Juice fasting



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I'm gonna start a juice fast on Monday...Do I still count calories?? How do you count them considering the pulp is removed?? Any other tips I need to know??

    As far as I can tell, the pulp that's removed is all insoluble fiber, so I wouldn't think it would alter the calorie count much. However, there are options for "juiced" for most veggies in the MFP database.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Starting Day 4: Woke with a headache again. Downed my Green Drink...15 min later still had the headache. So I had 4 oz. of coffee. Tomorrow I'm switching to Green Tea.
    Breakfast : Chard, spinach, blueberries, flax seed oil & whey powder.
    Lunch: cucumber, tomato, kale, chard, spinach, tomato, carrot, & Brewer's yeast. ( this got really foamy & I could only drink 3/4 of it)

    I've lost about 3 lbs. I was able to do my 30 Day Shred on Wednesday & today. I did 45 min. on the elliptical on Tuesday.

    I'm going to keep adding flax oil & whey or hemp to my blends because of my weight training. I need the protein to repair damaged muscle tissue.

    Keep on juicin' & blendin'!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    So I tried to make a raw soup type of thing for lunch today - tomatoes, basil, arugula, spinach, cucumber, onion, carrots, sweet potato... It was actually pretty good, but not cold as juice. I think it will be awesome as a bouillion type of vegetable base for making soup or making rice or something... and I kinda think I'ma save it for that. (Since today is the last day of the fast...)

    But now I'm out a lunch, and going to see HP tonight. Considering killing the pure raw commitment a few hours early. Dunno. If I do eat, it'll be something clean and healthy.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    I've been counting my calories actually just out of curiosity and then I'm ready to keep track daily after the fast. Win win.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Good job everyone! Everyone is having great success stories. Excellent! We're all on the right track. I hope everyone is happy with their results and future meal choices as well.
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    I don't even bother counting calories or logging anything because i can't find anything in the database for fresh juice. If you log the fruit itself, its counting everything else you did'nt consume so theres really no point.

    A minimum of 4 16 oz servings of juice each day is all you need . I usually have one every 4 hours starting with all fruit in the morning and greadully removing fruit and adding veggies to each subsequent drink until its all veggies at night.

    I usually Juice as follows.

    1 Red apple (anykind)
    7 Strawberries
    15 grapes (anykind)
    A handfull of blueberries
    1 peach or nectarine or apricot or plum

    1 large Orange
    1/6 of a pinnaple
    1/2 mango
    2 large carrots
    1/4 cucumber
    1/4 lime

    Early Evening
    1 bunch of kale
    1 granny smith apple
    1/2 cucumber
    2 stalks of celery
    ginger root
    1/4 lemon

    1 large tomato
    3 carrots
    1 bunch of brocooli
    1/2 cucumber
    3 stalks of celery
    half head of romaine or kale
    1/4 lemon

    Ill exchange fruits and veggies here and there to mix things up but overall its mostly consistent and this routine has worked wonders and

    Good Luck to those starting!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I don't even bother counting calories or logging anything because i can't find anything in the database for fresh juice. If you log the fruit itself, its counting everything else you did'nt consume so theres really no point.

    A minimum of 4 16 oz servings of juice each day is all you need . I usually have one every 4 hours starting with all fruit in the morning and greadully removing fruit and adding veggies to each subsequent drink until its all veggies at night.

    I usually Juice as follows.

    1 Red apple (anykind)
    7 Strawberries
    15 grapes (anykind)
    A handfull of blueberries
    1 peach or nectarine or apricot or plum

    1 large Orange
    1/6 of a pinnaple
    1/2 mango
    2 large carrots
    1/4 cucumber
    1/4 lime

    Early Evening
    1 bunch of kale
    1 granny smith apple
    1/2 cucumber
    2 stalks of celery
    ginger root
    1/4 lemon

    1 large tomato
    3 carrots
    1 bunch of brocooli
    1/2 cucumber
    3 stalks of celery
    half head of romaine or kale
    1/4 lemon

    Ill exchange fruits and veggies here and there to mix things up but overall its mostly consistent and this routine has worked wonders and

    Good Luck to those starting!

    Is the night meal any good?
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    I JUICED TODAY! My roommate is doing it also to help support me. I am eating bananas and avacados-I tried to put the ingredients of the juice down to count calories but I may just estimate the next couple of days.

    Well today was really east-but that's also because I allowed myself 2 bananas and a whole avacado-Yum! And my juice was very good. The bananas and avacados left me a bit full and I didn't drink all the juice I was supposed to....tomorrow I will make sure I am juice FEASTING and not FASTING.

    Any was-Day 1-Still have a rash-Still feel kind of icky (i've been feeling lethargic and gross lately) but not so much acid reflex :)! Hopefully day 2 will go well.
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    An enema is where you flush warm water into your colon (using a "water bottle"/douche kit) and then expel it into the toilet (along with other nasties that are in your colon. It is highly recommended by some juicing experts to release toxins more quickly and prevent people from feeling so bad. Try it, you might like it! I haven't done it on this fast yet but I probably still will do it once if I can find my stuff. This is only recommended during fasting since the juice won't cause you to have many bowel movement, if any, after the first couple of days.

    where do you get an enema. The whole idea seems a bit intrusive and frightening- Not sure if I'd like it. What about salt water flushing? or a laxative? Are those ok?_I only want to do this for ten days since it's my first time attempting anything like this-so maybe it's not necessary?
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Day two went great! except for at work, I had a terrible leg ache and after a big rush I had to sit down for a minute because I wasn't feeling well. Got more water and a salted nut roll (don't judge :wink: ) and took an aspirin for the leg and I feel amazingly again! I feel like I'm cheating everyone on here because I am not completely juicing. We are doing the 5-5-5 from the website but decided to throw in nuts to if we feel like we need them. I was pretty shocked when i saw the number on the scale though....been years since it's been so low.......:love:
    eta: at work everyone ordered erbert and gerberts subs (my favorite at work) and I stuck by my delicious watermelon/grape/mandarin mix!
  • nahhan12
    nahhan12 Posts: 79
    How's everyone's digestive systems handling the juice fasting? I'm curious because some websites say it causes diarrhea or constipation so I wanted to know what to expect.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    I don't even bother counting calories or logging anything because i can't find anything in the database for fresh juice. If you log the fruit itself, its counting everything else you did'nt consume so theres really no point.

