

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I am so sorry about he excessive heat. When I was a kid we had a spell of heat that got to be in the low 100s. My mom & I were walking home fro the grocery store, & she broke an egg onto the sidewalk. It fried itself right up. Too hot! This was in the 1950s in Salem, OR. We had no air-conditioning and used fans blowing across ice. Would the idea provide you a tiny respite? :flowerforyou:

    Sharon: You have my sincere sympathy. I hate the feeling of being overwhelmed. (((HUGS))) I hope you have a refreshing and fun vacation. :star:

    Heather: Congratulations on being under 10 stones!!! :bigsmile: Me, too! (I also had a little bump up and am taking care of business.)

    Margaret: I am sorry to hear about the insulin resistance. My DH is an insulin dependent diabetic, and has been for over 50 years. I asked him about insulin resistance & he doesn't seem to know much about it. I hope you are able to get things into a better balance. I think taking care of sleep issues is vital. You are very wise to make it a priority. I had to keep charts for a long while to get my sleep into a healthy pattern. It was worth the trouble. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I always record my food and exercise on my phone. When I get back from travels, MFP records everything the phone has stored & I haven't missed a day even when I'm not in my own phone territory. :heart:

    Kelly: A couple dozen people at a family reunion seems pretty huge to me, but I know what you're talking about. When I was growing up, all of my grandmother's siblings and their descendents met for a Fourth of July picnic every year to celebrate Uncle Amos's birthday. It was a huge group. The family emigrated from Bavaria just before 1900. :star:

    I plan to skip yoga today because I'm not crazy about this teacher. Her workouts are a bit beyond my ability and that takes some of the pleasure away. I think I'll go out to the stable and visit Arrow before the day gets too hot if it is convenient for the stable owner. My Saturday class has been cancelled because my teacher has a conflict early in the day, and temperatures are expected to be in the 90's by the afternoon. That is too hot for me and I'm sure Arrow would rather loaf in the shade on such a hot day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,731 Member
    morning peeps -

    grits - problem is i don't like pizza
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    The men had finished most of the work by 12.30!!! They are coming back tomorrow to put new wood round one of the beds and roll the bare patches and sow grass seed. I know it is the wrong time of year for grass seed, but I can keep it watered for now. Of course, DH wanted to do his bit, despite my saying it could be done by them tomorrow (!) so he went out in the sun and did more pruning and tidying up plus sweeping the shed base and putting the pots back. He does like to feel useful. :D
    He has quite a bit of fruit picking to do tonight. (He is the fruit monitor in our house)

    I cooked a whole pressure cooker load of chick peas, which I will freeze in small batches for salads and dishes like tagine. I buy them in bulk. I cleaned round the bits in the kitchen that the cleaner had missed (!) and then I prepped the stir fry for tonight. Broccoli, carrots and scallions, plus chilli and king prawns. Yummo!

    It's supposed to be a bit cooler tomorrow. We shall see. ;) Very hot night last night.

    Nice to feel things are taking shape. Now we've got to choose a shed and get someone to put it up. Want to put in more rhubarb, blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes in the autumn. Ours have been AMAZING! I've given up on most veggies, apart from arugula, which I adore. Lots of herbs, of course. I picked all the herbs I could before the men arrived. We have terrible trouble here with caterpillars and slugs and snails, which make most vegetable growing not fun. Chard does ok, but nothing in the brassica family survives. Some things, like beans, do well, but require hours of watering. I'm past all that now. I like things that can look after themselves. We are going to have plenty of Victoria plums this year. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Welcome to everyone who is new!

    Paula: So sorry about your DH's friend.

    Heather: Congratulations on the weight loss!

    Katla: I cannot believe that someone would purposefully poison trees as a prank!

    It is excessively hot here. Cannot wait for cooler weather!

    Leigh in France
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good morning!
    I had another 2.4 lbs lost! Yeah me! That's a total of 22.2 lbs since March 25th when I joined MFP!
    That's 38.2 lbs since I had my back surgery. I had fusion on my lower back on April 11, 2016. Still recovering. A very slow process but I have gotten off the Norco pain pills and I don't drink beer like I did. Now beer is a special treat when we go out only. I don't buy it to take home. I'm slowly building up exercising. I get bad nerve pain sometimes so I have to take it easy.

