LOSE 55 POUNDS BY CHRISTMAS!! June - December!! Who's with me??



  • yolohunter
    yolohunter Posts: 79 Member
    I'm in! Down 17, would love to lose another 55 by the end of the year...that would put me at goal weight! I'm from Cali, but live in Nicaragua!
  • laurac2605
    laurac2605 Posts: 16 Member
    5 pounds down
  • laurac2605
    laurac2605 Posts: 16 Member
    Hope everyone is doing good!!! :)
  • vb8675
    vb8675 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to be in shape for Christmas.
  • keishkeish
    keishkeish Posts: 270 Member
    I would love to join, even though I'm late. Would love to lose 50 lbs but would take a 30 lb weight loss (5 lbs a month)

    6/6: 225
    7/4: (goal: 220)
    8/8: (goal 215)

    I like this. I think ill do the same.
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
    Good Morning: Just checking In for this week.

    Goal Weight at end of challenge: 150 lbs

    JUNE (goal: 198)
    Jun 1 - 207.2
    Jun 8 - 204.4
    Jun 15 -
    Jun 22 -
    Jun 29 -

    JULY (goal: )

    Marti in Oregon, Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Looking to lose 55 pounds too by december. Being in a height 4'11 at 120 pounds looks and feels really heavy. My physician also wants me to lose weight due to scoleosis and Muscle/nerve weakness. So here we go. Lets do this! Slow and steady wins the race!
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    Steven here in Southern California. Starting weight when I came back to MFP at the start of April was 300lbs. My goal sometime in the summer of 2018 (it's too far off yet to have a sense of when that will be) is 185lbs. But if I only manage to take off 100 lbs and crack the 200 lbs marker I'll be pleased. It's the process and making it part of every day that a challenge like this is about. A sustained 2 lbs a week is a serious undertaking but I am definitely up for it. Having to log the results here is a good thing. The public accountability factor will help keep me on the path.

    June 01 Starting weight for the lose 55 lbs by Xmas challenge: 287.5 lbs.
    June 08 after 1 week weigh-in at 285.5 lbs. Down 2 lbs and on track.
    Goal weight for Xmas 2017: 232.5 lbs. Which is what I weighed 4 years ago.
    2 lbs total lost towards that 55lbs by Xmas. See you all in one week, hopefully 2 lbs lighter.
  • sophiehatz
    sophiehatz Posts: 1 Member
    Me too
  • Mlsuccess2018
    Mlsuccess2018 Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2017
    I so want to lose about that much. That is about the equivalent of my final goal. Its about 5 pounds under my goal. I am determined to not be a diabetic, to reduce my medication for high blood pressure, to look good for me, to do this for me! HERE IS TO A NEW ME! I am KETO all the way!
  • LonniJay
    LonniJay Posts: 3,740 Member
    GW by X-Mas: 170
    Ultimate GW: 140

    6/2: 239
    6/9: 235

    Down 4 lbs already! Not a bad start :)
  • flanary888
    flanary888 Posts: 158 Member
    edited June 2017
    I am in!! I live in Baltimore, MD and I have 60 that I want to lose. Feel free to add me!

    SW: 229.5
    GW: 170

    06/01: 229.5
    06/08: 226.0
  • 1982Josie
    1982Josie Posts: 95 Member
    I'd like to join if its not too late :)
    I have a lot to lose so 55lb by Christmas would be great!

    Challenge start weight 4th June: 233lb (original start weight 21st May 244lb)
    Challenge goal weight 25th Dec: 178lb (final goal weight 140lb)

    11th June: ?
    18th June: ?
    25th June: ?

  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    @josieliverpool. It's never too late. :) Cheers.
  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    I'd love to join. Took a long break from MFP and started gaining again. Was down to 195 now back up to 220. Need to put the brakes on before I end up back at 270. I'm in Addy, Wa.
  • washbellymare
    washbellymare Posts: 18 Member
    Hi im in
  • washbellymare
    washbellymare Posts: 18 Member
    I ´ve lost 16.9 lb so far ,
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    This might be water weight loss from PMS but from my previous weight of 120..2wks later
    I got down to 112.
    I think aside from calorie counting, my daily water intake also helped since I drink at least 8-12 glasses of water in a day.
    My workouts : Desk cycling for an hour, 5 different Squats positions, 10-15 reps,(I change the number of reps per day. Maximum is 20 reps) and3-5 minute warm up stretching for scoleosis. On my rest days I still do stretching.
  • dadsafrantic
    dadsafrantic Posts: 185 Member
    edited June 2017
    california 54 pounds to go.

    sw feb in the middle 256 lbs
    cw june 10 223ish lbs
    HADENuHRD Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in from Indianapolis, IN! :)