
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Mary~I want out honestly I really do.. I am just waiting for you know what to hit the fan... because it will.. the reason I didn't mention it before is I didnt have concrete proof, but found credit card receipts, for flowers, concert tickets and a romantic inn for this summer and he told he that the weekend of the concert he will be going to the races at Watkins Glen n.y. so he is trying to play a game.. and one that in the end he wont win..
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Ginger great article, thanks for sharing it. Think about when and what you are eating, try to eat meals spaced out that make you feel full longer, clean and close up the kitchen after you make yourself that wonderful cup of relaxing tea or a very light snack that will let you feel like you are full and don't need to eat mindlessly or eat your anxiety. I am no expert, just mentioning some things that have helped me. Thinking about you and sending <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    <3Ginger, I'm glad you found something in writing that spoke to you to help you out of your spiral of little sleep or exercise and too much eating and stuff on your "to do" list. I found my answer in an article called "Treat Yourself Like a Toddler". I have found that when I am seeking a solution, something finds me that is just what I need.

    :)Allie, I don't think any good will be served at this point by confronting Tom about his cheating or his other bad behaviours. You are not trying to fix your unfixable marriage, you are using professional help to get out of it. Let your lawyer take care of things. Your job is to take care of yourself and do the chores that are in front of you.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Stats for the day-
    Walk b4 5k- .9 mi, = 276c
    5k and some- 49.42min, - 15.15min mi, 3.2mi = 375c
    Total cal 724
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Pip ..has Kirby lost weight? He looks thinner than I remember in your photos.

    Allie ... just giving you a hug ...

    Heather ... interesting about which probiotics withstand stomach acid. I've always eaten 0% fat greek yogurt ... but that's not really doing me any good according to the study you mentioned. I have been trying the kimchi, but it's usually eaten in a salad with other things. I recently read that gut bacteria will be the future of weightless and good health efforts.

    Not eating much today and that's ok ... digestive system needs a break from stupid eating ... although MFP will bark at me later.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Karen in VA wrote "Janetr Mia's daddy's smile says it all. He obviously adores that little girl! Wonderful photo of the 3 of them."

    Mia is Steve's granddaughter, :) His daughter is 24.

    Janetr okc
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    edited June 2017
    Thanks NYKaren! Certainly good to think about. I want to be more mindful. I wish it were as simple as closing the kitchen. A binge episode has pulled me straight out of bed to my closed kitchen. It may start innocently as a trip to the bathroom - then to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Then I may start justifying... I haven't eaten enough today... I'll just have one bite... But... I'm aware and working on it. I've just been out of control this week. And it ends today. Regrouping.

    Barbie - thanks for that article. I read it. I realize I tend to treat my Mama (90) like a toddler... always concerned that she's engaged in activity, getting enough rest, enough good nutrition (less sugar, more protein), enough hydration, manage her pain to stay ahead of it, sunshine for Vitamin D, lotion and moisturizer for her skin. Geez! I should treat myself as well as I treat my mother. I also realize - my hubby has always been good at taking care of himself (for the most part). He's always taken naps. Always. Even when we had family staying here with us for a couple of weeks. He would come home from work at 3pm and tell them - "here's the plan... I'm going to lay down and take about an hour nap to rest my eyes, then I'll get up and cook supper to be ready when Ginger gets home from work. And... my ballgame comes on TV at 7pm." Of course they loved "Dan. The man with a plan." They knew exactly what to expect.

    I've started listening to Gretchen Rubin's book - Better Than Before. I downloaded it when you mentioned it before but only listened to the very beginning, I'm definitely an Obliger. I tend to get things done for others - but feel an expectation or promise to or plan for myself is flexible. Hubby is an Upholder for sure. (Retired police officer with very clear ideas of responsibility and accountability to self and others. Oh! The lectures I've heard over our 30+ years together.) I worked with a Questioner who once asked if I ever thought about ignoring stop signs if no one was around. She was a terrible driver. She was a good work partner though. Don't know if I've ever known a "Rebel" as Rubin describes.

    And... I'm definitely a Procrastinator. But... I've always known this about myself.

    Feeling inspired.

    --Ginger in Texas
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did an hour on the recumbant bike today. The plan for tomorrow is to do 1 segment of a 10 minute Blast Off Belly Fat DVD, hold my plank, then the extremepump class.

