

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning. Still coughing and drinking water as Re suggested. Not much energy. Picked a few figs, .the birds got most of them.
    Check in later.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    got the dogs out,and made there food for tonight, got an email from legal assistant telling me that Tom got served last night with subpeona for deposition..im sure he is thrilled to pieces... Oh well..and on the day he was leaving for Florida .. :o oh and Elena was supposed to go with him.. so will be driving down all by his lonesome..
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    Dana - 1982! Cute photo! Takes me back.... I was the shipping manager for a seafood company in Seattle that year. Glad you are feeling better - hope your DH is drinking a lot of water out there in the lawn sauna.

    Heading into town in a few - lunch with a couple GF's and dropping my old spinning wheel/books/supplies off at a little shop that teaches spinning. They may have a buyer for all the stuff. It was a huge part of my life for many years but now time for someone else to enjoy this hobby. :)

    Reading the posts, waving HI to everyone! <3

    Cool SW WA State - where it's overcast and lightly sprinkling <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Dana - You were a beauty! Sorry your back is such a worry, but if I were you I'd want to get it over with. Worrying is the worst bit. <3

    My cauliflower and cashew curry was delicious! I did use the IP, just out of curiosity. It wasn't slimming as I used coconut cream, but my portion, without rice, was 400 calories, so OK. DH approved. :D

    I did my tiny bit of memoir today. I feel I am crawling along, but at least I'm moving forward.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
    Went to Seattle to Pike Place Market with a group from the YM yesterday and got in 13,000 steps. Went on the Y bus so did not have to drive. Made it much more enjoyable. I ate fish and chips while there and bought fresh Rainier cherries to bring home. Yum!

    Ginger - Love the boot sandals,LOL.

    Karen - The pic of Olivia is awesome, love those dark eyes.

    Chris - Prayers.

    Allie - Sending healing angels your way.

    Dana - Hope the back issues get resolved soon so you don't have to worry about it anymore.

    Lisa - I like your yoga helper. Enjoy the mountains and hope you find what you need.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Raining cats and dogs here! Our Shakespeare in the Park is moving in doors I guess. DD and I will see Romeo and Juliette but she wants to leave before the end---too sad for her sensibilities, lol

    Had a long day sitting in interview committee so I was glad to get to the gym right away to work out my angst. It felt good after being cooped up in air conditioned-windowless room, for 4 hours--

    My turn in the hot seat is Monday- I've got an interview for that side gig, we'll see how that goes when it's my turn to present myself to a room full of strangers, not as easy by a long shot.


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelyn – I can remember making something to wear when I was about the same type of thing. I can sew; but, now-a-days you can just about buy something ready-made for what patterns now cost.

    KJ – What I don’t understand is that the BRACI and BRACII (and the BART) tests are not covered by insurance UNLESS you have cancer (unless that has change in the past year). The people that perform these tests have been arguing that it should be, if a woman has history of breast cancer in her family. Both my sisters are breast cancer survivors. Both test came back negative, oldest sister at the suggestion of middle sister had the BART test which also came back negative. So I am not jumping up and down; but, I have a breast exam by my GYN every 6 months and if I feel something when I am examining my breasts, they will get me in to see him, pronto. I do have a few cysts that they watch each time. All my exams have been covered by insurance. Who is your insurance through, if you don’t mind me asking? I know when I went to work as a federal government employee, we had 3 different companies we could chose from. I went for the one that had the best ‘medical’ coverage.

    I agree with you about affordable comprehensive health care; it isn’t affordable for most Americans not covered by Medicaid or Medicare. I needed to COBRA my insurance when I was retired on a disability because I had Louis covered under it and my medications (if I did not have insurance) would be unaffordable. Congress has a ‘Cadillac-form’ of insurance and they aren’t going to vote to have it taken away and/or have to take what most other Americans either pay for or are covered by Medicaid or Medicare – but, my medications are not covered by either. I order most of my medications from my mail order company because I can get the ones that are either ‘brand-name’ only or are more expensive at K-Mart’s prices. In other words, if they are going to cost most than $10 for generic or $85 for brand-name, I get them from CVS/Caremark.

    When my son and DDnL#1 were looking for insurance because the ‘fine’ for not having it was going to be $1900 ‘each’, they checked into the Affordable Care Act and found it to NOT be affordable. Their monthly premium was going to be over a $1000 and they’d have a $5000 deductible. That is only catastrophic insurance. DDnL#1 got a job with the state because it provided them with ‘good’ insurance and only $250 deductible and would cover Taylor until she reaches the age of 26, provided she has not married. She starts a new job on the 24th and will have good insurance with this new job (will also cover Taylor until she is 26). Making more than from the job she quit a year ago, with an increase up to about $15 or more an hour after 6 months if she is doing the job well. She’s a quick study, so I have no idea that she will do well in the job. Everybody she has talked to says it is a ‘wonderful’ company to work for with very little turnover.

    Allie – Whether you want to be there, or not, should be ‘up to your attorney’. One thing about ‘being there’ is ‘if TomCat ‘swears under oath’ about something and be ‘lying about it’ or it might bring up something she’d want to ask. But, it might be that she (attorney) will tell you that you don’t have to be there. But, if the shoe were reversed, I would bet your @$$ that TomCat would attend one, ‘if’ you had been subpoenaed. Just talk it over with you attorney.

    Margaret – Our insurance is over $500 a month; but, we don’t dare cancel it even though we are both covered by Medicare (primary).

    Some would say it is the greed of insurance companies, or law suits against them. It is expensive for one to not have it or if they are on Medicaid because not only does that makes taxes and premiums for those who ‘do’ pay just have to pay more, especially when you are talking about a lot of city hospital who take in ‘indigent care’. What Medicaid doesn’t pay, they have to figure out a way to recoup, so they charge more for everyone else. It’s a bummer for everybody (except Congress who not only voted their Cadillac insurance in, they also vote raised for themselves). Little wonder that people want to ‘get into politics’ … after one term they get paid their salary FOR LIFE! They ought to have to come back to the communities they live in and get a job (or go back to whatever they were doing as a career – such as an attorney). Politics and politicians all ‘sux’. But, like my Mother used to say, “Life’s not fair.” Now off my venting post.

    Cindy – Holding you up ‘in prayer’. Never, ever stop believing in ‘miracles’. My DBnL (oldest sister’s sister). He had a stroke, out of town, they were coming home from vacation when he got up during the night to go to the bathroom. He either had a stroke or a seizure (they did not know which came first). Sister realized that he had not come back to bed and found his face down in a pool of blood. That was on Halloween; he stayed in the hospital through Thanksgiving (3 surgeries), always recognized sister and my nieces. Talked and answered questions correctly. He came home before Christmas and is doing fine. Driving and everything. I don’t think he is playing tennis, might not ever. But, his ordeal was nothing short of a ‘miracle’. Seeing one will ‘blow’ your mind. They went back to Miami this last month to visit with my sister and went by the hospital and visited with those that took care of him.

    Allie – Poor TomCat – needs to stop his ‘wailing and howling’ … too bad, so sad … Made his bed, so he can go lie in it.

    Dana – We have near 90 degree weather in the mornings; by mid-afternoon the heat index day before yesterday was 108 degrees. I cannot even go out in it. I agree that Obamacare is imploding and it should not be up something that we have to suffer through because the 2 parties just won’t agree on anything. Reason, I hate it all. I don’t remember this type of upheaval when Obama was elected. I’m sure there were some, just not to this hype. WOW! Maybe the Congressmen/women ought to look into what Texas has done for healthcare. You were a pretty young lady; but, you are a ‘beautiful’ more mature lady. Gee, I could probably come up with some pictures of myself when I was younger and thinner.

    Lanette – Louis came home, got his shower saying that he was pretty sure his body temperature was way too high.

    Margaret – Beautiful pictures!

    Becca – At this point I guess I am more of an ‘apple’ shape. I don’t know if I will ‘ever’ get rid of this 4-month pregnancy look or not. I sure hope so!
