What did you dream about last night?



  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Talk about a nightmare!

    I dreamed I was hanging out with a former co-worker who is a real Long Island redneck and a rabid Trump supporter...(this can NEVER happen in real life!)...and it turned out we were working for Trump on some account for a healthcare conglomerate like "Kiesmar-Wicke" or something. We then met with Trump, who was wearing flannel pajamas and sitting in bed. He told us, "You have to wait until the bread is maximized."

    My former co-worker was pretending that he understood what that meant, but I said, "...but what does that MEAN??" They both looked at me disdainfully, as if EVERYbody should know what maximized bread is. I remember feeling, in the dream, that I had to get the hell out of there.

    Then Trump got off the bed and went up a driveway in a shambling, shuffling gait, into a hospital complex.

  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    I had a dream that all the work I've put into getting my house back in order was gone the next day. It was like I kept living Groundhog Day over and over, all of my hard work disappearing when I woke up the next day. When my alarm went off I immediately ran downstairs to make sure all the work I've done was still done.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Hey! @loveliveswithin... I had a very restless night and I vividly remember three distinct dreams. I'd love to hear your angle on these:

    1) I was in a cafe with my GF and having lunch. There was a guy who looked a little like a long-haired Brad Pitt sitting next to my GF, across from me. We were talking, and while I don't remember the specifics of the conversation, I feel that he was somehow a little threatening. He started putting his arm around my GF while he was talking, and then began fondling her. I kept asking him to stop. He stood up and showed me a pistol protruding from his coat pocket, then he got up and left.

    2) I was at a checkout counter in a store, or maybe a pharmacy. The woman in front of me was telling the cashier that she was going to a party, and that she was thinking of making a sacrifice while she was there. I asked her what she was going to sacrifice. She said maybe a goat, or a rabbit, etc. I told her it's not that easy to kill an animal and asked if she had ever done it. We moved over to a seating area and began to make out. She gave me a business card and told me to stop by her office anytime for some more "fun". I was then in my car driving and feeling thrilled to be going to see her.

    3) I was wandering through a series of long hallways with my GF and two young girls of about 5 years old. Along the way we passed through various rooms where there were people working or cooking. Then the scenario shifted slightly and instead of my GF and the girls, I was in the same setting, but following a military guy named Steve and we were carrying a stack of empty boxes, through the halls and up and down stairs. He kept getting so far ahead of me that I couldn't tell which turn to make, or which staircase to take. I yelled for him to slow down, and he replied that I should follow his voice and figure it out, but the echoes made that impossible.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Hey! @loveliveswithin... I had a very restless night and I vividly remember three distinct dreams. I'd love to hear your angle on these:

    1) I was in a cafe with my GF and having lunch. There was a guy who looked a little like a long-haired Brad Pitt sitting next to my GF, across from me. We were talking, and while I don't remember the specifics of the conversation, I feel that he was somehow a little threatening. He started putting his arm around my GF while he was talking, and then began fondling her. I kept asking him to stop. He stood up and showed me a pistol protruding from his coat pocket, then he got up and left.

    2) I was at a checkout counter in a store, or maybe a pharmacy. The woman in front of me was telling the cashier that she was going to a party, and that she was thinking of making a sacrifice while she was there. I asked her what she was going to sacrifice. She said maybe a goat, or a rabbit, etc. I told her it's not that easy to kill an animal and asked if she had ever done it. We moved over to a seating area and began to make out. She gave me a business card and told me to stop by her office anytime for some more "fun". I was then in my car driving and feeling thrilled to be going to see her.

    3) I was wandering through a series of long hallways with my GF and two young girls of about 5 years old. Along the way we passed through various rooms where there were people working or cooking. Then the scenario shifted slightly and instead of my GF and the girls, I was in the same setting, but following a military guy named Steve and we were carrying a stack of empty boxes, through the halls and up and down stairs. He kept getting so far ahead of me that I couldn't tell which turn to make, or which staircase to take. I yelled for him to slow down, and he replied that I should follow his voice and figure it out, but the echoes made that impossible.

    Your being shown a spiritual journey. A process in which you are changed in each step. Are you on this journey now?
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Last night I dreamt I was swimming in a super warm water, tranquil and Crystal in color. I was with another person or two. We swam way out to the island. There were pieces of Lego on the island, I knew they were part of a set still left on the mainland. A storm was coming and my companions wanted to head back so I swam with them back to where they felt safer. I looked back at the tiny island and decided to make the swim back alone for the small pieces of the puzzle that could help someone else. By the time I got there a few of the pieces had washed away with the tide. I gathered what I could salvage with the intent to swim back yet again to the mainland.
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    I don't remember my dreams often. I did last night.

    I was on a beach, I was alone, couldn't see anyone. It was late afternoon. I sat by the tree line, in the sand, just staring at the ocean. Not sure what I was wearing. I had a portable speaker and had music on but I can't remember what was playing specifically (just background noise I guess). I remember thinking to myself that this is where I want to be but it feels wrong. I felt comfortable, but not. Almost like I was conflicted about being there.

    I'm going to Thailand soon and have been planning for a while so I'm sure that's where this came from. The feelings I had are weird though and I can't explain it.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Last night I dreamt I was swimming in a super warm water, tranquil and Crystal in color. I was with another person or two. We swam way out to the island. There were pieces of Lego on the island, I knew they were part of a set still left on the mainland. A storm was coming and my companions wanted to head back so I swam with them back to where they felt safer. I looked back at the tiny island and decided to make the swim back alone for the small pieces of the puzzle that could help someone else. By the time I got there a few of the pieces had washed away with the tide. I gathered what I could salvage with the intent to swim back yet again to the mainland.

    youre lost in a sea full of legos you should get a ps4 and the lego game

    Nope. It's about giving them every last piece of the puzzle to be fully equipped​ before I go.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I don't remember my dreams often. I did last night.

    I was on a beach, I was alone, couldn't see anyone. It was late afternoon. I sat by the tree line, in the sand, just staring at the ocean. Not sure what I was wearing. I had a portable speaker and had music on but I can't remember what was playing specifically (just background noise I guess). I remember thinking to myself that this is where I want to be but it feels wrong. I felt comfortable, but not. Almost like I was conflicted about being there.

    I'm going to Thailand soon and have been planning for a while so I'm sure that's where this came from. The feelings I had are weird though and I can't explain it.

    You're conflicted. A happy cry... each working together for the greater purpose. The beach represents many different nation's and tongues (people). You sitting upon it as you gaze out to sea is in direct relation to your trip ahead. Good luck to you in your journeys abroad.
  • captainfantastic94
    captainfantastic94 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Quitting my job
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    I don't remember my dreams often. I did last night.

    I was on a beach, I was alone, couldn't see anyone. It was late afternoon. I sat by the tree line, in the sand, just staring at the ocean. Not sure what I was wearing. I had a portable speaker and had music on but I can't remember what was playing specifically (just background noise I guess). I remember thinking to myself that this is where I want to be but it feels wrong. I felt comfortable, but not. Almost like I was conflicted about being there.

    I'm going to Thailand soon and have been planning for a while so I'm sure that's where this came from. The feelings I had are weird though and I can't explain it.

    You're conflicted. A happy cry... each working together for the greater purpose. The beach represents many different nation's and tongues (people). You sitting upon it as you gaze out to sea is in direct relation to your trip ahead. Good luck to you in your journeys abroad.

    Dope. I can see that.

    Thanks @loveliveswithin
  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    It was a really good dream one of the best that I can remember vividly. Too bad it was just a dream.
  • Fitfromfat17
    Fitfromfat17 Posts: 56 Member
    David Dobrik hahaha
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    I was at a house party, more like a mansion, celebrating my birthday. Two of my BFF's said they couldn't stay and left the party. There was an old flame there who I had a good chat and laugh with. The dream was a bit disjointed after that - I ended up wandering around this mansion - there was another girl there that I don't know, but we were both only wearing long T-Shirts with blood down the front of them. I remember checking MFP on my phone and someone on here posted that their baby was born - a girl.

  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I dreamed that I fed strawberries to a race horse. He loved them! And then he lost the race and everyone blamed me, saying that the strawberries made him sick. I told everyone that doesn't make any sense because I feed strawberries to the monkeys all the time and they never get sick....I woke up still trying to make sense of that statement.
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    Staying true to what trazadone does to my dreaming, I had a very inappropriate dream last night.
  • mortuseon_
    mortuseon_ Posts: 257 Member
    I dreamt about being raped, again. ;_; It's not something I've ever experienced, thankfully, but I have a lot of nightmares about it. Hate it.
  • mortuseon_
    mortuseon_ Posts: 257 Member
    It involved a castle, Hugo Weaving, and trying to save people from a dragon that seemed to possess the powers of Martian Manhunter. And then something about laundry, but it's already fading away....

    now i want a movie based on that premise.

    If I could write down my dreams as soon as I woke up I'd have a career in Hollywood...

    I've actually completed program algorithms in dreams.

    Don't sell it short!

    I do this too! Sometimes answers to chemistry problems come to me in my dreams. Unfortunately, often it is after I need the answer...
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    mortuseon_ wrote: »
    I dreamt about being raped, again. ;_; It's not something I've ever experienced, thankfully, but I have a lot of nightmares about it. Hate it.

    OMG that is terrifying!! I looked up what this could possibly mean. I'm one of those people that thinks a theme in a dream has some connection to what our subconscience is telling us.

    Freud believed a rape dream for a female represented the possibility of sexual fears. Current dream dictionaries interpret this type of dream as a reflection of one's attitude toward the opposite sex. It could often suggest a sense of resentment towards a lover. It could also mean that someone or something is affecting your self-esteem, feelings of victimization, not being able to do as you please... powerless, in a sense.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    mortuseon_ wrote: »
    I dreamt about being raped, again. ;_; It's not something I've ever experienced, thankfully, but I have a lot of nightmares about it. Hate it.

    OMG that is terrifying!! I looked up what this could possibly mean. I'm one of those people that thinks a theme in a dream has some connection to what our subconscience is telling us.

    Freud believed a rape dream for a female represented the possibility of sexual fears. Current dream dictionaries interpret this type of dream as a reflection of one's attitude toward the opposite sex. It could often suggest a sense of resentment towards a lover. It could also mean that someone or something is affecting your self-esteem, feelings of victimization, not being able to do as you please... powerless, in a sense.

    Rape is in this case is about power. Someone taking something of yours is beyond your control. Let's go a bit deeper... this is also about your thoughts and what you believe in. Rape is taking, your thoughts can also be taken (you can be swayed in your thinking) until you actually believe something (then there is no more swaying because you believe it is absolute truth). Be firm in your beliefs. Do you know the "how" or the "why" of what you believe in?
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I dreamed that I fed strawberries to a race horse. He loved them! And then he lost the race and everyone blamed me, saying that the strawberries made him sick. I told everyone that doesn't make any sense because I feed strawberries to the monkeys all the time and they never get sick....I woke up still trying to make sense of that statement. [/quote

    Strawberry represents a type of forbidden fruit, knowledge.
    This is about getting someone to believe something that is not true for them. You may believe with every good intention it is right but your right, is right for you, not necessarily anyone else.