    Heather: I can see why you like to hire guys to work for you! Eye candy! LOL! Seriously, I’m glad to see you get things done. My DH doesn’t want to spend money on yardwork. He thinks we can do it all ourselves. I worked hard at cutting the wisteria vines and a lot had already put down roots into the ground, so it was hard to pull them up. I was wanting to plant iris out in the circle, but DH informed me that he would rather mow out on the circle. (Inside the circle drive) I guess it would be easier to just mow. At age 68 I’m probably not thinking as an oldster. I still think I’m 35 and how I worked in my gardens in the past.

    Michelle in NC: Yes! It feels really good to go down another notch on the belt! I noticed when I put on my jeans that they just slid up instead of tugging on them and the button was easier too! I have worn jeans all my life and I love jeans, but since my fusion/back surgery I had to get some sweat pants so I could dress myself and also move easier.
    The hotel sounded awful! Bugs would be the end for me! One time I stayed in a hotel when I was traveling thru Louisiana. It was the worst ever! But along Interstate 10, hotels are sometimes hard to find if you don’t have a reservation. The door on the bathroom wouldn’t work. It was musty, the carpets dirty and I didn’t dare sit on the bedspread or upholstered furniture without a towel. I always bring my own plastic cups to drink out of and plenty of paper towels. When I got out of bed the next morning, I hit my leg on a metal piece jutting out of the frame and it cut me pretty bad. It was bleeding and it took a while for it to stop. I walked to the office and told them about it and asked if I could have a bandage of some sort. They looked at me like I was crazy. I then told the manager, that he was lucky it was me and not a maid that could get workman’s comp and go home sick! He apologized and got me their emergency kit out and gave me some bandages. Idiots!
    My DH is always being frugal and the LAST time we were in a cheap-a** motel in Cheyenne, we got settled in the room and it was really hot for October. I turned the air up and no cool air. My DH call the office and the clerk said: “OH, I’m sorry, the air is off for the season and now the heat is on.” What? So, we went over to DODs house who we were visiting and borrowed a large fan on a stand and put it in the doorway for a while then moved it to the window that evening. I didn’t feel very secure! I made DH sleep by the window!
    Another time, we were in Missouri and stopped at a cheap motel and OMG! There were people in the parking lot barbequing, and dogs barking, then in the middle of the night, people were partying and I heard sheep baa-baa-baa-ing outside. A rancher pulled in across from our room!
    That was it! I will not stay in another cheap motel again. I told DH he better take me to better hotels from now on and he has. Getting a cheap motel is not worth the worry of bugs or safety! That’s for sure.
    KJ: When my kids were young, the daycare charged me is I was late by 10 minute increments. My babysitter was a full charge!

    Allie: I hope things are going ok. You said you had your own room and Tom is in the master? I would move into the master and make Tom move out. If he’s doing his own thing, he needs to go. He’s not your friend anymore. There’s no “friends” in love and war!
    Margaret: Your garden is lovely! I love the birdcage with the plant in it. I wonder if that would keep squirrels off of a special plant? I have a pot of petunias on an iron stand next to a chair and the squirrels get in the soil and stir it up! They are such pests! But with over 90+ trees on our property, they are everywhere! I like the flamingos too. I thought of getting some, but I don’t know if flamingos in the woods would be appropriate! LOL!

    Becca: You are too nice, but be careful without a POA, the family could accuse you of things. Just sayin’. It is sad how family treat their elders these days.