    A minimum of 4 16 oz servings of juice each day is all you need . I usually have one every 4 hours starting with all fruit in the morning and greadully removing fruit and adding veggies to each subsequent drink until its all veggies at night.

    I usually Juice as follows.

    1 Red apple (anykind)
    7 Strawberries
    15 grapes (anykind)
    A handfull of blueberries
    1 peach or nectarine or apricot or plum

    1 large Orange
    1/6 of a pinnaple
    1/2 mango
    2 large carrots
    1/4 cucumber
    1/4 lime

    Early Evening
    1 bunch of kale
    1 granny smith apple
    1/2 cucumber
    2 stalks of celery
    ginger root
    1/4 lemon

    1 large tomato
    3 carrots
    1 bunch of brocooli
    1/2 cucumber
    3 stalks of celery
    half head of romaine or kale
    1/4 lemon

    Ill exchange fruits and veggies here and there to mix things up but overall its mostly consistent and this routine has worked wonders and

    Good Luck to those starting!

    Thanks, This is super helpful!!!! :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,301 Member
    Starting Day 4: Woke with a headache again. Downed my Green Drink...15 min later still had the headache. So I had 4 oz. of coffee. Tomorrow I'm switching to Green Tea.
    Breakfast : Chard, spinach, blueberries, flax seed oil & whey powder.
    Lunch: cucumber, tomato, kale, chard, spinach, tomato, carrot, & Brewer's yeast. ( this got really foamy & I could only drink 3/4 of it)

    I've lost about 3 lbs. I was able to do my 30 Day Shred on Wednesday & today. I did 45 min. on the elliptical on Tuesday.

    I'm going to keep adding flax oil & whey or hemp to my blends because of my weight training. I need the protein to repair damaged muscle tissue.

    Keep on juicin' & blendin'!

    I just wanted to say, on this post, this woman has only a few pounds to go to get to her weight goal. I would HIGHLY recommend doing this fast only with a doctor's guidance, especially if you are in a healthy weight range already - as this poster is. I think it is a fantastic short range program for people who have a lot of weight to lose, but it could be dangerous as a quick fix to people with 10-20 lbs to lose.

    The movie had the participants under medical supervision, and I know the original poster on this thread, dakota, is also under a doctor's supervision. I've been cheering on those of you who are doing this the healthy way. I do worry about everyone with 10-20 pounds to lose trying this.

    oKay, off my Onsoapbox.gif

    Good luck, everyone!!
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Is the night meal any good?

    Its not bad, i have adjusted to the taste. I add a bit of seasalt to it and it almost resembles a ghetto V8 in a way.

    Day 9 for me, lost another 2 pounds. I must have been detoxing more last night bc i felt weird and warm all night long. Today is still amazing feeling though. I cleaned the whole house yesterday due to the endless pool of energy i had. The last time i moved like that was 15 year ago when i was a teen. Im thinking about starting Couch to 5K today, the only thing stopping me is the weather.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    alrighty, so I finished my 5 days of raw food only. I lost a total of 4 lbs, we'll have yet to see how much of that comes back... I'm guessing 2-3lbs, cause my normal weight loss rate is 1lb /week. I don't know if I'd do it again, but I can say now, eating cooked food again, it's easier for my to control my portion sizes, and I'm feeling the full feeling more quickly. I hope that sticks around! I definitely think it's a good thing to do to reset your thinking and feeling about food. Although I'm hugely addicted to large quantities of fruit now, which isn't necessarily a good thing. I ate a lot of fruit before, and now I just want it all the time!

  • kobunski
    kobunski Posts: 18
    I just read every comment! Wow! I'm so happy for the people doing the juice feasts!!! Congratulations!
    I'd love to do a three day juice cleanse/fast to boost my system with micronutrients and to seek God monthly. I have done total no food fasts before for spiritual reasons and not for weight loss. I think this would be a nice way to just focus on purity and seeking God's plan for my life.
    The only thing holding me back right now is the cost of food..I'd need $45 just to spend on myself for three days! I have a family of five and I try to make us meals full of veggies, fruits, whole grains and meat. This month has been challenging financially..so, when I can afford it, I'd like to do it.
    Until then, I think I will just blend a veggie and fruit meal here and there and seek God when my kids are in bed! ;)
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Good job everyone on your fastings..... Its Day 13 and its almost over for me. But I think I will keep juicing in the morning and have sensible meals the rest of the day. Cause honestly I can only drink the fruit ones with maybe carrots and celery and sometimes a cucumber. My taste buds are not there on juicing veggies. I've been making myself drink them. So I'll be eating my veggies starting Monday instead of juicing them. And I'll be sure to eat a lot of veggies. I feel amazing though and going to try and keep clean.

    Happy Juicing:drinker:
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    I've noticed I have to hide my vegies juiced too...celery is pretty good I think though in the juices. I know what you're feeling though
  • this is my second day. the first day, my hand and legs were cold. i hope it will get better on day 2.