The Reel Winners [CLOSED GROUP]



  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    July 25
    616 calories
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Welcome Selly! Glad to have you aboard. :)

    I'm in for 520 calories burned today. It was a heavy strength day with my trainer, but fit in a bit of cardio on the stair-mill after.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    date: 7/25/11
    calories: 118

    I'm baaack! I feel like I'm starting over again. But, at least I'm moving :) Well, I'm all done with traveling and my Mom's funeral. It's good to be back home and working out.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Welcome Selly, and welcome back Okie.
    Awesome work everyone. Yesterday we burned 12274 cals for an awesome total of 245.48 miles. :)
    Well done everyone.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    Yay, life seems to be heading back to normal. I got a workout in yesterday (Monday) with a 493 kcal burn. Also got a good walk in today (Tuesday) with 150kcal burn.

    Hopefully I'll be getting back into my proper exercise routine over the next week or so. Sounds like there are some good challenges coming up so hopefully we can move back up the rankings!

    Welcome to the team Selly, hope you enjoy sailing with us and well done everyone.
  • Not here to be rude or offensive. Just wanted to let you all know that there is a team that is exercising tomorrow (rest day and water day according to lee) and is going to add tomorrow's burn to thursday. Don't know if that is allowed or not,if anyone would like an update on the situation (pointed out to me by a friend) let me know. Good luck all.
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160

    114 Calories Burned

    My stomach wasn't into working out today. Felt really sick after 15 minutes. Well there is always tomorrow.
  • Selly7749
    Selly7749 Posts: 48
    736 from me today :)

    Oh anthea turner workout. I can't decide if I love you or if you and your early nineties perms are doing my head in...
  • Meglm1117
    Meglm1117 Posts: 70
    427 tday
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Hi Team... 300 for me today...
    just walks at home... no gym today... stupid dentist first thing gave me a big numb fat feeling lip and I kinda felt sick to my stomache for a while after. :(
    Hmmm... no fair if a team thinking cheating is the way to go... can we do anything about it?

    Have a great evening!
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    July 26
    563 calories
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    July 24 - 0 calories
    July 25 - 224 calories
    July 26 - 1426 calories
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Tuesday, 7/26, 609 calories burned

    Too bad tomorrow's calories won't count as I'll likely have a dance class as well as a session with my trainer. But I'll be sure to get all my water in for the day. :happy:
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    date: 7/26/11
    calories: 646

    Welcome Selly!
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Not here to be rude or offensive. Just wanted to let you all know that there is a team that is exercising tomorrow (rest day and water day according to lee) and is going to add tomorrow's burn to thursday. Don't know if that is allowed or not,if anyone would like an update on the situation (pointed out to me by a friend) let me know. Good luck all.

    I've informed Lee.

    Ok team, remember that today calories burned DO NOT COUNT toward miles, instead you need to be drinking nine glasses of water- this is todays goal. Some of your diaries are set to private, so it would be easier to either message me your total, comment on my wall, or here.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member

    114 Calories Burned

    My stomach wasn't into working out today. Felt really sick after 15 minutes. Well there is always tomorrow.

    Did you eat before?
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Yay, life seems to be heading back to normal. I got a workout in yesterday (Monday) with a 493 kcal burn. Also got a good walk in today (Tuesday) with 150kcal burn.

    Hopefully I'll be getting back into my proper exercise routine over the next week or so. Sounds like there are some good challenges coming up so hopefully we can move back up the rankings!

    Welcome to the team Selly, hope you enjoy sailing with us and well done everyone.

    Welcome back!
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    The map's just been updated.
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160

    114 Calories Burned

    My stomach wasn't into working out today. Felt really sick after 15 minutes. Well there is always tomorrow.

    Did you eat before?

    About 3 hours before that.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member

    114 Calories Burned

    My stomach wasn't into working out today. Felt really sick after 15 minutes. Well there is always tomorrow.

    Did you eat before?

    About 3 hours before that.

    I tend to have a snack 30 mins before, usually a banana. I feel the difference if I don't, light-headedness and nausea.