2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • bigguyreed
    bigguyreed Posts: 64 Member
    I would appreciate being adopted by a mentor. I'm 63 with diabetes so exercising is a must for me. I like a challenge so I'm up for something new. I was in a gym for 22yrs. until I was 42yrs. old. I let myself go because I thought it was that old thing to do. I was into bodybuilding and heavy weight lifting. When I started on my journey to losing weight I was 340lbs. I'm now at 270lbs. My goal is to get back to 225lbs I've add running into my workout. The belly fat is my biggest problem I know that it took me 20yrs. to get here. I have lost most of any fat off legs and arms. I've made many changes in my diet and I think that where I need the help.
  • nad825
    nad825 Posts: 14 Member
    I would like to be adopted!

    My name is Nicole. I'm returning to MFP after irregular use over the last 3 years. In 2014, I lost 23lbs and was able to maintain it for 6 months. But then I fell in love and let go.

    Fast forward to today, I've gained ~40lbs and I've started and quit so many times that I'm getting frustrated with myself. I joined a 100-day walking challenge at work to help motivate me, but that's just a small starting point.

    My nutrition has come a long way, but it still has tons of room for improvement. I can typically stick to meal plans during the week; however, I tend to fall off on the weekends. Not to say that a "cheat" day is bad for me (and I define "cheat" by having X amount of extra calories than I normally would), but I make it a cheat weekend.

    I am looking for somebody who will be able to hold me accountable with losing (and then maintaining) the weight and help me with with meal suggestions. I am a vegetarian (and my husband is not), so I am often eating my own meals. I am somewhat picky (I've come a long way), so I have a hard time finding recipes that are quick and appealing to me.

  • raburns789
    raburns789 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love a mentor! I am 19 from MA and have a history of anorexia. Following recovery I kept gaining weight until I became very overweight. I am trying to learn to eat normally while losing 50 pounds I gained from binge eating in the next year. I need help with easy meals that are more putting things together than cooking because I deal with depression and have little energy. I am vegetarian but I eat fish. I have trouble knowing how much is "undereating" versus how much is a good amount for weight loss and making filling meals that are low calorie. I want to be strong and lift weights but don't know where to start.
  • jacquih2981
    jacquih2981 Posts: 120 Member
    Looking for a mentor to help with some fitness and possibly nutrition in a couple of months time (If I try and focus on everything at once I am setting myself up to fall on my butt)

    I am 47 with an under active thyroid, lactose intolerance and spinal arthritis. I could do with losing around 160 pounds in total and have lost 14 pound since 1st May this year so a pretty good start

    My aims are to increase my fitness and strength, since the second week of June I walk 30 mins briskly each lunch time so I can get out of the office (and have extra cals for Gin) I also go to the gym on Sat morning for an hour of cardio and 30 mins of lifting (5 kg for bicep curl, 20kg for rowing, 6.25 kg for tricep pull down and 10 kg for the pushy thing that absolutely kills and I can only do 40 reps on)

    I want to do more lifting to keep my bones strong and need to fit in a little yoga or Pilates for flexibility but it is the lifting I need more help around

    My nutrition is pants and I am ignoring it in the short term but if you spot any easy fixes that don't involve giving up Gin happy to make the changes now
  • sassenach1970
    sassenach1970 Posts: 16 Member
    I'd love to be adopted! I am doing the ketogenic diet for about a month now.
  • planetcadillac
    planetcadillac Posts: 137 Member
    Anyone that like biking want to chat ?
  • jsoko1
    jsoko1 Posts: 17 Member
    The names Jacob, and I'm back with a thirst and hunger greater than I've ever had before. I started excersising back in 2011 as an obese, 110kg, twenty year old, who used to get teased and picked on in high school and later on in work. I started my journey ironically after falling through a ceiling at work.......

    This would be the biggest turning point in my life. I started off walking, in which i lost 2 kgs in one week!!! Not only did this assure me that I had begun my journey to a happier healthier me, it also steered my eating habits into a whole other direction. I chose healthier options, smaller meal portions, and finally gave up my obsession with high sugar energy drinks. In the following weeks I continued to walk, which eventually turned into short sprints, losing a further 14 kgs in 8 weeks.
    I then started the next chapter, weight training..... At the time it was very daunting but I knew in order to reach my goals I would have to overcome my fear of exerting my self infront of others and just do it!! (no nike endorsements here). Over time I watched videos, learnt from people around me and continually grew my arsenal of knowledge in which I would need to crush my goals. A further 20 weeks down the track I did it, I reached 79.5 kgs. I never felt happier, stronger or more confident in my life.
    After my goal I did slack, work picked up and I slowly stopped going to the gym I would get into little fitness blocks of about 2 months then fade off again as work picked up.
    Now, 2017, i have set my self my next big goal. I applied and have succesfully been accepted in to the Australian Army. For the last month I have been training (weights and cardiovascular) and have lost a total of 6 kgs. My start weight was 94. so currently sitting arouund 88 kgs. Im doing a far bit of weight training but am also heavily focused on cardio and endurance training as of course this will be a major obstacle in joining the armed forces.
    So follow my journey for the next couple months as i continue to fullfil my dream, getting stronger, faster, fitter and healthier again.
    I will post weekly, for anyone whom wish's to follow along, but ideally for my self to keep my self accountable.
    Happy Training Fitfam.

    Please add and like my blog if you feel the inclination to

    @Alex would love to mentor some people
  • hoffman2300
    hoffman2300 Posts: 104 Member
    I'd love a mentor or someone who can help me stay accountable to myself and my goals. I'm 51 and understand intellectually what it takes to lose weight but that hasn't meant I've actually followed through. I'd like to lose 60 pounds and understand that won't all happen in a week or a month (but how nice would that be?!). I'm vegetarian and usually lean toward a more vegan food choices. I live in Chicago and work from home. I try and get to the gym 3-4 times a week. In advance, thanks!
  • weluvanimals00
    weluvanimals00 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new on MFP, starting college a year early and would love some advice on recipes and managing workouts and macro counting while balancing a full class schedule and work!
  • Silunami1
    Silunami1 Posts: 3 Member
    This is such an amazing idea. I'm a vegetarian. I've just got back into counting my calories about two months ago, and it's been going really well so I thought I'd start counting my macros as well. I'd love a mentor who also counts their macros because it's so not easy, and I need pointers. :)
  • KelsJae
    KelsJae Posts: 6 Member
    If there is anyone still adopting Noobs, I would be totally interested. :)

    I'm nearing 30 (YIKES) Struggling with weight loss to try and navigate some other health issues I've been having.

    Constantly looking for ways to add some exercise into my long day, as well as modify my meals to be healthier.

    Any help is appreciated!
  • Cardiohater19
    Cardiohater19 Posts: 40 Member
    Adopt me in a noob! Please anyone!
  • ConfidentInMyJourney
    ConfidentInMyJourney Posts: 15 Member
    Hello. I just joined today and would love to be adopted. I am going to start gathering information in the next few days! Let me introduce myself:

    I am a college student and currently weigh 210lbs. I hope to lose 100lbs (or a bit less depending on how I feel around the 120's) over the next four years (this year my goal is 25lbs). However, more importantly, I want to find lasting health habits and join a supportive community. I really want some walking buddies and exeriscing friends as well!

    I'm not too sure how mobile works, but I am fired up to figure it all out. I plan to start losing weight or implimenting my plans in late August.

    Thanks for reading!
  • Miklogan
    Miklogan Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined MFP. Still learning. I could definitely benefit from being mentored. I'm 51and need to drop around 40 pounds, but my main goal is just to be a healthier me.
  • JasmineHaysom
    JasmineHaysom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Jasmine (or Jas I dont care) and Im looking for a mentor.
    I'm 167cm tall and I wiegh about 78kg. My goal goal wieght would be around 55kg or more as I also want to gain some muscle.
    If anyone is still looking for a noob I could really use some help.
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    edited June 2017
    This sounds interesting...
    I can mentor other women, but I can be a little hardcore.

    I'm 28, 5'4, married. I teach men and women at a county jail, which has taught me not to be a victim and to not surround myself with others who see themselves as victims. I started my journey not as obese, but as overweight. I lived on a diet of bean burritos and chocolate after 2 unplanned pregnancies that ended in miscarriages, which led to severe depression. Now I'm a size 2/4 and I'm only 4 lbs away from my goal weight, mainly working on toning up. I did have knee problems and I still do take anti-seizure medications that did make weight loss difficult but not impossible. I have lost most of my weight by swimming and doing Aqua Zumba, calorie counting (even though I'm a vegetarian, you'd be surprised how unhealthy we can be), and being sure to make room for sweets once or twice a week. If you think I might be someone who can help you out, send me a message and tell me a little about yourself so I will know what's going on with you!
  • MarlainaAK
    MarlainaAK Posts: 8 Member
    Anyone up for mentoring someone with about 5-10 pounds to lose trying to make a total life change in regards to food? Then I'm the girl!
  • Rhaus7
    Rhaus7 Posts: 15 Member
    I want to be adopted!
  • Thalra
    Thalra Posts: 3 Member
    My husband and I both are new here- we are battling diabetes along with obesity and many other chronic health issues/ I have 75 pounds to lose and hubby has 100-150 he needs to lose. We need help and ideas but mostly encouragement and support - anyone willing to help us out. We would appreciate it!
  • tlasublime83
    tlasublime83 Posts: 35 Member
    I need to be Adopted ! 33 years old. 5'2 1/2, 124.8 lbs, 3 kids 8, 7, 2 ( im done ) Looking to tone, tighten and gain muscle.
    I have no idea about protein powders or anything else like that. I just need some direction.
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