
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Charts look GREAT again! Thanks for the hard work. :smile: I'm sorry so many people are either dropping out or not getting you their info on time. Hopefully next week everyone will have gotten it.

    Thanks for everything! :heart:
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    Charts look GREAT again! Thanks for the hard work. :smile: I'm sorry so many people are either dropping out or not getting you their info on time. Hopefully next week everyone will have gotten it.

    Thanks for everything! :heart:

    <3 You made today so much better <3
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Because I did not receive a message from those people stating their new weight and whether or not they completed the challenge.

    I sent you my challenge progress on Sunday, but there is nothing next to my name.

    Did you send it after 9p EST?

    No. Before 9.

    EDIT: oh lol. she posted the time stamp.

    Because this is the time stamp she received on the only message she received from you. We posted stating how we are only accepting messages being sent with the challenge results/weights because of how much time it took last week to comb through the threads and still we missed people. We also asked you guys to send everything in by 9p EST Sunday instead of Monday so then nobody would be missed. Monday at 9p EST is when everything is being made into graphics and posted so we won't be checking our mailboxes anymore.

    That's the time stamp for the weight in. How about the challenge progress that I sent on Sunday?
    Just curious. I'm pretty sure it was Sunday before 9, but I can be wrong.
  • mousumi30
    mousumi30 Posts: 52
    great to see my name up there, it made me feel really good, we did ok again,i am taking the first option for this week's challange
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    Because I did not receive a message from those people stating their new weight and whether or not they completed the challenge.

    I sent you my challenge progress on Sunday, but there is nothing next to my name.

    Did you send it after 9p EST?

    No. Before 9.

    EDIT: oh lol. she posted the time stamp.

    Because this is the time stamp she received on the only message she received from you. We posted stating how we are only accepting messages being sent with the challenge results/weights because of how much time it took last week to comb through the threads and still we missed people. We also asked you guys to send everything in by 9p EST Sunday instead of Monday so then nobody would be missed. Monday at 9p EST is when everything is being made into graphics and posted so we won't be checking our mailboxes anymore.

    That's the time stamp for the weight in. How about the challenge progress that I sent on Sunday?
    Just curious. I'm pretty sure it was Sunday before 9, but I can be wrong.

    Where did you send your challenge progress? Did you mail it to her or post it on the forum?
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    great to see my name up there, it made me feel really good, we did ok again,i am taking the first option for this week's challange

    You did such an awesome job this week! Congrats!!! =D
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Because I did not receive a message from those people stating their new weight and whether or not they completed the challenge.

    I sent you my challenge progress on Sunday, but there is nothing next to my name.

    Did you send it after 9p EST?

    No. Before 9.

    EDIT: oh lol. she posted the time stamp.

    Because this is the time stamp she received on the only message she received from you. We posted stating how we are only accepting messages being sent with the challenge results/weights because of how much time it took last week to comb through the threads and still we missed people. We also asked you guys to send everything in by 9p EST Sunday instead of Monday so then nobody would be missed. Monday at 9p EST is when everything is being made into graphics and posted so we won't be checking our mailboxes anymore.

    That's the time stamp for the weight in. How about the challenge progress that I sent on Sunday?
    Just curious. I'm pretty sure it was Sunday before 9, but I can be wrong.

    Where did you send your challenge progress? Did you mail it to her or post it on the forum?
    I sent it in a private message with the friend request. Anyways, it doesn't matter anymore. Thanks to everybody.
  • Purple_Lurple
    Purple_Lurple Posts: 42 Member
    What are you on about ACowboyKid? Your writing is awesome, it makes a great read! I think you should compile it all in a blog or something once you're done so you don't lose all your hard work and storyline in the Bermuda Triangle that is the forums!

    I'm loving the graphics too, I'm very impressed with the excel formula skills! (I'm presuming you're using that and not being crazy smart and working out everyones' scores in your head!)

    You are both doing such a fab job, thank you so much. It's a shame some people aren't posting their results on time, but homefully we'll all get into the swing of it soon.
  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member
    ACowboyKid and Mrtentaclenun you are both awesome :heart: - thank you so much for the work you are putting into this to make it so much fun for us! :bigsmile:

    Fae XX
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    A half hour is really that big of a deal?

    I don't mean to butt in, but I feel like that conversation (yeah, right up there), should have been kept to messages. It kind of made me nervous that if I'm a couple minutes late because of work, I'll be kicked out of the challenge.

    Let's all be friends, eh?
  • charts look good girls...sorry i didnt weight in i totally forgot ta send it sorry...i put it on our team forum in stead oppz :tongue:
    good work teams keep it up
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    Hush7Hush - Its just because last week a bunch of people got pissed because we accidentally missed some people when we went through the threads and had to deal with a bunch of messages being sent to our inboxes and crap. Seriously, if people are really nice about it and don't get so frustrated, worked up with us and post on their team threads about us when we make a mistake then we'll be so much more chill and more than happy to fix everything. Like I know we both have no problem discussing stuff over mail but when people post on their team thread about it, we don't want it to look like we are screwing people over so we bring it out in the open. And since last week everyone was so upset at us for messing up we put it on everyone's responsibility to get their stuff into us so then we (hopefully) won't have everyone upset at us again or angry that we don't have our stuff posted on time. But this happened again. Life happens, that's why the challenge was late, and we want everyone to get along and be happy! So just saying "Hey, I'm sorry I missed the turn in time. Is there anyway I can get put on the list still?" or just saying "oh well, I'll do better next week" are two things only a few awesome people said. I swear we're not time nazis, hell, I'm late for everything all the time.

