Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited May 2017
    Tuesday Goals ...
    - @320sycamore - After reading your excitement at reaching your fourth goal (congratulations!) and looking at your chart, this number cruncher who is not always very "quick on the draw" got the idea of looking at her own numbers in a different way. .. So, natch, I made a new spread sheet for myself. This has led me to set up a new goal method with the MFP Ticker ... I'm taking smaller chunks in it. In March, I had finally reached the goal of losing 15% of my starting weight ... a goal that was set 9 years ago! And since reaching that goal my weight has been trying hard to return to the average weight I've maintained since then, this dispite my constant efforts to change my lifestyle to promote better weight management and physical fitness. Maybe, like you, taking smaller chunks to focus on is the answer for me as well. Thus ... I'm now aiming at achieving that next 5% weight loss.


    Yep ... I've slid backwards since hitting that benchmark ... but I'm keeping the weight goal just the same.
  • seppat97
    seppat97 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, everyone! My name is Sharon, and I need to face the fact that I need to lose at least 95-100 1lbs. I am currently 195 at 5' 1/2'' and probably in the danger zone weight wise. To get my black belt in Tae Kwon Do, some of this weight really needs to come off. This is one of my dreams. I need to face just how bad it is. If I cheer you on with your journey, will you do the same??? I am quite short, and I try to be active. However, I have to face just how much needs to come off. Looking at the number is hard. Thanks.
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome @seppat97 . Many of the contributors to this thread are remarkable cheerleaders (I am more of a lurker and occasional poster, but draw infinite comfort and wisdom from reading the musings, successes and failures of the individuals working towards their goals here). I started at 292 and my ultimate goal is to get to 170. One of the first things I learned from various posts on MFP from people working on large weight loss was to break the seemingly impossible down into small manageable chunks, so I have set mini goals of various percents of my starting weight and different categories of obesity (and eventually the nirvana of overweight and normal weight). I think you will find this group to be super useful, as well as the act of logging everything, regardless of whether you are on plan or not. If you look at the graph I posted above, the long, long plateau from December through March was a time when I was not only hibernating for the winter, but not logging anything.
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    @Nikion901 , when I first started thinking about the total amount I wanted to lose to get to normal weight I was so overwhelmed it seemed impossible and totally depressing. Several people on MFP advised me to break it down into manageable chunks (which I should have known from the way I address large business projects and problems). Somehow 13 pounds or even 25 pounds seems eminantly doable, while 122 pounds (the amount of a small person!!!) seems impossible. Plus, I think it is important to celebrate interim scale victories as well as NSVs. Just my two cents.

    And I can't tell you how much I enjoy your posts. You have a real flair for writing, and making mundane everyday observations on life interesting (a la Anne Tyler, whose work I admire greatly). Have you ever published anything?
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    Tuesday Goals...

    1. MUST get some dishes washed!!!! :(
    2. Get meals planned, prepared, cooked and portioned. This should be possible after some dishes are washed.
    3. Buy a few veggies and groceries if needed for #2 above.
    4. Trailer needs to be tidied up. Hubby <3 is coming in 1 month....need to get ready. Try to do a little something each day!
    5. Try a new exercise for yourself...don't just walk the dogs. Maybe see if that bathing suit fits and go to the pool 1 night. Or try a different cardio exercise...roller blades? Bike? ;)
    6. Get the herb and tomato garden planted....they will die in this heat in their little starter pots....DON'T DELAY! :o

    Well let's see what gets accomplished this week.  :p
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    So this past weekend derailed me a bit. Holiday long weekend in Canada and went camping with my BF and his family. Ended up +5.6 lbs today :# I'm certain that a part of that is water weight - I was terrible at keeping my water intake up! But my fair share of adult beverages, s'mores, and other not so healthy snack foods probably didn't help either. Need to go do a good clean grocery shop tonight, meal prep for the rest of this week, and not let this stall me again.

    So my Tuesday Goals - No more slip ups this week. I am going to recommit 100% to my nutrition plan and hope that within a couple of days I can work my way back down to where I started. I was only 1.6 lbs from hitting 30 lbs down before going away for the weekend so I'd love to get to that goal by the end of next week.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Name: Paul
    Age: 52
    Height: 6'0"

    SW: 250
    GW: <230- windsurfing weight goal

    April 26: 250
    May 3: 247
    May10: 244
    May 17: 240
    May 24: 240
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 1:

    Weight +/- this week: 0
    Weight +/- total: 10
    Total loss: 105

    105! I can not believe it but I see it. 50 more for me and another 10 for Dr. Gomez to go. He believes so I must too. I'm going windsurfing soon!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    edited May 2017
    Ready for summer 10 week challenge

    Name Jo
    Age 46 and now 47 :*
    Height 161 centimetres about 5 foot 3 (I found out i am shorter than i thought :o )

    Start weight (week of April 19) 91kgs / 200.6 lbs
    Goal weight (Saturday July 1) 85 kgs / 187 lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    April 26 91 kgs / 200.6 lbs
    May 3 197.1
    May 10 194.4
    May 17 191.2
    May 24
    May 31
    June 7
    June 14
    June 21
    June 28
    July 1

    Weight +/- this week 3.2 lbs
    Weight +/- total 9.4 lbs

    I am starting not to trust my scale. I think I need to buy a better one. :(

    Good luck to everyone of us!!!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @newjax2017 Jo, I don't know if you live in the US (I think not since you used kgs as well as lbs) but I have a Taylor scale, you can buy them on Amazon. I really like it. It's pretty sleek and easy to read with digital numbers. And you are doing fastastically on your program!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Barb
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 226.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (week of June 28) 210 lbs
    Weigh in week of:

    1. April 26 - 224.6
    2. May 3 - 224.8
    3. May 10 – 220.2
    4. May 17 – 222.0
    5. May 24 – 217.6
    6. May 31 -
    7. June 7 -
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -4.4
    Weight -/+ total this challenge: -8.6
    Total Weight Lost: 40.4
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited May 2017
    Ready For Summer 10 week Challenge

    Name: Niki
    Age: 72
    Height: 5’3”

    Start Weight (week of April 19) 241.2
    Goal Weight (week of June 28) 228.4

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26 241.6
    2. May 3 239.0
    3. May 10 238.4
    4. May 17 241.0 

    5. May 24 244.6
    7. May 31
    8. June 7
    9. June 14
    10. June 21
    11. June 28
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1

    Weight -/+ this week: +3.6
    Weight -/+ total: +3.4
    Total Weight Loss -33.4

    Wednesday Wish: That I would stop kidding myself, and to put it bluntly and crudely, "get off the pot, or p..s in it". I make countless plans and goals, spend huge blocks of time preparing documentation for them, think about them non-stop ... the only thing I don't do is "follow through" ... usually because I've completed exhausted myself and run out of time. I don't want to run out of time on getting my blood sugars lower, and I know to do that primary achievement I need to: "eat less and move more" and I need to lose all the grossly excess weight I carry. So, I need to stop thinking and just start doing.
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @campfirequeen Thank you for taking time to give me this information. I do feel better about ordering something if someone has it and recommends it! I will look on amazon as you suggested.
    And thank you for your kind words about my progress. I was feeling a bit like straying before I found this challenge, but the structure has really helped me. I am grateful :)
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Ready for Summer challenge

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (April 19): 262.6
    Goal Weight (July 1): 249.9

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26 - 261
    2. May 3 - 261
    3. May 10 - 259.4
    4. May 17 - 257.6
    5. May 24 - 255.8
    6. May 31 -
    7. June 7 -
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -6.8
    Weight -/+ overall total: -30

    I seem to be consistent with a 1.8 pound loss for the last several weeks. I'll take it!

    I enjoyed reading the posts by those that have started digging into their heritage. I started digging into my father's side of the family as a relative of my mom has already done her side. I haven't been able to go back further than about the 1840's when my great-grandparents migrated from Germany. (A lot of Germans on this thread!) I found a few skeletons that no one was aware of; like my grandmother was born illegitimate to a single mother in 1912. Her mother did marry just months after, but not to the man who's (partial) name is on the birth certificate. It took me a while to build the courage to tell my dad what I found, but when I did he took it with a grain of salt. I wasn't sure how he'd react to finding out who he thought was his paternal grandfather was actually a step-grandfather.
    @campfirequeen1 - my family history is in Pittsburgh too. Though I live in south Florida now, I was born and mostly raised in Pittsburgh. I am curious, do you know which park near Pittsburgh your family foraged for mushrooms? Pittsburgh has always been rich in eastern European culture.

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!
  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member

    Name: Helene
    Height: 5'4

    SW: 276.4
    GW: <260 (that would be my lowest weight since 2012!)

    April 26: 276.4
    May 3: 275.2
    May10: 272
    May 17: 274.2
    May 24: 272.4
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 1:

    Weight +/- this week:
    Weight +/- total:
  • kizanne1
    kizanne1 Posts: 51 Member
    Looking forward to being part of your group. I would like to lose right at 100 pounds. I'll settle for 80. I guess I missed the first 5 weeks of the summer challenge.

    Name: Kiz
    Age: 47
    Height 5' 2"
    Start Weight (for all time last June 1st) 5 weeks ago? now 205.1
    Goal weight for June 28th Wonderland

  • teresaglz21
    teresaglz21 Posts: 77 Member
    Name: Teresa
    Age: 27
    Height: 5' 8"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 298.5
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 275

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26- 296
    2. May 3- 293.6
    3. May 10 -291.9
    4. May 17 - 291.6
    5. May 24 - 288.4
    6. May 31 -
    7. June 7 -
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: - 3.2
    Weight -/+ total: -10.1