Hitting on Women at the gym?



  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    I don't talk to anyone at the gym unless it's while I'm in the sauna or jacuzzi where people are in down time from their routines & only if they say hello back when I walk in the sauna or get in the jacuzzi. If they don't, I just mind my own & leave them be. It's already intimidating enough for me to be there. LOL
  • DasItMan91
    DasItMan91 Posts: 5,753 Member
    sdhaysrx wrote: »
    DasItMan91 wrote: »
    sdhaysrx wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    sdhaysrx wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    sdhaysrx wrote: »
    Please, please don't give tips or "advice," it's super annoying. I agree, no comments about her body or appearance at all. It's just creepy. Truthfully, if a guy said anything about how much I was lifting or complimented my form or anything, it would be just a tad creepy because then I would feel like he was watching me workout instead of focusing on his own workout. But that's just me.
    I'm thinking some general comments about the gym itself or something would be safe. Just getting the conversation started is the hard part, then you can talk about whatever.
    I'd love for a guy to strike up a conversation, but at the gym is tricky.

    Why is it creepy for a guy to compliment your form or something? There is down time while you're resting between sets. I'm not staring at anyone, but sometimes I look around and notice things.

    I've just had some bad experiences with creepy stalker-types so I guess I'm sensitive about it. I know some women are the same way.

    Ahhhh.... gotcha. I've never had issues at the gym with creepy stalker types.

    I haven't encountered any stalker-types at the gym - yet. Just in general. But it does make a girl look over her shoulder a lot, unfortunately.

    Well I'm not the creepy, stalker guy at the gym nor give off a creepy vibe and I've never had a problem with complimenting a woman on her workout only at the gym.

    I'm not saying you are. But how do you know you're not giving off that vibe? Every woman (heck, every person) you encounter has their own experiences that color the way they view things. You never know.
    All I'm saying is because of my experiences, that's how I personally would view a compliment about my workout or form. I'm sure there are a lot of women who would be pleased and flattered by it.

    I LOVE the idea of talking about what music she's listening to! That's something everyone can talk about and is 0% creepy. Guys, do this!

    Uhh I know by their body language and them legit smiling (they're not fake smiles either) and them not giving out a look of being creeped out when I give them compliments on their workouts. Plus like I said, when I talk to women at the gym, I don't approach them with eyes wide open and say "Hmmmm.....baby I've seen you working out on the bench, Great job". Just in general, I always try not to give off a creepy vibe when talking to anyone. But I get what you're saying.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Some men are clueless. If it looks like I want to talk to you because I glance at you, or let you catch eyes with me...sure. Please come say hi. Otherwise, only do so if you have something interesting and SMART to share about training.
  • sdhaysrx
    sdhaysrx Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with #bbell1985, your goal for going to the gym should be to train and improve your lifestyle and fitness. No issues with talking to people or offering assistance, but if u r going to try and pick up then it is time to go home as u have probably lost your focus for training.....

    You, sir, ROCK!
  • twojustins
    twojustins Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with #bbell1985, your goal for going to the gym should be to train and improve your lifestyle and fitness. No issues with talking to people or offering assistance, but if u r going to try and pick up then it is time to go home as u have probably lost your focus for training.....

    This guy wins the internets today.
  • sdhaysrx
    sdhaysrx Posts: 210 Member
    twojustins wrote: »
    I agree with #bbell1985, your goal for going to the gym should be to train and improve your lifestyle and fitness. No issues with talking to people or offering assistance, but if u r going to try and pick up then it is time to go home as u have probably lost your focus for training.....

    This guy wins the internets today.

  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    The only time I got close to being hit on at the gym was a guy complimenting me on working out really hard. Unfortunately he was probably 150 years my senior, lol. I'd enjoy compliments about form or strength but I always wear headphones and my resting *kitten* face gives off a negative vibe so nobody comes near me. Even my trainer stays away when I'm 'in the zone'.
  • HarrisHawke8
    HarrisHawke8 Posts: 70 Member
    sdhaysrx wrote: »
    twojustins wrote: »
    I agree with #bbell1985, your goal for going to the gym should be to train and improve your lifestyle and fitness. No issues with talking to people or offering assistance, but if u r going to try and pick up then it is time to go home as u have probably lost your focus for training.....

    This guy wins the internets today.


  • grayblackmfp
    grayblackmfp Posts: 140 Member
    I wouldn't like to think that anyone had been watching me at the gym. And all the men there are either eighteen or eighty so neither would be appropriate!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I agree with #bbell1985, your goal for going to the gym should be to train and improve your lifestyle and fitness. No issues with talking to people or offering assistance, but if u r going to try and pick up then it is time to go home as u have probably lost your focus for training.....

    But that's not what I said lol. I like it when men I WANT to talk to say hi at the gym. I spend so many hours per week there. I don't go out, I work with mostly women, and dating apps are overwhelming. Many men are just not really self-aware. I'm a confident woman. I'll give you a sign if it's okay to talk to me.
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Don't be creepy or talk to her in the middle of an exercise
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    You have opened up a can of worms here....

    I personally enjoy talking to people at the gym. It is my happy place. I would be fine if a guy hit on me there. It would make sense to establish a friendship first though. Ask me about my routine or program or talk about something fitness related.

    haha can of worms huh? Well I like your response and that's how I thought too.

    Can of worms because there is a similar thread that had people all kinds of crazy. Some women get quite hostile about this. Lol

    I remember that *shudder* it was a bloodbath
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    I try not to make too much eye contact..Im ok with chatting but only when Im finished. I don't like being interrupted.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I try not to make too much eye contact..Im ok with chatting but only when Im finished. I don't like being interrupted.

    are you talking about going to the gym.... or a night out drinking?
  • sdhaysrx
    sdhaysrx Posts: 210 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I try not to make too much eye contact..Im ok with chatting but only when Im finished. I don't like being interrupted.

    are you talking about going to the gym.... or a night out drinking?

    I thought she was talking about in her basement...
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I try not to make too much eye contact..Im ok with chatting but only when Im finished. I don't like being interrupted.

    are you talking about going to the gym.... or a night out drinking?

    :laugh: both
    sdhaysrx wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I try not to make too much eye contact..Im ok with chatting but only when Im finished. I don't like being interrupted.

    are you talking about going to the gym.... or a night out drinking?

    I thought she was talking about in her basement...

    No eye contact..use blindfold :laugh: