

  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Good news! The scale did reward me yesterday with a 1.2 lb loss
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    Hi all! I'm taking my hubby to the doctor today about his knee, so I'm lazily getting ready for work. Yesterday wasn't a very good day, we ordered out Mediterranean food for dinner. I got a vegetarian plate, which had falafel, babaganough, hummus, pita, and tabbouleh. I don't like tabbouleh so I didn't eat that but I ate everything else. I also had a small piece of baklava. That's 4 out of 4 fun food meals (or 5 out of 4 if I've miscounted somehow!). For lunch yesterday, I barely ate my lunch because I didn't like it, so maybe that will make up for it.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks. I already got the results from the gallbladder ultrasound- it came back normal, so that was good. I think if I'm not losing weight consistently it's because of what I'm eating the other 59 meals for the week. They need to be as healthy as possible. If they are "sort of fun meals," that's not going to cut it.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,583 Member

    I am not feeling well today, not sure I will get my exercise in...I need to..but. I think I got over heated yesterday. I sat in my car for almost 4 hours waiting on someone, face red, clothes soaked, I even got a sunburn on my legs. LOL. I kept watching my heart rate, and didn't get much sleep last night...I woke up with a migraine..It's starting to subside, hence I am writing on the board. I did track and exercise yesterday. I stayed withn my goals too.

    @trooworld You like me will find your place that you know what to do and how to do it. You have it in you! I know you will have less almost fun meals as you keep going. :)

    @achagpar great job!! whew on the loss. I am hoping to see one this week, but we will see.

    @theslightedgeforever Good job on staying on task. You have found what works for you..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    achagpar Doing the happy dance for you. A little bit closer to goal.

    trooworld Your Mediterranean meal sounded good. I don't like tabouleh either. I'm learning to like babaganough. Trying new things. Great news on the ultrasound. One less thing for you to worry about. Have you checked your uric acid levels? They thought my mil had gallbladder issues and it turned out to be high uric acid. So we have to check again in September (after two months). I have two days a week where I raise my calories so I can include some fun foods. Then I reduce my calories a bit on the other 5 days. It all balances out at the end of the week.

    cbabie Why didn't you go do something for those 4 hours? Then when that person was done they could have called you on the phone and then you could have went and picked them up. Of course my choice would have been a nice cafe so I could have some tea and I would have brought my Kindle along. Win-win for all. But here are some ideas for you for next time you get stuck in that same situation. Sorry about the migraine. You certainly don't want a repeat of that. You could have found a closeby "mall" or shopping center and walked around getting in some exercise. Hospitals are nice for that sort of thing too. You have the advantage of stair climbing or walking the halls. You could go to a coffee shop and worked on your school work or other reading. You could sit in the lobby of a hotel nearby and do the same thing. The important thing is that you get out of the heat. My grandmother died of a heat stroke.

    Daily report: Food-check Exercise 37 minutes circuit training Water- 7 glasses
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    achagpar Doing the happy dance for you. A little bit closer to goal.

    trooworld Your Mediterranean meal sounded good. I don't like tabouleh either. I'm learning to like babaganough. Trying new things. Great news on the ultrasound. One less thing for you to worry about. Have you checked your uric acid levels? They thought my mil had gallbladder issues and it turned out to be high uric acid. So we have to check again in September (after two months). I have two days a week where I raise my calories so I can include some fun foods. Then I reduce my calories a bit on the other 5 days. It all balances out at the end of the week.

    cbabie Why didn't you go do something for those 4 hours? Then when that person was done they could have called you on the phone and then you could have went and picked them up. Of course my choice would have been a nice cafe so I could have some tea and I would have brought my Kindle along. Win-win for all. But here are some ideas for you for next time you get stuck in that same situation. Sorry about the migraine. You certainly don't want a repeat of that. You could have found a closeby "mall" or shopping center and walked around getting in some exercise. Hospitals are nice for that sort of thing too. You have the advantage of stair climbing or walking the halls. You could go to a coffee shop and worked on your school work or other reading. You could sit in the lobby of a hotel nearby and do the same thing. The important thing is that you get out of the heat. My grandmother died of a heat stroke.

    Daily report: Food-check Exercise 37 minutes circuit training Water- 7 glasses
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,583 Member
    Well today has been icky per say...lots of high strung emotions...but so far not overeating. I did walk today to get some of the stress off.

    @theslightedgeforever Great job on staying the course. What grandmother died of a heat stroke? I could have walked around, but we were down by the airport, no places down there..and I was not going to pay parking for 4 job no money. I survived, so we are good.

    @trooworld I hope DH is okay and all went well at the Dr.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    Hi all! Well, I woke up with a heck of a headache myself. I hope it goes away. I'm glad it's the weekend, it's been a rough week for many reasons. Work, mainly, it was really busy and a tough week and I felt inferior all week. I work with a lot of very smart people, a few are much smarter than me and it can make me feel really stupid sometimes...I'm still learning about our industry and the subject that we study (gemology) and when I get a tough reference question, I can feel intimidated and over my head very quickly. That happened this week. I asked for help, and that made me feel even worse because it kind of pointed out my weak areas and made it apparent my lack of knowledge. Oh well, it's over now I can move on!!!

    @cbabie I'm sorry you had that experience, that sounds terrible. That would have given me a migraine, too. Thank you for your kind words, I do hope I find my way. Thanks re: hubby...see the comment to @theslightedgeforever below.

    @theslightedgeforever it's funny you mention the uric acid levels--- my husband just had to get his checked because the doctor suspects he has gout in his knee (that's why we went to the doctor) and that is related to uric acid levels. No, I haven't checked my uric acid levels lately.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    cbabie Granny. She was out working in her garden and didn't wear her sun bonnet like she usually did. She got overheated and got put in the hospital. When she was released her health took a nosedive quickly, mentally and physically. She was fine before the day in the garden. There's always hotels near international airports. Go sit in the lobbies and parking is usually free. But you may not survive next time or maybe you will but just be impaired. Can you hear your mother saying A word to the wise....." :)

    trooworld They are not smarter, just more experienced. Continue learning all you can about your industry and your knowledge will grow. You asking those questions is how you grow. Along with reading articles, journals, etc. Sounds like a very interesting field. You got this. I always thought gout was just a joint related thing but my mil pain is upper right quadrant and radiates to the side. Of course could be this doc has no idea what he's talking about. lol But she was high and we've had her on a special diet. He wanted to go NO meat, fish, poultry but I refused. She has to eat something. She's diabetic and I can't give her a bunch of carbs. So I told him I would give her chicken once a day. Then we already give her lowfat diary. But I switched to skim on everything. She seems fine now. But still have to go back in for a recheck.

    Daily report:

    Yesterday: food check exercise 18 min walking water 6 glasses
    Today: food check exercise none water 5 glasses
  • farmgirlco
    farmgirlco Posts: 118 Member
    Hi all...

    I'm a long time WW-er who has used MFP to maintain in between bouts. I've lost 90 lbs overall since I was 18 many moons ago. I was close to 100 lbs lost but then 2 years ago my dad had to have emergency open heart surgery, then after he recovered my grandma started to decline and ended up passing last May. Life has been in flux and now I'm higher than I have been in years. Currently paying for WW but SMART POINTS DOES NOT WORK FOR ME. The people from WW think I'm crazy but I swear to you it doesn't work for my body. I have done this, I know the points is not for me. I need help from another avenue so I'm trying MFP to actually lose weight. Anyone else have thoughts on smart points etc?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    Hi all! Well, I forgot to weigh in on Friday morning so I weighed in on Saturday morning after the party Friday night and I gained almost 2 lbs. :( I don't want to talk about it, that's all I'm going to say about it.

    @theslightedgeforever turns out this doc didn't know lol...he called my hubby yesterday and said that the xray showed arthritis and calcium deposits. He said there isn't much that can be done about it until it gets worse?

    @farmgirlco welcome! I've heard that different WW programs work for different people from people in WW facebook groups...I haven't had that experience myself but I've heard it. I think there might be an app that lets you use the old system. It's not from WW though, it's from some company, it's called iTrackBites: It costs $2.99 one time. I can't say I've tried it, but some people from Facebook groups have used it. It lets you track "Smart, Plus, Classic and Calories". So, that's an option if you do want to do it WW-style.
  • farmgirlco
    farmgirlco Posts: 118 Member
    @trooworld thanks for the welcome!! I have tried iTrackBites but only the free version. I am going to give MFP a go for more than just maintenance and see if I can "reset" my body by feeding it healthy increments of what it's asking for - not the high protein food that WW is pushing at this time. Protein seems to not mesh well with my body in high quantities. We will see! Do you guys check in to this group daily or as needed or anything specific?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    @farmgirlco Welcome to the group. If you click on the star at the top right you will be able to bookmark this site so it's easier to get back to. I try to check in daily. Weekends are hard for me sometimes. You know your body better than anyone else. I personally think all plans work but we need to tailor it for our bodies and lifestyles. I'm not one to follow a plan that says AVOID......It's hard for me to stick to it consistently. I'm losing the weight like I will maintain it. Slowly but it's coming off. I am prediabetic so I quit counting points and started here. Doc says I need to watch my carbs. But it's hard for me to do a low-carb diet consistently also so I'm doing a modified carb diet. Give this a try and then tweak as necessary. I'm a baby-step queen so I get to where I'm going eventually.

    trooworld Sorry about the gain and the doc. My dad was prone to calcium deposits. Heck he was prone to just about everything. lol I hope I don't have too many of his bad genes. I bet some of that 2 lbs is sodium bloat if you ate less than stellar at the party Friday night. Back to mindful eating.

    Daily check in: food-check exercise 15 min yoga water 4.5 glasses

    Here's the WW weekly highlights link.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    I lost 0.9 lbs this week

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    Hi all! Well, we set ourselves up nicely for this week: my mother-in-law was down and hubby said if I took her shopping, he would cook the meals for the week today, so I took her and he cooked Sunday-Thursday dinners (which end up being the next day's lunches). It's such a big help. When we moved into this apartment, we bought a crappy small microwave that didn't work very well. Well, the other day, we finally bought a better (and bigger!) one. For a whole year, I couldn't have microwave popcorn, or steamed-in-the-bag veggies. This new microwave cooks evenly, we cooked a spaghetti squash in it last night and it cooked it so nicely. It's the little things in life lol.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks. And congrats on losing that 0.9! WTG! Thanks for the meeting highlights.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,583 Member
    Morning all:

    I totally found the wagon got on it and drove it on a suicide mission this weekend..LOL If it didn't eat me first I ate it. I weighed in on Sunday and lost .8, but I am sure after this weekend, I will right back where I started. I could tell you what led me down that path of destruction, but it doesn't change back to my choices again today. This headache just will not leave..

    @trooworld I would love to have a DH hat cooks, heck, I would love someone in my household to cook..I like to cook, but you know sometimes you just need a break. It sounds like you are on the road back. It is always the little things good and bad..glad you found the good little thing. :)

    @theslightedgeforever You are doing great and are such an inspiration to us. Thank you for all you do.

    @farmgirlco Welcome here on this board, we all try to check in every day. As you see I did not this weekend. I have done WW for years, I reached goal years ago, had some personal issues (LIFE) and went way under goal, they were going to make me get a DR note to keep coming back..LOL but then LIFE kept going and I started eating my way through things. I take anything I can get these days. even the .8 this week. I tried to new WW and your right it does not work for me. That's one of the reasons we started this board. I think tracking is always the best place to start, then you can tweak as you go along and find out what works for YOU, not the general public. I know that if I eat spaghetti, it causes me to be tired and eat more carbs and never fills me I try to stay away from eating it. That is not to say spaghetti is bad for everyone, it doesn't work for me. You know your triggers, so Welcome and I look forward to you joining us in our journeys to better health. I too have been told I am pre-diabetic and both my parents were I have to get serious. :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    trooworld Yes it is the little things in life that make the world go round. I'm glad to see you have your lunches all planned out now.

    cbabie Yes time to get serious. But as all things it's a journey. So see where you went wrong and don't do that the next time. How can you get some comfort besides food? I mean write out a list and keep it on your phone to check it. Keep it on your refrigerator to read it before you go attacking. You don't want to be your parents, do you?

    Daily check in: food-check Exercise-NONE Water 3 glasses I'm having a problem with exercise this week. But I'm going to take care of that soon. I can't let this continue or I will be gaining back the 10 lbs I just lost. No going backwards.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    Hi all! I decided to print out my vision statement that my Vida coach had me write a few months ago and put it up in a few places around the house. I put one right in front of me at the computer and the other on the bathroom mirror. I think that will help put it front and center at home. I already have done something similar at work: I have "My health is important to me. I choose to make it a priority." as my desktop image on my work computer. Well, I'm off to pre-track my day. Have a good day!

    @cbabie I've had times like that. A headache certainly doesn't help things either. I hope it gets better. I'm glad you are back to your choices today. Yeah, I'm pretty lucky he loves to cook. I love to cook, too, as long as I have the energy. Neither of us likes to cook during the week, so that's why we try to cook as much as possible on the weekend so we don't eat out during the week or eat total crap. lol

    @theslightedgeforever yep, it should help to have them already cooked. What's your plan to take care of the exercise?
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,583 Member
    Morning all:

    I woke up with another horrific headache today...trying to get focused. I am also evaluating my foods that might be causing this. Could be just stress, I have a lot of it right now.

    @trooworld I like your desktop for work saying...yea we ordered pizza last night, my day did not go as planned..luckly I don't eat pizza, but I still didn't make good choices.

    @theslightedgeforever yea what trooworld said...LOL

  • farmgirlco
    farmgirlco Posts: 118 Member
    Happy afternoon everyone!! Scale is finally moving in the right direction after ditching the points and counting calories - I know it's likely water weight right now but THE SCALE IS MOVING THE RIGHT WAY and I do not feel deprived. I hope you all are having a great day. @trooworld love the idea of putting your affirmation on/near your computer. We can do this everyone!!

    At least I hope we can - I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    edited August 2017
    trooworld excellent choice for putting those things up around the house Exercise plan I have to do 200 min of cardio and 3 strength training sessions before Friday. So today I accomplished 80 min cardio and a strength training session Cardio was divided into 4 different times. Tomorrow will be the same and then Thursday will be 40 min cardio and last strength training session

    cbabie I had a headache four straight months. You know me, I thought it was a brain tumor. lol So I got referred to a neurologist and while there I had dropped a pen that I was filling out papers for the nurse. I leaned over to get it and my neck popped loudly and instantly headache gone.

    farmgirlco Yaaay on the scale moving water weight or not You have worked hard for this. Now repeat. What color is your dress?

    Daily check in- food-check exercise 103 min cardio and weights water 7 glasses