
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited August 2017
    Kate UK - So sad. Sending warm thoughts. <3

    I won't be taking photos in St Petersburg as my phone provider wants to charge £5 a day for any activity on the phone in Russia. I'm going to switch it off completely. :'(
    We are going on an orientation coach tour tomorrow morning. Then the Hermitage in the evening - a concert, sparkling wine reception and a tour of the building. The following day we have a tour of three cathedrals in the pm. The weather is going to be HOT!
    We are currently sailing through the Helsinki archipelago. Loads of beautiful islands. You have to have a pilot to get through it.
    I hardly slept last night, after my argument with DH, so I am hoping for a better night tonight. We have been good today. I think he feels a bit guilty for being such a prat. !!! Had a lovely long chat with one of the entertainers we met on the first day. Really sweet.

    It's Elvis again tonight, middle period, but I'm not going to go. I will watch the bit before which features our dance teachers for the Swing and Jive. Then I will exit.

    Barbie - I've been so enjoying the line dancing. We do 4 dances each half hour session. Today's included Blue Roses and Honky Tonk.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Felicia I did not spin today. I crept by the room and hoped no one saw me. I did Pro-Fit (8:30 class) and then had a set-up appointment with the Exercise Machine/Strength people. When I got done, the little child who helped me was very happy. The computer said I had burned 200 calories. Maybe. My boyo is 8 and today is his last morning at Fire and Life Safety Camp. I am going to wash my neck and put on smelly stuff so I hopefully don't just smell like sweat through his 'graduation'. He is very hard to drag out of bed so I am not sure the 8:30 class will see much of me.
    Well, folks, raining and gloomy here. My area of Virginia is heavily military so the news today is worrisome. I think I will pray about it all--a lot of things turn out to be a tempest in a teapot and it occurred to me on the elliptical that maybe the president could just bluff us through this. I am not a real political person but it strikes me that all I know is life after the WWs. I am the mother of a son though and I think of how I would feel to see him go to war. And I think of the UK people who sent their children away from the city to safety in the country during WWII.
    May we all be safe and happy.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Work is quiet today Mary is out and I am helping out up at the desk..tonight I will relax with Buddy the pup and watch a little tv.
    Hoping Susan brings my laptop today.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Heather - those are SOME statues in Helsinki! Those hammering guys have terrific muscles. >:) WOWSER! The other photo of you was nice too! Glad you are having good weather! Neat that you were able to book the cruise for next year.

    Kate - sorry to hear about your friend's son. Prayers for her and her family. Hope your cataract surgery goes without a hitch!

    Joyce - so glad Charlie and Mr. Mozart are playing well together. Mr. M is really adorable! I can see why you fell for him! <3

    Carol - sorry to hear Pom isn't doing well. Hope the blood tests show something that is easily treated. We once had a pup with borderline Cushings - tho they never did really diagnose her as having that. She did well for many years with TLC. How old is Pom?

    Tracie - how nice to have another day of Staycation! Good luck shopping. I just looked at my too-full closet and thought... I had so many "nice" tops I bought for work and never wore, and probably never will. Same with slacks. Tho I'll keep a couple just in case I need to play dress up, I do need to box up a lot of them - other gals who are working can surely use them. One of the churches has a free clothing bank with mainly dress up and work clothes for gals going to interviews, etc.

    Hope everyone is having a great day! HUGS!

    SW WA State.... where we might see a few sprinkles today!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well Katla, I kind of forewarned him telling him I might have my ladies send him cards. I think more the merrier. Little snippets of happy, positive things!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited August 2017
    Katla: That situation raises my ire, big time. That neighbor would hear from me OR I might just get passive aggressive and disconnect and move my hose into my garage for the time being until neighbor got the message.

    Yeah, I'd probably go passive aggressive option, but be ready if neighbor said anything - then I would respond that the tangled hose and extra water bill was not what I signed up for so the neighbor will have to come up with alternative way to meet her responsibilities.

    I get so mad when I think someone is taking advantage of me, my husband is the laid back and level headed one usually. So of course my DH would not want me to do that - but he probably would take a stand if the water bill was significant.

    Rye in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Kjlamore lmao!!!!! I used to, highlight, layer. Style my hair all the time. Just don't like the grow out of it and having to redo it. Kirby wouldn't b my final decision for the length of my hair, he isn't the one dealing with it. He allows me to pick how he has his hair because he doesn't care. Right now I'm having him grow out his hair cuz I miss his long hair. I am also not having it colored or highlighted cuz I wanna c how gray he gets.

    I live my life with helmet head and sweat which is y short is so easy. I don't like layering or a style cut because I live my life in a helmet. And I'm growing out my bands too which is driving me nuts!
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Becca Don't cry. It's just been a few months since you've seen your son.
    I haven't spoke to my son in California for 2 and a half years. The last time his girlfriend put him on the phone and it lasted for less than a minute. He's in a biker gang and if he's in jail I'll hear from him. So, no news is good news, you know?
    Just be happy knowing you can talk and receive letters from them.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    i got another donation!! i'm at 915.00 now!!!!!!!!! sucks when i get one but i don't recognize the name :0(
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce, Indiana -
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    My sister in law had a lap band and she couldn't keep up,with the weight looks because she didn't keep with the supplements. She lost a huge amount of weight but was no longer healthy. She had no energy so she laid on the couch all the time , got large pressure sores on her tail bone because she was pretty much skin and bonejust less than a year after her surgery. She almost died and was in ICU many days. She had to have her lap band removed and of course regained all of her weight loss. She has now lost some weight the right way.

    You mention what I consider to be a very important point... She didn't follow her doctor's instructions and keep up with the supplements.

    I had gastric bypass surgery and consider it the best decision I could have made for myself. That being said, I give speeches for my surgeon's office on what surgery is like from the patient's perspective. I always say that it isn't for everyone. It is a tool and not a cure. The prospective candidate must be willing to follow the doctor's instructions. At best it won't work. At worst, they can have serious health issues.

    Mia in MI

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Pip - I like both short and long. Perhaps long just a little better.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Joyce, Indiana -
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    My sister in law had a lap band and she couldn't keep up,with the weight looks because she didn't keep with the supplements. She lost a huge amount of weight but was no longer healthy. She had no energy so she laid on the couch all the time , got large pressure sores on her tail bone because she was pretty much skin and bonejust less than a year after her surgery. She almost died and was in ICU many days. She had to have her lap band removed and of course regained all of her weight loss. She has now lost some weight the right way.

    You mention what I consider to be a very important point... She didn't follow her doctor's instructions and keep up with the supplements.

    I had gastric bypass surgery and consider it the best decision I could have made for myself. That being said, I give speeches for my surgeon's office on what surgery is like from the patient's perspective. I always say that it isn't for everyone. It is a tool and not a cure. The prospective candidate must be willing to follow the doctor's instructions. At best it won't work. At worst, they can have serious health issues.

    Mia in MI

    Mia, well said and thank you. The "right way" for one person is certainly not the right way for us all. We are all different, we differ in our likes and dislikes, the amount of exercise we are able to do or even willing to do. We all have to find what works for us and then "WORK IT". :)

    Nice to see you :)

    Janetr OKC