    Made a chocolate pudding pie yesterday for the Newcomer gal who had spinal/neck fusion and right now I'm making her a sausage, egg, cheese and spinach casserole. All those things are small so she can probably eat them. Afterwards, I think I'll go to Sally's Beauty. I got a curling iron at the Salvation Army and want to get some sort of cover for it for when I go to the Y. I have to take so much junk with me that I really want something small but that protects the wire. Then I'll probably go get Vince's father's day gift. He wants a heavy scotch tape dispenser. He's always using mine. Afterwards I'll probably go in my pool. Update: Found out how to listen to music while I'm in the pool. It was sooooo relaxing.

    Katla - good thoughts for you for Monday

    Lisa - I really don't like when there's a dog barking in the background whenever I'm talking to someone, so I agree with you

    Heather - I'm like you, I would much rather eat my own food. I don't really care for restaurant food so we rarely go out. Not to mention that it's expensive and many times full of fat! I usually prep my meals way before we have dinner so all I need to do is pop it in the microwave. No thinking about what to have. I really don't like prepackaged food (except for frozen veggies) unless I can get it at a really good price.

    Alison - do you intend to tell T's father that you are divorced? I wonder if T will? My cousin used to go to the nursing home to visit her MIL. Her husband died and Patty just didn't have the heart to tell the mother that she had outlived her sons. So when the mother asked where Joe was, Patty would tell her "oh, he's home cutting the lawn" or "don't you remember, he was just here". Fortunately, one of the maintenance men there looked a bit like Joe from the back so Patty would say "there he goes".

    dana - I'm sorry you're still sick. Let's hope the MD prescribes an antibiotic that knocks this out of your system

    Exercised then went to WalMart. That is really the time to go. So many people down here are in church that the store is practically empty.

    Tracie - there are lots of women who pop in when they can. Not a problem at all. Good thoughts being sent you way for your knee scope. We have big shoulders so vent away

    Called a cousin of mine and her hubby told me that she'd had a heart attack in March and she's been in and out of the hosp since then. She was in the hosp. now. He asked me to stay with her the last 2 weeks of July so he can go to a Boy Scout camp. Who knows what'll happen?

    KJ - I HATE snakes -- with a purple passion. We had one that was hanging around our detached garage. Vince used to have to walk me to the car because I'd have my eyes closed so that I didn't see the snake. While it was there, we had the deck to the tractor removed and there's a belt that we took off. Well, with my eyes closed I stepped on the belt. You have never heard a scream as loud as mine!!!

    Bear Lady Weez - welcome. You'll get lots of good advice and support here. So sorry to hear of your recent medical issues. Post whenever you can, we'd love to hear from you

    After making the casserole, went to Sally's Beauty Supply. I wanted some sort of cover for my curling iron so I can use it at the Y and the cord won't melt. I think I may have found something. Then went to Academy Sports. Shocker...they don't sell gloves you wear when swimming. Bought Vince his father's day gift then went to Dick's Sporting Goods and they had a pair of gloves. Then home and in the pool

    Loved the pics and quotes.

    Michele in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Dana – We picked this stone because it went with the walls (“Pecky Cypress”) that Louis had put a orangeish-frown stain on it. Mainly, because it went with the furniture we have. I’ve seen homes where it has been allowed to either weather on its own or has been stained gray, which is really pretty. We went out to Cheddar’s with the kids this afternoon, and, I told Louis that I really wished we had used ‘stacked stone’ instead. But, what we were looking at way gray stone and would not go with anything in our house. I think they have some that would go with the walls. I laughed and told him that all we’d have to do is ‘sledge hammer’ it out and maybe have a slab to be the hearth. He looked at me and said, ‘we’ll see’ … which translates into ‘over my dead body’.

    Janet – Our oldest granddaughter has 4 younger ½ sisters; 2 on her Dad’s side with whom she lives with; and, 2 of her Mama’s side by different Daddies. She lost them to DFACS after Taylor reported her to them. She’s not been with them in over 2 years and has done absolutely nothing that the Judge and DFACS ordered her to do to even be considered to have visitation rights. Jenn told us the other day that Taylor’s mama now lived only about 5 miles from us (as the crow flies). Taylor won’t have anything to do with her; but, she hasn’t closed that door; and, won't because she is her 'egg donor'/'incubator'. However, people do 'grow up and change' and maybe her mother will. But, her mama is a ‘trip to take home to Jesus, on a good day’. We are so glad that our son got custody of her when she was 14. No telling what her life would have been like with her mama; she is now 21-years-old and has been on the Dean's List and will graduate in December with Honors. The youngest child had been in 4 different schools in 2 counties before she was out of 1st grade. It’s pretty bad when she doesn’t even ‘ask’ about her mama.

    My sweet Louis is always joking, especially with his customers; they tell me all the time how he makes them feel and that I must be the luckiest woman in the world. I laugh and tell them that ‘there is another side’ that I deal with, too; but, the 'good' certainly outweighs the 'bad'. There is a long story to how we met; but, I have told it before. It has to do with a ‘bet’.

    Thanks to all of you for your compliments on my hair, me, and on my DDnL#2 and DOMGD#4; I thought I had posted other pictures of my other son and his family. Maybe I didn’t; but, I meant to.

    Sarah - I have to do my outdoor work very early or very late, because of problems with heat stroke, too.

    Some of the medication I have to take makes me ‘beet red’ after only a few minutes out in the middle of the day. But, I sure do miss have the pool to get in. I’m thinking that I will empty the hot tub and fill it and just not turn the heater on. I can always walk or march in place in it for exercise; but, I had a routine in the pool.

    KJ – In Georgia, we have a lot more non-poisonous snakes than poisonous ones; and, I really try hard to NOT kill any of them; but, the still ‘freak’ me out; but, not nearly as bad as a spider does. Especially, the little brown jumpy ones with the two cream colored “=” marks on their backside.

    Our neighbor (on the other side of our son's house) have just built a pond. They've been out every day since it was finished shooting everything that moves, whether it is a threat or not. All snakes, frogs, anything living around a pond. She was dipping out tadpoles and slipped and broke her ankle. Trey said it was because of 'dipping tadpoles' out and killing them. Gee, I can't think of a more peaceful sound that the night time sounds of the animals that live in a pond. They have a 'new' fur baby ... after they buried their last dog in a 'child's coffin (or a handmade coffin that would have suffice as one) and had their preacher come 'say a few words over her'. Well, they are spoiling this dog as much as they did the last one. I hope they don't ask me to paint a 'portrait' of Molly. So we're riding down the road and they are out riding around on their golf cart; when Molly sees us and starts running towards us; they must have 'zapped' her because she stopped mid-stride.

    Bear Lady Weez – Come often, and tell us something about yourself like what name you ‘prefer’ to be called, a location (general or specific), children, grands, great grands, marriage, hobbies, goals, and, other things so we can get to know you. You need to make sure you ‘bookmark’ this site so you can find it easily. Barbiecat will post a link on the last day of the month to take you to the next month; then you will have to bookmark that page as well. Click on the outline of the star at the upper right-hand corner of the posting area; then all you’ll have to do is click on the ‘gray’ star between the bell and gear and it will drop down a list of sites you belong to. We are a crazy bunch of ladies, some not yet 50 and some well into the 70’s. I don’t know if we have any 80-something’s but we might. About the ‘only’ thing we try NOT to get into is ‘politics’ and ‘religion’ since we are ‘world-wide’ and so many different countries.

    Did you see that picture of the black mama bear with 4 cubs trying to crawl over a fence? Louis says they normally don’t have more than 2 cubs at a time. Three made it over the fence; one found a gully or a hole in the fence; but, he had to follow the fence a bit to find it. Our youngest son is a Wildlife Biologist and manages a hunting preserve for 5 men (about 2000 acres + the 22 acres on the lake where they all have places. In Louisiana, they are protected; and, he was driving back from putting cameras out on the land and could not make out what was in the road; until he was right up on it. He said he threw it in reverse and stopped and waited until it moved. You had better hope that you have been ‘mauled’ before shooting one as it carries a ‘huge’ fine and some jail time, if you kill or mame one.

    I can remember when I worked for the Federal Magistrate; part of his territory had geese on it; and, they are protected here (in Georgia) a fine for stealing the eggs and getting caught was about $1000 per egg (and that was 20 years ago). I’m sure that bears come out a lot in cities where their territory has been over-populated by the growth of people and new neighborhoods. This mama and her 4 cubs were obviously in a yard that backed up to woods.

    Heather – I also love that ‘version of ourselves’ quote as well. Sometimes we don’t see it until we are ‘far down the road of recovery’; but, when we do … we are a lot happier.

    Lanette – I have ‘just enough’ natural curl that with the right cut (and ‘this’ is it) I can do just about anything with it that I want, other than put it into a ponytail; but, I’ve never had ‘thick’ hair. But, our oldest son’s hair is so thick he almost has to have it cut so that it gets thinned out; our youngest son is the one who is going to ‘take after his Daddy’. Tami cut it a while before they married; and, it was good because the next week he broke out in the worst case of shingles. All up his neck and into his hair and even inside his mouth. Then he busted his head putting in a ‘pig trap’ and had to have stitches in the top of his head. He grew his hair out before the wedding. I’m not sure if he’ll let her buzz it again. But, I think he has that “Jason Statham” bad boy look when it is buzzed. LOL!!!!!

