LOSE 55 POUNDS BY CHRISTMAS!! June - December!! Who's with me??



  • Karoger87
    Karoger87 Posts: 56 Member
    Starting Weight: 226lbs-- May 29th 2017
  • SuzieGoals
    SuzieGoals Posts: 2 Member
    Today is my start date!!!!

    SW - 102.4kg (thats round 225 pounds......OMG pounds is confronting)
    GW - 75kg (round 165 pounds)

    Good luck everyone. I am enjoying your posts.
  • Slianad
    Slianad Posts: 7 Member
    I meant to post my starting weight on the first but I forgot!

    Starting weight: 180.3 lbs
    Goal weight: 125.3 lbs

    Good luck everyone!!
  • sabrinasimpson22
    sabrinasimpson22 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! Starting weight today is 179lbs. My overall goal is to lose 50lbs so this is perfect! Thanks!
  • Zugirl28
    Zugirl28 Posts: 11 Member
    edited June 2017
    Starting as of June 1st.

    I am using the 16:8 protocol of intermittent fasting. My exercise plan is - 5 days of 30 min cardio along with 3 days of strength training.

    Starting weight - 217.5
    Christmas Goal weight - 167
    Ultimate Goal - 160

  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,298 Member
    edited June 2017
    My first weigh in is tomorrow since starting this challenge .. eek!

    I always weigh in on a Monday and I intend to stick to that :)

    SW (1st June) 206.8 lbs
    GW (3rd July) 199.8 lbs <<< - 7lbs -- small milestones and reaching "onederland" :)
    GW (31st Dec) 155 lbs
    FGW (in 2018) 140 lbs or rather whichever weight I get to when I work on tone and shape, could be more or less
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    I would like join as well!
  • aknroberts
    aknroberts Posts: 102 Member
    I'm in.
    SW 1st June 225.3
    GW 25th Dec 185

    5/6: 224.6
  • kellie46mfp
    kellie46mfp Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join this challenge as well. I could use some inspiration. I am from Ohio and my goal is to finally lose weight and get in shape. I'm tired of being fat. I'm ready to make the changes I need to make to get healthy. I'm not sure exactly what my final goal weight will be but 55 pounds down by Christmas would be a heck of a good start!

    SW June 1 237.5
    GW Dec 25 182.5
  • funnynotoriously
    funnynotoriously Posts: 2 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join the challenge. My name is Dee, live in the UK. Would like to lose 55 by Dec, one step at a time
  • traceyannedwards7
    traceyannedwards7 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm the Uk need to lose a similar anount I only started 31st may do I still qualify ? I'm on the ketogenics and have lost 5.4lb on my 6th day weigh in need to kick start my exercise this week I'm in if you'll have me ?
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    Count me in! My birthday is in December and it will be amazing to feel driven and strong again as a gift to myself!
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,298 Member
    My first weigh in is tomorrow since starting this challenge .. eek!

    I always weigh in on a Monday and I intend to stick to that :)

    SW (1st June) 206.8 lbs
    GW (3rd July) 199.8 lbs <<< - 7lbs -- small milestones and reaching "onederland" :)
    GW (31st Dec) 155 lbs
    FGW (in 2018) 140 lbs or rather whichever weight I get to when I work on tone and shape, could be more or less

    5th June - 205.4 lbs -- down 1.4 lbs

  • ktention
    ktention Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in! I live in Georgia.
    SW on June 5 - 155
    GW by Christmas - 125
    Let's do this!!!
  • gomichy66
    gomichy66 Posts: 6 Member
    Starting weight 174:
    Weight in 6/4: 165
    Goal weight: 130

    I live in New Jersey and I'm ready to lose.
  • simpleisbetter46
    simpleisbetter46 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting weight- 244
    Current weight- 231
    Goal weight - 150
  • FEW1791
    FEW1791 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in starting today 6/5/17.

    SW: 220 6/5/17
    GW: 165
  • ShanikwaFit4Life
    ShanikwaFit4Life Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in! Wanna lose 53 lbs and if I lose it all by Christmas that would be fantastic lol. I'm in North Carolina
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited June 2017
    Ok here's me.
    I hope to manage 40 lbs by Christmas which makes an average of just over 1.5 lbs/wk.
    Starting weight 199 lbs.
    Challenge start 190 lbs.
    Challenge finish 150 lbs. here's hoping.
    Cheers to all and here we go!
  • hoping_for_a_rainbow
    hoping_for_a_rainbow Posts: 16 Member
    can i join in please? 55lbs would be half my goal weight which would be amazing by xmas! anyone can add me to keep us all motivated!