 minutes so I am still trekking towards 80. I am guestimating that would be the time it takes me to fully run the 10k, with some time to spare. I signed up for one of those 'mini challenges' on here to do 3500 calories this week. I figured it would help motivate me to do 5 days of running this week. So far so good, but the back to back days are challenging to say the least:)

    Glad to see we are hanging in there despite the heat!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Acid & Fit - you're not alone in the hiatus!

    I've been off my game for awhile, it's too hot outside, I'm too busy, my foot hurts, my back hurts, etc.... Too many excuses!! Not that most of them weren't valid at the time, but I have to get back to pushing myself! I've gotten back on track with my eating this week, tomorrow I will get back into my workouts. For now I'm not going to do any particular plan for running. I'm hoping to do 3 days of running and 2-3 days of other gym workouts. But I will still post about my runs, my distance, times, etc... I'm hoping to get up to running for 60 minutes, but I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself because I want to get back to enjoying running.

    Let's all get back on track!

    I'M BACK.... sort of.

    I still don't really have a running route there are some real nice parks near where I live and the marina but I also live in town and I don't want to run round while everyone is out shopping so I still need to work out a good route! That will be tonights job!

    I ran on the treadmill... I HATE running on the treadmill I get too hot and sweaty... ew gross.

    22:13 minutes - 2:13miles @ 10:25 minutes mile.... rubbish... I did even have to stop and walk once or twice which lowered my avg pace. I'm gonna work on getting back up to 30 minutes this week and then back on track with the OHR plan.

    I've also had the genius idea that on weeks that I'm not driving to work (car sharer) I can off load my bags to my flatmate and run home because the route is about 5.5 miles... but... this week is my turn to drive and I am ridiculously out of shape!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Just logging any runs at the moment...

    10 minutes - 1 mile @ 10 minute mile