    A HS friend of mine fell of the roof of their 2-story house and broke his back like your husband did; was in a rehab hospital for about 2 or 3 months. He could have broken his neck and died. The first time I tore up my right rotator cuff was because I had climbed up a ‘make-shift’ ladder; and failed to hit the step-stool on the way down, so I took a nose-dive off the top of my desk. The worker building the shed for Louis had just driven off. I could not push myself up, so I was finally able to crawl on my belly and pull the bedroom phone down off the side table and call 911. Then the 2nd time about a year later I had a bad seizure and hit the deck and rails and stiles and knocked myself out. Thankfully, husband, son, and daughter-in-law were standing in the driveway and she looked at me when I went to turn around and told them that ‘something was wrong with me’. They turned around about the time I hit the ground. She called the EMTs and since we live on a dirt road and they use GPS for the shortest route; two ambulances got stuck and they finally took me in the back of the car with my son looking up in the rearview mirror yelling at his Dad, ‘don’t let her close her eyes’. Then DnL called to cancel the EMTs and got settled in when the doorbell rang. There was the 3rd EMT group there, they told her that whenever they get a call, they have to get to the person, even if it means walking down the road in the rain. So next time if we need to call them and it has or is raining we’ll tell them the ‘best’ way to come; not the ‘supposedly’ shortest way.

    Allie – Enjoy your time away from Tomcat, accept all the invites you get. It might get rough; but, at least Tomcat knows how you feel and that ‘he’ has also been unhappy and taking it out on you. Good for you for being honest about it with him. Because HE IS the reason you filed. You have so much more that will come to bring you joy. He just doesn’t “Spark Joy” in you anymore and that is HIS problem.

    I’d have to agree with Barbie about not telling Tom that his infidelity is just ‘unforgiveable’. It is what it is; and, if he ‘knew’ that you ‘knew’; he’d be lying to try to get around it and have you stay and ‘wait on his every need’.

    The less he knows that you know the easier it will be to blind sight him. And he certainly deserves every little kick in the "Johnston" he gets along the way down the courtroom hallways (if necessary).

    Whether it is the first time and he ‘swears’ it is over; or the 15th time with 15 different women. A “Cheeter” [pun intended] never changes its spots, it is all the way down to the deepest layer of skin.

    Hang on to those receipts if you found them … for evidence.

    Pip – How did the ‘kids’ do in the 5K? WOW! Kirby has certainly lost a lot of weight. I hope he hasn’t been sick.

    I love the T-shirt and the running shoes on the wrong feet. Just like a fur child.

    Prayers for one of my friends who doesn’t live in the same town as I do; they keep doing tests, but so much ‘waffling’ on whether or not she has cancer. She isn’t going to stop smoking and now her attitude is ‘why should I go through chemo or radiation, I’m 71 … I don’t want to go through all that and die anyway in 6 months.

    Her hubby is one of those ‘passive-aggressive’ types who does ‘just enough’ to get by. Doesn’t have any contact with oldest daughter, youngest daughter and 2 grandchildren live with them and she is nothing more than a ‘leech’, draining her for all she is worth. Acts ‘ok’ for a while; then, something doesn’t go as she thinks it should and *kitten* all the time. She has NO clue as to what all her mama does for her.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Rimmy, that was a great idea to go bike riding with your future DIL.

    karenVA, what a precious picture of Olivia.

    Pip, I’m sure you and the kids will have fun on your 5K.

    Janetr, hope you had fun in Vegas. Congrats to the happy couple. Great hair do on your DH. Did you do it?

    Patsy, welcome. This is a great place for support and information and we always have room for one more. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. Come often and join right in.

    Penny, I love your breathtaking views.

    Patsy, thanks for the picture of your fur baby. I love Labradoodles and was wanting a pic.

    KarenVA, I don’t ever buy lottery tickets but still fantasize about winning the big ones.

    Tracie, sorry about your knee. I’m sending healing thoughts.

    Janetr, what a wonderful picture of the happy couple with Mia.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Another beautiful day here but the humidity is rising a bit each day. DD planted some flowers out front that I got a few days ago. Tomorrow morning I will go for the mammogram that I forgot I had an appointment for last Monday. I didn’t think about it until that night at the Moose meeting. Tomorrow night I have a board meeting at the Moose and then a HOA meeting not far from there. I’m off to bed now. Nite, nite.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allie - Great answer! Now I won't worry about you anymore! You have it under control. (((Hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota