Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited June 2017
    Ready For Summer 10 week Challenge

    Name: Niki
    Age: 72
    Height: 5’3”

    Start Weight (week of April 19) 241.2
    Goal Weight (week of June 28) 228.4

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26 241.6
    2. May 3 239.0
    3. May 10 238.4
    4. May 17 241.0
    5. May 24 244.6
    6. May 31 241.0
    7. June 7 244.8
    8. June 14
    9. June 21 236.0
    10. June 28
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1

    Weight -/+ this week: -?
    Weight -/+ total: -5.6

    I know I weighed myself last week while the computer was 'down' but I forgot to write it down. What I noticed, and remember, is that with the scale I have it not only depends on the surface the scale is on but also where on the scale I place me feet. So, that destressing weight gain I had in wk 5 and wk 7 might not have been weight gain at all. Still, I know I did lose weight over the past 2 weeks because I worked hard instead of sitting around and ate more lightly as filling up made it harder to be active than with a less filled belly.

    PS - weight lost so far: -46
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    The hardest time of day to stay on track is at night. What time is it for you? And what do you do to keep from over eating at that time?

    I don't really have any timeframe where I have a hard time staying on track as I've noticed it's the food I ate previusly that is the driver of hunger or snack-attack rather than the time of day. Sometimes, however, boredom seems to be a prompt to snack on something comforting ... even when I know I'm not hungry.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Trinati. My hardest time is evening. I try to save something that I can eat popcorn or berries but don't always have extra calories. I remade a list of chores to do and I'm going to try and distract myself with chores and of course drink water

    Good luck

    Down 7.8 lbs from when I started earlier this month. Going to make today a good day
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @trinati it was so much easier to be strict with myself in the winter. .. earlier to bed, more stuff to do. But in the summer I sit around a shop for 12 (and later more) hours and all I want to do is eat from boredom. The only thing that helos me a little is to try to make my first meal as late as possible so there are less hours to tempt me. Also I'm playing around with which meals get me full longer and I have a baggie of cherry tomatoes :)
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    Name: cellosmiles
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (Apr27): 248
    Goal Weight (July 1): 228 - see my husband again

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26 - 248
    2. May 3 - 243
    3. May 10 - 240
    4. May 17 - 239.5
    5. May 24 - 239
    6. May 31 - 236.5
    7. June 7 - 235 :smiley:
    8. June 14 - 234
    9. June 21 - 233.5
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.5
    Weight -/+ total -14.5

    Slowed down but monthly bloat has begun. Hoping next week or so that issue is gone LOL
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Ready for Summer challenge

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (April 19): 262.6
    Goal Weight (July 1): 249.9

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26 - 261
    2. May 3 - 261
    3. May 10 - 259.4
    4. May 17 - 257.6
    5. May 24 - 255.8
    6. May 31 - 254.6
    7. June 7 - 253.8
    8. June 14 - 253.6
    9. June 21 - 252.2
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.4
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -10.4
    Weight -/+ overall total: -33.6

    Ten days to lose 2.3 pounds? At the rate I've been going, it might proof challenging but I am going to give it the old college try ~ as the say. I started going to the gym this week. Only for about 30 minutes, baby steps. (I have nerve damage in my left leg and two herniated discs in my lower back.) But now that I am down 30+ pounds, movement is a little easier. Having someone to go to the gym with makes all the difference to me also. Of course, that might end faster than it started. I soon may have to find another gym partner.

    I am definitely interested in another challenge after this one finishes next week. Any one else in??

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    Name: Jeanie
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (starting later): 250.4 lbs
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 240 lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26 - out of town; couldn't weigh
    2. May 3 - 250.4 lbs
    3. May 10 - don't remember.. I'm not doing too good this month.
    4. May 17 - 249.8
    5. May 24 - 248.6
    6. May 31 - 253
    7. June 7 - 250
    8. June 14 - 244.5
    9. June 21 - 241.8
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    The hardest time of day to stay on track is at night. What time is it for you? And what do you do to keep from over eating at that time?

    I don't really have any timeframe where I have a hard time staying on track as I've noticed it's the food I ate previusly that is the driver of hunger or snack-attack rather than the time of day. Sometimes, however, boredom seems to be a prompt to snack on something comforting ... even when I know I'm not hungry.

    This is what it is for me.

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach - Sweetie, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!! Accept that bad food choices have recently been made. Dust yourself off, set a new resolve and CARRY ON! You know what to do, pls just strengthen your decision to do it. This is for YOU, no one else. We're all here, ready to cheer you on. We've all been there and know your struggles. YOU CAN DO THIS!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Newjax i do the same things. Some days it works

