July 2017 Running Challenge



  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    July 2: C25K W7D3 - 2.0 miles running (25 min), 4.2 miles total
    July 4: C25K W8D1 - 2.4 miles running (30 min), 4.2 miles total
    July 6: C25K W8D2 - 2.3 miles running (28 minutes), 4.2 miles total
    July 8: C25K W8D3 - 2.4 miles running (30 min), 4.2 miles total
    July 10: 2.4 miles running (31 min), 4.2 miles total
    July 12: 2.5 miles running (32 min), 4.2 miles total

    Totals: 18.0/25 and 25.2/25

    New shoes today, because my old ones were literally falling apart. And another pair of fancy socks, so they're no longer the thing making me do laundry.

    77 degrees and 87% humidity, but there was a nice breeze, so it still felt good.

    My plan had been to run 30 minutes every run this week, but I am really not a good plan-follower. "A little further than last time, assuming I feel good," seems to be working for me, though. Today's little further took me to the crest of a hill, so there's a nice downhill for the next further.

    The Fleet Feet staff talked up their group runs while I was there. The beginner 5k group is a walk-run C25K equivalent, so not a good fit. The slowest pace group in the advanced 5k group is a full minute per mile faster than I run, so not a good fit. The slowest pace group in the beginner 10k group is exactly the right speed - but they go from "can complete a 5k in less than 56 minutes" to "ready to complete a 15k" in 10 weeks, and I think that's a pretty steep training curve. Also, they run in the early evening and start in August, when it's likely to be 100-feels-like-110 in the early evening. But they start at 2 mile distances, so I could use that as a transition to 4 running days a week without bumping my overall mileage.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Aw, thank you @Orphia. I didn't want to pressure anyone to sign up, but if you do want to, I have a team called Kelly's Courage Runners that you can join.

    @katharmonic I would like to join too, if you don't mind?

    @_nikkiwolf_ please join! Would love to have you. Thanks so much.

    Well, my phone was officially drowned and is no more :'( . I have moved on and replaced it, and i'm so glad to be back in business. It was a horrible 24+ hours of technology withdrawal. If your run doesn't sync, did you really run it at all?

    Let this be a lesson to us all (especially to me) - keep your phone dry while running!
    @katharmonic I got my race bib in the mail today! I was really surprised, I didn't expect them to mail anything to France.
    I already filled out the mile submission form for my first four runs of the month, but I have no idea if I can see anywhere if submiting the form actually worked.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,011 Member
    Aw, thank you @Orphia. I didn't want to pressure anyone to sign up, but if you do want to, I have a team called Kelly's Courage Runners that you can join.


    @katharmonic Is it too late to sign up for this? I was going to sign up but I didn't see a team called Kelly's Courage Runners. I will just sign up with no team, but if your team is still available I would like to sign up for it.
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    Today's run was supposed to be easy, but with temps and humidity, it's actually quite difficult to keep the heart rate down. I may just have to resign myself to the notion that long easy runs are darned near impossible during the height of summer, and not worry about the heart rate creeping up into Zone 3 towards the end of the run.

    In other news, I'm now 75% done with the 2017 miles in 2017 side-goal.

    05 - 13.56
    06 - 9.72
    07 - 22.03
    10 - 13.55
    11 - 9.76
    12 - 13.11

    Total: 81.73 / 250 miles

    I know what you mean with the heart rate and running in heat and humidity. I don't run anywhere near the miles you do, but have the same problem. In order to run in the summer and classify it as an easy run, I either have to run in total darkness after 11:00 or before 6:00. Or run on the dreadmill, and that is tedious for anything greater than 30 minutes. Here's to hoping for an early autumn this year.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Aw, thank you @Orphia. I didn't want to pressure anyone to sign up, but if you do want to, I have a team called Kelly's Courage Runners that you can join.


    @katharmonic Is it too late to sign up for this? I was going to sign up but I didn't see a team called Kelly's Courage Runners. I will just sign up with no team, but if your team is still available I would like to sign up for it.

    Thanks so much @_nikkiwolf_ . Impressive they mailed it to France! I keep submitting miles too but I can't find anywhere to see how many we've logged individually or as a team.

    @kgirlhart you should be able to still sign up. Try this:
    You can join my Group/Team "Kelly's Courage Runners" at:

  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    1/7-4.7 Miles

    Total -32.3/100
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    7/2 4.5
    7/4 5.0 total 9.5
    7/8 6.0 total 15.5
    7/11 5.0 total 20.5
    7/12 4.5 total 25.0

    I am traveling and ran both days out of the hotel. That is a huge win for me! I always pack stuff but rarely get my butt in gear to actually go!

    I am still behind to get to my 100 mile goal! Need to step it up.


  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Speaking of Ewwwww.... I have a sock question. My toenail situation is getting desperate on my two second toes. I keep getting blisters under the toenails. They are in a constant state of gross blackness at this point. I bought a pair of Balega "anti-blister" socks that do not have a seam at the toes. I tried them out today and it felt like my feet were encased in an oven. They were so hot! Any other suggestions?

    I get bloody, black toenails on my big toe and next two beside. The big toe hits the top of the shoe and the other two are because the toes curl (hammer toes) and the nail hits the bottom of the shoe. I have bought silicon toe caps that I wear under my socks. The only trouble is that when the feet get damp or sweaty, they fall off and are uncomfortable. I had to stop about 10K into my half to take them off because it had gone under my foot, which added a couple of minutes to my race. I've thought about sewing or gluing them together to prevent them from sliding off, but haven't tried it. My toes are a little too small or they would work; I just can't find them tight enough. I also found that buying wide shoes or shoes with a big toe box helps, giving the toes more room to spread out. Good luck!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    @PastorVincent Nice speed workout :smiley:
    Sounds like your gym's dreadmills are a lot more entertaining than mine! I should really stop my gym membership, I'm paying for nothing... I was there once this year, trying to do the long run on the 'mill. I had the options of looking out of the window (nothing to see but the snowstorm) or to a TV screen somewhere on the wall to my left (getting a crink in my neck while watching a movie without sound, how fun...). Plus they have a rule that you have to leave cardio machines after max 30 minutes to give other people a chance to use them; the only sure way to circumvent that is coming late in the evening when the employees already went home and there's so few people that nobody will mind if you reset the counter all the time or hop from one machine to the next and back.

    My gym is actually in the basement where I work. Really nice setup, even has in door track (12 laps to a mile! LOL), basketball and racket ball courts. So during bad weather, I can head down there on lunch break and do my thing. No time limit on dreadmill, but I can bearly survive 60 mins on that thing so does not matter much. The dreadmills do have TV stations complete with headphone (BT and wired) connections, but really 99% of the time I listen to audio books. I do the same on the dreadmill I have at home that is much less fancy. But only if the weather is well beyond my tolerance, for several days in a row.

    Rather run in the rain and snow than do a dreadmill. Most days at least.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Yesterday's run was 6.25 miles around my office building. It wasn't terribly hot, but boy it was humid.

    At one point I was on the sidewalk and had to pass someone walking in front of me. I called out, "On your left" and of course she moved to her left, causing me to run into her. Why are people so stupid?

    Anyway, aside from that encounter, the run went well and my hip was just fine. My total so far for July is 32.75 miles.

    Sounds like you found your problem! You hip pain was caused by your shoes.

    New shoes actually change your stride a bit, and your foot placement a bit. Your body automagically adapts to the changes in the shoes and attempts to find the most efficient way to use them. This is a big reason why you never wear new shoes for the first time for a marathon. Your body has not had time to adjust and that can cause injury, pain, and discomfort.

    It is recommended by those that know more than I that you change up brands when you can, but I would avoid that one that causes you hip issues, for the rest of your life :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @amymoreorless for socks I use Under Armor Heat Gear socks ( http://amzn.to/2uj2NvX ). I doubt they are anything special, but I started buying them because they are made for runners and do not seem to cause me any issues. They dry quickly, and since I get caught in the rain from time to time, that is helpful.

    I have one black toenail left over from the Marathon... that just seems to be par for the course when you are a distance runner.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    My first run today with my heart rate monitor. Ran 5.1 foundation run where it was supposed to be 5 minutes zone 1 30 minutes zone 2 and 5 minutes zone 1. According to my app I spent 80% of the run in zone 3 which was disappointing because I thought my pace and feel were good. Thanks to @PastorVincent and @MobyCarp I had some zone number to compare to the number they were using and I also used the MacMillian calculator to recalculate my pace. I was doing much better with these new numbers and now they also fit MacMillian and they make sense when further compared to perceived effort.(If I can run a half-marathon at close to an 8:30 pace I should be in zone 2 running at over 9 minutes a mile) I also figured out how to adjust my app so the zones correspond to the heart-rates appropriately. Now I should be able to look at my next run and see if there needs to be more adjusting.
    On another note, had some excitement today as I was again the target of an egg on my run. At the same location and the same time as my last incident. Thus time I had just crossed an intersection and a black truck (last time it was a white car.) went through the intersection behind me. Smack an egg hit me in my back. My immediate thought is "You must be kidding me, there is no way this happened again." My brother in-law is a Lieutenant with the State Police and lives in my town. Should this happen again, I will get the license plate and it will not happen ever again.
    Thanks again Vincent and Moby.
