30 Day Low Carb (Keto) Weight loss Challenge - Start Monday May 8



  • d040
    d040 Posts: 2 Member
    stephyyyo wrote: »
    Hello all! I want to eat clean and low Carb/low sugar for 30 days. I would love to have people join me as we can motivate each other and keep each other accountable.
    -Eat less than 50g of carbs per day
    -Eat as clean as possible
    -Stevia allowed in small quantities (none better)
    -Drink water
    -stay under your caloric goal (varies from person to person)
    -You must fill out diary daily
    -Most importantly...you must POST here daily the grams of carbs eaten that day

    I would love to lose 10lbs. What's your goal?
    stephyyyo wrote: »
    ssl0905 wrote: »
    I would like to join. I'm starting today...my carb goal is between 25net carbs. My goal is to drop about 10lbs in 30 days.
    qtpiej0801 wrote: »
    Is it too late to start ?
    millymc wrote: »
    I'm in! Want to loose 10 lbs! Will stay under 45 carbs!
    kpdover wrote: »
    I hope I'm not too late. If not, I'm in! I want to lose 10 pounds! I just made my diary public in hopes of staying accountable. I typically carb cycle but would love to give Keto a shot for 30-days and see how I do! I'm so so excited. This is just what I was looking for! My first day will be tomorrow as I just found this challenge this evening.

    Welcome! It's not too late if u guys just post daily from here on our :) Best of luck!

  • d040
    d040 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join your challenge. Made my diary public. Would like to lose 20lbs keep carbs 25-30g. Thanks for putting this together
  • Lotusgirlruns
    Lotusgirlruns Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone! I would love to join the challenge, I know I am a little late, I just noticed this on the forum. I will make my diary public, is that what I need to do? I would love to lose 8-10 lbs and get off the carb roller coaster :-)
    My goal is to keep the net carbs below 25g/day, total calories 1500, and stop eating within an hour of bedtime (this is the toughest for me, and I will work my way up to 3 hours before bedtime... baby steps!)
    Thank you for keeping me accountable and I look forward to motivating each other!
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    kpdover wrote: »
    Question - I'm desperate!!! I now have the stomach bug/virus/flu that my daughter went to the hospital for on Sunday. She had it from Thursday morning until Monday morning. What are some Keto foods that I can eat to soothe my stomach? Bananas, bread/toast and crackers were all my "go-to's" in my "prior life." This is the 3rd time I've had a stomach bug/virus/flu in the 3 years that I have been low carb and every time I give in to my old "go to's" to get by and can't get back on track easily. I need to make a change. I have Joseph's Pitas and Extreme Wellness low carb tortillas. They are 5-6 NET carbs each. I can go with that but would like to know of other lower carb options that aren't dairy or eggs... I am drinking water and diet ginger ale (I know, not the best choice but the water isn't tasting so great at the moment. The ginger ale is going down better and I need to hydrate as best as I can). I have Zevia ginger ale but can't stomach it right now. The after fast is killing me. I appreciate any and all suggestions! And so does my stomach!

    I'm sorry! That sounds rough. My only advice would be tea and bone broth or chicken stock.

    Would a simple chicken vegetable soup w/veggies like celery, onion, turnips, light carrots, kale, tomatoes, etc be an option? It might be higher carbs than normal, but would have a reasonable fiber amount, and would hopefully be soothing to the stomach while giving you a little more nutrition...

    If you are going to have bread, maybe make French toast so that you are at least getting some protein. My son used to eat French toast with butter/jam like regular toast, which would cut down on sugary syrup.

    Also, yogurt is good for digestion if you can stomach it. Maybe make a smoothie with a little bit of banana, berries, yogurt and either water or almond milk?

    I hope you feel better soon!

    Broth is the perfect thing to be drinking right now. While all the carb options might sound appetizing right now and I am sure you are sick of puking, it is OK to fast right now, even for a few days even! Just stay hydrated!

    Fasting really might be the best thing right now: https://authoritynutrition.com/can-fasting-fight-the-flu-or-cold/
  • UNO77
    UNO77 Posts: 33 Member
    15 carbs May 17, 2017
  • gh8787
    gh8787 Posts: 10 Member
    May 17

    Total carbs 39
    Net carbs 20
  • gh8787
    gh8787 Posts: 10 Member
    kpdover wrote: »
    Question - I'm desperate!!! I now have the stomach bug/virus/flu that my daughter went to the hospital for on Sunday. She had it from Thursday morning until Monday morning. What are some Keto foods that I can eat to soothe my stomach? Bananas, bread/toast and crackers were all my "go-to's" in my "prior life." This is the 3rd time I've had a stomach bug/virus/flu in the 3 years that I have been low carb and every time I give in to my old "go to's" to get by and can't get back on track easily. I need to make a change. I have Joseph's Pitas and Extreme Wellness low carb tortillas. They are 5-6 NET carbs each. I can go with that but would like to know of other lower carb options that aren't dairy or eggs... I am drinking water and diet ginger ale (I know, not the best choice but the water isn't tasting so great at the moment. The ginger ale is going down better and I need to hydrate as best as I can). I have Zevia ginger ale but can't stomach it right now. The after fast is killing me. I appreciate any and all suggestions! And so does my stomach!

    Make sure you stay hydrated and get your electrolytes. Stomach flu can lead to dehydration. Feel better soon!
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    21 total carbs today.
  • looweesa
    looweesa Posts: 11 Member
    I won't lie, I went over the 50g carb max today. It was primarily due to having some cocktails with a friend, otherwise I would have been around my usual 20g. Instead I ended up at 60g for the day. I'm not getting too down about it bc I enjoyed myself, but next time I will be more vigilant about what mixers contains the least amount of carbs/sugars.
  • Cathietc
    Cathietc Posts: 66 Member
    May 17
    total carbs 5g
    net carbs 3g
  • maxapeden
    maxapeden Posts: 13 Member
    Day 10 5/17/17
    3 net carbs
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    33 total minus 19 fiber = 14 net
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    29 Carbs and 21 Net.... pretty good day. I was able to get a good lifting session in after work and just relaxed for the evening after cooking up dinner. I did lose a pound this week, which is good I guess, I was not feeling like I was going to see any loss.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    looweesa wrote: »
    I won't lie, I went over the 50g carb max today. It was primarily due to having some cocktails with a friend, otherwise I would have been around my usual 20g. Instead I ended up at 60g for the day. I'm not getting too down about it bc I enjoyed myself, but next time I will be more vigilant about what mixers contains the least amount of carbs/sugars.

    Yeah stick with diet soda or seltzer waters as your mixer... never a bad thing to have a good time
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    5/17 total carb 15. cauliflower is really super low carb.
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member

    Total: 102
    Net: 87

    Ugh. I'll do better today.
  • Memerex5
    Memerex5 Posts: 55 Member
    I had a very bad PTSD/anxiety ridden day yesterday. Couldn't stop crying, pacing, being under the sheets over my head. Anyway, it was a terrible day. Emotionally ate and went from 209.4 to 110.8. Just glad it was only a pound. Carb total: 142g.Scale should have been higher but God is always with me. Got me through yesterday, right?
  • KristySnow0729
    KristySnow0729 Posts: 8 Member

    Net carbs: 24g
  • Xee14
    Xee14 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 7 days into keto, feel a lill bit of palpitation in my upper chest. Also muscular pain in my right leg. Also I'm super hungry every 2 hrs am I doing something wrong.