Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Snatch, C&J: Post your best videos



  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I've hit a wall. Weakness in my body that I have just tried to muscle through, just doesn't work anymore. Since being injured last year I've done my best to meet or exceed my pre-injury levels, which I have. 335 bench (+20 lbs), 535 deadlift (+5 pounds), 425 squat (same). However, you can't outlift bad form and deadlift or squat with weak hips. So it's time to take a step or two back and work on my deficiencies and take a small break from powerlifting to fix those problems and work that bottom of the pyramid and increase my GPP and conditioning.

    I'm still going to SBD but at sub-max levels.

    I'm about to go backwards on the SSB to start correcting my squats- I feel at 300 I can go no higher with the taco hinging going on in my lift. Soooooooo backwards in a few weeks- I have a private session set up with one of the trainers who specifically focuses on internal mechanics and what not- so I expect to get some progess from that. We'll see- but you and me my friend- we'll hang out together in the remedial section.

    (upside I had a nice 325 pull the other day- hoping bench and deads can continue to move along while I unfark my squat)

    I'm pretty much starting over too. Well, I mean I still physically can't squat or pull very heavy at all since my injury. I've been told by several people my squat form is great (maybe it is?) But I've got some big issues - weak core and glutes/chronically tight lower back - which are causing a lot of problems.
    Hopefully trying to correct things will help with the injury. I still don't feel "right" but I'm not sure what more I can do right now.
    I'm actually going to try some crossfit in the meantime lol. I figure I'll be working light for a while learning and getting my conditioning up to par. Hopefully it's not going to bother the injury.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Easily the best I've ever moved 82.5kg/182lb for four. First part of 40 reps here. The heavy volume work is insane but it works.

    :o Crazy awesome!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited August 2017
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I've hit a wall. Weakness in my body that I have just tried to muscle through, just doesn't work anymore. Since being injured last year I've done my best to meet or exceed my pre-injury levels, which I have. 335 bench (+20 lbs), 535 deadlift (+5 pounds), 425 squat (same). However, you can't outlift bad form and deadlift or squat with weak hips. So it's time to take a step or two back and work on my deficiencies and take a small break from powerlifting to fix those problems and work that bottom of the pyramid and increase my GPP and conditioning.

    I'm still going to SBD but at sub-max levels.

    I'm about to go backwards on the SSB to start correcting my squats- I feel at 300 I can go no higher with the taco hinging going on in my lift. Soooooooo backwards in a few weeks- I have a private session set up with one of the trainers who specifically focuses on internal mechanics and what not- so I expect to get some progess from that. We'll see- but you and me my friend- we'll hang out together in the remedial section.

    (upside I had a nice 325 pull the other day- hoping bench and deads can continue to move along while I unfark my squat)

    I'm pretty much starting over too. Well, I mean I still physically can't squat or pull very heavy at all since my injury. I've been told by several people my squat form is great (maybe it is?) But I've got some big issues - weak core and glutes/chronically tight lower back - which are causing a lot of problems.
    Hopefully trying to correct things will help with the injury. I still don't feel "right" but I'm not sure what more I can do right now.
    I'm actually going to try some crossfit in the meantime lol. I figure I'll be working light for a while learning and getting my conditioning up to par. Hopefully it's not going to bother the injury.
    Yeah I've added in some CF too and will be greatly increasing my conditioning and trying to get more movement not just in the lateral plain, but in sagittal and in the transverse planes.

    In addition, I am completely retrain squat and whatever it takes to proper low bar this time -- and not some hybrid BS. I've decided to go Starting Strength as much as loathe Mark Rippetoe. I plan to invest some time under the bar beginning from a plate working 5x5 until all 25 reps are perfect before allowing myself to add weight.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Despite my left upper arm and both hands still numbing up, I had a decent light day today.
    Trying to keep the bar from sliding down back with no feeling is tricky the past week.

  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    Little bit different. But I managed a semi strict muscle up on rings yesterday. Last time I even tried these was June 1, 2016 lol. At 170lb. Vs 195. Not bad.

    That's so awesome!
    I tried ring dips yesterday, cheated and put a band in there and it was still hard AF! lol
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    Little bit different. But I managed a semi strict muscle up on rings yesterday. Last time I even tried these was June 1, 2016 lol. At 170lb. Vs 195. Not bad.

    That's so awesome!
    I tried ring dips yesterday, cheated and put a band in there and it was still hard AF! lol

    @TresaAswegan Awesome!! I think they are the king of all dip movements haha. Keep it up. They'll get easier as your stabilizer's improve. I'm always earthquake arms/10 for a month or so. Then it's nothing, like traditional dips.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    This mornings deadlifts superset with laundry reps.

    That top load to front load superset is a killer!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited August 2017
    This mornings deadlifts superset with laundry reps.

    That top load to front load superset is a killer!
    Oh yeah! Core foundational movement to all types of lifting!
  • PowerliftingMom
    PowerliftingMom Posts: 430 Member
    edited August 2017

    Competed at the USAPL Northeast Regionals last weekend. I went 8/9 (failed my 110lb. bench). I received a gold medal but was the only M2 lifter in my weight class. But that medal did not come easy. I went into that meet in a new weight class AND on very little sleep as I had insomnia almost the entire week leading up to the meet. I qualified for Raw Nationals!! Here's my 220lb/100kg Squat PR!!!
  • PowerliftingMom
    PowerliftingMom Posts: 430 Member

    Here's my 286.6 lb/130kgs Deadlift PR. It was a very small PR, only 1.6 lbs. I had so much more in the tank. I had contemplated going to 292lbs. but I needed to make sure I nailed this lift to qualify for Raw Nationals. My meet total was 611.8lbs/277.5kgs and an 11.8 lb. meet PR!!
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member

    Beltless squat double/beltless PR! First time doing 195lbs/88kgs ever without the belt so it was exciting to do 4 sets of beltless doubles although some were for sure rough! 5th and final set was an AMRAP, which I did belted. Even after misgroving the first rep, I still got a 1 rep PR at this weight. All in all, squats were ugly today, but I'm not doing a lot of the bad habits I used to do, and I felt strong!