    I want this to be as laid back as possible but I'm starting to dread sunday/mondays because its become complain day. x.x Like I'm dreading tomorrow when everyone reads this and the new challenge because I know people will be posting how the challenge is to hard (1/3 people are really rude about it, the other 2/3 people I'm totally happy to do anything for because they are just nice) or how we messed up someones numbers and their so sick of it. I'm assuming each week its like 1 or 2 people who get upset but it can really dampen your mood for the whole thing. I mean, I want this to be fun and chill and laid back because everyone is busy (hell I work all the friggin time so I know the worry about the whole work thing but its not an issue if you let us know). Its just a big peeve when people post on a thread or in their status complaining about us before trying to discuss this with us first especially after last week. =[ Makes you sad and feel like nobody is having fun so why keep it up? You know?

    Faete - Thanks! I hope it is fun. That's been something I've been pretty worried about.

    Purplepudding - Haha thanks. I dunno, maybe I will. I'm so pissed I didn't get up the one I had earlier. But thanks! =D

    sineadgrowden - That's totally cool. Everyone gets two weeks in a row before they end up being assumed inactive and booted (unless we get a message saying that somethings up, then we'll totally work with you). So you're safe haha. I figured a bunch of people would get confused about the messaging. Thanks for being polite. =]
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm liking the challenges so far. I understand how people can get cranky at times. But hey, a challenge is suppose to be challenging. What bothers me a little bit is the amount of people dropping out. But I guess there's no such thing as everybody surviving a zombie apocalypse. Can't wait to completely destroy and abuse my arms this week from strength training. Good luck everyone and most importantly have fun! =)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm liking the challenges so far. I understand how people can get cranky at times. But hey, a challenge is suppose to be challenging. What bothers me a little bit is the amount of people dropping out. But I guess there's no such thing as everybody surviving a zombie apocalypse. Can't wait to completely destroy and abuse my arms this week from strength training. Good luck everyone and most importantly have fun! =)

    Let's get buff! (Hahaha. :D )
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    I'm liking the challenges so far. I understand how people can get cranky at times. But hey, a challenge is suppose to be challenging. What bothers me a little bit is the amount of people dropping out. But I guess there's no such thing as everybody surviving a zombie apocalypse. Can't wait to completely destroy and abuse my arms this week from strength training. Good luck everyone and most importantly have fun! =)

    Good! People keep saying they are dropping out cause they are busy, took too much on without thinking about doing a physical challenge, feeling like they are letting their teams down by not doing above and beyond the requirements, or not able to do the workouts since they are "getting harder". I don't know who put out that they are getting harder each week, I don't think I said so. I mean I would love for that to happen and initially wanted that but I'm honestly doing what people are indicating to me. I'm going by what everyone does or says. Like if people go way above, I'm going to try to make it harder. If people are struggling then I'll modify it and make next week easier. But yeah, I don't know if people are just trying to be nice (lol) or what. People just do what you can and have fun. If its not fun then relax about it, take a day off. Its cool. =]
  • cool as will get it next week gets a bit full on with a little 1 sometimes and had to go do prom make-up ect today but you get that!
    hope you not to stressed now :wink: :flowerforyou:
    it just gets a bit confusing for people in diff time zones :ohwell:
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    well yeah some of this is hard for me but it would'nt be much of a challenge otherwise.
    Just done my first set of leg exercises OMG my thighs are burning but thats ok cause i know it will get easier if i keep pushing.
    As for the weigh in i manage it & i'm on the other side of the world & work all day sunday! I find it easier to get up weigh myself, do my workout then after logging it all on Mfp i send a little message to atentaclenun easy & on time :)
    Well done to everyone, keep up the good work, keep pushing yourself if this was real life you would'nt think twice about running as hard/fast as possible xx
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    jenfunfur just reminded me to say that you guys from other countries are amazing dealing with the time zone difference. I understand its annoying but I just gotta say you guys rock for managing it.
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 174 Member
    What are you on about ACowboyKid? Your writing is awesome, it makes a great read! I think you should compile it all in a blog or something once you're done so you don't lose all your hard work and storyline in the Bermuda Triangle that is the forums!

    I'm loving the graphics too, I'm very impressed with the excel formula skills! (I'm presuming you're using that and not being crazy smart and working out everyones' scores in your head!)

    You are both doing such a fab job, thank you so much. It's a shame some people aren't posting their results on time, but homefully we'll all get into the swing of it soon.

    There is an easier way to do this? I'm not using for the actual charts, those are all photoshops. Excel just has a list of everyone, previous weight, new weight, pounds lost, then I calculate the percent with a calculator, etc etc. Took forever to figure out the right formula.
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 174 Member
    What are you on about ACowboyKid? Your writing is awesome, it makes a great read! I think you should compile it all in a blog or something once you're done so you don't lose all your hard work and storyline in the Bermuda Triangle that is the forums!

    I'm loving the graphics too, I'm very impressed with the excel formula skills! (I'm presuming you're using that and not being crazy smart and working out everyones' scores in your head!)

    You are both doing such a fab job, thank you so much. It's a shame some people aren't posting their results on time, but homefully we'll all get into the swing of it soon.

    There is an easier way to do this? I'm not using for the actual charts, those are all photoshops. Excel just has a list of everyone, previous weight, new weight, pounds lost, then I calculate the percent with a calculator, etc etc. Took forever to figure out the right formula.
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