    Today went for long walk, caught some sun. Did my stretches. When I went to prepare dinner I was missing an essential ingredient. Decided to eat my leftover steak from yesterday. It was good but I had looked forward to the original meal. After dinner I drove into town and my mind was going bonkers, 1st I thought of getting a sub sandwich. Mind u I wasn't hungry. At the store I got a nice fresh peach, thought of getting cookies and ice cream but didn't. At checkout I almost bought a chocolate bar and told myself I'd only eat a bite. Who am I kidding? I ate the peach when I got home.. It was delicious. I prepared deviled eggs for the week and ate 4 halves putting me over calories. I realize that this was emotional eating but I couldn't get myself to get a handle
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Wish Wednesday: that this 40 lb loss made bathing suit shopping easier, more productive, less Mentally agonizing and that I actually felt comfortable in one in public. Noone should have to see that much of me+swimming in a bedsheets isn't an option+no way am I spending $100 on something I don't want to fit in in a year=pure torture.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited June 2017
    I will be posting tomorrow morning, but the scale I will use won't be my usual so who knows what it will say? I tend to snack a lot after I get home in the early morning hours, quite frequently between 3-4 snacks. I rack up the calories for late night. I try to save some of my food allotment for those times (like, late night snack for Friday is strawberries and yogurt, but I don't eat that until 3am on Saturday, for example) and if I didn't, I try to include them on next day's diary, but often stuff just doesn't get tracked (like that whole pint of Halo chocolate ice cream I ate a couple of days ago - thank GOD they are only 280 calories for the whole pint! Love that stuff!). I eat when I get bored, but I think a LOT of my snacking is fatigue driven. Especially if I'm tired at work, I tend to eat to stay awake.
    Surgery to implant the defibrillator is tomorrow morning at 9am, I have to be at the hospital at 6 am. So no sleeping for me tonight, I won't be home from work until 2 am so will pack up and leave by 5 am. My sister will be driving me there and home.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    edited June 2017
    I would still love to hear from more people regarding when they tend to get off track. I wonder why most of us tend to lose control or willpower at night? Is it because we've said no too many times already that day? I wonder for people who work the night shift is morning hard for them?

    I've been trying really hard this week and I know that I lose willpower when tired so I've been trying to get extra sleep, extra coffee, and extra water. It's still not easy but today I didn't eat any of the kids Mac and cheese. Which is a big deal for me!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy-- I also love Halo Top ice cream--the mocha chocolate is divine!! Sending good thoughts for your surgery tomorrow!!

    @jam-- have you tried looking at Soma? A couple of years ago I bought some suits online from them. They have a huge selection on their website and aren't too pricey. It also spared me the agony of trying on suits at a store--somehow it's just easier for me to try them on in the privacy of my home.

    @katrena-- good job job choosing the peach over the sweets. Even though you went over with the eggs, it could have been much worse if you'd have caved to the cookies, ice cream, and chocolate as well.

    @claire--hooray! I told you I'd meet you here! :wink:

    @barney & niki-- I'm the same. If I start the day with heavy carbs/sweets, it's like I've flipped a switch and I just want to eat, eat, eat all day long. For that reason I try to stick to protein earlier in the day and to delay any high-carb treats for later in the evening. One trick I've found if I do slip up and eat a donut or something earlier in the day, is to go for a run to burn the glucose from my bloodstream. That usually prevents me from spiraling into a carb binge.

    @robin-- great job getting to the gym. I haven't been in ages--mostly because the weather has been so great that I run outside. I know that I really need to do more strength training though. :/

    I'm in for another challenge like the current one, but maybe we can also add something different like a nutrition challenge or a fitness challenge or both?

    Examples of nutrition challenges:
    Eat x grams of protein/day
    Limit sugar or sodium/day
    Drink x ounces of water each day
    Eat x servings of vegetables/day

    Examples of fitness challenges:
    Walk or run x miles/week
    Push up/plank/crunch challenges
    x number of strength workouts/week
    x number of cardio sessions/week

    If people want to post what they are interested in for July (from the suggestions above or your own ideas) we can decide on a couple that work for everyone.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (week of May 24): 199.8
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 193

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    5. May 24 -199.8
    6. May 31 - 202.5
    7. June 7 - 201.6
    8. June 14 - 200.2
    9. June 21 - 199.6
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -.7
    Weight -/+ total: -.2
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @GOINSTD12 will be praying for you and your surgery.

    @trinati2001 i am not much of a late night snacker. But i am bad when i have to drive around town. Since i cannot walk my dogs in my complex anymore....and have to drive out and find a place to walk them every day....i find i am eating out with more snacks. Its hard to resist when you drive right past that mcds on a hot day. Or wendys...or any of them. Its does me in :( most times if i cave it still works into my calories...but other times its a bit of a binge :(

    Also now that i have to drive in and out a few times a day for the dogs it takes away almost 30 minutes of my day. That is meal prep or clean up time...
    It is much harder to find the time to get life accomplished. Makes for an easier excuse to stop for a quick dinner. :s
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"

    SW: 193.6
    GW: between 182 &185 (which will be "healthy BMI" and maintenance range

    April 26: 192.4
    May 3: 188.6
    May10: 190.6
    May 17: 192.8
    May 24: 187.8
    May 31: ?? traveling and not near scale
    June 7: 189.0
    June 14: 186.8
    June 21: 187.0
    June 28:
    July 1:

    Weight +/- this week: +0.2
    Weight +/- total this Challenge: -6.6
    Total Weighloss: -118.0

    Maaaannn... lost 118+ lbs. Only about 5lbs to go to "goal," and those freakin 5 are gonna kill me! lol
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,093 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound Karen, I really like your ideas for a nutrition challenge or even the fitness challenge. I might just post my grams and ounces here even w/o an ofgicial challenge. :wink: