What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard someone say?



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I love you

    you win.

  • itsy_bitsy_spider
    itsy_bitsy_spider Posts: 292 Member
    My best friend was in the pool and was snapping his hands, all squatted down and such, acting like a crab. So he says "Snappity snap snap, I'm a squirrel.....wait no" It took him nearly half a minute to remember that he was acting like a crab. He couldn't find the word. I promise you he's spoken English his whole life. I can not promise however that his brain is completely there, he got hit in the head a lot as a child. Mainly because he picked on me and I would hit him with a spoon really hard.

    Another one was from my year younger brother. We live in the country, lots of fields, cows horses, etc. Well there's this dip in our front yard. In this dip, sits a squirrel. We had cows at the time and when I noticed it, all I could see was it's little ears, and occasionally it's head popped up for a split second. Well I looked at my dad and told him that I thought we had a groundhog in the field with the cows. It was something we were always watching for because cows step in the burrows and break there legs. Well my 15 yr old brother comes in the living room and tells my dad "there's some kind of wierd monkey in our yard" Now I really hadn't done much better at identifying the animal as what it was. But at least I thought it was an animal native to Kentucky.

    My dad was present when both of these things were said, my dad's a strict man and rarely ever laughs when someone says something stupid/ridiculous. But when both of these things were said, my dad had an asthma attack laughing so hard. HE'S NEVER EVEN HAD ASTHMA BEFORE. But both those days, he ended up needing my inhaler.

    Did you educate your brother, informing him it wasn't a weird monkey at all, but rather just your average, run-of-the-mill crab? :D

    (Not many things actually make me laugh out loud, but this did it. Slow clap for your dumb@ss friend... extra slow. Lol :D )
  • Locolady98
    Locolady98 Posts: 92 Member
    edited June 2017
    (In the operating cab of a locomotive) "Why do we have to slow down for curves?" (Fortunately, it was not the engineer who asked this, but someone riding along).
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I gave an intern a list today. It had two columns. Observe and not yet observed. I asked her to check all that applies to what we were working on. When we were done she gave me the list back and it was empty. When I asked why she said, I didn't see anything obscured. Smh.

    are you hiring?
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I was on vacation and I told someone I was from Toronto and they said "way up there near Hudson's Bay with all the polar bears"
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    "carrots are high in fat"
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    They Aren't Curves, They're Fat Rolls