    I had my mother living with us last year. But after my back surgery and my mistake of asking my sister to come help us, everything turned to poo-poo. All of a sudden DS was taking DM to the bank and changing up accounts with my name on them. I don’t know if the POA is in my name or not. I’m sure they changed up the will and POA too. I haven’t seen my mother or sister since the day DS moved her out last November. It turned very nasty. I think my mother has a bit of dementia plus she doesn’t hear very well. I think she was imagining all these evils that we were plotting against her. Of course my DS was feeding into all of this and manipulating her also. They now live about 70 miles south in a small town. I found out where they were because a text message was sent to my phone from a locksmith with a receipt. Dumb DS told him to text the receipt being paid for rekeying the house on DM credit card. I guess she didn’t think that DM didn’t have a phone and it was mine listed. She always thinks she is so smart! That’s why she has over 25 aliases and has had 40 jobs in her life, not to mention she moves every six months. There are landlords always after her!
    I worry about what they are doing, but DM doesn’t want to talk to me. I have been a good daughter my whole life. DS was estranged for 15 years, but now they live together. Go figure! I feel like DS stabbed me in the back. I worked so hard to pack and move DM in with us, not to mention moving our stuff to Arkansas too. Two households is a lot of stuff. No wonder I had back surgery right after!

    Katla: I lived in a gated golf course community in Bermuda Dunes, CA. (Palm Springs) I would never live in a HOA community again. None of my friends wouldn’t drop in anymore, too high fees for the gates they installed and too many restrictions. I like having our own property where I can control what I plant or do. We have 1.4 acres and enjoy the privacy and freedom to do whatever.

    Tropical Storm Cindy is going to be up in central Arkansas by Saturday afternoon. It’s raining pretty good in Panama City Beach where my DYD lives. Right now bands of rain are hitting their area with heavy down pours and then steady rains. They live on St Andrews Bay and they are 25’ elevation. So they would have to be a bull’s eye for a bad storm to get flooding. The naval base is there on the bay so it must be safe.

    Well, I better get outside and help do some yard work. DH has been mowing for about an hour already! He just refilled the gas tank on the mower.

    Have a good day friends!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,731 Member
  • jennymo
    jennymo Posts: 30 Member
    Just checking in.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone
    Jenn BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Charlie had his appointment with neurologist today. He takes 5 pills of his Parkinson's pill a day now. Started out with 3 then went to 4, then 5 and now can go to 6 if he feels like he needs it. Also moved it from every 6 months to in 9 months.
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Countdown to school break, I am so thrilled to be getting a break, it's been a steep climb this year!

    Planning on a quick trip to Phila to help DOS Buy a bed/mattress. Always stressfilled but she needs the help and definitely appreciates it. Will be a very long Saturday and must set up for healthy food along the way.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Home from work.. and foot feeling better.. off to the aquarium tomorrow..but will check in the am
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I have hanging pots of fuchsias and they also require lots of water, twice a day. We have an electronic device that automatically turns the water on and off twice a day, even if we are away from home. It is part of a system of pipes and tubes that we set up ourselves, and there are little drip emitters on the end of a little tube going to each plant. We also have the same timer system putting water into an ooze hose in the bed where I have planted a mix of flowers and green beans. We don't have many problems with snails or slugs but there are both chemical & organic ways to deal with them. For many of the critters, a dish of flat beer inside a dark "trap" does the job quite effectively. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Leigh: Our former neighbor was a J*CK *SS. He claimed the tree blocked his views so he deliberately tried to kill it. It would have been an oblique view of a parking lot. We were all thrilled when he sold his place and moved away. :grumble:

    Dana: "At age 68 I’m probably not thinking as an oldster. I still think I’m 35 and how I worked in my gardens in the past." Me too. What is the fun in thinking like an oldster? I don't particularly see any virtue in that, although I occasionally get caught by my own limitations. :ohwell:

    I took DH and our dog out to meet Arrow the horse today. I brushed Arrow and lunged him, but chose not to ride. DH & the dog were not planning to stick around and no one else was on the property today. The stable owner had an important errand to run and left just after we got there. It didn't seem like a good idea to be riding alone out in the country with poor cell service. I put Arrow back in his stall and went on to run a couple of errands of my own. On my way home there was a young deer grazing at the edge of the pavement just a couple of feet from where I passed by in my car. This is in a residential area near the center of town, and within three or four blocks of our home. There is a ravine just across the road from where I saw the deer feeding. We regularly see deer in that ravine in all seasons of the year except hunting season. Then they lie low, even in the middle of town.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn